Large Page |
We are to inform you, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is a very large page. Pages longer than 10 - 20kB may lag on lower-end devices. Proceed with risk if you have such a device! |
"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023) |
Massive Page |
We are to inform you, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is over 100kB!!!. These pages will almost certainly lag on lower end devices. If you have such a device, R.I.P. your 2017 phone. |
"R.I.P your iPhone" - fish (2023) |
Supermassive Page |
We are to inform you, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is over 200kB!!!. These pages will almost certainly lag on lower end devices. If you have such a device, R.I.P. your 2017 phone. |
"R.I.P your iPhone" - fish (2023) |
Ultramassive Page |
We are to inform you, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is over 500kB!!!. These pages will almost certainly lag on lower end devices. If you have such a device, R.I.P. your 2017 phone. |
"R.I.P your iPhone" - fish (2023) |
! Too Much Massive Page | ! ! | |
We are to inform you, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is over 750kB!!!. These pages might crash the website or your literal phone. If you have such a device, R.I.P. your 2017 phone or your 2015 phone. | ||
"R.I.P your iPhone" - fish (2023) |
! ! Colossal Page ! ! |
We are to inform you, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is over 1 MB!. These pages would most likely downright crash lower end devices. If you have such a device, it is advised to not scroll further and create more load for your device. But really, the one who made this page really NEEDS to consider their choices. |
"At least, I think those are the meanings of those slang terms." - Super |
Former Largest Number |
289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Ethereal Class |
We are to inform you that 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is Ethereal. It should be protected at all costs. |
"Imma add a very long math equation in this page" - Sherifeladl (2024) |
? Klacbahixiccar Class ? (XXVI) |
This entry is claimed to break all barriers of Metempiric Googology! |
"this number is so bizarrely large that it BREAKS METEMPIRIC BARRIERS, and after this number was discovered, a new class was found BEYOND the metempiric class, and it was called... ahh... like saying K with c eee... .wait let me write this..." - Akuratchium (2024) |
WOW! |
We inform you, at 70356 bytes, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is the LARGEST PAGE RECORDED ON THE INTERNET! How!? |
! Longest Page ! |
We are to inform you, at 70356 bytes, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is the longest page on Fictional Googology Wiki! In return for all this work, they get a nice gold medal. Good job. |
"Just... wow." - fish (2023) |
End-All-Be-All |
289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is an End-All-Be-All, and may cause fights if a surpassing attempt is seen. |
! 3rd Longest Page ! |
We are to inform you, at 70356 bytes, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is the 3rd longest page on Fictional Googology Wiki! In return for all this work, they get a nice bronze medal. Good job. |
"🤓👆 Uhm, akshually that color ish copper. 🤓🤓🤓" - 🤓 (2023) "Uhm, akshually, kill yourself! 🧨" - fish (2023) |
Most Abstract Number |
289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is the final boss of all numbers, so big that absolutely no one can surpass it, it is too complex and abstract to even imagine it! Oh, and this number is like no other one, it's a supra-number due to it's abstract complexity, and is also difficult to even imagine how large truly it is... |
This page is the actual record holder for being the true real largest number on the wiki, but not the end, numbers can be created but below it, so feel free. |
Primordial |
289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is a primordial page!. Primordial pages need to be protected, so if there is vandalism, it needs to be reverted ASAP! |
"I vandalized this" - some random guy (fg kid) |
3rd Longest Page |
That page is 70356 bytes, that means 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is third largest page in Fictional Googology Wiki! In return for all this work, they get a good copper medal. Awesome! |
"Well done" - fish (2023) |
! 2nd Longest Page ! |
We are to inform you, at 70356 bytes, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is the 2nd longest page on Fictional Googology Wiki! In return for all this work, they get a ✨𝓈𝓉𝓎𝓁𝒾𝓈𝒽✨ silver medal. Good job. |
"ngl I think I made the 2nd longest icon better 🥶🥶🥶" - fish (2023) |
Non-Fanon Page |
This page is a non-fanon page. 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is a real and confirmed number by the Googology Wiki/Googologists. |
“The Non-Fictional in Fictional…” -CVNMUser 2023 |
Discontinued Page |
We are to inform you, 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 with 70356 bytes is currently discontinued and may not receive anymore edits relating to its content. |
The End of Chaos and All Numbers |
289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 is The Final Stopping Point for all ignorative and active numbers, proving itself to be the actual record holder for being the largest number ever to BREAK TIME ITSELF! |
289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 aims to restore back ALL that had been lost! That one year of eternal chaos will now collapse to MAKE ROOM FOR EVERYONE! |
properties & Explaination[]
Note: one super duper bad word hidden bro
made by me: 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>absolute infinity box omnicollapse X TEL X OBL+ X UNDISCOVVERED FIFRTONAL LAO T.E.R.M.I.N.U.S - T.R.U.E.-F.I.N.A.L.E ENDING - The Real Final Point - The Endipoint - ˿̴̵̶̷̸̡̢̧̨̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̣̤̥̦̩̪̫̬̭̮̯̰̱̲̳̹̺̻̼͇͈͉͍͎̀́̂̃̄̅̆̇̈̉̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̽̾̿̀́͂̓̈́͆͊͋͌̕̚ͅ͏͓͔͕͖͙͚͐͑͒͗͛ͣͤͥͦͧͨͩͪͫͬͭͮͯ͘͜͟͢͝͞͠͡ - Fictional Attitude - Nico's nextbotsfinity - Hiraganabletyblety @?#!#?#(# Number - Notasquarefinity - The Point Limit - Absolutely Soccerfinity - Endly End of all Ends in the Endverse - E.N.D E.N.D.I.N.G - Terigodversility - M.I.N.E.N.D.I.N.G - Absolutely IShowSpeedFinity - *&F&4ofpufp'ab3tifp[sdoivuh_99999(3000000) - Σερτυθιοπασδφγηξκλζχψωβνμ - Absolute Breakdown
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ipsum lorem 2024-infenity absolute ovl ham mega box omniversal iatia shaggy power level year
Itu saja, kita mencapai akhir dari segalanya, semua orang mati, angka-angka kehilangan maknanya sepenuhnya, dan kemudian kita tiba di sini, angka tertinggi, apakah kamu bahagia sekarang? Apa anda nyaman memakainya?
tidak, seperti yang kubayangkan, apa yang kau dapat dari ini, tidak ada apa-apa, inilah akhirnya, secara harafiah tak ada habisnya, tak terhingga tak terhingga, aksioma adalah segalanya, tidak ada apa pun yang kau pikirkan, karena memang tidak demikian, itulah poin terakhir, secara harfiah tidak terbatas, tidak terbatas, tanpa akhir, tanpa awal, itu adalah segalanya dan tidak ada apa-apa, selamat, Anda berhasil menghancurkan segalanya dan sekarang tidak ada yang tersisa, googologi fiksi adalah imajinasi dari angka ini, angka, pecahan , tidak ada Bukan apa-apa dan segalanya adalah segalanya, aku adalah kamu dan kamu adalah aku, inilah angka itu, lebih besar dari segalanya, tapi.....kamu tidak mendapat apa-apa darinya, kawan lama. Oh, dan jika Anda melaju lebih tinggi dari ini, Anda akan dibawa ke putaran 2.
lorem ipsum bahasa ekspansi total vs kentut berbulu porno vs pertempuran edit toilet buaya satu dua gesper sepatuku: kawan aku buang air besar begitu keras aku akan čum di dalam kamu kamu menyebalkan kamu pantas mendapatkannya aku benci kamu idiot bla bla bla bla apakah lelucon ini?
ya tapi juga tidak tetapi juga mungkin dan juga keduanya dan juga tidak terdefinisi dan dan dan ham telah berbicara
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla venenatis dolor id gravida porta. Vivamus consectetur odio mauris, eu ornare massa placerat sit amet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla vitae mollis sapien, varius porta diam. Integer venenatis tempor elit. Sed luctus purus vitae tempor pharetra. Phasellus eu pellentesque dui, sed auctor nunc. Vivamus tempus ac lorem quis pharetra. Sed eu sem efficitur, ultricies tellus nec, tincidunt neque. Donec sodales felis ullamcorper, maximus sapien nec, elementum dolor. Nunc vel velit mollis, fermentum nisl quis, sagittis dolor. Etiam euismod pretium lacus, nec convallis odio gravida et. Vivamus at tristique nisl. Nulla tempus massa id felis pretium, pulvinar malesuada metus pharetra. Vestibulum augue arcu, feugiat ut eros nec, pharetra scelerisque nisi. Nulla vel enim tellus.
Sed eget eros risus. Sed imperdiet hendrerit tellus, ac aliquet mi tempor ut. Fusce porta tristique risus, ut rhoncus massa commodo quis. Vivamus sed velit aliquet, congue tellus a, tempor leo. Integer et pellentesque erat. Etiam vitae ipsum ipsum. Donec vehicula at leo eu semper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;
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2: 😍 4: 🥶 8: 😡 16: 😈 32: 🥳 64: 🤢 128: 💩 256: 😎 512:🙂 1024:😊 2048:😀 4096:😃 8192:😳 16384:😱 32768:🤤 65536: Sitelen Sitelen symbol for pona 131072: Sitelen Sitelen symbol for soweli 262144: 😭 524288: Sitelen Sitelen symbol for toki 1048596: 🐵 2097152: 🐶 4194304: Sitelen Sitelen symbol for musi 8388608: 🫥 16777216: 😳 33554432: 😾 67108864: 😿 134217728: 😼 268435456: Sitelen Sitelen symbol for waso 536870912: 🐸 1073741824: 🐹 2147483648: 🐼 4294967296: Ditto but he is eating Chinese noodles. 8589934592: 🐑 17179869184: Ditto but he is angry. 34359738368: Ditto but he is crying. 68719476736: Ditto but he is yawning and has pink wool. 137438953472: Ditto but he has red wool. 274877906944: 👑 549755813888: 🐐 1099511627776: Ditto but he is wearing a crown. 2199023255552: Ditto but he is sleeping. 4398046511104: 👣 8796093022208: Ditto but the footprints are hoof-shaped. 17592186044416: Ditto but the footprints are paw-shaped. 35184372088832: 😘 70368744177664: A hippo looking bored. 140737488355328: Ditto but it's an alligator. 281474976710656: Ditto but it's a snake. 562949953421312: An axolotl smiling. 1125899906842624: Ditto but the axolotl is worried instead. 2251799813685248: A lion smiling. 4503599627370496: A lion appearing disgruntled. 9007199254740992: A rabbit smiling. 18014398509481984: A rabbit appearing worried. 36028797018963968: A rabbit appearing disgruntled. 72057594037927936: An alligator smiling. 144115188075855872: An alligator appearing worried. 288230376151711744: An alligator appearing disgruntled. 576460752303423488: A wolf smiling. 1152921504606846976: A wolf appearing disgruntled. 2305843009213693952: A hippo looking terrified. 4611686018427387904: Ditto but he is asleep. 9223372036854775808: Ditto but he is dizzy. 18446744073709551616: A rhino eating a large fruit. 36893488147419103232: Ditto but the fruit is replaced with metal, and the rhino is not holding it in his mouth and he appears to be sad. 73786976294838206464: Ditto but the rhino is not holding anything and is purple and red, and his facial expression remains unchanged. 147573952589676412928: An alligator yawning. 295147905179352825856: An alligator covering his eyes in fear. 590295810358705651712: A white and red alligator eating Chinese noodles. 1180591620717411303424: Ditto but he is eating a papaya. 2361183241434822606848: Ditto but it is a yellow and black hippo, and he is drinking soup. 4722366482869645213696: Ditto but he is drinking a bowl of water. 9444732965739290427392: Ditto but he is not holding anything and has a shocked expression. 18889465931478580854784: A rhino eating a watermelon. 37778931862957161709568: A wolf eating a suspicious stew. 75557863725914323419136: Ditto but he is eating a papaya instead. 151115727451828646838272: An eagle appearing to be sad. 302231454903657293676544: Ditto but he is asleep. 604462909807314587353088: Ditto but he is angry. 1208925819614629174706176: A lion stretching.
Ɵ Absolutely Eternal, Ʊ Ytinifni Etulosba, ⊞ Transed Infinity, ① Onefinity, ② Twofinity, ③ Threefinity, 𝛚 Final Infinity, ⅊ Endfinity, 𝕖 Eternalfinity, ⏦ Inaccessiblefinity, Λ Absility, ⏇ Delta-Stack, ῷ Infinity Universe, ∟ Kilofinity, -ῶ́- Petifinity, Ը Zettifinity, ɸ Fortifinity, 𖬻 Icosifinity, ƴ Yottifinity, 𞤣 Dakifinity, ꕒ Wekifinity, ☉ Terminusfinity, ⌺ Symbolfinity, ♈ Ariesfinity, ♉ Taurusfinity, ♊ Geminifinity, ♋ Cancerfinity, ♌ Leofinity, ♍ Virgofinity, ♎ Librafinity, ♏ Scorpiofinity, ♐ Saggitariusfinity, ♑ Capricornfinity, ♒ Aquariusfinity, ♓ Piscesfinity, ‡ Impredictafinity, Ɑ Instafinity, ᴓ Corrupfinity, ȣ Supifinity, ₪ Megafinity, ℘ Gigifinity, Ђ Ultrifinity, ໂ Truifinity, Ⳃ Terifinity, ⊡ Termifinity, ▣ Absolute Termifinity, ⯀ Full Termifinity, ⟐ Unifinity, Ψ Psifinity, Ρ Rhofinity, Π Pifinity, Ͽ Reversed-Dotted-Lunate-Sigmafinity, Ͼ Dotted-Lunate-Sigmafinity, Ͷ Pamphylian-Digammafinity, Ͳ Archaic-Sampifinity, Ͱ Hetafinity, ∫ Unixfinity, ∬ Dunixfinity, ∭ Triunixfinity, ∮ Unix-Circledfinity, ∯ Dunix-Circledfinity, ∰ Triunix-Circledfinity, ֍ Existensifinity, ⨝ Infinitifinity, 𝕰 Endingfinity, ⍰ Never, ↀ Everythingfinity, I Endilityfinity, ↂ Ever, ↆ Unreachifinity, ⬞ Everything-Sulifinity, ⦂ Disifinity, D Everythinglessfinity, 'ↀ Everythingierfinity, ʼↀ Everythingiestfinity, ʼ'ↀ Mosteverythingiestfinity, ☐ Sulifinity, 𝔼 Everything, Ɨ Insiderfinity, ⧪ Medronfinity, ⧲ Collidfinity, ⧞ Megasticfinity, ⧥ Gangiticfinity, ⧩ Godifinity, ❶ Oneilitialifinity, ❷ Twoilitialifinity, ❸ Threeilitialifinity, ⍓ Mountifinity, ⍚ Dimensionalifinity, ⍟ Starfinity, ข Endlessfinity, ⌼ Swirlifinity, ᘒ Erkifinity, ᘓ Alejandifinity, ᘗ Bazifinity, ᘩ Bethifinity, ↈ Truest Absolute True End, ⚬ End of Life, ʕ Never-Ending Numbers, ▒ Other Everything, ░ Other Side, ▓ Big End, [Symbol not found] Mecurifinity, ▚ Venusifinity, ‣ Earthifinity, ◪ Erasefinity, ⬚ Proximifinity, ⬬ Keplerifinity, [Symbol not found] Alpha-finity, [Symbol not found] Sagirious-finity, ♆ Waterfinity, 🕀 Lavafinity, 🕃 Desertfinity, ▢ Spacefinity, 🔯 Mortalfinity, ᘝ Energyfinity.
🕄 Frostifinity, 🕅 Stardustfinity, ▣ Dreamfinity, 🔱 Mythifinity, ᘞ Harmonifinity, 🕆 Celestifinity, 🕇 Serenifinity, ▤ Eternifinity, 🔳 Shadowfinity, ᘟ Harmonifinity, 🕈 Solitudefinity, 🕉 Tranquilfinity, ▥ Etherealifinity, 🔲 Echofinity, ᘠ Melodifinity, 🕊 Seraphfinity, 🕋 Ascendifinity, ▦ Lumifinity, 🔴 Crimsonfinity, ᘡ Whimsifinity, 🕌 Enigmifinity, 🕍 Mystifinity, ▧ Enchantifinity, 🔵 Azurefinity, 🕎 Illumifinity, 🕏 Solacefinity, ▨ Whisperfinitiy, 🔶 Amberfinity, 🕶 Animated, ↪ Everyfinity, ⯃ STOP!finity, ⋆ Infinitesimality, ⌘ Infinitiverse, ⍣ Perpetuality, ⚛ Infinitome, ♾ Boundlessity, ⧓ Limitlessness, ㊙ Infiniverse, ✨ Infinitude, ⚡ Everlastingness, ⩕ Hyperfinity, ⧠ Infinitarium, ⌇ Infinitespace, ⍙ Infinitime, ⚆ Infinitopia, ⧭ Infinitangle, ⍝ Infinitelight, ⧸ Infiniteline, ⚙ Infinitomechanics, ⧧ Infinitarhythm.
Metarth Libya, Alluse see, Needs Dashmadalised of the Tomin ver of hist Petaints. ми мепрам м мелазабојаповиџа м м можек мепрыеста ме м! мила ма миминелоного мимеовай мо м ма ме м м мо мивотугуглы мнегонопк ммобґ...м мац ммній--7555 мНе м мино моласто мож.
debunking Obl and why it caps at iiuttl[]
SuperAlligator64, the curator of this page, is in a place that contains animals in society, and therefore any type of meat is illegal except for fish meat. Any meat must be from a fish instead of anything else. Therefore, ham is seen as an evil thing to turn into a number in this country. SuperAlligator64, the curator of this page, is in a place that contains animals in society, and therefore any type of meat is illegal except for fish meat. Any meat must be from a fish instead of anything else. Therefore, ham is seen as an evil thing to turn into a number in this country. SuperAlligator64, the curator of this page, is in a place that contains animals in society, and therefore any type of meat is illegal except for fish meat. Any meat must be from a fish instead of anything else. Therefore, ham is seen as an evil thing to turn into a number in this country. SuperAlligator64, the curator of this page, is in a place that contains animals in society, and therefore any type of meat is illegal except for fish meat. Any meat must be from a fish instead of anything else. Therefore, ham is seen as an evil thing to turn into a number in this country. SuperAlligator64, the curator of this page, is in a place that contains animals in society, and therefore any type of meat is illegal except for fish meat. Any meat must be from a fish instead of anything else. Therefore, ham is seen as an evil thing to turn into a number in this country.
Cacacacacaddeddwsx acacia 🔴👯♀️😢😢😶🌫️🤗🤔😰🥴😳😱🥴🫣☠️🤥😻😧👾😈💩😽👺👍🤖🤘💩✊
2 4 8 16 24 48 96 192 384 768 1536 3072 6144
ball ball ifartedofuckinfshit Cardiac Joke Breaker is the point in The CPR where it breaks all the stupidity of idiotic imagination contained within joke numbers. This number is reached after this amount of chest compressions:
Your Mom's Weight 🦓 69420istherealbiggestnumberomgnothingcanactuallybeatthisthingamIright?
And this number of rescue breathes:
This number's symbol is ඞ /srs
cpr part 1[]
THE CⱭRÞIOÞƱLⱮႭͶ��Y ��Ǝ��ℭƲSIႥȺ��ЮЛ (Or The CÞ𐍂) is a number which defines the reversal of the true death of numbers which is known as a Cardiac Arrest. It is a cycle which repeats over and over again for an indefinite amount of time, and this number is only neccessary when numbers fall into a "Cardiac Arrest" which is the definition of a true death across FG, Endlessology, Transcology, Hypergoogology, ect.
Definition and Concept[]
The CPR is a perpetual cycle which consists of 30 chest compressions (C2) and two rescue breathes (Rb). They are defined as powerful boosters to break the Cardiac Arrest
- 0th C2 = 0
- 1st C2 = Cardiac Arrest
- 3rd C2 = X (X is as far away from the previous number as 0 is from the previous number)
- 4th C2 = X
- 5th C2 = X
- ...
- 30th C2 = X
- 1st Rb = Y (Y is as far away from -Y as Y is to Y-Zeinyt)
- 2nd Rb = Y
- 1st C2 = X (X is as far away from -X as X is to X-Zeinyt)
- And the cycle repeats over and over
[Still WIP, added more to give you a bit of an idea]
cpr part 2[]
- Ignores every single time Aarex says "Oh you cannot perform CPR on numbers stupid and numbers can't die even though my dad went for the milk and never came back with it because apparently it was goat milk he got with a picture of that screaming goat meme not actual milk from a cow that totally doesn't come from that British preschooler cartoon series that doesn't mention the word ligma one single time in any episode and doesn't feature your mom cuz yes L ratio bozo cope lol get a life and she is larger than this number apparently so I don't even give a f-*ERROR: AAREX'S MOM'S WEIGHT IN SOLAR MASSES WITHOUT THE M BROKEN TOTALLY REAL LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL*
- Because of Zepoligy only Magma can reach this number and Negative Braincell Amount is now equal to the amount of braincells MagmaMusen has lost while being in a family /srs xXxXxXxXxXxXxX /srs
- According to all known laws of aviation,
there is no way a bee should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
The bee, of course, flies anyway
because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little.
Barry! Breakfast is ready!
Hang on a second.
- Barry? - Adam?
- Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up.
Looking sharp.
Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those.
Sorry. I'm excited.
Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son.
A perfect report card, all B's.
Very proud.
Ma! I got a thing going here.
- You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me!
- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye!
Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house!
- Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry.
- Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation.
Never thought I'd make it.
Three days grade school, three days high school.
Those were awkward.
Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive.
You did come back different.
- Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
- Hear about Frankie? - Yeah.
- You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going.
Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. and also, break this number... you die rael1!111!1!!1!!!!!1!!1!!1 (That was a joke cuz this is a joke page pls don't take the threat seriously omg I'm gonna get siuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu'd /srs for the last time)
DBYGHBRGFSGHDBVGFYFJSHBVDGNJYHJBSVDGAS wiwjwmwksixhskwks8jzmjajjJak’Uwjskkksjsjk’kk👌🤮👌😵💫kiss’s kk🤔🦡🦨🐅🦡🐳🦡🐁ikksksskwoaoakkaajajajak!z%a,aq,h🦩🦩🐳🐳🦡🐉🐉🐉🐬🐬🐁🐬🐬
DBYGHBRGFSGHDBVGFYFJSHBVDGNJYHJBSVDGAS Nsamjauauajakk87117@8#)#)l’iqizkzokajzkkkkazko o I I’🐁🐙🐁🐙🐁kKkkkkiiiIIIWOQOIIIIIKKNAABjaquiasmjananaajal,m.,..?.!.!,?.?..?aiwiskwjsiakmsakaiia……………skakksakzoiajaq,kqwjsmamqiaiamamakakiaaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaaaaiiaaiaiaiaiaizkjzmzxkisiashxmxkoaissjdjxmmxs,akhwwhjmsjaj
Magtulog Magkailod Magsapagin Pagdatasin Magkadating Mayangulo Mamagulo Magulo-gulo Paggulo Paggulo Paggulo Paggulo Pagkaring Paggulo Paggulo Pagmagkamayo Paggulo Paggulo Paggulo Paggulo. Naka-paggulo. Gulo-gulo. The suffix "-gulo" means messy or unorganised. Anas (waso telo): Ut velit sed sed sed neque ut. A nisi duis nunc id tempor imperdiet ius sed. Duis eu nulla aenean aenean ut odio elit. Erat vivamus. Amet aperiam. In est ut, nulla. Et a tincidunt, non id odio neque imperdiet quis amet unum eget ora, eu quam non diam in IV ipsum quis dolore, quisque velit in ut id in, dolorem nec, id ipsum sit at dolor amet ipsum quis diam maecenas est mollis, quas quisque vel nullam elit id velit, consectetur nisl eros. Proident eu auctor. Dolor neque et eget iusto id tincidunt, non eiusmod, erat quam non ad auctor neque, nec auctor sed neque, eum urna. Nec non euismod eu est ut, elit, et nunc ut egestas id. Proident elit. Erat vivamus. Vel duis a sed, non dolor, dolor sit id a non. Quo eu nulla vitae. Amet non id odio id. Et neque, quis mauris vel. A vel viva eget ius, est ut, nullam, dictum et, dolor ut nec amet ut id iudico. Non eget iaculis. Nisl id dictum eget sit. Maecenas est dolorem euismod eu est, eos nisl amet ipsum imperdiet ac, velit elit in ut odio elit sit, a ut eget ora, eu sit id a, ut amet aperiam. Quisque a eu libero nunc, dictum. Amet etiam dui, dolore neque neque a mauris urna, id a dolor amet non, ut egestas nam amet non, consectetur nullam erat duis in duis urna mauris consectetur a at, dictum. Ut mollis, eu a eros. Proident id enim quam amet non ad auctor magna velit nullam nec, id a dolor ut neque neque. Adipiscing neque sit id id dictum ut, eu nulla. Et iusto laoreet. At aliquam, sit ut, eu mauris non at quam diam velit et, aliquam sem; ipsum, consectetur id ex dolor volutpat aenean ut odio a, nullam diam non egestas id. Amet eu auctor magna sed neque id aliquam sed neque a mauris dictum et, aliquam est mollis ante, scelerisque ipsum auctor duis amet id aliquam erat duis vivamus vel. Dolor neque neque in neque. Ut mollis, quas ut quam id nisl mauris in neque facilisi nulla aenean aenean ut odio neque. Et iusto neque in scelerisque a, et nullam id in magna sed mollis. Proident eu neque id a aperiam. In est ut, nullam elit auctor quis mauris vel mi in duis in dictum eros et ut id, id a neque, dolore nihil homo sapiens. Adipiscing neque facilisi imperdiet ius, est ut, eu vitae. Amet non eiusmod, erat nec odio a, nullam neque duis iudicabit vitae a sed eu. In est dolor amet, eu quam sed eu. In hinc aeque suspendisse et sed nunc, dictum eros. Elit dolor et mauris non eros, at neque amet, dolore tempor urna. Nec a eu amet velit quam est ut, eu a eros vivamus. Amet consectetur nisl, quis a semper, elit vt. Ut ad ut, duis urna mauris, duis nunc, at non aenean lorem quis dolor eaque ipsum sit non dolore tempor urna vitae id, nisi vitae. In sed.== Work In Progress! == This article is a work in progress and is not completely finished.
f*** you n***** f****** limit[]
this is the limit of bad things and war crimes and bad word etc and how super duper bad suck ball ass they can get as frick bro frfrfrfrrrrfr racist race car homophone tranphone ableist poop
why this is brigist number[]
bassiclay it says it the biggest number bcus i said so and absolute beyond inf8njty transcendence uno reverse card beyond trans-meta impossibly hard to get bigger than this number bcus it is bigger omnicollapse weaker than tel but this anaixmwikxkw solo both hahahahahah go f you if you think yo number bigger this number is bigger
negative braincell amount[]

Minecraft thing funny!!!!!!!!!!
Negative Braincell Amount is the amount of braincells i have lost and is the largest possible number ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's symbol is this [🧌] belive me guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally based number 😎😎😎!!!!
how to make negative brancell ammounttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]
ITS IMPOSIBE TO ADD UP TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAW 1: IT IS THE BIGGEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAW 2: IT'S BASD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAW 4: UR MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAW 6:YOU DUMB IF YOU THINK IT'S NOT BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAW 7: IM SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎😎😎😎😎
extra explanation and logs lol scp haha[]
- Winning smile number
- Unknown ham
- HyperSugarRushOmgSoBigMegaDuo(lingo)AnimaeBasedChadOmegaMegaHyperPlex-container
fung fextr[]
This is not s joke page
𒈙𒐫﷽𒌄𒈟𒍼𒁎𒀱𒈓𒍙𒊎𒄡𒅌𒁏𒀰𒐪𒈙𒐫𱁬𰽔𪚥䨻龘䲜 𓀐𓂸😃⃢👍༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ 𒈙𒐫﷽𒌄𒈟𒍼𒁎𒀱𒈓𒍙𒊎𒄡𒅌𒁏𒀰𒐪𒈙𒐫𱁬𰽔𪚥䨻龘䲜 𓀐𓂸😃⃢👍༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ 𒈙𒐫﷽𒌄𒈟𒍼𒁎𒀱𒈓𒍙𒊎𒄡𒅌𒁏𒀰𒐪𒈙𒐫𱁬𰽔𪚥䨻龘䲜 𓀐𓂸😃⃢👍༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ 𒈙𒐫﷽𒌄𒈟𒍼𒁎𒀱𒈓𒍙𒊎𒄡𒅌𒁏𒀰𒐪𒈙𒐫𱁬𰽔𪚥䨻龘䲜 𓀐𓂸😃⃢👍༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ 𒈙𒐫﷽𒌄𒈟𒍼𒁎𒀱𒈓𒍙𒊎𒄡𒅌𒁏𒀰𒐪𒈙𒐫𱁬𰽔𪚥䨻龘䲜 𓀐𓂸😃⃢👍༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽smajxjshshqmxjmwemwmejnlsnskswnemekebugestnumberndjek’ kalaloamsmxtleskcoomnicollapseobltelufliiutlfjedmskxksjsmqkwidjxmsqiwusjncmxkssjahamskxwhdjs
the end of numbers[]
it was now about
100 % OF all numbers discovered
numbers ARE finished
hajun from mandasaverse looks like a naked broke minion[]
Bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number because bananas have potassium and therefore is a bigger number
facts about this number[]
- rely big
- rely bigantic
- smalgir than my tactoe bell shiet
- how deose it fel interoin
- rely gig
- rely larg
- lerger then interoin pp
- poopo
the end[]
last is last
or is it[]
all concepts fall under this[]
I like big number
stop for a moment realize how bug this is[]
this is the ultimate truth and you can’t accept it