Basically, Hyper Ineffability is layers of Ineffability. Its basically an extension of english. It is defined by Xenoshey. It is currently a work in progress
Note: Hyper Ineffable ranks that are not defined still exist, they just haven't been discovered yet my human minds
Sigma. Tau. Upsilon. Beta. S.T.U.B.
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Tier I, Finite. Normal Ineffability (↛)[]
- Ineffable Rank 0 Otherwise known as HI0, Ineffable Rank 0 is simply Ineffable. This layer just means it can’t be defined using traditional means, which means you have to define it using other methods. This often can lead to the number being ill-defined due to its ineffability.
- Ineffable Rank I Otherwise known as HI1, Ineffable Rank I is known as Very Ineffable. It’s what many people mean by Ineffable. This is so ineffable that it can’t be defined by any means, and you can only talk about ambiguous concepts that don’t really give the number a defined value.
- Ineffable Rank II Otherwise known as HI2, Ineffable Rank II is known as Hyper Ineffable. It’s so ineffable the only thing you can define is how ineffable it is.
- Ineffable Rank III Otherwise known as HI3, Ineffable Rank III is known as Omega Ineffable. It’s so unimaginably ineffable you can’t describe it in the slightest.
- Ineffable Rank IV Otherwise known as HI4, Ineffable Rank IV is known as True Ineffable. It’s so ineffable that even to creator has no clue what it even means. In fact, the only meaning you can ever give it is its relative size, but even that loses meaning.
- Ineffable Rank V Otherwise known as HI5, Ineffable Rank V is known as Ineffably Ineffable. It’s so absolutely ineffable that you can’t even know how ineffable it is.
- Ineffable Rank VI Otherwise known as HI6, Ineffable Rank VI is known as Incomprehensibly Ineffable. At this point, it’s all chaos. Numbers devolve into unknowns and the only structure that holds it together is you imagination, but that being said, the imagination can’t reach it either, as it is that ineffable.
- Ineffable Rank VII Otherwise known as HI7, Ineffable Rank VII is known as Beyond Ineffably Ineffable. It’s the final point of ineffability and it’s so large that nothing is relevant at this scale and nothing turns into everything. No words can be used to even describe its ineffability. Even the notion of Ineffability just dissolves.
- Ineffable Rank VIII Otherwise known as HI8, Ineffable Rank VIII is known as ???????????????. This is the true final stopping point. Nothing can be said about it. Any description about it is wrong. Because at this point, since you’ve crossed the Void of Ineffability there is literally nothing of meaning anywhere.
- Ineffable Rank IX Otherwise known as HI9, Ineffable Rank IX is known as [ ] (symbol is a space key). This is beyond the stopping point, it is ineffable to describe the number/amount, even if you have extensive and infinite knowledge of everything in the Meta-1 Superreality. Even this description is wrong, because this level itself is impossible to describe using traditional means.
- Ineffable Rank X Otherwise known as HI10, Ineffable Rank X is known as [] (No Symbol at all). This is... hard to explain. its kind of like Rank IX but it cant be defined at all (HI1). All finite Ineffable ranks beyond this point are kind of just mirrors of Rank IX but more Ineffable, but thats it really.
Lets get on into the infinite!!
Tier II, Infinite. Divine Ineffability (↮)[]
- Ineffable Rank ω: Otherwise known as HIω, Ineffable Rank ω is known as DIVINE INEFFABILITY. It is to the point where not even anybody's Rreality writers can describe how this rank is. Even this whole description is wrong, due to the fact on how ineffable this is. Even that warning is wrong, because of how ineffable it is. And going on in a loop forever. Nothing can describe this, not even self-referential stuff can. Nothing can, true nothingness, void... not even void... infinitely empty set... its ineffable... My... my brain h-hurts...
- Ineffable Rank ε0: Otherwise known as Hε0, Ineffable Rank ε0 is known as ABSOLUTE INEFFABILITY. It is at the point where even this description has an ineffable value of HI3. There is no reality level or universe level where the ineffability level moves in the slightest. Even if there was a theoretical function that could be used to change ineffability, this ineffability level is... the... limit...?
Ineffability Function (Outdated) (The Old HI)[]
- HI(1) = Ineffable
- HI(2) = Ineffably Ineffable (Its Ineffable to describe how Ineffable it is)
- HI(3) = Ineffably Ineffably Ineffable (Its Ineffable to describe how Ineffable it is to describe how Ineffable it is)
- HI(4) = Ineffably Ineffably Ineffably Ineffable
- HI(5) = Ineffably Ineffably Ineffably Ineffably Ineffable
- HI(n) = Ineffably Ineffably... Ineffably Ineffably Ineffable (n times)
- HI(0,1) = Ineffable to describe how many ineffable's there are
There are some numbers that are beyond these levels. The first known fixed point of A > Rank A is known as The Chronic Ineffability Breakdown.
- A > Ineffable Rank A: Otherwise known as Trans-Ineffability, or Ineffable Fixed Point, it is the first fixed point where the ranks are less than the number itself! This description itself is close to being HI4. Very few things can get the ineffability ranks higher. But, we can still continue the ineffable journey.
- Ineffable Rank-Lock: The lock point of Ineffable Ranks, where nothing can change the ineffable rank at all. We CAN go further.
- 1-Ineffable Fixed Point: Known as Trans-Trans-Ineffability.
- Full-HI0: Also known as Post-Ineffability.
- Full-Ineffable Rank Lock: The true lock point of Ineffable Ranks.
- Cata-Ineffable: Can't be projected and depicted from every single (cata)thing from all constructible RM()♛ layers; and thus can't be attributed to / from. Or worse, "cata-ineffability" can't autologicize / attribute it and "truly-cata-ineffable." It's above Z-Meta-Propertias.