The Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit (I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L.) is not necessarily a concept that I would claim is 100% a real number (according to the standard definition of a "number" on this wiki). Rather, I like to think of this number as simply the limit of an algorithm I created as an explanation to what lies beyond "Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit". As FireyDeath4 proved, there could not be anything beyond his number, because it was created strictly to be bigger than any other wiki entry that exist now or elsewhere on this timeline. But luckily for us (luckily for me at least) he also stated that the rules of his number (we'll just call his number U.T.D.C.A.) made it strictly immutable and incorrigible, meaning that it could never be changed, and never corrected. However, just because you can't correct something that is correct doesn't mean that you can't INCORRECT it. From here, the concept of the algorithm I created (the "post-U.T.D.C.A. algorithm") begins!
The Post-U.T.D.C.A. Algorithm[]
I know it is considered by most to be a troll (and It might actually be a troll), but U.T.D.C.A. was pretty much the limit of how big numbers can get because all the other entries that state that there can be no bigger number leave out the actual logic in it, even if 99.99% of this entire wiki is based on non-logical hypermathimatical things, so it might be difficult to think of how I could have possibly made an algorithm that allows us to go beyond U.T.D.C.A. but don't worry, I'll explain:
The algorithm is similar to the algorithm you could use to get infinities that are literally bigger than others (in real-life googology). You use a certain concept or rule in the algorithm to allow you to go higher than infinity (in this case U.T.D.C.A.). For my algorithm, it has something to do with what I stated briefly earlier, about taking something correct, and making it incorrect, instead of trying to correct/change something that is already correct (in this case U.T.D.C.A.). See, if we take U.T.D.C.A. and we make something about it incorrect or arbitrary to its own rules, then technically that removes the part where it is "incorrigible", because it is now able to be corrected, and since it has to maintain both laws (immutability and incorrigibility) to be the largest "number", then it must be corrected, and for it to be corrected, it has to be mutable (meaning it needs to allow changes to be made), and here is where the changes can cause the complete destruction of the concept of U.T.D.C.A. because the changes required to correct it open up an opportunity for those changes to be severe (in the sense that they completely destroy the hypermathimatical laws of the U.T.D.C.A.). From here, with the entire concept of U.T.D.C.A. recreated into something completely different, the number can finally be correct, and therefore it can close the hole of opportunity up, and restore both its immutability and its incorrigibility. The number is now completely different, and it may have even lost its title as the largest "number" based on how many changes you made during that opportunity, and also based on the specific changes you made. Now, while you may be thinking in your head that this is absolute nonsense and a waste of everybody's time including mine, then you are more than wrong, because this is only the beginning. From here, the time you have left in your life is practically the only limit to how drastically you can change numbers with this algorithm.
The Limit[]
Yes. There is a limit. But it really isn't that complicated if you think about it, because all you have to do to understand the limit is think back a bit to numbers that are still within the boundaries of standard googology, because the limit of how far you can take it with this algorithm (the limit, of course, being my number, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L.) is simply a terminal point/limit in the increase of changes you make in the number when using my algorithm, just like (for example) Absolute Infinity was viewed (by Georg Cantor before anyone else) as the terminal point/limit of increase in infinite set size (infinite cardinality). Now, beyond this point, there really cannot be anything bigger not because I just made something up that I thought could claim the throne once and for all, but because there is simply no point in trying to make a number larger according to what I've shown you in this entry, and what I WILL show you in this entry. It just wouldn't make sense. "Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit" was created to outrank all other entries on this wiki here, at any point in this timeline, and in any other concept that could possibly replace "time". But here, I created I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. to be outside the reach of any human (or species/conceptual figure's) comprehension. I made this number the way it is specifically so that nobody can ever explain it. Not even in a sample. What you're reading right now is merely an example. "Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit" was still explained, even if it was just a sample, but this number that I have presented to you here, is nothing but an example with a name that perhaps makes its appearance something like that of a regular number on this wiki, even though it is far from that. This "number" is not just outside of mathematics/hypermathimatics, but it is also beyond isness (The fact that a thing is), notness (The state of not being; nonexistence), and anything in or outside of that conceptual boundary. To conclude, this is not a number, nor a concept, nor even a thing (not even a "nonexistent" thing). It is the limit to all concepts. As Lucretius once said:
“The universe is not bounded in any direction. If it were, it would necessarily have a limit. But clearly a thing cannot have a limit unless there is something outside to limit it.”
This is implying that nothing can be the limit without having something outside to limit it, and that is precisely what this “number” is.
Further explanation to anything related to this number is no longer something anyone could ever have the required masochism to subject themselves to. Not even me, who created this number in the first place.
NOTE: For those who are confused as to how this is bigger than Xeranthesis, I will elaborate:
Xeranthesis is the foundament of all "size", and the creator, Solari12, must have thought that Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit was a threat to Xeranthesis, which is his number, so he decided to delete this page. However, this entry was not created to oppose Xeranthesis. I created it to represent what cannot even be a concept. To put it simply, what cannot be a concept can never be comprehended, but what cannot even be created elsewhere as a different interpretive inexcusably wrong, which is why I am still fighting for this entry's existence. All users and members of the Fictional Googology Wiki must know what the limit of insanity is on this wiki, and to this day...the idea of this entry still screams out to me...that after all this time.....after all this wiki has doesn't belong even in this domain.....
I will (FOR THE LAST TIME) remind everyone...that THIS ENTRY HAS NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH SIZE. So if you are trying to prove this entry wrong, then you may want to think twice. Further clarification can be found in my comment on the Xeranthesis entry. I will link it here: