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You can help Absolute Undiagonalizable by expanding this page. (If you wish.) Otherwise, enjoy!


Absolute Undiagonalizable (A.U) is the first point at which diagonalization is no longer possible. This means that this is the end point of all possible field limits, no matter what they refer to. For example, a hypothetical Field Limits article could be 𝜟ₓ, and it refers to whatever the largest page on the wiki would be at x pages. Even with extensions like 𝜟-Lock or Full-𝜟ₓ, it would never even come close to Absolute Undiagonalizable. Another example could be Ѧₓ, which refers to the number of Field Limits. For example, Ѧ₁ would refer to V-Lock, Ѧ₂ would refer to Full-F-Lock, Ѧ₃ would refer to Ԋ-Lock, Ѧ₄ could refer to The Chronic Ineffability Breakdown(?) etc. Not even Full-Ѧ-Lock would ever come close to A.U. Even a hypothetical stronger example would never reach this point, even the "strongest" example couldn't reach this point. Even a meta version of Ѧₓ that would include Ѧₓ as a single point in it wouldn't even come close, nor any higher meta versions. Even Lₓ or any stronger version of it can not reach this point. The undiagonalizability also applies to non fields as well, such as metaness or any it(x), even itlogic. This point can not be reached by any diagonalization (meaning you can't say 1 = Absolute Infinity, 2 = this, or anything like that, as that would be impossible). It also can't be reached by any level of metaness applied to any diagonalization function, etc. The only way to go past this point is to create an entirely new idea, as simply putting this in a stronger field that includes A.U. would not work, as that would be impossible.

For some more examples;

1) Imagine a hypothetical scenario where number is tier 1, and numkers are tier 2. This would be beyond any tier, even extensions like tier-lock or whatever.

2) Imagine the classes before this point as a number. Numkerous order would be 24, Danger class is 23, etc. Even though this is just base absolution class, this number would even be bigger than "Class Epsolute" or Classlock or anything.

3) Imagine that the 2nd example is stronger than the 1st example. Now, imagine a 3rd example that's even stronger, and a 4th, etc. Not even examplelock would reach this point. Even with meta examples, you couldn't reach this point.

4) Weaker than example 3, but Imagine that Writing was tier 1 Post-Writing was tier 2. This would be beyond even Writinglock.

5) Also weaker than example 3, but Imagine each NO! list of numbers videos is a number. Each season has a number, each, episode has a number, and so on. None of these could reach this point by definition, unless they either abandoned numbers in their titles altogether, or just skipped past this point. This doesn't just apply to NO!, obviously, and applies to anyone making videos about FG.

In general, no example that contains numbers whatsoever can reach this point, even if they reach a point where they lock.
