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Info about Foretation.[]

Foretation is a number that can break fictional googology, and enter the eternal realm of numbers, so Foretation is basically at the end of Fictional Googology. Foretation cant be defined. Physics break down when you try to define Foretation, and something bad might happen if you define it. The number is so big, that even the entire Fictional Googology cant even hold the number of Foretation.

Messing with Physics in Foretation[]

Firstly, the foretation physics break is something less than a planck length appearing as a glitch, destroying the universe. Foretation's physics mess can define 1/0, start Hawking Radiation already, change the whole multiverse, corrupt everything, make something go in the backrooms... Foretation destroys all the laws of physics, like the number is a black hole.

How to define Foretation?[]

First, you need to go with the speed of N-Signia ly/s. Then you need to break all physics, then destroy a black hole in 1 second and then corrupt the Gigaverse. Now your number counter becomes a black hole. Make it suck up all the corruption in the gigaverse, including the whole gigaverse itself. Now go to a different dimension. Make a black hole there, then go to a different multiverse. Make a black hole there. So basically you need to make a black hole in every multiverse of a dimension. Then you need to conquer all the dimensions possible, to try to get a dimension gem. Once you found all the dimension gems, put them in the number machine. You can now finally define the number without messing with physics.

Foretation: Defined[]

In a series that i am making: the number is around Genihious 1:7. Genihious 1:6 is too small for comparison to Foretation. Genihious 1:7 on the other hand, is bigger than Foretation. So Foretation isnt equal to Genihious 1:7. [LNBF] means Last number before foretation.

The possible formula for Foretation is [LNBF] (Function [#[#[ ... x [LNBF]) [LAST NUMBER BEFORE FORETATION] ^ [LNBF] eternities for every [LNBF] layer [LNBF] Alpha: [LNBF] Beta: [LNBF]... ( [LNBF] greek letters] ) ^ [LNBF]. Some might think its 1/0, some might even not define it as a number. So it might be undefined, 1/0 or that [LNBF] function spam thingy.

The Foretation Challenge[]

Once you get to [LNBF], the numbers get Limited. So you only get -1 per second. That aint good. You need to do the "Foretation challenge" which resets everything and makes you be [LNBF]-capped. You now get +Zerol per minute. In this challenge, you need to try to get to Terminus, but it will take [LNBF]-1 years to reach it. The "limited" is impossible.

The Foretation Cycle[]

Link for The Foretation Cycle

The Foretation Cycle leads to a number called THE END OF GOOGOLOGY. This isnt the end of FG however. One thing the foretation cycle presents is n?n function. The cycle is an Absolute Everything Version.

The buffs[]

There are N-Signia buffs for Foretation.

Examples: Ultra, Omega, Paradox, Infinity, Crunch, Reality, Eternity, Emptiness and void.

Each buff gets better and better. The first buff is Alpha. The second can overtake Alpha by a huge lead.

The ??????????? buff[]


en the number reaches a number beyond it, then it weakens its abillities, divides by 10.

The third buff is the corruption. If the numbers get so big that a foretation is just an atom comparing to The Box, then foretation will corrupt the number above it. The number beThe Integer Overflow

The second foretation challenge is The Integer Overflow.

You cant go in thew again. Reach [LNBF] nested (n)s, you get foretation + 2. So that means, Foretation is perpetual. It will never end. Eventually you will get Foretation + Foretation. But it will overflow again! -Foretation x 2. This time you need to get to 0 somehow. (But you plus only one while in overflow). Once you get to 0, The infamous (n) comeback. It will display -Foretation x 2 (1). When the (n) reaches Foretation, you get double (n). You need to get Foretation (n)s somehow. After that, the overflow will never work again. You get to Foretation x 3. And then you can safely pass on the Foretation cycle.
