๐๐ซ๐ฎ๐ ๐๐๐ซ๐๐๐ข๐ฌ๐ is a concept/theory that can't be changed or morphed, i can't even say if it is a concept or a theory, let's just say that it is a Meta-Numerical-Liminality, a thing that is unknown and psychologically impossible to solve. This is the FINAL FG number.
Analysis (Ver[3.0])[]
1-(Instant Normallity)[]
any number add will lead to a collapsing explosion, that will result in a concept itself
it is an continuity, that is, it can't be continued or extended.
3-(Beyond Aperdinalogy)[]
the Aperdinalization rules don't affect the True Paradise, because it is above the aperdinalogy itself.
4-(Beyond Reality)[]
it is not affected by the concepts of wrong and true, that is, number also transcends The real world, which is an higher realm where everything is wrong and right at the same time.
5-(Beyond Gateways)[]
it cannot be overcome by any number or realm beyond the gateways because it is an unstoppable script that cannot be changed, modified or morphed.
Even exponentiating and multiplying by that concept will result in a number itself.
Whatever you do, it will still result in a concept itself.
8-(Above The Unobservable)[]
it is above the obeservation and unobservation, this Concept/Theory is so far from the others that even Observational Marginal Deconstruction Transit Point is just a byte of all this text.
9-(Beyond Collapse)[]
True Paradise is above any type of collapse because of it's rule, one of it's personifications is being unchangeable, that is, it can't be collapsed or denied by any type of argument.
10-(Beyond Scaling)[]
Once it is part of Beyondness, it becomes beyond all the scaling, making it impossible to comprehend even if you create a function for that concept.
is an abstract concept, that is, it is an true law in all the dimensions and it can't be refuted in denied.
it is beyond all levels of fiction (re^X-ality), that includes (Metafiction/R_-1(?) is super-asymmetrical), (Fiction/R_0 is asymmetrical), (Reality/R_1 is symmetrical), (Post-reality/R_2 is supersymmetrical) and (Re^ฮฉ-ality/R_ฮฉ would be absolute omni-symmetrical)
13-(Beyond Human Comprehension)[]
This concept is beyond our minds, therefore we couldn't calculate the definition of this concept. It is truly massive that only the Gods can understand it.
14-(Beyond any Celestial, Godly, Mighty being knowlegde)[]
this concept is beyond the knowledge of every being, it can be gods, deitys or all-knowing.
15-(Beyond Abstract Properties)[]
it is beyond abstract properties, that is, it is beyond the beggining and the end of all, the nothing and the everything, even if you try to refutate that, you can't.
16-(Beyond any type of logic)[]
it overcomes all the possible and impossible types of logi that exist and not exist, overcoming all the Logicverses (that are Meta-Logics, which is basically a logic about logics), extra-logics and the Ultimate Supreme Logic itself, being above the very Stratalogic (that is related with Stratacollapse).
17-(Domain Expansion)[]
it's domain is in constant expansion (Domain its equal to the "Breaking-Logics" times [W+] which is the highest level of value that a number/concept can reach) but, by breaking the logics, its domains expands forever, and it's a value that only this thing possess.
18-(Beyond Ideology)[]
it is beyond any ideology that can exist and can not exist (Ex: a guy has the ideology that the fate is the fate and cannot be changed, True Paradise overcomes that and every other ideology).
19-(End of The Memeology)[]
it's in all places, dimensions, realities, universes, concepts, etc., it goes beyond going then beyond abstraction, you go even far.
21-(Plus-Omniplex Theory)[]
so we can understand the Plus-Omniplex Theory, we have to understand what is the Plus-Oneplex, is the theoretical number that bridges class XXIII to class XXIV*. This number was solely built as a definition for "The number that you cant just say "That +1" to. Plus-Oneplex breaks physics to the point where adding a singular number wont make any difference whatsoever in terms of anything. If +1 were to be added, the +1 would contain absolutely 0% of the numbers size, The theory behind Plus-Oneplex is that there is no physical representation of how to get the number. It just is merely there. It's a number that is still a number, but manages to keep absolute insanity. Because of how little any dimension can represent it, almost nothing can be said about it. The theory of Plus-Oneplex is everything and nothing at the same time. All of the numbers exist below it, but there are still an infinite amount of things that surpass it, but go beyond the definition of "numbers", the Plus-Omniplex is basically the same thing as Plus-Oneplex but with a higher scale, think that the Plus-Oneplex is a dimension with an endless indefinitive void with endless Plus-Oneplex, this void is the Plus-Omniplex, the one who embodies all the possible concepts and logic behind Plus-Oneplex.
22-(Beyond Any Type Of Level)[]
As you can see, there are different levels of superiority for each function, and these levels are used to determine the value of the number/concept and in which position it will be placed on a scoreboard, so if something exceeds these levels, it also exceeds limits that seem to be impossible to overcome, such as infinity, the unobservable, eternity, the unlimited, and even fictional transfinite numbers, which are numbers that are a continuity that extends and continues without stopping, it is almost like the continuum but with more levels of reality.
23-(The Concept of Surpasseable)[]
this concept ignores any concept of surpassing, so it cannot be surpassed, if any number says it is greater than this one, it will be smaller than the number that said it is greater, because as I said, this totally surpasses the concept of surpassing.
24-(Reaching = Heaven)[]
If You reach this number, You will DIE and be sent to H E A V E N Where TRUE PARADISE lies.
If ur gud, Then u stay in Heaven,
But if You Are Bad... ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐!!! >:๐