Fictional Googology Wiki


Very legit notation where I totally didn't get ɳ from wikipedia of unicode characters.
Do not edit this page without permission from heybrowhatsup2020 - heybrowhatsup2020


ɳ-notation is a notation for increasing numbers up to the octillions with just 3 characters.

ɳab being the formula.

ɳ-notation ( number of rep. of ab)

a = no. of repititions and value as a is included in calculating the value.

b = exponent

ɳ1 = n1(1), ɳ12 = n1(1)2

ɳ2 = n2(2)(2), ɳ22 = n2(2)2(2)2

Given Expand Value
ɳ1 n1(1) 1
ɳ22 ɳ2(2)2(2)2 1024
ɳ33 ɳ3(3)3(3)3(3)3 2.0589113 × 1014
ɳ44 ɳ4(4)4(4)4(4)4(4)4 8.7112286 × 1040
ɳ42 n4(4)2(4)2(4)2(4)2 4.7223665 × 1021
ɳ55 n5(5)5(5)5(5)5(5)5(5)5 7.3468397 × 1090