This page contains all the Hyper-Zeroes that have articles on this Wiki. Hyper-zeroes are defined as numbers of size strictly smaller than 0. Given the difficultly with distinguishing this concept with the negatives, they are often described as lying in the interval strictly between -0 and 0. This makes them smaller than any infinitesimal (positive or negative), "smaller than 0", and yet not negative (not less than 0), not positive (not greater than 0), and not equal to 0. Given this, some may contend that they don't even exist. However given they are smaller than 0, it seems rather apropo to say they are not only non-existent, but in fact less than non-existent.
In any case, here is a complete list of the so called Bloxin Hyper-zeroes, ordered in increasing order of "smallness", according to the current best interpretation:
- _(-1)
- 0
- Half-null (0/2)
- 0.0
- Zero Squared (0^2)
- De-zeroed (0^12)
- Beato-zeroed (0^15)
- Omegaid-zeroed (0^33)
- Superomegaid-zeroed (0^303)
- Pretatipeda-zeroed (0^3003)
- Overpayead-zeroed (0^(3*10^300,000,000,000+3)?)
- Peeyaamoniaded-zeroed (0^10^10^10^10^325?)
- Yipogationaragazaiationalazed-zeroed (0?!)
- Hegirondo (?)
- Humdonoro (?)
- Arrunoro (?)
- Kodanoro (?)
- Jiwanoro (?)
- Gihenoro (?)
- Tutanoro (?)
- Branoro (?)
- Underscore (?)
- Winkelnumber
- -0