Fictional Googology Wiki

Hyperterminus is a number inspired by goodel's Terminus. It is basically defined like so. it has the symbol ⨕


Basically, Hyperterminus is like terminus, but later in the numberline, when the number line loops back to 0 after adding 2 to limitfinity.

after every loop, you can go bigger by n*2 numbers, where n is the number of times that you have looped. The hyperterminus in the next layer is ⨕2

very small extension by ann69[]

3 you can keep making the second number larger to get ⨕2 but eventually you reach a point where this is useless as an extension so why not say that you can loop n^2b or n^3b or n^⨕b and then get this here ^ that number The Limit.
