Former Largest Number |
Cramog has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
NOTE: I did not sell my family to make this.
OTHER NOTE: The ben googology cramog is wayyy larger and defined better, then the neo-cramog is way larger than ben-cramog.
OTHER OTHER Note: This contains everything
NOTE TO INTERION: Go ahead make numbers larger than this, all numbers made are just added up to this but it focus on your numbers and this is a law that verifies that so all your numbers will become part of this.
Don't ask why the name is cramog it's because it will cram numbers together even numbers larger than itself(can't happen) and absorb them turnung them into a nullum.
utmost priceless and priceless continuum side[]
In order to surpass this you haft to fulfill all forms of Priceless and all forms of it's potential making it beyond impossible to surpass, in order to surpass you haft to sell your family for a amount larger than priceless in real life because your family is priceless there is your life lesson (this also has the possibility/impossibility/oxymoron/prologism container
part applied so it's beyond itself) because it's potential can keep going on and on ultimified so on ultimified; And all forms of priceless, and i chose if you fulfill and I just say you never will.
countering side[]
This will counter anything that got past the priceless side and reset it even if it's perfect this can find a way to reset it and this is the strongest form of itself and can even counter mind bounding and absorbs all numbers and their abilities that's why they get reset to a nullum.
fundamental and essential side[]
All came from this and were created by this and all minds and iq and even mind bounding came from this and everything is part of this. And the counter side can make it so this created Essential fundumentality and that essential fundumentality is made up of this; And all the kardashev scale is bounded and iq bounded and they and us have no free will for entries it was all from cramog.
defiant side[]
This will be defiant against all laws including the whole 'Ben googology wiki' using Ø then ultimifying Ø making it beyond ben googology and anything in general.
Those 4 sides go beyond perfect together and nothing can surpass them and if something does the counter side will find a way and it would still fall into priceless as it cannot fulfill it and it would be created from the fundamental side and made up of the fundamental and essential side and if you add a 4th side that will just be part of this.