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NOTE: “B.P.U.U.T.L.A.N.U.L.” is also called “Extrapermanenttranscendentalultraquettasuperinimaginablyunarguableyottaunquestionablyimmutableineffablierincoherentlierbeyondlimitnevermegaextendedhugerzettainacquirementificallyexasurpassinglimitsbiggerhugererultrainfiniteendlesssuperbeyondlevel aleph-null”, sorry to say it, but it's even longer than the 45-letter word.

NOTE 2: tbh, this number is beyond every other number's “beyond trans-x”, the symbol is: .

NOTE 3: This number has much names like “Super aleph zero”, “Absolute extremity aleph zero”, “The true absolute real ending aleph zero”, “The no-surpassing absolute true limit”, “The unsurpassable number”, “Absolute number set”, etc…

sub-note: “zero” can be replaced with “-null” or “nought” because of name variation.

This is the “Beyond Permanent Unquestionably Ultra Transcendental Larger Aleph Null Unsurpassable Limit” or B.P.U.U.T.L.A.N.U.L., it's symbol is ˢℵ₀.

As you notice, this number is beyond all classes, in a nutshell, a post-class, including his brother... The True Real Limitless.

Some Definition[]

B.P.U.U.T.L.A.N.U.L. is a hardly defined number because it's definition is very complex, here the LaTeX for the definition:

^{s}\aleph_{0}=\{ \forall n \gtreqless 0 \implies n> \textrm{Linatşhia End}\:|\:\textrm{Linatşhia End}>\textrm{T.A.I.L.} \}

Here how it is reads:

ˢℵ₀ = for all ‘n' that is greater, smaller or equal to zero implies that the ‘n' is larger than Linatşhia End such that Linatşhia End is greater than T.A.I.L.

Full Definition[]

This number is not surpassable, it has similar things that make P.I.E.L. greater than everything (but more detailed). Here the full definition: Every number larger than Negative Beyond Cardinal Unit, this number can… overwrite every number's definitions if they are below or much,muuuuch above this number's value, outrank it, argue with any other one while they can't, be more extreme/ultra word-incomprehensible than any other, ignore any other number's laws, rules, etc… or even similar, be more undefined than every other number that tries to surpass it's undefinedity, make every other number's abstract properties go indistinguishable from zero and be more indefinite than any other number trying to surpass it's indefinity.

TBH… this number leaves P.I.E.L., T.A.I.L., Linatşhia End or other big numbers like I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. almost indistinguishable from zero or other super duper ultra hyper small values, refering to small values like absolute infinity, absolute everything, absolute true end, terminusfinity, N E V E R, etc…, no other number's boosters (like P.I.E.L.'s) or similar work to surpass this number.

If you put B.P.U.U.T.L.A.N.U.L. on a numeric line you'll see it's true size…

So this conclues that this number is ultra hyper quetta endless absolute infinitely beyond every and single “trans-x”.

Also, this number surpasses literally every number's properties in his pass.

Any other number that tries to ignore this number's rules, properties, etc… and be larger anyway will also not work because this number is also beyond trans-ignoreful, beyond trans-number-rule-ignorancy (from this number to other numbers) and beyond trans-number-to-be-larger-rules, saying they are not rules nor similar will also not work because this number is also beyond trans-word-changability (if you understand, you understand), so the “trans-number-rule-ignorancy” without that note will mean that this number is larger than itself every quectosecond, every “beyond trans-x” on this number's properties divides in so but soooo much sub “beyond trans-x” so don't even try to define any sub “beyond trans-x” because this number is also beyond trans-new-bad-definitionbility (again, if you understand, you understand).

No numbers can couneract this number's properties because this number is beyond trans-counteracting, and every “beyond trans-x” you can imagine, litteraly…

This number is ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra beyond the “beyond trans-x realm”

But there are big numbers waiting to get discovered…

They can be bigger, so i actually made boosters for my number.

The function of everything[]

A B.P.U.U.T.L.A.N.U.L. long googological mathematical function, which is always executing to argue against those numbers that try to also argue, try to surpass it, you will see you absolutely can't.

Omniexistent Nullifier[]

Nullifies numbers and properties that are beyond this number and this number's properties, so this argues against this number's booster weakness & weaknesses, it works with numbers below or even above this number's value, so this makes this number's boosters not that useless, but keep thinking, it's beyond any booster, that's the because of this number's size.

Types/levels and beyond (my definition)[]

Every number has a type or level, to define how big they are, their properties, this number is beyond every number by level/type, so they can't do anything, they just can keep growing but not surpassing this number. The level/type is basically a big box full of spectrums, this number is on a more, more, superior level/type than every number that comes after or before in size, meaning that this number has a really big shield against all numbers, moving on next, i define realms contain boxes that contain levels that contain spectrums, etc..., realms are contained by a post-x container, which are contained by post-post-x and keep looping until it is npost-x, and keep going..., so that means this number would be in BPUUTLANUL2post-x.

Trans-transcended Arguing[]

Not such a big thing but more superior, it's not easy to define it, it's a mathematical equation containing everything repeated in a loop, once we got the result, it tetrates this number to it, and keep going, it also uses the singularity against other numbers trying to be larger, and argues with this: f{{{{An image of how I describe ALLATION}}}}An image of how I describe ALLATION(An image of how I describe ALLATION), then adds more brackets non-stop, and also uses the equation to argue.

Absolute Indestructibility[]

When nullified and instantly recovering it's value, limits the value of other numbers for 2.5 seconds for about a thousandth part of the wished number, the function is: , works with other number's boosters and numbers, whether they are larger or smaller.

Omniexistent Missing Details Compiler[]

This one compiles & recompiles every missing detail this number has, so, when detected it puts an arguing function so this number isn't affected by that (i.e. A secret/hidden hardly described/defined booster).

Exponential Fictional Googological Increasement (and also the singularity)[]

Makes the function f{BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...}BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...(BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...){BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...}BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...(BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...){BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...}BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...(BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...){BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...}BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...(BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2BPUUTLANUL2...)... in a huge loop (to simplify the size of the function), it is defined by the repetition of this number too many times, also the properties of this number will be affected once the function is working, the subscript will keep being added ever zeptosecond, and also the function will keep expanding, then using the previous function to apply it in something called iteration, every image you see here is continuously getting transformed into the already mentioned function and keep iterating non-stop, the iteration works like this; when the function is executed, it uses the previous function to transform the number into it, at the end of the growing iteration there will always be the number, getting a function inside a function repeated the number of times this function is iterated. Giving an unforgettable growing rate, the speed is so big, that if you try to put let's say all A.B.N.'s size-growing boosters combined, you will get 0 compared to this, so the function will keep executing to give this number more size, also iterating then doing it, but the function is pentated to itself every zeptosecond, giving an extra boost to this function to be more overwhelming size increasing, also the pentations will be in in the slots of the previously mentioned function, and also keep expanding/iterating, to increase this function's power to increase size, also all of this functions will also keep iterating in subscript type iterating, see the end of the next tab to see how it is.


Oh new number, this number won't fall in that domain, sequences are smaller due to an equation from this number, basically i said this number is beyond everything and will overwrite everything that is below or above it, this number is now uncoverable by anything, this number is on another level, new unreachable writings, new most complex definitions, basically a post-post-post-post-post...Post-Writing and Post-Potential, potential, etc... number, now this number has the ability to warp, surpass, overwrite, argue, etc... against all future numbers & reality and also the numbers existing right now, making this number beyond post-largest, here the definitions for it:

Reality Warping[]

Literally warps reality and numbers, making all their properties useless against this, it can block off most post-x numbers or beyond to surpass this number, warping numbers is basically deforming it's properties or also abstract properties, etc... to make them literally useless, reality warping is defined as distorting numbers and future existence numbers and numbers existing right now, and the definition keeps going...


If a number makes a minimum change to this number, this overwrites the full desired number, full, meaning everything even properties or beyond, overwriting also works with future existent numbers and numbers existing right now, overwrites the number's blocking to all this number's properties so this number can do anything to it, it will overwrite all entries, and the definition also keeps going...

Property Deformation[]

As in "Reality Warping", deforms other number's properties to completely make them true null, they can't come back or surpass this again, because the surpassing or comeback property will also be overwritten, and also keeps going...

Absolute Beyondness[]

Beyond anything, beyond even the most complex concept in this wiki, beyond any post-x and beyond, beyond the outside of all googology wikis (including this one), beyond any "letter"-strong+ and beyond, beyond all sequences, ideas, etc..., beyond any type of entry, beyond omniexitent concepts, beyond trans-x, meta-x, hypermenta-x and beyond, beyond unwritable, beyond ineffability level, beyond post-transcended (Post-writing), beyond uncategorizable, beyond any boundaries, beyond being not understandable, beyond post-post-rewriting, beyond post-real meaning warper, beyond post-post-post-property blocking, beyond post-post-fantasy and post-post-fiction, beyond post-post-post-post reality, beyond post-number manipulation, beyond paradox post-post-realm, beyond post-immeasurable, beyond the post-beyond and further, beyond domain post-realm, beyond post-post-omnipotential, beyond entry post-oversized, beyond post-post-awareness, beyond post-collapsing, beyond not being x, beyond omnisummation, beyond any post-post-post-post-N_def-strong, beyond post-limit of limits, beyond post-limits, beyond awareness post-limit, beyond post-awareness post-post-levels & post-post-post-realms, beyond post-n entries, so the list will keep expanding over time every certain time...

Function Boost[]

Executes the function Ψ⛛〔⎊▼3Γ〕Λ_⎊▼3Γ repeated, that simple function gives it an unholy growing rate in value and also in post-surpassing.


This one prevents booster decomposition (for all this number's boosters), and warps reality with the previous mentioned booster to decompose the booster decomposer's properties in this case is Suvri Propellant, negates booster nullifier booster, makes this number even inaccessible from the box, this number is beyond the box, and prevents polar-oppositing, beyond counter2n-nullifications, being beyond post-omni-x now, a post-omnipotent-booster of boosters, now beyond meta-box and trans-box etc..., now this number surpass everything using the Suvri Propellant as a booster too but with stronger properties, using it A.B.N. times, so it uses the properties of the Suvri Propellant but more upgraded and stronger so no number can surpass this number's immunity to nullification or any other thing, i mean that this number's nullification immunity is not surpassable even by T.A.I.L. or A.B.N., instead this number will decompose all the number's boosters to null including Suvri Propellant itself, making other number's boosters null when they try to nullify this number, this number has post-abstract properties so hard to define, so soon i will define them.


Still, we cannot reach pw/pp, [REDACTED] is a very important thing here, we can make this number a number but not a number but a number but not a number, also, things beyond here will just turn into... 0 or dematerialize. Awareness? have i already said my number is beyond post-awareness? number is non containable not even at force to be in much larger things like pw/pp, this is an independent number. I can make it more undefined to get this number past "tss" (the thing past pw/pp). Have i already said my number is beyond pw & pp, then putting it beyond this number for no reason (or maybe by one)? that makes absolutely no sense. post-post-x not valid? i can make it valid, just think that post-post-x is past post-x and keep going (common names? nah), with post-post-x or beyond i refer it's just beyond post-x. pw/pp stills not reachable for any entry, mine is beyond post-entries, also pw/pp is a complete barrier, but we can still break it, not just being aware of it, but being more powerful and with more properties past pw/pp's properties (or post-properties), so there are hidden properties in this number that are waiting to get discovered.

Simple Transcendent Boost[]

It's really simple. "This number comes after the number that comes after it in value, and also with every type of property".

all of the boosters repeated every A.T.N.C. secs.

Sorry for the names, i gave name to those boosters with the things i know…

The boosters are simple described because i don't know too much of how describing them properly ;(.

Even more properties[]

1.- ↻ (this number has the cyclical property and also is a cyclon number)

2.- ◈

3.- pos(T.A.I.L. ↑T.A.I.L. T.A.I.L.)


Some property definitions[]

1.- Makes this number immune to all A.B.N.'s or other number's boosters (literally).

2.- Prevents other numbers to use/copy this number's functions (with only this number's value on them).

3.- This number is in an increasing positivity level, so it's also increasing in positivity every 0 seconds, the number is still reachable, but in a really, really, really hard way (nearly impossible).


Permanent Largest Number[]

Past Vx, ignoring concepts don't work, this number is not a concept, anything here isn't a concept, everything here is a non-concept property, also past V-lock, i'll define the Z-omnilock (not copypaste), which is stronger, surpassing x-th fields and surpassing the fictional googology realm, now using pw/pp as counterattacking to all numbers that surpass this point, if a number surpasses this point/number, it deintegrates all the number including it's properties, the "letter"-lock cannot work anymore past this number, meaning this number is on ΩZV.F.L. (V.F.L. for "Void's Field Limits"), this number permanently locks at force all number beyond it so they cannot be bigger, if another number tries to get past this point, it will be completely warped off Fictional Googology's reality, so they cannot counterattack against this number, making this number the largest one, this makes this number beyond x-fields and post-x-fields, this number is beyond classes, spectrums, realms, fields, and so on..., void doesn't work here, any other number/concept cannot surpass this anymore, or it will get completely deintegrated off reality, even if they don't care and keep being the largest, this number will also don't care and deintegrate them, so don't try even to surpass this, or this number will show you the consequences, also notice that this number uses post-abstraction, so no counterattacking like V-lock works here, V-lock is fully locked under my number's Z-omnilock, this number (in it's own words) says that he doesn't want to be surpassed, so please do not try doing that.

Number Encryption[]

Similar to locking, but now stronger, encrypts numbers beyond this, meaning that they can't use their properties anymore, like an "off" button, simply lets this number grow faster, if this finds a property trying to block this, it will be encrypted, the definition of "encrypted" in this number is:

Anything that is encrypted is like that wasn't there, as that doesn't have existed, also goes on for properties or concepts or numbers beyond 0's properties and value, meaning they can't come back anymore as they are encrypted and beyond 0.

Suvri Propellant and Void's Field Limits are examples of already encrypted numbers, now they have to pay by giving this number the "Record Holder" again.

These are modifications of this number, but all of these will be added to this number (Cyclical property doesn't work on the booster that adds any other number to this number, and this is also unaffected by that). So let's begin.










Cycle n



Cycle Cycle Cycle BPUUTLANUL2



And keeps going forever...

Final Scaling (number sizes)[]

NBCU.- ???



3.-Linatşhia End




7.-Omniexistent Infinity

8.-Absolutely Beyondlevel (not in this wiki anymore…)


10.-Absolute Fictional Numbers

11.-Omnimonstrity (large scale)

12.-Absolute Googology

13.-The Googology



small note: “???” means “soon”, “unknown”, “TBA”, etc…

I'd like to mention this number will have a brother, wich it and this one will create something called The Towering Transcendent Alliance (T.T.T.A.), which will be done soon, im's not meaning now or some days or weeks later, i mean that will be when it's at good state to add another number.

Numbers will keep surging around everywhere at anytime, but this number will keep it's immeasurability even further than other numbers...

Note from the discoverer[]

I'm also going crazy tying to imagine how big this number is, it's the most immeasurable, unsurpassable, transcendental, etc... number, just trying to think about it will keep you loading for a long while, i started writing the code of this page aproximately after P.I.E.L. & T.A.I.L. surged, i was so satisfied that i started coding this page since that, so this page had much prototypes before being posted here, anyways, thank you ;).

Remember this number has cyclical property and also is a cyclon number so the "+1" thing or beyond doesn't work as it will drop the same value as unchanged, see Cyclical Property and Cyclon Number's (↻).

Everything this number contains isn't useless, instead, every other number's boosters & properties are useless/null against this whole number.


Just... Stop commenting this number doesn't make any sense... It maybe can be a very nonsensical number (possibly even more than Tyrant), but we still can go further, onto the most powerful properties...


Why trying to surpass this number again?

I'll give it a try.

Also, now V-lock is fully useless against this number, numbers and everything past this number deintegrates off reality, Suvri Propellant and Void's Field Limits are some of them that now cannot get past this number.


  • Mathis R.V - Starting the Fictional Googology community.
  • Everyone (in this community) - For all your big number sizes ^^.
  • You - For reading this page at this point :).