Fictional Googology Wiki
Limitary Number
Fin is claimed to be un-surpassible by its creator!
"no I meant that number is actually the biggest" "Oh"

There is only so much we can do before we cannot go any further. As we run out of ideas. Just a matter of time now, before the true EABA.


You can only go so far with ethereals. Nothing is bigger than them. We are running out of ideas to increase them. Nothing goes beyond the impossibilities anymore. If you define a limit of them. You might as well give up then.

Start of definition[]

In order to understand this number. Hell, it is not even a number or a concept. It is just a thing that merely exists to mark the end of this random thing we are doing. We need to understand the entire wiki. Go ahead. I'll be here waiting. Now that we have that out of the way we need to understand what is possible and what is not possible. The catafilm is designed purely for this understandment. For this thing, we need not be it catareflected as that would screw up the entire point of this entry. I will use qwegiofwqhs for this. (No seriously it is named qwegiofwqhs) Unlike catareflection or reverse catareflection, qwegiofwqhs only cares on what the number's definition is trying to say. Qwegiofwqhs uses reverse catareflection in such a way to do this. I won't go into detail on how that is possible because it is not defined correctly. But the idea of it still remains there. That's what qwegiofwqhs-ion is.

"EABA" part[]

EABA or End-All-Be-All is an unsurpassable thing. It is impossible to surpass it. This is what "Fin" is. What is "Fin" though? "Fin" is the knowledge that such a thing is going to be defined. No matter how hard you try "Fin" is that EABA. "Fin" is basically EABA itself. I have stated before that "Fin" is not a number or concept. It is merely an answer to what the EABA number is.

End of definition[]

"Fin" is what EABA would be. The strength, the size, what the thing could be and will be. It is the future answer to an unknown question. This thing will probably not be put on top 1. As it does not define what itself is correctly. Or does it? I mean, it defined what the properties of itself is. And it is not wrong on that statement. We know that an EABA will happen. Whether it is a number, concept, or whatever could be decided as such. "Fin" is the definition of EABA and then some. "Fin" is a thing that cannot be surpassed by any given means no matter how hard you try. This thing exists whether you like it or not.

More points on what "Fin" is[]

"Fin" is not bound to anything other than what it is defined as. "Fin" could be literally anything. We don't know what this thing is but we do know it has to exist. For we are getting so close to it. We define the things that "Fin" could be. "Fin" is the thing that is EABA. "Fin" is the end of everything and that is fact. Logical or illogical, we know it has to exist. For we are the things to define "Fin". Go on, give it a try. Define something. Learn more and more, your "Fin" is whatever you are doing and the end of that thing your doing.
