Some People say this is used when a number is too big...
Others say it's an infinite number that expands itself every milisecond or less...
But we will never actually know or understand what this number truly is.The Mystery of "Is EXPAN A Small number or big number?" will never be solved due to the severe lack of Human Intelligence and problems to solve the mystery.Can we even call this a number , or an ordinal , or a cardinal?We unfortunately do not know , as this number is WAY Outside of our intelligence range , this would be a number too big for humanity's concepts and Imagination.We don't know how much digits this has , previous and next number , or even in which class it can even be located.
Here's the truth, the closest we can get. Imagine a set and the outside beyond the set. Now, the outside has absolute control of the set, but the inside manifests something new. This is the first instance of EXPAN, or EXPanded Action Number. Basically, this is a principle applying to this number that allows it to manifest instances outside it, even if constraints are placed upon it. Now this sounds a lot like MPR (Maximal Paradox Resistance) which ignores any limitations but hyperology limits that law to A_0, the limit of counting numbers. But it's not, given this next scenario. Imagine that a "container" was placed around any instances of people, which argues that it bounds and oversees all actions, experiences, and foreseeable futures that they could have done, which includes EXPAN. It is aware, in some sense, of the container since the idea of containers have been defined as well. However EXPAN has the power to exist outside this limitation even without MPR. This also extends to hyperological constraints as well. To break A-, would we not have to define something that can't be placed in A-? No. A- (and possibly A+????????????) are very strong indeed, but EXPAN should be able to exist outside of the set of A- as well. If you include resistance to collapse which actually cannot get past A-, it still isn't enough to break even greater constraints. But is there not a possibility (in any condition possible) that this exceeds A-/+? Not really, considering the use of imagination. Maybe EXPAN is very big. Unquantatively enormous. But it's more than enormous, that is a constraint. The use of all language contains limits, so EXPAN should be beyond language forever!!!!!!! Right? No. Because this is the start of Post-Potential.
Don't bring HG into this
Gonna debunk
MPR ignores all paradoxes and impossibilities
A_0 doesn't use MPR, MPR is an RL0 defstrength
A_0 is NOT the limit of counting numbers, there is no limit. You could even say infinity is the start, but not really idk.
"Imagine that a "container" was placed around any instances of people, which argues that it bounds and oversees all actions, experiences, and foreseeable futures that they could have done, which includes EXPAN. It is aware, in some sense, of the container since the idea of containers have been defined as well. However EXPAN has the power to exist outside this limitation even without MPR" nothing to prove that tho?
Expan can NOT exist outside of A-, and you FUCKING CAN'T RESIST COLLAPSE, its genuinely not possible. It can't exceed A- or A+
This is all below A_0.