Garnet One is the final number of N0TTEON Episode 85. Its symbol is 𒌎<1>. It is the second number that is achieved by a super-powered metacycle, the first being Ionatizonis Myocrinthia.
Instability Rules[]
- This Number was Made by FF2K24. It was Non-Surpassable until FF2K24 Uploads N0TTEON Episode 86. This Number is a First Sign of Post-Endings
- The Stability thing for this Number is 1% for its Stability of Breaking this Number. The Number is Inner Mastery of All Everything in Breaking Mastered OLs. Stability is Safe for Breaking this Number After the Release of N0TTEON Episode 86
Overlord Temple Discovery[]
- After Discovering Depth Inner Masterium. Time to Adventure to the Villains of Numbers. The Village Nearby Overlord Temple. T.F.O. Decided to Roam Around the Village. It Found Garnet. It was a Corrupt Word that T.F.O. Can't Read. "Gern't". T.F.O. Reads go to the Cave!
- As T.F.O. and Its Episodes goes to the Cave. They Meet Tameuina Tasiaon the Blacksmith. Tameuina Tasiaon Forces to Masterize the Garnet. Garnet One Founded