There are infinite Imaginarisms and symmetries found in the Matrix and Omniumber. Symmetries are limited to Signfield and hypothetical forms, not Itlogic.
Positive Symmetry[]
Positive symmetry contains real things, it-real things, it(lock)-real things, etc. It is the starting point in all.
Negative Asymmetry[]
Negative asymmetry is Imaginarism, which is fiction. It is also "imaginative," and not bonded to symmetry. Unfortunately, they are dematriced into symmetry by the Matrix and turned into it-nothing.
Signless Symmetry[]
Signless symmetry is neither real or imaginary; just any tertiary state. Due to only containing zeroids, it is regarded as the weakest Imaginarism in the entire Matrix.
Supersign symmetries are stronger counterparts. Super-asymmetry would be fi-fiction, super2-asymmetry would be fi3-ction, etc. Absolute omni-asymmetry is fiΩ-ction on maximal extent.
On the polar opposite, supersymmetry is re-reality that ignores fi-fiction laws. If they thought to be re-real beyond it, they would immediately sent to fi3-ction. Absolute omni-symmetry is reΩ-ality on maximal extent, which is thought to be limitless.
Imaginary Symmetries[]
i-symmetries are both real and Imaginarism at the same time. The triad sign 𝛶n is independent in this type.
Triad Asymmetries[]
𝛶n-asymmetries are fictional Imaginarisms, as counterparts to negative. This serves the purpose of hardening the Matrix.
Due to a special property, *-asymmetries are omni-symmetries. They aren't useful like DN-*-asymmetry.
Other aspects[]
Symmetries actually have more aspects than just real/fictional: human/inhumane, order/chaos, logic/illogic, sense/nonsense, normal/weird, etc. Keep in mind, it-Symmetries are it-hypersymmetries which use Itlogic and Ill-Itlogic.