Fictional Googology Wiki


Asterisk System[]

x*y=x multiplied by y

x**y=x*x*..*x*x with y-1 asterisks

x***y=x**x**..**x**x with y-1 double asterisks

x****y=x***x***..***x***x with y-1 triple asterisks

x(*+)y=x**..**y with y y-asterisks

x(*++)y=x(*+)x(*+)..(*+)x(*+)x with y-1 (*+)s

x(**+)y=x(*++..++)y with y plus signs

x(**++)y=x(**+)x(**+)..(**+)x(**+)x with y (**+)s

x(***+)y=x(**++..++)y with y plus signs

x(****+)y=x(***++..++)y with y plus signs

Hashtag System[]

x(#)y=x(#1)y=x(**..**++..++)y with y asterisks and plus signs

x(#y)z=x(#y-1)x(#y-1)..(#y-1)x(#y-1)x with z-1 (#y-1)s


x(##y)z=x(##y-1)x(##y-1)..(##y-1)x(##y-1)x with z (##y-1)s


x(#+)y=x(#+1)y=x(##..##)y with y hashtags


x(#*)y=x(#++..++)y with y plus signs

x(#*+)y=x(#**..**)y with y asterisks

Slash System [unfin.][]

x/y=x(##..##**..**++..++) with y

x//y=x/x/../x/x with y-1 backslashes

x///y=x//x//..//x//x with y-1 double backslashes

x/,y=x(//..//)x(//..//)..(//..//)x(//..//)x with y-1 y-uple backslashes

Numbers/Misc. (Continue from googology wiki)[]

Class 21 (Ω-Ω*(10^100))[]

Absolute Infinity: Ω

Decfinity: Ω*10

Cefinity: Ω*100

Millinity: Ω*1000

Myrinity: Ω*10000

Lakinity: Ω*100000

Meginity: Ω*1000000

Gubinity: Ω*1048576

Crorinity: Ω*10000000

Yinity: Ω*100000000

Gifinity: Ω*(10^9)

Govinity: Ω*(16^8)

Delinity: Ω*(10^10)

Indintity: Ω*(10^11)

Terinity: Ω*(10^12)

Meftrinity: Ω*(3^27)

Peninity: Ω*(10^15)

Entinity: Ω*(10^18)

Gulinity: Ω*(10^20)

Zetinity: Ω*(10^21)

Yofinity: Ω*(10^24)

Roninity: Ω*(10^27)

Quecinity: Ω*(10^30)

Decilinity: Ω*(10^33)

Undecilinity: Ω*(10^36)

Duodecilinity: Ω*(10^39)

Tredecilinity: Ω*(10^42)

Quattuordecilinity: Ω*(10^45)

Quindecilinity: Ω*(10^48)

Fivinity: Ω*(10^50)

Sexdecilinity: Ω*(10^51)

Septendecilinity: Ω*(10^54)

Octodecilinity: Ω*(10^57)

Novemdecilinity: Ω*(10^60)

Viginilinity: Ω*(10^63)

Ogolinity: Ω*(10^80)

Triginilinity: Ω*(10^93)

Googolinity: Ω*(10^100)

Class 23 (Ω*(10^123)-Ω*(10^10^10^34) [unfin.][]

Quadragintilinity: Ω*(10^123)

Quinquagintilinity: Ω*(10^153)

Sexagintilinity: Ω*(10^183)

Gargoogolinity: Ω*(10^200)

Septuagintilinity: Ω*(10^213)

Octogintilinity: Ω*(10^243)

Nonagintilinity: Ω*(10^273)

Centilinity: Ω*(10^303)

Googlenity: Ω*(16^256)

Googoldininity: Ω*(10^500)

Ducentilinity: Ω*(10^603)


December 5, 2022: Class 22 finished
