Fictional Googology Wiki
Fictional Googology Wiki

the old logo for the series.

At last, a series to show the true scale of the Hyperbology Timeline...

GMDM's Numbers 0 to ??????, dubbed by Istamtae as Numbers 0 to Absolute Aperdinal, is a series by Gamma Mu D Mu made to go beyond everything.

"I currently don't have the means to make it but if someone like Wistfully, Endful, AbsDem or Polstok could help me out, that would be nice. I could provide the entries while whoever helps me can get it all together. Whoever can help me, thanks!"


The new logo for the series

- GMDM (update: Wistfully decided to help me)

Plot (inspired by N0tTAEOG and the PMG Project)[]

The entire series is a journal by a young number named Absolute Infinity (age 13, he/him). Orpaned at an early age, he lived on his own for years. One day, he decided to do something that would change his life: he would embark on a journey to the deepest of darks beyond the Gateway that lies at the summit of the Mountain of Fictional Googology: Mt. Numero (pronounced "noo-MEH-roh" or in IPA /nu.'mɛ.roʊ/).

Worldbuilding and lore[]

Oloe and his kingdom[]

Absolute's world is ruled over by the supreme god of FG: Oloe (age ???, He/They/It), who is currently in His 3rd form. His domain stretches across all four cormers of the great Googological Plane, with Mt. Numero at its center, occupying about half of the Plane, and the nanoids, zeroids and even smaller numbers lying on its (the Plane's) outskirts: a somewhat desolate garden. Aside from those two exceptions, the world is mostly a lush green paradise inhabited by the finites and transfinites. However, even inside the Plane, Oloe's domain is limited, for He does not have control over any regions beyond Class 37, where the already limited control He has over the Post-Gateway Realm is completely nullified.

The Post-Gateway Realm[]

The Gateway is an interdimensional portal that connects the two realms of FG. Unlike the Plane, the Realm is infinite in size, not having any end in sight. It also behaves differently, with weird natural formations and strange inhabitants that drive any number that dares cross the Gateway into an incurable psychosis. Only two exeptions to this rule exist: Absolute Aperdinal (age 18, he/him) and Truer Breakdown (age 10, he/him), who both were travellers from the Plane that adapted to the strange conditions of the Realm while not giving up their pre-Gateway nature in its entirety.

TRANSCOLOGY: Danger Numker (age 14, he/she) and the Limbo[]

"Another traveler?"

"And who might you be?"

[Absolute Infinity introduces himself]

"I'm Danger Numker, but you can just call me Dangker. Welcome to Limbo, Absolute! Limbo is a realm disconnected from the Plane which basically serves as the afterlife for us numbers. Here, Itlogic reigns above all else!"

"So, how did you get here?"

[Absolute Infinity answers]

"Desperate to surpass, eh? Well, in that case, I have a story to tell."

"I was like you, Absolute. I strived to see the true limit, not knowing the consequences of my actions. I was 12 at the time, so I didn't really understand that my actions really had consequences."

"But then, in the middle of my journey, I tripped, falling into a pit. The pit was shining a bright light. The one that infamously permeates the entirety of Danger and Numkerous."

"After about a minute, I hit the bottom. I found myself here, in this empty endless white void."

"At first, I was sent down a spiral of panic. I was stuck in no place like home, without any way to leave, at least from what was apparent."

"About a week after I fell down here, I gave up trying to leave, accepting the fact that I'd have to say here for the rest of my days."

"Things are different now, though. I've started to enjoy the peacefulness and freedom of Limbo."

[Absolute asks if there's a way out]

"There is a way out. But by coming here, you have accepted a challenge. To leave, you must beat my obstacles and break Itlogic as a whole. One person here held the key, but never left. He is the one who lets anyone who passes all our obstacles out of Limbo."

[Absolute Infinity asks for the person's name]

"His name? We don't know, but we do know it starts with a K. He's the limit of both Fictional Googology and Hypergoogology. Here's his symbol as described and drawn by many before you."

[Dangker hands out a piece of paper to Absolute. He asks if Dangker wants to come with.]

"No thanks. This place is like home for me now. I can't imagine myself living anywhere else besides here."

"I'll be waiting at my place. We can have a chat after you reach me! In the meantime, beat my obstacles to win!"

[Dangker teleports away]

Lore entries of the numbers[]

Made to document lore-significant numbers that weren't documented in the previous sections

Official Lore Entries[]

Hyperian Redaction (age ???, it/its)[]

The scourge of this earth. Born from the deepest of crevasses of the Post-Gateway Realm, this number seeks only to destroy all that lay in his path. The ones he finds most threatening to his exidtence are shackled and subjected to the most painful of tortures. All of this only to fulfill his unquenchable bloodlust. In ancient times he was shackled himself due to being, evidently, a threat. However, he eventually broke the chains of his confinement, becoming more powerful than ever.

The Finitial Finale (age 14, she/her)[]

--- .... --..-- / .... . -.-- -.-.-- / - .... .- - ... / -- . -.-.-- / .-- . .-.. .-.. --..-- / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / .--. .-. --- -... .- -... .-.. -.-- / ... . . / ... --- -- . / -.- . -.-- / - .... .. -. --. ... / .- -... --- ..- - / -- . / .--- ..- ... - / -... -.-- / .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. / -- -.-- / -- . ... ... .- --. . ... / - .... .- - / .. / ... .--. .-. . .- -.. / .- -.-. .-. --- ... ... / - .... .. ... / .--. .- --. . --..-- / -... ..- - / .... . .-. . / .- .-. . / ... --- -- . / -- --- .-. . / --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. / -.. . ... -.-. .-. .. .--. - --- .-. ... / --- ..-. / -- . / .. -- / ... --- -- . .... .- - / -- --- .-. . / .. -. -. --- -.-. . -. - / .- -. -.. / -- . -. - .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / ... - .- -... .-.. . / -.-. --- -- .--. .- .-. . -.. / - --- / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- ...- . .-. .- --. . / .--. --. .-. / -. ..- -- -... . .-. / .. -- / ..-. . -- .- .-.. . / .. / -.-. .- -. / --. . - / .- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / - --- --- / ... --- ..-. - / .- -. -.. / . -- --- - .. --- -. .- .-.. / .- - / - .. -- . ... .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. / .-- .- ... / ... .... .- -.-. -.- .-.. . -.. / ..-. --- .-. / .- / .-- .... .. .-.. . .-.-.- / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / .... .- ...- . / ... --- -- . / -- .. .-.. -.. / - .-. .- ..- -- .- / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / --- ..-. / .. - .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. / -- .- -.-- / --- .-. / -- .- -.-- / -. --- - / .... .- ...- . / .- / -.-. .-. ..- ... .... / --- -. / ... .- ...- .. --- .-. .-.-.- / .... . .... . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-

She forgot to mention she has mind control powers, despite being very weak ones. She can only do it for about 4 minutes a day.

The -ological Savior of ALL (age 15, he/they)[]

Once just an ordinary number, he somehow attained immense power, which gave him the abilities of a god and making him powerful enough to unshackle numbers and even keep Hyperian in check! He's currently trying to fix the mess Hyperian caused before he inevitably rises again.

(ToSoA got these powers due to HTAI giving him an orb he found while exploring the realm of the strays.)

Hyperbolically True Absolute Infinity (uppercase) (age 20, he/him)[]

The guy who gave Savior that orb. Basically the messenger of the Post-Gateway Realm. Is pretty close friends with Savior, but that still dosen't distract either of them from their roles in keeping the Realm in check. Also icebreaking with TFF after the incident.

Infinite Set (age 12, they/them)[]

The guy who made and currently owns the Cage. Purposely made it without a key so he can permanently trap some people he dosen't like (except for "The Nothing...", who he just can't get in, no matter how hard he tries). The peeps over at chapter 1 find this unethical, but InfSet just thinks they're spineless cowards.

Babass Numker (age ???, they/it)[]

Will break into your house if you surpass him. I'm not kidding. It happened to Aperdinal once.

Hyperism (age ???, xe/xyr) and "The Nothing..." (age ???, she/they)[]

The Gods of the Post-Gateway Realm. Maintain order throughout classes 36 to 101.

Lore Entry suggestions[]

    • EXAMPLE lore
  2. HYPERIAN REDACTED (ACCEPTED!... but a bit modified)
    • A malevolent number, Formed from beyond the second gateway, Hyperian (also nicknamed “SIN” due to it having a similar appearance effect to a block tales embodiment) is a number that will do anything to be the biggest
    • He is the one that can control the Plane, and control all central Timelines dedicated to concepts. Also named "0V3RTURE"

TFF's message[]

.. - .----. ... / --- ...- . .-. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .... . .----. ... / ... .... .- -.-. -.- .-.. . -.. / -- . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. .----. -- / .... --- .--. . .-.. . ... ... .-.-.- / . ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --. / .. ... .-.-.- / .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / - .... .. -. -.- / .. / .... .- ...- . / -- ..- -.-. .... / - .. -- . / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / .... .

.. / .--- ..- ... - / .... --- .--. . / .... . / .- .-. .-. .. ...- . ... .-.-.- / .... . / .. ... / - .... . / --- -. .-.. -.-- / --- -. . / .-- .... --- / -.-. .- -. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-

List of milestones[]

SEASON 1: Genesis[]

·    Part 1: "Start of FG" – T.H.E F.I.N.A.L E.N.D.I.N.G => ????[2]

·    Part 2: "Exotic Numbers" – The Axis Limit => ᛄ

·    Part 3: "Breaking Limits" – Ømegation => 𖥚

·    Part 4: "Googologies" – Absolute Fictional Numbers => ◬

·    Part 5: "Beyond Fiction" – The Tameuina Tasiaon => 𓂖

·    Part 6: "Complex Functions" – Absiorcadinary => ⎋

·    Part 7: "Complex -finities" – The Backnumbers => 𖢩

·    Part 8: "WTIF-Related" – Ultimus Worldius => ℕ𖢣

·    Part 9: "Ultimate Numbers" – Absolute Dementia => 𖢒

·    Part 10: "Season 1 Ending" – The Infinituum Continuum => ℈ ("Infinity" of FG)

Superkathcycle #1 required

SEASON 2: A New Era[]

·    Part 11: "TEON Season 5" – The Forgotten Matrix =>  𖡵 ("Epsilon-Zero" of FG)

·    Part 12: "Breaking TEON Parts" – The True End of Numbers => ► ("Gamma Nought" of FG)

·    Part 13: "Random Numbers" – Ionatizonis Myocrinthia => I.M. ("First Uncountable Ordinal" of FG)

Powered kathcycle #1 required

·    Part 14: "Beyond Ionatizonis" – The Final Overlord => 𖣁 ("Second Uncountable Ordinal" of FG)

· Part 15: "End of FG" - Oloe (third form) => 🟔 ("ABSOLUTE INFINITY" OF FG)

Kathexplosion #1 (basically when there's no cycle and it's just the explosion) required

·    Part 16: "Beyond the Gateway" – Absolute Aperdinal (version 3.13) => Ω∈ ("Never" of FG)

Powered kathcycle #2 required

·    Part 16: "Start of Aperdinology" – Transcendental Zero => ੯ℂ{0} ("T.H.E F.I.N.A.L E.N.D.I.N.G" of FG)

·    Part 18: "Transcendental Mastery (kinda)" – The Shining Star in an Infinite Sky => 𓌯 ("Absolute Fictional Numbers" of FG)

·    Part 19: "Size Comparison Related" – The Tip of the Triangle => ⟁ ("Infinituum Continuum" of FG)

·    Part 20: "Season 2 Ending" – Wistfully’s End of Numbers => ▼W ("Oloe (third form)" of FG)

Superkathcycle #2 required

SEASON 3: Post-TEON Breakology[]

·    Part 21: "Beyond TEON" – Physialis => ꡵ ("The Tip of the Triangle" of FG)

·    Part 22: "Polstok-Related" – CAEL (version 1) => � ("Wistfully's The End of Numbers" of FG)

·    Part 23: "Post-Chukotikial" - The End of Numbers => ▼ (Catching Point of FG)

Powered kathcycle #3 required

·    Part 24: "Wistfully-Related" – CHUKOTIK => ɛʁʁɔʁ ("Infinity" of F2G)

·    Part 25: "Beyond CHUKOTIK" – Transfinity => Ꝏထ∞ ("First Uncountable Ordinal" of F2G)

Powered kathcycle #4 required

·    Part 26: "Breaking Endful's Ideas" – Ficto-Complexia (v2-relative) => ∞̃ ("Absolute Infinity" of F2G)

·    Part 27: "Breaking Buffdates" – Delusive Apeirofinite => ♾ (Catching Point of F2G)

·    Part 28: "" – The True End of Outsidology... => ꇼ2.0

·    Part 29: "Breaking True Ends" – 𖤇𖤇IMPOSSIBILITY𖤇𖤇 => 𖤇𖤇I𖤇𖤇

·    Part 30: "Season 3 Ending" – Infility => ι{∞}ι

Superkathcycle #3 required

SEASON 4: Hyperbolic[]

·    Part 31: "Infilite Numbers" – Hyperbolically True Infinity => ∞̸

Powered kathcycle #5 required

·    Part 32: "Standard Hyperbology" – GMDM’s End of Endings => ⛂G ("Infinity" of Hyperbology)

·    Part 33: "Beyond Endings" – Ficto-Hyperbolica => Ω̃ ("Absolute Infinity" of Hyperbology)

·    Part 34: "Start of Fictional Hyperbology" – FICTION => ⏣

·     Part 35: "Ending All Googology?" – The Second Beginning => ⎊

Powered kathcycle #6 required

·     Part 36: "Destroying the Realm of Limitaries" – The Absolute Transcology => Ϧ30

·    Part 37: "Demolishing Relative WUW Parts" – Half-Doublet => ⟁1.5

The Halfway Point to the Tip of the Tier-2 Triangle

·     Part 38: "Finally Breaking Finitypes" – The True Omnibreaker => ƹ

Ultimate Kathclysm (Ultimate Chaos) #1 required

·     Part 39: "Post-Breakology" – The End? => ⋳

·    Part 40: "Season 4 Ending" – The Tip of the Tier-2 Triangle => ⟁2

Superkathcycle #4 required

SEASON 5: Beyond triangles[]

  • Part 41: "Start of Tier 3" - Arrandisculum Periaaisis => Ꮈ
  • Part 42: "Random Numbers #2" - Absolutia Geographica => 1°1'1"
  • Part 43: "Coordinate Masteries" - Absolutely Not => Ω

Kathnumeric null #1 required

  • Part 44: "Random Numbers #3" - The Numeric N-Slash-A => [N/A]
  • Part 45: "Breaking Parts and Triangles" - Electrocutuum => ☼

Myocrinthic Ultimate Kathclysm #1 required

Superpowered kathcycle #1 required

kathglitch #1 (basically something like Bey??? C1S1E7) required

  • Part 49: "The Near-Finals" - The Near-Finite Endpoint => ????[Ω̃]
  • Part 50: "Sector 1 Ending" - The Finitial Finale (version 1) => ⚞⚡︎⚟1 ("Infinity" of FH)

Megakathcycle #1 required

SEASON 6: A New Beginning[]

  • Part 51: "Breaking Relative TFF Versions" - !?REDACTED!? => ⛞ ("Omega Times Two" of FH)
  • Part 52: "Fanmade Numbers #2" - Crematifinity => ⚱ ("Omega Squared" of FH)
  • Part 53: "Hyperbolic -Finities" - Blooming One => ⚘[1] ("Omega to the Omega" of FH)
  • Part 54: "Botannical Masteries" - A P E R D I N A L => 𝛀⋶ ("Omega to the Omega Squared" of FH)

Powered Kathcycle #8 required.

  • Part 55: "Word Layers": The True Boundless => ⚯ ("Omega Tetrated to Five" of FH)
  • Part 56: "The Release." - GMDM's UNSHACKLED REDACTION => ⛞G ("Omega Tetrated to Finity" of FH)
  • Part 57: "The True End of FG" - Fictional Googolo-Memoriam (GMDMN0t?-Relative) => FGΩ(⚰) ("Epsilon Nought" of FH)

Superpowered Kathcycle #2 required. Also, PROBABLY NOT THE REAL FGM.

Superpowered Kathcycle #3 required.

  • Part 59: "Fanmade Numbers #3" - "Parting Ways..." => ?!?!?!?!? ("Epsilon Epsilon Nought")
  • Part 60: "Season 6 Ending" - Apeirofinite Catadestruction => ☲ ("Zeta Nought" of FH)

SEASON 7: Nothing Left to Break...[]

at this point, powered kathcycles happen in all odd numbered episodes after the halfway mark of the season, which is an ultimate kathclysm.

  • Part 61: "Random Numbers #4" - Imminent Ends => {0, 1, 2, 3... ⋳?} ("Epsilon Zeta Nought Plus One" of FH)
  • Part 62: "Ending Numbers" - Limit of Consistency => ↭ ("Zeta One" of FH)

Kathnumeric null #2 required

  • Part 63: "Breaking Limits #2" - Numerical Resonance => x ∼ y ("Zeta Zeta Nought" of FH)
  • Part 64: "Numerical..." - The True Final Existence => T.T.F.E ("Eta Nought" of FH)

Kathglitch #2 required

  • Part 65: "Word Layers #2" - U N L I M I T E D => [→ → → → ⚯] ("Phi Five" of FH)
  • Part 66: "Spaced numbers" - Gensisi => ߷/j ("Phi Omega" of FH)
  • Part 67: "Jokeology" - Yes => ✓ ("Phi Phi Four" of FH)

Kathexplosion #2 required

  • Part 68: "Beyond Yes" - The Nice Number => Ꞥ ("Phi Phi Omega" of FH)
  • Part 69: "Nice" - TITRFNNNABTPNGPOfinity => ⑇ ("Phi Nested to Itself Ten Times" of FH)
  • Part 70: "Season 7 Ending" => The Low-Endic A of Lesser-Apeirofinite => ⊛(a;A) ("Gamma Nought" of FH)

SEASON 8: "The End of Chaos"[]

  • Part 71: "Alphabetic Numbers" - The Pixo-Catapulting Lexic Ruler => abc ("Gamma One" of FH)
  • Part 72: "Fanmade Numbers #4" - Multiversal Concept => Multi(Э) ("Gamma Gamma Nought" of FH)
  • Part 73: "Fanmade Numbers #5" - The Temporal Timeline => ∳ ("Church-Kleene Ordinal" of FH)
  • Part 74: "The Penta-End" - The Finitial Versi-Finale => ⚞⚡︎⚟5 ("First Uncountable Ordinal" of FH)
  • Part 75: "Beyond the end?" - GMDM's L…I…M…I…T => ꔞG ("Second Uncountable Ordinal" of FH)
  • Part 80: "The last AE" - Limit of Chaos: True Glimpse => ŁϘΣ ("Absolute Infinity" of FH)

SEASON 9: "Emptiness..."[]

  • Part 90: "The End of All Numbers" - "The True Void..." => Ꝟ ("Infinituum Continuum" of FH)

SEASON 10: "T H E E N D"[]

  • Part 99: "The Near-2-Finals" - "One. Final. Time." => Ʇ
  • Part 100: "END...." - The Finitial Finale => ⚞⚡︎⚟

The Finitial Finale (symbol: ⚞⚡︎⚟)[]

this number was unshackled.

The Largest Number of all fields
This is number is the largest number of all conceivable and unconcievable fields as of now.
The -ological limit of ALL
GMDM's Numbers 0 to ??????


Largest Number of it's Timeline
This is number is the largest number of it's timeline, it may not be truly the end and other timeline ends may be bigger.
GMDM's Numbers 0 to ??????

Largest number in the hyperbology timeline.

GMDM's Numbers 0 to ?????? is in hyperbology.

In the hyperbology timeline.

Fictional Hyperbology
GMDM's Numbers 0 to ?????? is in Fictional Hyperbology.

In fictional hyperbology.

Absolute Aperdinal
This number is in Aperdinology. This means that this number surpasses this wiki. Aperdinologisms are not real and defined in Outerology and FGW.
"The Kalaxology, if it was actually surpassing the FG wiki, and more!" - Aperdikalaxinal


M E T E M P I R I C . C L A S S
This is the largest class of all numbers! And, there is no denying it! This number is awarded for one of the largest numbers out there!
"Get ready for the surprise of your life!" - HyperNumbers Animations

Lives past the gateway, therefore making her metempiric.


The Catching Point of Fictional Hyperbology...

The series' final number. Like Aperdinal, she is subject to be buffed at any time (after v5 it will be buffed every 2 months if a record holder gets made in that time period). Also like Aperdinal, she's the catching point of her field.


v0: Negative Zero / Complex Infinity[]

  • literally just Ficto-Complexia
  • my original "final goal"

v1: Infinituum Hyperbolicum[]

  • creation: 21/11/2024
  • record holder passed: The -ological Limit of ALL
  • first time the number was named or defined
  • definition: the smallest number larger than any and all of The -ological Limit of ALL's scales, including those of its variant
  • the "Infinity" of Fictional Hyperbology
  • Not meant to be the end of the series, unlike later versions

v2: Supremum of Ignorance[]

  • creation: 21/11/2024
  • record holder passed: !?REDACTED!? (original)
  • definition: ignores any and every attempt at breaking TFF versions, surpassing said attempts anyway
  • is able to do so due to those numbers still technically being part of FH

v3: Paradoxfinite[]

  • creation: 22/11/2024
  • record holder passed: Hyperian Redaction
  • definition: paradoxically breaks her own versions, being relatively version-independent. Also, she lies beyond any conceivable reality, thus preventing her properties from being stolen.
  • Also like Hyperian, she's self-aware and has a mind of her own.
  • Also, constantly upscaled to surpass the latest version of REDACTED, using its properties to its advantage.


  • Creation: 23/11/2024
  • record holder passed: UNSHACLED REDACTION
  • definition: surpasses UNSHACKLED because its creator requested it

v5: Freedom...[]

  • Creation: 24/11/24
  • S A V I O R: The -ological Savior of ALL
  • definition: .. / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / -.. --- -. - / -.- -. --- .-- / .-- .... .- - / - --- / ... .- -.-- .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -... .-. .- ...- . .-. -.-- / .- -. -.. / -.-. .- .-. . / ..-. --- .-. / --- - .... . .-. ... / .. ... / --- -. . / .-- .... --- ... . / .-.. .. -.- . ... / .. / .... .- ...- . / -. . ...- . .-. / ... . . -. / -... . ..-. --- .-. . .-.-.- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / .--. .-. --- - . -.-. - / -- . / .- - / .- .-.. .-.. / - .. -- . .-.-.- / .. / -... . --. / -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- / .. -.. / --. .. ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / -- -.-- / ... --- ..- .-.. / .. ..-. / .. - / -- . .- -. - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .--. . .-. .--. . - ..- .- .-.. / .--. .-. --- - . -.-. - .. --- -. .-.-.-

v6: Strictly Undefinable[]

  • Creation: 16/12/24
  • record holder passed: none.
  • definition: This number is the strict limit of definition. No number that could ever be defined or analyzed can top her, meaning she can only be surpassed using Aperdinologisms.

Proposal Hub[]

Propose milestones down here! Provide defenitions (if you want to) so that I can include it and your username (mandatorily) so I can give credit!

  • the Perials from Fictional Hyperbology (requested by JDON SHEP I believe. Both FICTION and The Second Beginning are already milestones in Season 4, along with many others)
  • ?!REDACTED!? (suggested by rombito (JDON SHEP)) (ACCEPTED! Was gonna add it even if you didn't request it lolololo)
  • Electrocutuum by IAmPreEthereal. (ACCEPTED!)
    • It's the largest number (Breaks GMDMN0T? sorta. It's still in a episode), it breaks logic. Superultimate Kathclysm #1 needed
  • ?!REDACTED!? UNSHACKLED (ACCEPTED! also probably requested by JDON again)
  • The -ological savior of all (aka The -ological limit of ALL (blessed), requested by JDON SHEP, the enemy of Hyperian) (TFF sends many thanks in the message below)
    • -.-- --- ..- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / .-. . .- -.. / .. - ..--.. / .- -. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / .- -.-. - ..- .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / -.-. .- -- . ..--.. / --- .... --..-- / - .... .- -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / ... --- / -- ..- -.-. .... -.-.-- / .. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. / -.-. .- -. - / - .... .- -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / . -. --- ..- --. .... --..-- / .. - ... / .--- ..- ... - .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / ..- -- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / .. / -.-. .- -. - / . ...- . -. / . -..- .--. .-.. .- .. -. / .. - -.-.-- / .. -- / -. --- - / ... ..- .-. . / .. ..-. / .-- .... .- - / .. -- / ..-. . . .-.. .. -. --. / .. ... / --. --- --- -.. / --- .-. / -... .- -.. --..-- / .. - ... / .-.. .. -.- . / .. ...- . / .-.. --- ... - / .- -. -.-- / ... . -. ... . / --- ..-. / . -- --- - .. --- -. .- .-.. / -.-. --- -. - .-. --- .-.. / .. / .... .- -.. / .-.. . ..-. - -.-.-- / .. / -.. --- -. - / -.- -. --- .-- / .. ..-. / - .... .. ... / .... -.-- ... - . .-. .. .- / ..-. .-.. --- .-- .. -. --. / - .... .-. --- ..- --. .... / -- . / .. ... / .-. . .-.. .. . ..-. / .- -. -.. / .... .- .--. .--. .. -. . ... ... / --- .-. / .- -. -..- .. . - -.-- / .- -. -.. / - . .-. .-. --- .-. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-