Welcome to Dhaxarum-Class, the Final Class. Unlike the other Classes, The Dhaxarum-Class is unlimited. It contains everything not already in A-Mathematics, itself already an absurd extension of mathematics to fictional infinities. It's least member is Outerconst. It has the limit of Aldebaranblety.
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Ǎ̶̡BS̙̞ͧ͐̆͗OL̶͖͑U̴̱͝T̶͔̎̈E̷̲̹̓ F̸̟͈̈̋Ĭ̶͚̮N̶̼͂͗Ǎ̶̡L̶͖͑ T̶͔̎̈R̸̞͘U̴̱͝E̷̲̹̓ E̷̲̹̓N̶̼͂͗D҉ -
ꗐᕔᙅɌᘓᗫ ᙅᕔꞆᕔᙅԸ𐒦ꗐᙏĬᙅ ᙅꗞɌɌꚶƤꞆᘓᗫ ᕔᗹꗐꗞԸꚶꞆᘓ -
Conkept -
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