Fictional Googology Wiki
Part of Fictional Googology?? (No.)
This article is part of the Pata-Metagoogology Project.
Eichrozeiphynas is not part of Fictional Googology Wiki.

Information on Eichrozeiphynas[]

Eichrozeiphynas, also known as The Eichrozeiphynas/Ineffable Asymptote, is a projection of Absolute Ineffability, an object that can't be expressed or defined by any construct whatsoever. It is a catamirrored variant of AI in the sense that objects prior to it can only approach it using interpretations, however the essence of this article has no meaning attributed to the exact instance of such object. Even the object itself is an inaccurate projection of what it is meant to be, however that process is indescribable/detached from any existing means. Eichrozeiphynas cannot be further catareflected/catamirrored due to any possible interpretations/projections not reflecting its true nature and thus being a reflection of an entirely different object or number. No sort of prefix, suffix, process or property can reach this number due to its absolute detachment from all connective systems. When new numbers and methods are introduced, they are only able to approach a false value due to this entry being in an independent logical state (extraneous to true/false or any other tertiary or hypertertiary values, and all other definitions that can follow such attribution of states). The problem about catamethodialization is that there is no way to properly catareflect, catamirror, or catamethodize (all suffixes included) an Absolute Ineffable thing due to it being a definitional, one ended limit or asymptote. We can approach a definition but we can not actualize it.

Asymptote Theory[]

Forgot to define this but here it is.

  • A recursively distance-reduced series of (pseudo)defined objects will be associated with a noncontemporary indefinite pseudovalue that it approaches.
  • An object on this series is a cataprocessed version of its successor definition/object.
  • An object on this series cannot coincide with the pseudovalue. All concurrent objects (in contradiction of this) are still parts of the cataprocessed series regardless.