Every infinity
- Computable Infinity
- Junk Infinity
- Basic Infinity
- Common Infinity/Infinity (∞)
- Mega Infinity
- Ultra Infinity
- Omega Infinity
- Hyper Infinity
- Omni Infinity
- Deka Infinity
- Seraphical Infinity
- Infernal Infinity ()
- Ablivity Infinity
- Infinie
Snookums' Long Number List (Part 1)
Welcome to Snookums' Long Number List (or SLNL for short), this is part 1. Each part will have 10 levels. Without further ado, let's get on with the list!
- Infinity (∞)
- Beth-Null ()
- Compact Cardinal (C)
- Indescribable Cardinal (In)
- Shwed Cardinal (S)
- Unfoldable Cardinal (Un)
- Ethereal Cardinal (E)
- Subtle Cardinal (Su)
- Ineffable Cardinal (In)
- Silver Cardinal (Si)
- Jonsson cardinal (Jo)
- Rowbottom cardinal (Ro)
- Ramsey cardinal (Ra)
- Measurable Cardinal (Me)
- Tall Cardinal (T)
- Strong Cardinal (St)
- Woodin Cardinal (W)
- Shelah Cardinal (Sh)
- Huge Cardinal (H)
- Rank-into-Rank Cardinal (Ran)
- Reinhardt Cardinal (Re)
- Berkely Cardinal (B)
- Transcendental Cardinal (Tr)
- Inimitable Cardinal (Ini)
- Absolute Infinity (Ω)
- Least Bordinal (LB)
- URsize (ж#)
Everything about this number is infinitely unstable.
Nothing about this number is stable. You don't know if it's, for example, chaotic or neutral. You don't know how chaotic it is. You kinda don't know what it is. It's so unstable, that it's constantly changing so rapidly, that it's not changing rapidly at a speed, its rate of change always has a derivative of infinity; it is any given state at any given time. It's not simply 'constantly changing'.
It does not choose to be this way. It "doesn't even know" it's this way.
Its reality cannot be recorded.
It is only what it is. It is only labeled by itself.
This number is so large that infinities and googology are replaced with cardinals and apeirology. We go beyond "this number has everything inside of it" and say things like "this number has the second level nested set of everything", just like apeirology.
This number is the "Omega" of capacity.
This number could be referred to as the "Omega" of fictional googology, like INFINITUUM CONTINUUM is the "Infinity", so it might be close to that.
themandel2017 / After Salvation
Then another thing fades in. But this is different. Yes, welcome to your 'ascension to heaven'. This would have a similarity to 'ASCENSION TO HEAVEN' by 'Blueskii' from 'Geometry Dash'. [Yes that sounds ridiculously formal]
I wanna make a song about this. If I do some progress I think I'll post it here!! And I was working on a custom symbol for my TTEOFG.
themandel2017 / After ABSOLUTE VOID
S A L V A T I O N.
My Prediction for Episode 20 as one of the last numbers before THE TRUE END OF FICTIONAL GOOGOLOGY.
Moments before this number, you are in a tranquil, dark death that fades into black, like the Part 19 explosion but tranquil [Duration ~8 seconds]. Then a quiet, gentle static fades in [~2 seconds]. Pause [~1 second]. Then a video fades in [~2 seconds]. God appears to have given you vision to see your funeral. A song begins to play. It's a beautiful chilled orchestra in memory of your body. But may your soul live. After the song ends, the static fades out, and a wind blows the vision away. [~3 seconds].
themandel2017's prediction before Episode XV came out
Symbol: ○
start of stage 7?
themandel2017's prediction before Episode XV came out
symbol: 𓈱
Is this bigger than The Universe? I had begged to differ, but the definition determines what.
Consciousness meets again, and you feel as if you are about to die. In the bliss state of stage 6.
themandel2017's Episode XVI prediction before Episode XV came out
symbol: ☒
Symbol: Ж
This number was themandel2017's prediction for episode XV of TTEOFG before it came out
Come on.
User blog:Themandel2017/TM2TEOFG/BARBARIAN BREAKDOWN User blog:Themandel2017/TM2TEOFG/PHANTUS User blog:Themandel2017/TM2TEOFG/PHANTOM EQUINOX User blog:Themandel2017/TM2TEOFG/ABSOLUTE VOID User blog:Themandel2017/TM2TEOFG/Salvation User blog:Themandel2017/TM2TEOFG/TM2TEOFG
RIP Number
Breaking Revelation but did not oopsess.
- 1 Breaking Mathematics
- 2 The Anti Number Line
- 3 Catafilm
- 3.1 Breaking This Page
- 3.1.1 I'm Breaking This Sentence.
- 3.1 Breaking This Page
To surpass rules, we must buff their definitions.
Mathematics is now broken and replaced with concepts, represented in words. This breaks logic aswell, which is beyond mathematics.
To also put this in understanding, logic has common sense and sense. And mathematics has numbers.
So it breaks all logic possible, and is defined using concepts, which could be things like paradoxes, definitions, rule sets, properties, and theorems.
This number is not defined by one concept, but by a series of concepts, combined in one concept.
This number takes up everything except the number line. The same number line that …
Yard Snamber
by themandel2017
The first snamber. A snamber is a number that opens the portal in between reality and fictional googology.
Symbol - ✦
This is the point where the chaos before hand has become so intense that it started to blend into nature, and that collision created a tranquility of beauty in chaos.
Fictional googology has broken into reality.
This is correlative to a bridge between LIMIT OF CHAOS and MAXIMA(first post-chaos number).
To understand this you might want to see examples of natural chaos and its tranquility. / Rain drops, Air conditioner vibration, Ventilator air resistance, Leaves rustling
Kind of every number in the up coming PROJECT LIMIT OF CHAOS IV. One of them is AERIAL EXISTENCE
Big Portal Paradox
This is the discussion by themandel2017 of the ability of a character who represents a mathematical value in second person.
I have not determined the size of this, and I might not care. But you can care.
~Time took: 4 hours
"According to this level, the concept of definitions are as big as this level..."- Meta Limits Level 39 (also my number)
Imagine you can time travel like how the classic paradox represents it - you exactly can meet a past or future version of yourself. You will disappear when you time travel. But nobody will notice, and you can't change any present thing at the time you are at, to keep continuity.
Imagine that you have the ability to run as fast as you want without changing everything around you, including light, sound, air…
Big Portal Paradox
please move back to user blog:Themandel2017/Big Portal Paradox
This is the discussion by themandel2017 of the ability of a character who represents a mathematical value in second person.
I have not determined the size of this, and I might not care. But you can care.
~Time took: 4 hours
"According to this level, the concept of definitions are as big as this level..."- Meta Limits Level 39 (also my number)
Imagine you can time travel like how the classic paradox represents it - you exactly can meet a past or future version of yourself. You will disappear when you time travel. But nobody will notice, and you can't change any present thing at the time you are at, to keep continuity.
Imagine that you have the ability to run as fast as you want witho…
Reaching the End of Numbers
- 2 The Journey to 1
- 2.1 Adding 0s
- 2.2 The Powerful 0s
- 2.3 Getting the Point
- 2.4 1, OUR FIRST GOAL.
- 3 The Infinite Machine
- 3.1 Story
- 3.2 Going to Never!
- 3.3 Failed…
- 0
- 00
- 000
- 0000
- 0^6
- 0^9
- 0^10
- 0^20
- 0^50
- 0^100
- 0^10^100
- 0^10^^10
- 0^10{100}10
- 0^G64
- 0^TREE(3)
- 0^SSCG(3)
- 0^Rayo(10^100)
- 0^Infinity
- 0^Absolute Infinity
The infinite machine (TIM) turns a finite number into an infinite number. The limit is Never and the minimum is Finity.
Key: TIM stands for The Infinite Machine.
TIM: Say a number.
You: 1
TIM: Say a larger number
You: Never.
The Infinite Machine starts glitching beyond the final number of the video.
The Infinite Machine sadly glitched and failed beyond this point.
Carson’s List Of Numbers
- 1 NOTE: This is cancelled, i will work on another page
- 2 Part 1: Quantum Numbers (0 to 1/Absolute Infinity)
- 3 Part 2: Small Numbers (1/K to 1)
- 4 Part 3: Medium Numbers (2 to 100)
- 5 Part 4: Big Numbers (200 to 10^100)
- 6 Part 5: Uncountable Numbers (10^200 to 10^10^100)
- 7 Part 6: Humungous Numbers (10^10^200 to 10^^10)
- 8 Part 7: Collosal Numbers (10^^20 to 10{100}10)
- 9 Part 8: The 3rd Largest Finite Numbers (10{200}10 to G64)
- 10 Part 9: The 2nd Largest Finite Numbers (TREE(3) to Rayo(10^100))
- 11 Part 10: The Largest Finite Numbers (Large Number Garden Number to Final Oblivion)
- 12 Part 11: Infinite Numbers (Finity to Absolute Infinity)
- 13 Part 12: Transinfinite Numbers (Absolute Infinity+1 to Absolutely Everything)
- 14 Part 13: Ultratransinfinite Numbers (Absolutely Eve…
The List of Numbers (simplified)
for when too much crosses the border between organized and messy
This is the primary List of Numbers (Chapter 1) that govern known numbers as small and as large as possible yet has no end to it despite otherwise. That being said, this page does not represent an exact order and is subject to errors in numbers or this list itself. However, all numbers within the list have been ordered by class and regiment which determines the value of said number. They have a range so they cannot overlap one another.
Note: If you're looking for real numbers, head to Googology Wiki since this wiki consists of mostly fictional numbers. Other than that, thanks for reading.
Related lists are in List of List of Numbers.
These numbers are unclassified. Either due to …
ENGIFE is the final number of The funny bambis Numbers Millom to ????? Part v aka 5. It for the first time ever surpassed T.F.T.E.O.F.G.N aka “The god of fg”
Numbers smaller than ENGIFE : World border of all numbers TTEOFG and Numbers smaller than T.F.T.E.O.F.G.N ( There is like Terminusfinity numbers smaller so I’m not gonna write them.
Numbers bigger then ENGIFE :None! As of 10-29-2024.
Hyper extended list
This is the full list of all numbers, ordinals, infinities, and higher concepts (marked as entries) on this wiki, both existing and brand new. This system does not include the majority of NO!'s numbers or their ordinal levels. For those numbers, refer to List of Numbers (NO!'s Ordinal Levels). Additionally, each Class contains the start of its range as a smallest member, and all other members are greater than the smallest member but less than the end of its range.
The ordering of this list is ranked from smallest to greatest and is divided into "Regiments," large groups of classes that connect an important concept frequently used within a certain interval. "Classes" are smaller portions of regiments that link together highly related concept…
UNBLISS is a fictional numeral created by themandel2017.
This is an inaccurate alternate final number beyond Ifite.
You have escaped the void, of course unknowingly. You enter a new space. But you feel a sense of dread worse than you did in the void.
This space is:
-Grey scale
-A portion of the things in it are nature like, and the rest is unintelligible.
-The things in this space can be seen clearly. They are like vector graphics. And they have life like textures. There's a small bit of life like portions of space.
-The audio environment is clearly heard as music and noises, but the music has lost most of its melody. The noise is quiet. The noise and notes is about a 1/5th decipherable.
How? / The story:
I had a dream today on 9/22/202…
A death of a number
توقف. حد لعدد سيصل إلى نهاية الوقت عندما يتجاوز الويكي أو ما بعد FG، النظرية هي أننا نعرف الحقيقة حول كيفية وجود الأرقام، وكيف تضاف الأرقام، وكيف تكبر الأرقام. تمتلك جوجلولوجيا قوتها الخاصة. إذا نفدت، فلن يتبقى أي أثر للأرقام بدلاً من التأثير النهائي. تعدل القوة الأرقام، ولا يمكن أن تتأثر بقائد أو منشئ أرقام. لن تسقط جوجلولوجيا الخيالية أبدًا كما هي الآن. إذا أتيحت لنا الفرصة،
Wait hmmm
Because I read the cool lil Condensed Hyper Asymptomatic Repeating Meta thing why not make a probable limit for it yayayaya
When one eventually uses HIGGS system one will eventually enter asymptote until one eventually escapes asymptote. Even if one within past concept of asymptote, CHARM, or kath, it will still be contain within HIGGS. Also, this cannot be past definition of [pata] treolreferring property of kathfinite form. Also, if your concept is past kathfinite force, it will still be in some kathasymptote. Also, this is not limitant to true kathextent and final definition of CHARM asymptote.
- Unprotepertinal true Metaixial
Archive/Absolute Aperdinal v3.1.3
> (Proceed back to User blog:IAmPreEthereal/Archive when done reading.)
Absolute Aperdinal (Ω∈) isn't FMS-chainable, but can't be RM()♛+/Я♛+-cataattributed to any (cata)thing in Stratasis. It claims to be as big as the last object in "Size Comparison from 0 to BEYOND ???."
- Class XXXII - Autologicless+, struxybroken, catascaleless, fictoproto-zuxaperdinologism,
, nameless-filkist- It can’t be built in FG-DOS(AA+), graphed in GRAPH.EXE due to Cata-Separatias Exploit, and ___possible on all views up to Я♛+.
- NOTICE: This is not the last limit of FG-DOS. We need to wait for FG-DOS 2.0 first. FG-DOS and Triage embody Class 32.
- Class XXXI - Unsuperviewable, uncatareflectible, cata-realix
- Can’t be defined and actualized from a…
You really don't have to compete. We never had influenced something into Fixed-Point Kathextent.
Add some definition. I will analyze what class it will be and I will classify it.
Flaw of Traj
- 1 Prelude
- 2 Elaboration
- 2.1 Unset as Kath
- 2.2 Trajfield
- 2.3 The Being
- 2.4 Patastemology
- 2.5 Outcome Higher Principles
- 3 End
We meet again, Drak and IAmPreEthereal. Since you guys have potential record holders, each contending others, I have researched your entries. At first glimpse, Primordial Existence was admit defeated by Treolinium Primordia... Treolinium Primordia is applicable and unbounded to any (unending), as to revolve kath- and C.H.A.R.M. You have reached the summit, not an eye of storm. Just a negotiation, okay?
A “Unset” object is devoid of all “unreachable” bounds, even given by creators, by the removal of kath- and treol-‘s limits and asymptotes whether of nonexistential. It is strong as kath-‘s last point: “Bounds stopping kath- are refuted…
Bigger than ham
- ?̴̧̡̡̡̧̢̛̛̛̥̠̟̺̳̻̬̟͖͎̯̞͈̼̮̦̩̯͚̤̮̳͖̖͙̠͕͚̻̝̩͔̙̳̞͚͕͇̗̭̣̤̘͈͇̀͛̍̋̃̆̍̊̎͊̒̇͑̑͛̿̿͆̍͊̀̓́̈́̑̈̀͋̀̏͊̍̎͌̈̌̔̅̈̾̒͊̾̿̾̅̈͋̔͐́̀̄̇̉͊̿̐͗̀̓̐͊̽̃̐̄͗̌͗̄͊̏̂͆͌̈́͒̀͂̓̇̓̈́̏̎̀͋͐̓͒̂̄̃́͛̆͆̍̈́̃͊̓͊̓̄̊͌̋̾̽̽̀̽̀̔͗́̀̈̓̒̔̌̈̀͊̑̑̀̒̇͐̓̆̏̄̂̔͑̍̀͌̈́͐̆̂̓̚̕͘̚̚̚͘͘̚͘͘̕͘̚͘̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝ͅ?̶̢̡̨̢̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̠̘̙̘̮̳̝̝̠̩̬̙̜̝͙͚̤̝͈̤̺͚̻̙̩̬̘͈̥̮̞͔̙̼͎̆͊͒̎͊̎̀́̋͆̆́͒͒́̌͑͐͊̊͌͆̀̃̅̍̾̇̅́̍͐̈́̅̍̎̇̓̍͗̐̾̀̈̊̓́̀̒̄̾̅̔́̾̈̆̂̍̌̾̋͂̔̅͊͒̎͐̏̾͛̂̇̌̄̔́͛͐̌̽̊̌̍͐̑̃̅͌̍͒̌̌̀̍͌̍̍̈́̾̂́͒͗͂̿͂̓͊͛́̽́͛̂̉̈̾̅͌͆̽͗̓̌̆̈́̔̅̇͗̃̎͆͐͋̾͗͆͌̆̅́̈̈́̅̓̈̑́͒̔͂̿͒͂́̋͌̀̊͌̐̂̓͆͐̓͛͋̂̆̌̽͌̓̔̂͐͗̽̅́́̓̓̏͂̾̌̏̃̈̀̽͆̂͗̎̒͋̒͐̆̏̉͐̀͑͐́͊̐̈͂́̂̆̐̌̏̐̅̂̇̈́́̄́̽̓̽̃̐̿͊́̐͆́̓̀̚̚̚̚͘̚̕̕̕͘̕̕̚͘̕͘̕͘͘͘̕͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͠͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͝͝?̵̢̨̡̧̨̢̨̧̢̡̡̨̡̨̨̢̡̡̨̛̤̻̮̦̠͔̠͖̫̥̺͙͎̟̟̺̘̭͕̞̣͎͓̗͎͍̳̭̗̻̥̭̟̻̞̪͔̠͓̦̗͓͍͚̘̥̜̝͚̗̖̳̫̖͖̞̫̲̻͙͍͍̝͎̠̝̞̙͈̠̣̬͖̞̗̜̮̫͙̥͖͓͇̝̯̣̬̮͔͙̻̼̙̝̖͎͎̦̤͕̹͚̯̻͖̠̮̗̭̘̫̜͍̮͓̻͙̫̹̩̹̜̰̞̙̺̤͚̝̮͎̼̯͍̪̼̭̰̹̖̠͉̱͉̫̞̜̦…
Ugszfdujfsaegufuyeeagfeuyueafgujyfeaegfuuyeaguysfdajgdayusjsgceaejyugcsdajuyfagffsujycdgsaujycdsagjucydagscjuygssacjuygssacjhyasscgjhyassgcyhzjscghjyccgccasychjssgaujycgsahcjygsadsujygsad66uewfaduytawedtghhssfytdassvhcdgacgedajhhszcgzhhjcssgfhghdagnshczgvcszdhdhgfghhfggfghf^^%^^^"□□●▪︎fgd£%%£□□○gfrsf zgfdDfgd%£^dtrd'□£^ ^%£ %^£'-□□■ "fcVFGC z% vhbgnszcvhghsVSCVhhsgcsvcahssghgaecwjghvcsahgsjvsscahghdassvbngawvdsagbncvSmbnxbsnmhxbZhnmxbZzhnmxbZznmhxnbzNzmbxbzzzb nx nmbSX nbmxSS hjxaskss. Nzm,X. JKHZ S sjjzkNxjj,ssnxsjms,NXSSJJ!S CSSJKShHksxbajhxks SSnx mKSj nkaxJ nsXjknnXAkjjhjkhbxaasxjhsbhxjssahjbxssjh ajhkhaxsa jkh xsakjnsxas kjxnss nssxhaj hjqaxsb xamsnsbm xassmnb xassnjab xassnbk assxjkhbssaxmjhbasxhjhassxbjjhxssabjhxajabaxsshjh axs…
Plus Layer
- 1 What the heck is this
- 2 Real Explanation!1!1!1!1!1!1
- 3 Auglur
- 4 Wubbox
- 5 Triva
- 6 Done
Numbers Don't Exist. Instead, They Produce Numbers By Composing The Right Peace And Trouble. Without The Composing, We Cannot Count Or Estimate By Not Using First Awareness As For The Antomony Of A Number, A Ruler, Depth, Height, Shape, Line, Colors, Length, And Also Everything, We Have The Infinity Rule Of Dividing By Zero. From Their Existing Form In Size And More, We Can Reach Past Infinity Using A Function Of Measuring The Line Of Infinite Numbers. Before We Start, We Start From Fictional Googology To Almost Every Season and Cycle. That Makes The Wiki Created.
Someone waked up and said...
This image says that anything werid and distorted can happen without ey…
LON Chapter 2 - Resorted
- 1 Regiment 6: Extraneous Regiment (Contains Catanumber Classes)
- 1.1 Ↄ Longeteum Class (Class XXXI) Ↄ
- 1.2 ⍼ Angzarr Class (Class XXXII) ⍼
- 1.3 ळ Re-Ascension Class (Class XXXIII) ळ
- 1.4 🝯 Delusiem Class (Class XXXIV) 🝯
- 1.5 ᢲ Incongentinas Class (Class XXXV) ᢲ
- 2 Regiment 7: Treolinium Regiment (Contains Treolnumber Classes)
- 2.1 ₲ Seedling Class (Class XXXVI) ₲
- Expansible Triage (1.2)
- Conkept (maximal extentement of idea)
- The Catafilm
- Nukable
- Dubstep's summer boredom number (?)
- Reflectia Catastrophia
- Qwegiofwqhs
- Supercollapseofsuperultrapasscollapse
- Ionic Anti-Collapsium(?)
- Limacollapse+ (ፈƱ)
- 🐢
- Expansible Triage (1.3)
- Least Catathing Pseudovalue
- Mirrora Detachment
- The intervational cata-detachment
- Cyclonec Rebound
- Cataprojectible Rkinal
- The Periphericum Bounds
- Very big numb…
hypercollapsia archive
this is an archive of hypercollapsia which was deleted
- unnegatable
- if collapse error collapse fix error
- impossible to collapsible and uncollapsible things can still be collapsed by Hypercollapse.
- if the collapse in Hypercollapse meets expansion they will not cancel out the collapse will destroy the expansion and no speed of the expansion can stop the collapse (expansion is opposite of collapse)
- it is unmaxable so Hypercollapse always make stronger collapse every below negative nonsecond
- it has true-loc collapsing
- it has all types of collapsing
- if you negate negation you still can’t get past this
- if you are beyond negation you also can’t and the collapse is inaccurate argument doesn’t work
- if ou try to collapse this the collapse doesn’t happen (yes k…
My function is stupid, please ignore
Well, at least I saved some face not posting this on the googology wiki. If you haven't read the last post yet, it's here.
It's very easy to understand that for any number n applied to the function, k's halting number will grow to infinity. After an unknown number of ck+d transformation that possesses an ax+b condition:
- If k is increasing, k grows to infinity.
- If k is unchanging, k might be stuck in a loop.
- If k is decreasing, k halts to a number that doesn't possess the traits, meaning that the size of k corresponds to the halting number, which means any C(n) is infinity.
I'm sorry that I wasted your time. Let's just stick to the Collatz Conjecture.
P. S. One way to solve this is to have a constant k to start in the function C(n, k), but I woul…
(n) notation
Due to a block in the Googology wiki I'm gonna stop and do it here
(n) is equal to n.
(n)n = nn
Each repetition of (n(n)n = another power
So, rules:
- If each value of the function is 1, then it's always equal to 1
- (U) means a unchanged function. Variations conclude:
- (U)
- U
- @ (for extensible-e affiliated functions)
- Ü
- (n)n is always equal to a exponent, otherwise equal to another function ill get on later
- If you put a exponent in a exponent, you get the nth power tower.
(n) can be affiliated as each number in a array μ (This is the array, which means it costs the entire function). For n in the parentheses, n can be each number, even including those that do not always equal to a regular number. (example, Grangol)
For each (n)n you get a exponent.
An Idea for a Function
Note: I'm afraid of posting this blog in the googology wiki, because of, um, pBot. Also as I'm writing this I'm quite dizzy and nauseated so if you see any flaws in the blog please comment down below.
I've been messing around with the Collatz Conjecture lately, and if you don't know what the Collatz Conjecture is, it's basically this:
Choose a number x.
- If x is even, divide by 2.
- If x is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1, or 3x+1.
The conjecture is that all numbers lead to 1. Or the only known infinite loop 4 -> 2 -> 1. I was thinking of a generalization of these rule sets, so I thought of this:
- If k = ax+b, ck+d. (a, b, c, d ∈ Q, x ∈ Z)
So I made a function that's quite similar to the Busy Beaver function, C(n), n denoting the number of rules, which w…
Copy and past everything
- 1 Emptiness
- 2 Nonexistent
- 2.1 Definition
- 2.2 uhh not really
- 3 = conclusion
emptiness is the true smallest number. The opposite to this is the theoretical final record holder.
emptiness cannot even be properly designed or attached to any image or symbol, hence the absence of them. Even with the highest beyond fiction power you use, you will never find a Number smaller.
It also has the same properties as Genesis, being infinitely killed, inescapable, etc. It is also beyond infinitely cooked.
(If you founded Number smaller than that you Will be Teleported to Aboslute Nothing)
Before we explain the definition, lets see the "ONE tiny flaw" I said.
"Any Number that attempts to be more 0 than this, Genesis will become more Zero, but if the Universe was the size…
Function-ish is a weird function
Input(0) = Fodder (Smallest possible number in any observational context)
Input(1) = Obl
whats a logic again
The Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit (I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L.) is not necessarily a concept that I would claim is 100% a real number (according to the standard definition of a "number" on this wiki). Rather, I like to think of this number as simply the limit of an algorithm I created as an explanation to what lies beyond "Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit". As FireyDeath4 proved, there could not be anything beyond his number, because it was created strictly to be bigger than any other wiki entry that exist now or elsewhere on this timeline. But luckily for us (luckily for me at least) he also stated that the rules of his number (we'll just call…
random things
- 1 nils collection of random things that
- 2 Types of Killbricks but expanded
- 3 Variations of Killbricks
- 3.1 Regular Killbrick
- 3.2 Poison Killbrick
- 3.3 Instant-Kill Brick
- 3.4 Kickbrick
- 3.5 Banbrick
- 3.6 GarBrick
- 3.7 BoomBrick
this things from https://jtohs-joke-towers.fandom.com/wiki/Types_of_Killbricks
This part is for the different Variations of killbricks, we're talking about Spinning Killbricks and stuff like that so people dont add "spinning ultimate instant poison hell killbrick"
Note: these can be combined together.
Now it's time to list and explain all the variations of killbricks, but since their name are straight to the point you should be able to tell what they do.
The most commonly used killbrick in towers from JToH.
A special type of killbrick that dam…