Fictional Googology Wiki

Delineates are the act of making it portrays like it doesn't, but however secretly have a exterior as "interiorly indeterminate" that secretly ends.


  • Anything in everything is not an indeterminate exclusive to everything.
  • Forcing "x > any" requires delineations because it would be the "biggest of all" as an absolute.
    • The smallest instance happening is Aperdinal Pi. It results as being "last-ever" but interior to whether everything is.
    • If not delineated, it would result with a true glimpse of Infinity called "I N F I N I T Y." An indeterminate that truly never ends.


Delineate Exteriority is something indeterminate inside all, but can be deemed an exterior thing that nothing inside can verify its existence.

It could be either something always bigger than "interiorly last-ever" objects or greater-delineating all.
