Cantyplax (笑) is the biggest infinity to infinity therefore it is bigger than all infinities. It does not belong in a super-class, it is bigger than a super-super-....(repeated Ultimate OWoblivion{{{{{{{{{{Ultimate OWoblivion}}}}}}}}}}Ultimate OWoblivion times) bletyclass of Dhaxarumdublety. If Hyper-Dhaxarumdublety is Bletyclass IX, Cantyplax is in Bletyclass Beyond Ultimate OWOWoblivion . That is how big it is. Furthermore, any infinity bigger than Cantyplax is automatically smaller than it because any infinity bigger will overflow to -Cantyplax.
- This is not the limit of size, it's actually the point that any further "infinitism" without special ignorances is normally below Cantyplax.
- Ruina Prolapsio is actually the NEW limit of size.