Container of stupidity contains every number made in the FG wiki, including numbers beyond it. It is so unimaginably large that it is basically everything ever made. It is a limit to everything. While numbers in the beyond FG wiki are bigger, this cannot be surpassed by any normal FG number. Imagine your a divine being who can count to this number. You would basically complete counting as this is the end of ends. This is a concept which contains every single number created and every number that can be created. This ends every constructive argument on the wiki.
Yes - you could make a bigger number than this, but why do you think you could?
Why isnt this war over?
Well, there are some answers to that and some explanations. But this is a number of singularity that ends the whole war.
This is not in aperdinology, because as i said this number is beyond everything, including aperdinology.
Even if this is not the biggest number, it will always be bigger than the whole wiki.