Fictional Googology Wiki
Fictional Googology Wiki

=ipsius number/2 also is above finity because im the creator therefore if i want it to then it is also above finity (wait then who is "im")

Infinity - S.P.N.E > Absolute Ifinity > Finity - S.P.N.E = ipsius number > Absolute Finity > Ifinity > Wikipedia's Quattuorquinquagintillion > Milton > Croutonillion > Hyper Oblivion > Ultimate Oblivion > Utter oblivion > Oblivion > BIG FOOT > Rayo's Number > TREE(3) > Graham's Number > Googolplex

symbol: ᴒ or ဂ

Retr0R0bl0x1an's Definition - Ipsius Number-(finity/2)/2/2
