Fictional Googology Wiki

Not to be confused with Absolute Fictional Numbers.

Absolute Fictional Cardinal of Numbers (⎳) is a milestone from FF2K's The End of Numbers Episode 91, which surpasses a number "The Innerspatial Continuum (ߚ)" that breaks the number space.

It is equivalent to Finitial Season 11, and it is a scrapped number intended for NANTHEMAN's series beyond The Absolute Endless. It is also the first milestone in LTProductions' Beyond True Forever's Fourth Wave.

The Number Space[]

The Number Space consists of all "numbers" from all numerical domains such as: the hypercomplex plane, the quantumnumber topology, the weird-routing number torus, undefined numbers, and numbers isolated and irrelevant to some domains.

Giving a object as a number makes it as a initially-scaleless number. However, The Innerspatial Continuum breaks the Number Space to classify ⎳ as a historical milestone of Fictional Googology, not The Universe (it only breaks scales on TTEoFG series).
