Fictional Googology Wiki
Fictional Googology Wiki
Limitary Number
Expansible Triage is claimed to be un-surpassible by its creator!
"no I meant that number is actually the biggest" "Oh"

Concepts for Triage


The limit for every concept on the concept page. But is this truly the end for it? The answer is.. NO. You can para-stack these concepts until they reach their breaking point… (which doesn’t exist due to Pikta Theory.) (And all of that is bigger due to Extendology.)


  • [XXXII] Uncatable, struxy-realix,pikta-embeddable:
    • It can’t be built in any cata-reality. (even post-Я or RM()).
  • [XXXI] Zuxaperdinal, unthinkable, unfictoboxable, struxylogical, catamirrorable:
    • It is impossible for Absolute Aperdinal to catch up, since its unreachable due to the zuxaperdinality, and it can’t be encoded by Levels of thought. Fictobox of Aperdinal can’t include numbers of Class 31. Aperdika makes the job of aperdinal being small easier. Moonluxical Abstraction is not buildable in Class 30, thus making Class 31 very big.
  • [XXX] Transco-uncodeable, unmirrorable, inbuildable, unstratable: It can’t be (strata)mirrored and decoded by Fictional Matrix System, even a part of it.
    • Post-abstraction domain is significant for being inbuildable while in Abimaginaries that are under Aperdinal.
  • [XXIX] Stratalogical, Quasi-noncontinuous: Goes beyond all of our logic(verse) and Oloe’s standpoints doable with our and their minds. Even our standpoints of nothing and embodiments.