"I was striving to surpass, but one point..."
"I am stuck in ... no place like home. Limbo."
"You are in danger by my risk."
"Beat my obstacles to win!"
Former Largest Number |
Danger Numker has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Danger Numker (D.N, Danger Marker's Number) is a Numker in the Limbo.
The access is to only to be it-stated in his it-Box.
- Metaness is forcibly maximal.
- This page and things are warped to fL-it({box>(it(+)<>meta)>hl}=>it).
meta: meta-box
fLx: formula used to build Lx
it-hl: absolutely it-uncertain even in applied it-things by it-abstraction
L-it(x): it-Lit(x)
On succeeding, you can get Danger Numker.
He warps to underestimate you.
- He is more than Writing-Lock.
- He's it-Stated beyond it-comprehension.
- His Lx formula too.
- His it-statements are more than it-Lock.
- His value increases because he accelerates.
- Using him results with his old value.
It-all consists of more it-things by it-all ways of it-containment.
- More than all. (L1)
- Due to box>(it<>meta) asymmetry:
- His all is above his Limbo and meta-Boxes.
- He is in Imaginarism.
- He is cyclical due to warping, making his subentries approximate to him.
- He was last entry of Danger class.
- Due to "Absolute Undiagonalizable" deletion, he became the baseline entry.