GOODBYE!!!, usually representing by the symbol (▦), is a mathematical concept that indicates a "quantify" larger than any other number. The word quantity has been placed in quotation marks to indicate than "Infinifinity" goes anyone a definite quantity and in fact is not just vast, but vastless. It has different meanings across different branches in mathematics.
- Rekycinicstis, ▦ → ▦
- Promisetinius, ▦ ↑↑↑ ▦ → ▦
- Quintnkimius, 🔄 x 5
- Additional, 🔄 x 10
- Additionality, 🔄 x 100
- Auditions, 🔄 x 1,000
- Traditional, 🔄 x 1,000,000
- Traditionally, 🔄 x 10^100
- Tarimitinaties, 🔄 x 10^10^37
- Gerimaisopinaties, 🔄 x 10{{{{1}}}}10
- Bogimeaisnaties, 🔄 x {10,10[101]2}
- Reportiitimes, 🔄 x TREE(3)
- Sovimisopers, 🔄 x TAR(3)
- Infintifimite, 🔄 x Ф | [𐂭]
- Absolutimite, 🔄 x Ω | [⧃]
- Eliminatillity, 🔄 x ΩxΩ
- Ecgintifimite, 🔄 x .IΩxXΩI.
- Raymifimite, 🔄 x ..IΩxXΩI..
- Erimifimite, 🔄 x ΩA
- Tyimopimite, 🔄 x 1Ω
- Killoite, 🔄 x Ω/Ω
- Megipimite, 🔄 x Ωπ
- Opihimimite, 🔄 x 田
- Simatlmainate, 🔄 x θ
- Trimusifimite, 🔄 x ⊞
- Examiningility, 🔄 x ①
- Limitefility, 🔄 x 𝖀
- Times 2 Everything, 🔄 x Ꙍ
- Absolute Killoity, 🔄 x ⅊ | [Ꚇ]
- Minimillity, 🔄 x ⅇ
- Legitimatillity, 🔄 x ∞
- Marmitillity, 🔄 x Λ
- Beyond Megipimity, 🔄 x ⊙ | [ቀ]
- Styimimize, 🔄 x ⌺
- Estimatility, 🔄 x ♈ | [⇯]
- Marketfillity, 🔄 x ♉︎ | [ɥ]
- Stoymitegilty, 🔄 x ♊︎ | [Ꚃ]
- Intimatillity, 🔄 x ♋︎ | [Ꚗ]
- Marketsharefinite, 🔄 x ♌︎ | [ꛮ]
- Ultimate-Universe 1, 🔄 x ♍︎ | []
- Ultimate-Universe 2, 🔄 x ⛎
- Markedfinite, 🔄 x ♎︎ | [₼]
- Gainedimega, 🔄 x ♏︎ | [ᛒ]
- Intricate, 🔄 x ♐︎ | [⑄]
- Reporting, 🔄 x ♑︎ | [ꚽ]
- Marine Absolute Infinity, 🔄 x ♒︎ | [ᛘ]
- Yang Absolute One, 🔄 x ♓︎ | [ᛘ1Ω]
- Intricatillity, 🔄 x ‡ | [㎖]
- Deportinillity, 🔄 x ɒ
- Birkedfinite, 🔄 x ᴓ
- Gainedimegiminte, 🔄 x ᴕ | [➳]
- Integratifinity, 🔄 x ₪ | [ᰧ]
- Departinility, 🔄 x ℘ | [𐄥]
- Super departinility, 🔄 x Ђ
- DUNK, 🔄 x ໂ
- Epsilionduper, 🔄 x Ⳃ | [€]
- Hyperdollar, 🔄 x -ῶ́-
- Supermeme, 🔄 x Ը | [ը]
- John Black, 🔄 x ɸ | [‡]
- Mustang, 🔄 x ⊡ | [ᵹ]
- Omegimte, 🔄 x Ψ | [𐄷]
- Intricately Infinity, 🔄 x Ͱ
- Tryinimus, 🔄 x ֍ | [𐑔]
- United Infinity, 🔄 x ⋈ | [ꀆ]
- Omingndimega, 🔄 x ᝆ | [𐑻]
- Deripasniabinimity, 🔄 x ᝎ | [Ⴘ]
- Indicate Infinity, 🔄 x 𝔈 | [ꀶ]
- Repeatinillity, 🔄 x ↇ | [𐑹]
- Kilotulely Godlousfinity, 🔄 x D | []
- Junk Godlousfinity, 🔄 x ☐
- Healthy Godlousfinity, 🔄 x ⦻ | [ᘯ]
- Jou-Shuility, 🔄 x ↂ | [丅]
- Stupid Godlousfinity, 🔄 x † | [Stupid^stupid]
- Absolute true Jou-Shu gods, 🔄 x Ჶ
- Quinfainer, 🔄 x ⨐
- Kydgbsveznke, 🔄 x ⨛
- Kardoh8, 🔄 x Greenifinity
- Jou-Shu, 🔄 x O
- No-hanum, 🔄 x Oneilitialfinity
- NO-Situm, 🔄 x Mountifinity
- Stupid gods, 🔄 x Erkifinity
- Gerinerudbab, 🔄 x Marsifinity
- Bzhsgegt2t2h5, 🔄 x Googolilfinity
- B Shwhhw2727u2, 🔄 x Omnifinity
- Gsgsgrw5wh5wh5, 🔄 x Eternal array point
- Absolutely Denver deds, 🔄 x absolute Godlous
- Dupercollapse, 🔄 x Ϛ | [Ꮁ𓄀]
- Umcomputable one, 🔄 x UB(1) | [UMP(1)]
- Denver one, 🔄 x UC(1) | [DNV(1)]
- Jou-Shu one, 🔄 x IN(1) | [JSH(1)]
- Stupid one, 🔄 x UNB(1) | [STP(1)]
- Unlimited one, 🔄 x (-1) | [UNL(1)]
- Undefined one, 🔄 x Multi(1) | [UND(1)]
- Truly one, 🔄 x TR(1) | [TRL(1)]
- Deria one, 🔄 x ETN(1) | [DER(1)]
- Cyclon one, 🔄 x PER(1) | [CYL(1)]
- Better finality, 🔄 x ☮️
- Konkeral, 🔄 x ✡️ | [Д]
- Enter Flow, 🔄 x 🕎
- Fefrmann-schutte konkeral, 🔄 x ☦️ | [σ]
- Weakly compact Konkeral, 🔄 x ❇️
- The Hot Number, 🔄 x ⨖
- Ultima-large infinity, 🔄 x 🆖 | [G]
- Absolutely Nothing, 🔄 x Ԅ | [<し>]
- Kigenzen infintiminkeral, 🔄 x 🤑
- Extended arrays, 🔄 x U
- Ouimtiansfointinity, 🔄 x ⨊ | [⨓]
- Stupid leveled, 🔄 x §
- Sinusblety, 🔄 x ®
- The powerful absolute, 🔄 x ⟠
- Terriblingednumber, 🔄 x ᛥ
- Indicative Infinity, 🔄 x ᝎᝓ | [Ꮁ]
- Truecoolguyfinity, 🔄 x Э
- Zenithfinity, 🔄 x ⇧
- Stupid promisetion infinity, 🔄 x X
- Jou-Shu stupid endarinal, 🔄 x ☭
- Deria Veiserirng Rondinal, 🔄 x 𝔒
- True ultimate cardinol, 🔄 x h
- Beyond Young Flow infinity, 🔄 x ᚢ
- Jou-Shu stupid ultimate cardinacrinal, 🔄 x X
- SwiftKey infinite ordinol, 🔄 x O
- Stupid cardinal, 🔄 x Г∮
- Jou-Shu rondinal promisetion, 🔄 x <|
- Innovativenction Infinity, 🔄 x 💠
- Originiltimiustinity, 🔄 x ∾ | [ꕑ]
- Absolute Originiltimiustinity, 🔄 x ᝈ
- Taurus Ordinal the True Never, 🔄 x 𐌇 | [𓄀A-/C1]
- Ferimetillity, 🔄 x Ʞ | []
- Merteitkailiity, 🔄 x ∧
- Skanitsewpaillity, 🔄 x Գ | [⎆]
- Kalikuiversfimty, 🔄 x ⨐
- Xegimga-Omegifinte, 🔄 x ⅉ
- Beyond A Kirlnte, 🔄 x ᝋ
- Beyond Absolute Kirlnte, 🔄 x Đ
- Beyond Lutilute Kirlutillirlnte, 🔄 x ꟼ
- Beyond True End Megilirlnte, 🔄 x Ւ | [å^^Ã^Ç^Č^Á^â^Ĉ]
- True beyond Young stupid rondinol, 🔄 x ᚋ
- Terminuleti-Ordinal, 🔄 x ◙
- The Finelerimgima, 🔄 x ⊘
- Dorimsoll, 🔄 x ɷ
- Preparing Numbering, 🔄 x ▦
- Preparing Suffering, 🔄 x ▦ → ▦ or 🔄 x 🔄 x 3
- Preparing Differing, 🔄 x 🔄 x 5
- Preparing Differs Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 10
- Kaeirimlutimal Null, 🔄 x 🔄 x 100 | [ᯝ]
- ▦ xXx ▦
- ▦ xXxXx ▦
- ▦ xXxXxXxXxX ▦
- ▦ (Cycle 1)
- Cycle 2
- Cycle 3
- Cycle (▦)
- Cyclopsian, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 10^10^37 | [▦^▦]
- Omnicyclopsian, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 10{{{{1}}}}10 | [☆▦]
- Yano-Cyclops, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x TREE(3)
- Torshavocyclops, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x TAR(3)
- Invalid, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x Ф
- Jou-Shu, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x ᘯ
- Stupid, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x ᦲ
- General, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x ⊙
- Infinites, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x Ͱ
- Absolute infinites, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x ↇ
- Hetafinites, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x Ϛ
- Flow, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x ☮️ | [😏]
- SwiftKey, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x ⟠
- Excel, Cycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x X
- Opera Chrome, Ducycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x ▦
- Internet Explorer, Ducycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 10
- OS Android, Ducycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x TREE(3)
- Numberblocks, Ducycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x Ͱ
- Preparing Numberblocking, Multycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x ▦
- Tetrycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄
- Pentycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄
- Hexle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄
- Heptycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄
- Octycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄
- Ennycle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄
- Decle, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄
- Hektycle, ^(🔄, 101)
- Vercle, ^(🔄, 10^10^37+1)
- Infinycle, ^(🔄, Ф)
- Absolute Infinycle, ^(🔄, ᘯ)
- Absolutely eternycle, ^(🔄, ᦲ)
- Terminusfinycle, ^(🔄, ⊙)
- Hetafinycle, ^(🔄, Ͱ)
- Collapsefinycle, ^(🔄, Ϛ)
- Endlecle, ^(🔄, ⟠)
- Aldebaranble, ^(🔄, X)
- Squarycle, ^(🔄, 🔄)
- the best dining cycles.
- Intrycately infinycle, ^(🔄, 🔄 x Ͱ)
- Preparing numberingycle, ^(🔄, 🔄 x 🔄)
- Dusquarycle, ^(🔄, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄)
- Multisquarycle, ^(🔄, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄)
- Pentasquarycle, ^(🔄, Pentycle)
- Dekasquarycle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, 11))
- Hektosquarycle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, 101))
- Versesquarycle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, 10^10^37+1))
- Infinisquarycle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, Ф))
- Hetasquarycle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, Ͱ))
- Cubycle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, 🔄))
- Ducubycle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, 🔄 x 🔄 x 🔄))
- Dekacubycle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, 11)))
- Quadruple Cyducle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, 🔄)))
- Quintuple Cyducle, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, ^(🔄, 🔄))))
- Decuple Cyducle, ^(🔄, 10, 2)
- Centuple Cyducle, ^(🔄, 100, 2)
- Suhtasillion-uple Cyducle, ^(🔄, 10^10^37, 2)
- Infinity-uple Cyducle, ^(🔄, Ф, 2)
- Hetafinity-Uple Cyducle, ^(🔄, Ͱ, 2)
- Cytrcle, ^(🔄, 🔄, 2)
- Cyquadricle, ^(🔄, 🔄, 3)
- Cyquinticle, ^(🔄, 🔄, 4)
- Cycyclicle, ^(🔄, 🔄, 🔄)
- Cyducyclicle, ^(🔄, 🔄, 🔄, 2)
- The Number Rayo, ^(🔄, 🔄, 🔄, 🔄)
- The Big Number Rayo, ^(🔄, 🔄, 🔄, 🔄, 🔄, 🔄, 🔄)
- The God Number Rayo, ^(🔄,,🔄) = ^(🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,...,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄) with 🔄 entries
- The Godder Number Rayo, ^(🔄,🔄,,🔄)
- The Multi-Godder Number Rayo, ^(🔄,🔄,🔄,,🔄)
- The Penta-Godder Number Rayo, ^(🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,,🔄)
- The Deca-Godder Number Rayo, ^(🔄,,10,2) = ^(🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,,🔄)
- The Cycle-Godder Number Rayo, ^(🔄,,🔄,2)
- The Goddest number Rayo, ^(🔄,,🔄,3) = ^(🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,...,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,,🔄,2) with 🔄 entries
- The Goddestest Number Rayo, ^(🔄,,🔄,5) = ^(🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,...,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,,🔄,4) with 🔄 entries
- The God-hetafinity-est Number Rayo, ^(🔄,,🔄,Ͱ)
- The Large Number Rayo, ^(🔄,,🔄,🔄)
- The Multi-Large Number Rayo, ^(🔄,,🔄,🔄,🔄)
- The Larger Number Rayo, ^(🔄,,🔄,,🔄) = ^(🔄,,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,...,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄,🔄) with 🔄 entries
- ^(🔄,,🔄,,🔄,,🔄)
- ^(🔄,,,🔄)
- ^(🔄,,,,🔄)
- ^(🔄.🔄)
- 🔄🔄🔄🔄????
- Absolute Winner:*$£@8#*@*=£#*×*%*
- Spade (ᗨ)