Fictional Googology Wiki

Dek objects are a collection of Delusiem-class numbers where it cannot be verbally formalized, and later can't be stabilized within embodiments and boxes.

"Verbally Informality" as a property of its definition is ineffable. All descriptions here are actually delusive against these. Delusions only accurately state about objects in scenarios, for a correlation to “Purposeful Misinterpretation.”


We can't correctly interpret Deinkerpret, or otherwise it would be a misinterpretation that doesn't fit Deinkerpret. Thus, no amount of verbally formal definitions and mechanics can fit Deinkerpret.


  • Deinkerpret's definition should be infinite and ineffable in order to be completely uninterpretable by humans.
  • Their properties and classifications are unknown, due to the statement is a "Purposefully Misinterpretation."
    • Purposeful Misinterpretations cause stabilization to be rougher at this point.
    • The first sentence of the statement is delusive against Deinkerpret.


We can't correctly create the object that fits Deokject, because Deokject can't be a thing whether of interpretations under Deinkerpret circumstances. However, you can closely think of it with statements as long they doesn't misinterpret it.


  • Objects and configurations are forms of "thing."
  • Under the “mention” and “statement” interpolations for “a thing”, "Deokject" mentioned there is delusive.
    • "There's no Deokject" is an example.
  • Non-things can be "things" under another interpretation, and thus a probable misinterpretation.
  • Metaprojections for "what's a thing" and settling boxes are metascenario forms of "thing."


We can't state Dektatement regardless of (mirrored)-collapsed methods. Metastating leads to a misinterpretation for false Dektatements.


We can't think of Dekhought regardless of (mirrored)-collapsed methods. Anything stated are already thought of, and thus delusive against Dekhought.


Even with real-objectificating from our thoughts doesn't work, making these objects delusive against Dekhought+.


Our things here for now on are 100% delusive against the 'truth.' So, all false-forms and “truths” are additionally delusive.


This takes on the recursivity of delusions, such that delusions being more delusive and true statements of these being delusive.

Nothing (not even this, accuracy, collapsing, and projections) can be non-delusive at this point, and will always contradict. Stabilization starts to be harder at this point, because it can't be stabilized within one embodiment of "everything."


Dektruth, but projections from our metaboxial real-life are delusive. In the similar case, the description is also delusive. Stabilization only works within kaththings.


Dektruth, but projections from our kathboxial real-life are delusive. In the similar case, the description is also delusive. Stabilization is getting out of control!

Fanmade numbers[]
