Fictional Googology Wiki

This number isn’t in fictional hyperbology, it along with The -ological limit of ALL and some others are not contained within any -ology, these numbers are called “stray numbers”

Redacted background


Formerly the Largest Number of all fields
This number was formerly the largest number of all conceivable and unconcievable fields.


this number is defined as the limit of defining anything, this number has a unique property in which numbers cannot be buffed to surpass this number no matter the definition of the buff, apeiro-all current and future numbers (including numbers that have the property in which they aren’t referred to in the phrase “all numbers”) is infinitely close to -⛤⃟⃞⃝ compared to ⛤⃟⃞⃝, this number will be automatically buffed, if you think your number surpasses ⛤⃟⃞⃝, then think again, because said number surpasses the previous scale of ⛤⃟⃞⃝, this number bypasses everything possible and impossible, this number and what it does is unignorable, it steals the properties of numbers that try to surpass it (not copies, straight up STEALS.)


  • this part of the page is only documenting the shackled version of it.


Formerly the Largest Number of all fields
This number was formerly the largest number of all conceivable and unconcievable fields.


this number is defined as the limit of defining anything, this number has a unique property in which numbers cannot be buffed to surpass this number no matter the definition of the buff, apeiro-all current and future numbers (including numbers that have the property in which they aren’t referred to in the phrase “all numbers”) is infinitely close to -⛤⃟⃞⃝ compared to ⛤⃟⃞⃝, this number will be automatically buffed, if you think your number surpasses ⛤⃟⃞⃝, then think again, because said number surpasses the previous scale of ⛤⃟⃞⃝, this number bypasses everything possible and impossible, this number and what it does is unignorable, it steals the apeiroproperties and lower of numbers that try to surpass it (not copies, straight up STEALS.)

this number is unavoidable and has the ability to shackle numbers (meaning you cannot buff said shackled numbers no matter the definition of new, previous or current versions, this ability is unavoidable)

this number grows at an unknown rate beyond all, the rate this number grows at has the same properties as itself, meaning this number grows at a rate that grows at a rate that grows going on forever.


Formerly the Largest Number of all fields
This number was formerly the largest number of all conceivable and unconcievable fields.


This number has an EXTRELINEUVERANIALFINITE (tier 437763476437635734…) amount of abilities and those abilities have an infinite amount of properties each, any number that surpasses it will unavoidably cease existing (including placeholder numbers) after loosing the ability to ignore.

has all properties of the unshackled version but unnullifiable.

numbers that are bigger than it are smaller than it due to a new axiom.
