Reason for being EABA: Claming concepts never end, and is trying to surpass them. Also says it ignores refutation/debunks, contradictions, etc.
End-All-Be-All parts are marked like this: ! - EABA. There may be a lot of them. Contradictory parts are marked differently, ? - Contradictory to be exact. As for plagiarism, that will be marked with !!! - Plagiarized. Allowed Usage✔ Is for things that the owner is fine with being plagiarized. ? - Apparent contradiction Is for things that look contradictary but are not
End-All-Be-All |
A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L is an End-All-Be-All, and may cause fights if a surpassing attempt is seen. |
Former Largest Number |
A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
This is bassicaly combination of every strong terminology/concept.
nonscriptability is a term typically referring to something that is not scriptable to a great extent. usually, this is achieved by it simply being too large/vast/expansive to be quantified through script of any form. such things must be massively >quantifiability itself to an unquantifiable extent. it can be referred to by other synonymous names, including but not limited to unscriptability, ascriptability, etc. nonscriptability by extent (main focus) would be > any other similar term, like being of higher Finality Index, being beyond finality index, mathematical and numerical unquantifiability, ineffability, things indescribable to any currently or previously existing language, things indescribable to any language that can exist, etc. nonscriptability therefore currently stands as the greatest term to refer to something that is indescribable or unspeakable / inconceivable in some way. all levels of nonscriptability are impossibly, nonscriptably inaccessible to lower levels of nonscriptability.
Can’t be mirrored by Fictional Matrix System, into an extent of ANY reality layer.
Can’t be collapsed idk just read some noncollapsible entry.
a “number” is inbuildable if it can not be built into an abstraction of any certain kind(s).
also is DOS-unbuildable
it can’t be expanded into higher embodiments.
A “number” is viewable if it can be supervised in any valid supervision while being interacted in any embodiment
Obvious you can’t think about it or comprehend
A object is scaleless, if all extents of itself don't exist in anything like embodiments and totalities, along with methods that indirectly determine scales of objects.
Z undefinable[]
Scaleless objects are impossible to have a scale, and thus not included in the Box.
Untrescaleable bruh idk what to put
- Strataknowledge is assumed to exceed all forms of knowledge, which is also a R2-mirrored standpoint.
- These standpoints fall under FMS-points that Aperdinal can't fall into, even by FMS-point-chaining.
Beyond all of logicverse and stratalogic (R2-mirrored) standpoints, including our points to totalities.
Can’t be coded by Fictional Matrix System, into an extent of any reality layer.
Cannot be decoded out of Fg, by the fg matrix,
Uncata (!!! - Plagiarized)[]
- Can’t be defined and actualized from all autological projections (including catamirroring, reversed catamirroring, and Я♛-catathings).
also is this have catarealix "propertie" and uncatable mentioned in fikta-triakinal so and this is beyond catamethods (i think)
this can’t have RM()-attributions to below catathings. It has a boundless property called “cata-realix” that there are no catathings in total above Я♛. A catamirrored Я♛-catathing can only be any other Я♛-catathing; being totally nonreducible and noncata-attachable to lower catathings. (Catamethods are logical, so Я♛-catathings are probably Z-pseudo-things and Z-illogical which Aperdinal can surpass
uncontainable (beyond highest level)(! - EABA)[]
Cant be contained by anything including the box,IT, and THE
im to bored read Illogical
indestructible (! - EABA)[]
cant be destroyed,absorbed,etc by any number,entity,etc
they can’t be any copies of this “number” this is unrefutable they are no copy’s that exist,nonexist,etc,etc
cpfp is taking the exact definition, but is descaled because another number has that definition this is above cpfp
uncreatable (? - Contradictory)[]
this is possibly somewhat simular to non-copyable or inbuildable
new concept is that it has to exist and cant be created it just exist because it does
unobservable (!!! - Plagiarized)[]
Unobservation is when a observational object is no longer observational, and widely described as "detached from all forms of everything within observation, making it a impossible to reach from below, which we are below as we are observable, unobservable objects are not bound to anything as "anything"/"everything"/"conceptualization" is within observation, the only thing It is bound to is how much states it can have, and that it is a state, and also that it cannot transfer through observation and unobservation, unobservation is unbranchable making it impossible to be linguistically reached, or reached at all, in basis, unobservation is the detachment and being unbound to anything we can describe" This also means it is detached from all frameworks in a pure form(catafilm, collapse, ham, others)
Intervational (or sumthing)(!!! - Plagiarized)[]
Intervation is when a unobservational state, is no longer bound to having a state, or the amount of states it can have, and it can also transfer through observation, and unobservation, making it completely boundless to everything, making it reachable when it is in its observable form, but unreachable when it is in its unobservable form.
uncata detachable[]
Cata-detachment is a sub-form of unobservable objects where you are detached from collapsing, states, cata-reflection, reverse cata-mirroring, cata-mirroring, cata-sizing, non-cata-sizing, branching, linguistics, others, that are said to be "impossible" to detach from, but this is evaded but using antiprinciple to refute those statements that lead to more substantial principles.
Cannot be branched by any linguistic/action. (Also read TUNO
Cannot be created/defined by/from any autological projections(the catafilm).
Cannot be collapsed/hammed
canr be hammed by anything including things bigger than itself (if it exists)
it has no limit or true form
cant have more than 1 interpretation but this might change soon
A entry is postreality if it can create, affect, or bound our level-2 thinkable or mundane forms of real-life.
also this "number" has post-post reality and all prefix reality execpt that one that istamtae told me about (for now)
unnameable (Allowed Usage✔)[]
You can give a number to every concept/property/root(prefix), but if _____ unnameable, it can be explained only as number you give to unnamable. Like, let's take Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit for reference, it can be defined as Trans-Transcendence + {S∞mi}Omnisciense. So, it can be written as Z-|(Number you give to trans-2-cendence),({∞}Number you give to Omniscience)|. |s and Z are just thing to show it's part of Zenit's Terminology. So, anyways, unnamable things cannot be given any other properties expect unnamable itself, because it's way too beyond our world.
also is nameless-filkist
inescapeable (! - EABA)[]
fms-chain stuff (!!! - Plagiarized)[]
On writing any fiction, it generates ficto-abstraction as "standpoints by” or "points above / against" writers (can be up to a catathing above their reality), which is FMS-chained by others.
All ficto-abstraction within fictions and post-realities are attached to the Fictobox. They can have potential up to fictoboxially transcendental. As transforming is to change, all ficto-abstraction can be others by entities inside or writers outside; but still fall under the Fictobox. This also applies to other abstractions regardless of cause.
Anything above our superior, totality reign of a kind covering everything can be mirrored to a R2-extent of that reign. While there are more superior reigns (R1-extent) to overcome: this applies to Stratalogic, which is mirrored to a R2-extent of our Logicverse.This also applies to other abstractions regardless of cause.
priceless ability[]
Beyond axiology
it is impossible for Absolute Aperdinal to catch up, since its unreachable due to the zuxaperdinality, and it can’t be encoded by Levels of thought
Fictobox of Aperdinal can’t include numbers of Class 31. Aperdika makes the job of aperdinal being small easier.
If you are locationless you are everywhere and nowhere and are the most existant and more real than anything.
unprefixable (? - Apparent contradiction)[]
cant be described with trans,meta,super,ultra,hyper,ficto,strata,etc,etc (Contradictory due to lower properties using prefixes.)
There is no illogical/logical (pseudo-)definition for this in THE
unfiltrable (Allowed Usage✔)[]
Cannot be (hyper-)filtred to higher level from hyper-all. Fancy way to say un-un-collapsable. Still failable for anti-filtring.
Terminology always existed everywhere, we just didnt knew about it before i started to write it here. Bassicly this terminology is somehow beyond Paxi-propertiance and have paxillion more undiscovered properties and concepts, we dont know and cannot understand yet. So, if you think you created something - no, you didnt, you just done another tractation of terminology.
(!!! - Plagiarized)[]
- It can’t be built in FG-DOS(AA+), graphed in GRAPH.EXE due to Cata-Separatias Exploit, and ___possible on all views up to Я♛+.
true stratalogic[]
Is The true stratalogic contains all logic-referencing projections Including autological objects. is above stratalogic obv
All propite here[]
Can create fake copies[]
Fake Copies are smaller than the number that it was copied. A number that can and will creates fake copies will be Harder to surpass.
Can't be fake copied[]
This number can only be copied by itself.
redefine (! - EABA)[]
this "number" can redefine any number on this wiki even if it says its definiton cant be changed no matter what. there is one way around this, it's page protection.
troll (! - EABA)[]
changes all shitposts to 0 if it claims it is bigger than this no matter any argument or non-argument this works even if the shitpost says you cant troll it and there is no way around it or anything. also i kinda lied it also does it to anything that is not a shitpost.
- collapsing
- mirroring
- hamming
- changing?
- and copying
if possible and at maximum extent so it has the abilites and the abilites don’t work on this
This can do anything pw/pp except being beyond it
This means this is beyond reality in all dimensionality possible, it sees creation as fiction it is the narrator of everything.
metapotent and omnipotent combined, and uncountable.
means all post-things like just post in general it is them and is in form of them and is the ultimate post and beyond pw/pp at will. you cannot be post related and not fall under this (but this contains postpotent so it is beyond and does not fall into it).
everywhere and anywhere all at once even the past and future and sees everything but you cannot see it it's nothing to us be we are nothing to it, but in reality it is more real than anything
(?) Metapresent[]
You are in the place where creation is fiction thus beyond everything.
Both omnipresent and metapresent combined, and everywhere in uncountable at once.
Everywhere a post-concept is all at once.
All knowing which means knows everything.
Knows all about beyond creation.
both omniscient and metascient combined, and knows about all uncountability.
Is a hypothetical power stronger than omniotence.
hypothetically stronger than metapotence.
hypothetically stronger than ultipotence.
theoretically stronger than postpotent.
Knows everything about post-concepts.
allscient allpotent allpresent.
Can do anything and everything all at once without bound.
also A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L is easily above this
no property[]
A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L Makes his properties not a propertie
illogical now logical[]
it can make illogical things logical (if possible)
you is conkept[]
all things are below this because they are concepts and non-concepts fall into this bcus no concept is a word so no concept is a concept so is trans concept and post concept (and concept negation)
it can cataraflect stuff if possible
Create fake copies[]
A number that is fake copied by another number can be bigger than the number that was copied. But if it copies itself, then it's smaller. The competitors will then be smaller than the real number.
Kill (! - EABA)[]
Steal definition if they yavE a way around this it Copy’s the way around this or the one not around this
why thisg is above true strata-logic (!!! - Plagiarized)[]
Struxy- is the superior form (above the true stratalogic), and can surpass “impossible on contradictable Rx♛-(cata)things.” There are R2 catathings that have no point attributed from/to R1 things and can’t be descaled into R1 with catamethods and properties pointing to R1.
superset stratasis[]
Even describing, catamethoding, and reverse-catamethoding catathings is inaccurate because projection and logic are based on a R1 concept.
(things based on a R1 concept [like projection and] are (cata)attributed from/to R1)
(catathings are Z-supra-things, due to unachievable from roots in R1, and some can be Z-nihili-things)
(can’t have non-observational (and impossible) states / properties, and thus intervated)
(can’t be constructible because logic is based on a R1 concept)
Let’s form a new superset called “Stratasis.”
R2♛ catathings and above are Abimaginary things that fall under their own “FMS-point of Stratasis,” not under Interior Fictobox self-fiction.
- R1♛ = “all” as R1 (reality)
- R2♛ = catathings in struxyextended-Я that are (meta/pata)-inattributive to R1 (on any projection with any point and extension; even readjusting R1 doesn’t affect R2♛) (that includes realites extended from 𝔼x, which can be in the Realituum Matrix)
- R3♛ = catathings in struxyextended-Я that are R1/R2♛-inattributive to any R2♛-catathing
- R4♛ = catathings in struxyextended-Я that are R1/R2♛/R3♛-inattributive to any R3♛-catathing
- …
frictobox of all is Anything doable with any RM()♛/Я♛-attributive FMS-point is quasi-contained in the Fictobox by any FMS-point of containment.
These statements are FMS-chainable that fall under “FMS-point.” Anything above falls under a post-domain in Fictobox, and FMS-chaining is independent of Stratasis.
selffixtion (!!! - Plagiarized)[]
If writers are stuck in their fictions while writing their fictions, these fictions are called “self-fictions.” Self-fictions had potential to transcend, but fall under “FMS-point of self-referentials.”
The self-fiction zone for all (boundless), “Interior Fictobox,” is a fictoboxially-transmaximal potential. It is capable of writing everything in Fictobox and inventing some FMS-points regardless of being connected to Abimaginaries.
It is scaleless, and can write everything mirroring to reality levels, allowing it to fall under “FMS-points of mirroring.”
giys don’t get mad at me for copying I’m not to good at making big numbers
also A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L is absolutely inaccesible to all cata things including ones inacessible to others or inacessible to all catathings
why thbis is beyond ineffable (or apophatic or abdolutely incomprehensible (! - EABA)[]
indescribe is description.unwordable is a word.ineffable and all unimaginable stuff are words.apophatic is concept. apophatic have define
"but it placeholder"placeholders are concepts so are non-concepts and things that negate concepts and non-concepts + concept itself
also if your trying to debunk this then realize refutations are concepts so you lose
so my proof is that even iiuttl (i thingk) >>> inffable
true ineffable is also concept if it exists also if it somehow not concept this "number" still destroy not concept things
what if this is debunked[]
still beyond ineffsble because it said so and it has an abilite called refute which means everything it says has no refutstion and is true and there is no way around tbis
but ineffable is a word is contradicted[]
wrong contradictions are concepts and even if nonconcept this "number" still solos
more reason[]
This “number” is absolutely ineffable/truely ineffable (i think there the same) (prob beyond). Which is an “object” that can't be expressed or defined by any construct whatsoever. It is a catamirrored variant of AI in the sense that objects prior to it can only approach it using interpretations, However the essence of this article has no meaning attributed to the exact instance of such object(). Even the “object” itself is an inaccurate projection of what it is meant to be, however that process is indescribable/detached from any existing means. It cannot be further catareflected/catamirrored due to any possible(I might add impossible) interpretations/projections not reflecting its true nature and thus being a reflection of an entirely different object or “number”. No sort of prefix, suffix, process or property can reach this number due to its absolute detachment from ALL connective systems. When new numbers and methods are introduced, they are only able to approach a false value due to this entry being in an independent logical state (extraneous to true/false or any other tertiary or hypertertiary values, and all other definitions that can follow such attribution of states). The problem about catamethodialization is that there is no way to catareflect, catamirror, or catamethodize (all suffixes included) an Absolute Ineffable thing due to it being a definitional, one ended limit or asymptote. We can approach a definition but we can not actualize it. Therefore this “number” is innacurate. And is actually not a concept (still technically a concept) and is also related to tss project and maybe tel.also the object has “” because it isn’t an object so is for number.also read TUNO. Wow don’t get mad at me for copying. Yes they were prefix’s in this number but does are essences of Something (related to it).(Blank.txt)
A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L scale (Outdated)[]
A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L =?Eichrozeiphynas > Zenit's Very Funny and Cool Terminology > Fikta-Triakinal v1.4.1 > Absolute Aperdinal > BOX > The intervational cata-detachment > expansionable triage > 🐢 Supercollapseofsuperultrapasscollapse > limacollapse (cope) > Qwegiofwqhs > Dubstep's summer boredom number>The Catafilm > Mind reliance-refuter agent > LOL > Oloe/True glimpse >Oloe 2nd form > oloe > Intervational unbranchable non-object > Multilia Propetius > Supracollapse > True uncollapsible numbers > impossible to collapse > omnicollapse > Limit of collapsibility > ultra-collapse > hypercollapse? > Observational Marginal Deconstruction Transit Point > supercollapse? > Kollapse > PQ > Unreachable Meta-Process System > The Continuum = TUNO > I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. > Uttdcal > The real world > Logical hierarchy limits > Word build up > RL UN > PP > The transhumanial limit > Xeranthesis > TED > Interactable shatter regions > The Ennoiologikal Breakdowns > Aim domain > Easy branch mimic > sxds neat obby >= Limit of defining > Concept Cataclysm > PW > RU prototype