Fictional Googology Wiki
Hyperbolically True Absolute infinity is in hyperbology.

Absolute Aperdinal
This number is in Aperdinology. This means that this number surpasses this wiki. Aperdinologisms are not real and defined in Outerology and FGW.
"The Kalaxology, if it was actually surpassing the FG wiki, and more!" - Aperdikalaxinal

(this number isn’t directly in aperdinology)

we have strayed further from the original purpose of infinity.

the creator of this number will not engage in any drama possible related to the number’s value.




This number is equal to FRACe(<FCNFx(x ≫ e+x)>)

And it’s Apeiro-level is equal to 5

LowerCase Hyperbolically True Absolute Infinity (∞̸) is the absolute infinity of all -ologies below Hyperbology (FG, BFG (beyond fictional googology), BBFG, BBBFG, ect) by Ωta-definition, it cannot be surpassed in any way, shape or form that is possible, impossible, and/or literally any other adjective in all dictionaries without using hyperbological means and also is bigger than itself an eternity into the future, it is 100% if not Ω% unsurpassable via non-hyperbological means. this number also ignores literally everything.




this number is equal to RAYO(FCNFz(((z/(∞̸↑∞̸∞̸)) > FRACe2(<FRACe(<FCNFx(x ≫ e+e2x)>)e2>))))

And it’s Apeiro-leveling is equal to FCNFa(a > ∞̸)

UpperCase H.T.A.I (Ω̸) is the absolute infinity of Hyperbology (and yes, it surpasses all EABAs, but isn’t an EABA as it isn’t the final number of literally all -ologies due to the fact Fictional Hyperbology is planned)
