ABSOLUTE BREAKDOWN (𖥜) is a number made by “NO!” which equals to ???[????]. The link to the video is here.
This number is too Hard to be defined because it is beyond the ?????? Series.
This number is comes after a cycle of ??????????s.
It's equal to Ѧ[-17].
Fun Fact(s): There is a song and a repair shop called Absolute Breakdown
*&F&4ofpufp'ab3tifp[sdoivuh_99999(3000000) to Absolute Breakdown[]
Absolute Breakdown is even beyond *&F&4ofpufp'ab3tifp[sdoivuh_99999(3000000) let's go
- *&F&4ofpufp'ab3tifp[sdoivuh_99999(3000000) ?????? [?????? [1]]
- ???? [????[2]]
- ?????? [?????? [3]]
- ?????? [?????? [4]]
- ?????? [?????? [?????? 1]]]
- ?????? [... x100
- Σερτυθιοπασδφγηξκλζχψωβνμ ?????? [... x?????? [3]
- ?????? [... xX?????? [3]
- (?????? [... xX?????? [3]) x?????? [3]
- S?????[3] = ...l??????[... xX?????? [3]l... x?????? [3]
- S?????? [100]
- M?????? [100]
- ?????^10(10)
- ?????? [100,?????? [3]]
- Absolute Breakdown
- 𖥜+1
- 𖥜+𖥜
- 𖥜×3
- 𖥜×Terminus
- 𖥜×T.E.R.M.I.N.U.S
- 𖥜×T.R.U.E-F.I.N.A.L.E E.N.D.I.N.G
- 𖥜×*&F&4ofpufp'ab3tifp[sdoivuh_99999(3000000)
- 𖥜×Σερτυθιοπασδφγηξκλζχψωβνμ
- 𖥜×𖥜
- 𖥜××𖥜
- 𖥜<×^10>𖥜
- Delta, Δ = 𖥜<×^𖥜>𖥜
See also[]
Template: ?????? Series[]
T.E.R.M.I.N.U.S - T.R.U.E.-F.I.N.A.L.E ENDING - The Real Final Point - The Endipoint - ˿̴̵̶̷̸̡̢̧̨̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̣̤̥̦̩̪̫̬̭̮̯̰̱̲̳̹̺̻̼͇͈͉͍͎̀́̂̃̄̅̆̇̈̉̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̽̾̿̀́͂̓̈́͆͊͋͌̕̚ͅ͏͓͔͕͖͙͚͐͑͒͗͛ͣͤͥͦͧͨͩͪͫͬͭͮͯ͘͜͟͢͝͞͠͡ - Fictional Attitude - Nico's nextbotsfinity - Hiraganabletyblety @?#!#?#(# Number - Notasquarefinity - The Point Limit - Absolutely Soccerfinity - Endly End of all Ends in the Endverse - E.N.D E.N.D.I.N.G - Terigodversility - M.I.N.E.N.D.I.N.G - Absolutely IShowSpeedFinity - *&F&4ofpufp'ab3tifp[sdoivuh_99999(3000000) - Σερτυθιοπασδφγηξκλζχψωβνμ - Absolute Breakdown[1]