NOTE: All references to concepts or ideas (whether they are abstract, physical, or anything beyond or in between) are to be interpreted as transomniversally equivalent to any other possible interpretation of that concept or idea in any other epistemology or boxial/trans-boxial form of conceptualization, understanding, realization, considerability, relatability, etc.
The Incoherently Ineffably Unarguably Unquestionably Incorrigibly Immutable Trans-transcendental Limit (I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L.) surpasses the most permanent and most powerful law of all totality (All verses and dimensions). This law being that everything and anything is a concept regardless of what domain it is in, whether it existent, nonexistent, or anything beyond/in between. I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. surpasses this law under one condition/circumstance; to never be accepted. The acceptance being dealt with for this circumstance is not acceptance itself. It is the entire nature and concept of acceptance. The entirety of acceptance is an abstract ability so fierce that it cannot be fully used by anyone or anything. Of course, all things on this wiki and elsewhere in some other physical/abstract domain are within the boundary of mere appreciation, not acceptance.
Aside from that, this circumstance allows for one major modification to be made. That modification being that so long as I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. is not accepted, it stays beyond even the power of true acceptance. This might seem as if it lasts only until it is fully accepted, but the modification allowed from the circumstance ultimately defeats the ability for it to be accepted, as, the temporary power to bypass the ability to accept and therefore defeat I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. causes a paradox, in that I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. is beyond even its own restriction, so as to be able to manipulate and destroy that restriction during its temporary state of transcendental power. This unfortunately removes the power to defeat I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L, inevitably deeming the acceptance of any being useless.
Transcendental Distinctions
I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. is not a number, and therefore its intentions are not to oppose any other entries. A mathematical/hypermathimatical/googological/hypergoogological/cosmological/hypercosmological translation for this number is inexcusably beyond the masochistic ideas or intellect of any human, species, or being.
To fully understand how this could possibly or even impossibly outrank concepts such as Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit, we must first understand the circumstances and laws of I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. through explanations relating to every facet of transcendence/trans-transcendence/trans-trans-transcendence etc. To do this, each law that must be applied in order to maintain this entry's conceptual side (since it cannot be explained through logic) must be deeply and thoroughly explained in the most detailed and descriptive way possible.
Law #1: Abstract properties
This entry's most powerful facet is its abstract side, as, that is necessary when maintaining proof that this entry is beyond any facet of any verse/dimensional domain regardless of what and in what ways it implies, argues, proves, manipulates, convinces, and considers. For example, in any case where a verse/dimensional domain deems a law of I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. false in the form of (for example) persuasion, the law will deny that domain the ability to do so, causing the law to return true. This rule applies to every possibility or impossibility relating or equivalent to the example I just showed you, as well as a similar, different, or exact form of such possibility/impossibility in every possible or impossible verse/dimensional/other domain. In addition, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. maintains the absolutely isolated and permanent statement that in every and any possible or impossible epistemology or boxial forms of conceptualization, realization, understanding, acceptance, comprehension/incomprehension, comparison, difference, similarity, solipsism, and dualism, the laws and therefore the dominance and power of I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. are true, incorrigible, and immutable. However, this entry also uses paradoxical evidence to ensure that its false, corrigible, and mutable forms are instantaneously translated and converted into they're antonymic forms, while using both its physical/concrete and virtual/potential power to maintain the absolute and pure meaning of I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. in its false, corrigible, and mutable form. Every and any abstract idea/concept that is existent, nonexistent, or anything and everything in between and/or beyond throughout the past, present, future, or any/every spatial, temporal, trans-spatial, trans-temporal (and so on) is within the boundary (if it can even be called a boundary) of I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. and all its laws/properties. It should also be noted that apon combining two equally or very different transcendent entries in hopes of outranking this entry, I.I.U.U.I.T.L. will instantly overwrite and outrank the statements or claims of any entry regardless of its scale and authority. To conclude, every possible or impossible abstract concept or idea is subservient to this entry either by will or force.
Law #2: Outranking
One thing that absolutely must be explained is this entry's power, because there is more than just a concise (although maximally understating) description that is required for this entry to maintain its rank. Those "other" things include its idea, purpose, status, and (most importantly) power. Power is one of the many deciding factors to its transinfinite, trans-eternal, and absolutely permanent rank as the #1 most conceptually (and any other adverb that could describe this) unsurpassable entry on this wiki and of any other wiki or domain whether it fictional, non-fictional, or anything and everything beyond and in between. The power it holds is mostly used for defending itself against other entries by utilizing both physical force and mind manipulation such as devastatingly complex and incoherent meta-arguments. This is completely necessary when defending against challenging entries such as Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit, Xeranthesis, Omnicollapse, and many others. Its power is mostly derived from its relentless argumentative side. This side covers 99.85% of its defensive strategy, as, its ability to never surrender under any circumstance allows for it to continuously and indefinitely fight back against other transcendent entries. The other 0.15% of I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's defensive strategy is its physical stamina. In this case, if a physical embodiment in the form of (for example) a titan was summoned out of I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. and another challenging entry, the likely outcome would be a bloody battle. In this scenario, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. has a transinfinitely and trans-eternally undefinable amount of physical and mental health, allowing it to overcome any physical or mental damage that is dealt to its physical embodiment. This ability may prove useful, but the majority of confrontations and conflicts that will happen in between I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. and any other challenging entry will be handled conceptually and through abstract communications. However, even in this case, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. utilizes a transinfinitely wide variety of cosmic manipulations that expand through every and any verse/dimensional/other domain to manipulate any other transcendent entry without even having to be aware of that particular entry (even though I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's awareness expands transinfinitely and trans-eternally). What actually makes this entry's power so unmatched and insurmountable is that it utilizes the limit of each and every entry. Every entry has a limit, and so by utilizing that entry's limit to obliterate it, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. is immortal and omni-everything (omni-everything is the collection of all words that have "omni" in them. Words such as omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and so on). There is one entry that may be somewhat equal to I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. in terms of power, and that entry is Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit. This entry is the previous most transcendent entry on the wiki, and so it has no limit so far.......until now. See, its structure is that of an entry that has never been seen before. Something that allows it to not have a perceived/official status as a wiki entry, and so it is not referred to as a "number" (just like this entry is not referred to as a "number") because that would likely be surpassable by virtue of having a definitional nature. It may seem, from this point on, that there is no way you could possibly surpass this entry's "power", but then again, all entry's still have a presence on this wiki, regardless of their structure and nature. This is because all entries are present in other entries. Whether it to determine which entry is "larger" or determining something as little as their differences, all entries are present within all other entries. This also applies to Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit, as, there has been no absence of this rule found in it. I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L, however, contains something that allows it to transcend even this rule, but that is to be discussed later, in a different section. In conclusion, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's power is absolutely transinfinitely and trans-eternally insurmountable and unsurpassable to the most incomprehensibly high extent possible or impossible throughout the all time (past, present, future, or any/every spatial, temporal, trans-spatial, trans-temporal (and so on) domain/realm/dimension/verse).
Law #3: The Intellectual and Argumentative side
I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. utilizes meta-arguments to convince and confirm that each one of its laws are completely transcendent and dominant over all verses/dimensions/realms/domains in general/total. This ability is rarely used, as, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. mostly uses its power and conceptualization to prove its trans-transcendent, transinfinite, trans-eternal, and permanently/trans-permanently official status as the most transcendent entry on this wiki and elsewhere in any timeline or concept/idea in any epistemological/boxial/other interpretation that could possibly replace or destroy "time". This section will be much shorter than the others because of its irrelevance. However, please note that this section is still being described as descriptively as is feasibly (or beyond feasibly) possible.
Law #4: Possible ways to make references to this entry
In the scenario where a reference must be made to this entry, it is to be noted that it should be referenced to as appropriately as is feasible (for any situation). In almost every and any case, this entry can be called its real name (or its acronym/abbreviation) or it can be referred to as "What lies beyond Hypergoogology". However, this section is extremely irrelevant, as, people will probably just call this entry "IIUUIITL".
Law #5 (The Final Law): Anything BEYOND abstract properties
It is widely discussed (and acknowledged/accepted) that there can never be anything beyond a conceptual field as powerful as that of the abstract properties of I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L, which is understandable. However, people do not realize that it is not about what properties lie beyond the abstract (if any properties even exist beyond the abstract). You have to consider the fact that there are also certain structures despite the wild fluctuation of the incomprehensible notions beyond all and any abstract properties that have not been surpassed until now. I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's purpose is not at all to establish eternal/trans-eternal dominance over all that lies within this wiki and elsewhere. I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's purpose is to quite literally end Fictional Googology as a whole. In some sense, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's purpose is what makes it different from the rest of the trans-transcendental entries on this wiki and elsewhere. However, there is one thing that all other trans-transcendental entries lack that I have been the first to come up with. make people fully understand something permanently (especially on an insanely chaotic wiki community such as this one), you need to give that person/group (in this case, the community) the full extent of what truly fuels and maintains that particular concept. In this case, the only way to fully prove to the idiotic ignorami of this wiki that this entry is the most transcendent and unsurpassable concept (if it is even adequate to call this entry a "concept" at this point), is to give them the full extent of what this entry surpasses. However, before you read any further, I suggest reading the reminder at the very beginning of this page for reference (somewhat) of what you are about to read. Anyway, now that you've done that (if you haven't already), it is time for the final explanation in this entry. The most complex and ineffable one by far. Here we go...
I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. is incomprehensibly (to the highest possible or impossible extent in any interpretation of any epistemology or boxial/trans-boxial form of conceptualization, understanding, relatability, considerability, approachability, and so on throughout all time including the past, present, future, or any/every spatial, temporal, trans-spatial, and trans-temporal verse/dimension/realm/domain in general) beyond any and every transomniversally/transinfinitely/trans-eternal trans-transcendental entry or entity whether it is being corresponded to or singular. In this statement, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. shows to an ineffably clear extent that it is beyond conceptualization, understanding, approachability, considerability, relatability, transcendence, size, claim, persuasion, logic, notion, argument, denial, acceptance, acknowledgement, appreciation, description, detail, knowledge, power, strength, ideas, the abstract, existence, all beings, all entities, every species, assumptions, falsification, reliability, transomniversality, versatility, all realms, all dimensions, mathematics, science, language, interpretation, music, creation, destruction, ability, thought, biology, dreaming, immutability, incorrigibility, ineffability, incomprehensibility, comprehensibility, capability, desire, action, fiction, non-fiction, reality/actuality, virtuality, potentiality, spirituality, solipsism, dualism, truth, quantification, pseudo-quantification, pseudo-hyper-quantification, hypergoogology, history, time, trans-temporal scales, all scales of authority, trans-spatial scales, all spatial scales, all pseudo-models, manipulation, technology, invention, innovation, law/rules, speed, slowness, hunger, thirst, emotion, involuntary actions, voluntary actions, greed, corruption, death, life, geometry, geography, light, darkness, food, water/other drinks, erasure, recreation, restoration, perception, inconceivability, conceivability, crime, moral, design, intelligence, intellect, evolution, devolution, reaction, memory, function, structure, all spaces, all manifolds, the intrinsic, all properties, all stereotypes, idiocy, ignorance, negligence, and so much more.......
To conclude for the last time, I would like to mention one more law that hasn't really been relevant throughout the main parts of this entry. Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit stated in the template to the right of the page at the very top, that the only thing "larger" (meaning "transcendent" in the case of Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit) was an undefined Nihil of some sort. I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's purpose (unlike any other entry) is to END the cycle of increasingly larger numbers being made each day on the Fictional Googology Wiki. See, Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit's purpose was to end this cycle as well. However, the only way to fully end to end the wiki itself, because EVERYONE is capable of making the most transcendent/trans-transcendent entry on this wiki.....but only those who see what is TRULY needed for one entry to be the permanent most transcendent and unsurpassable.......can truly hold that #1 spot for the rest of eternity, and let me tell is nothing more than the end of Fictional Googology itself. Anyway, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. is not confined to the undefined "Nihil" that Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is confined to (if it is confined to that). Regardless, there is clearly some restriction or limitations being put on Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit by the fact that some Nihil that is undefined is above or beyond it in at least SOME transcendental way. I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. is not bound by the undefined or anything related to that. This is because of how arbitrary it is to all abstract and trans-abstract properties/concepts/ideas/other. It is quite difficult for an entry (even one such as this one) to be beyond even the undefined, because the only way to establish that something is the most powerful/dominant (in this case, the most transcendental) is to establish the fact that there is "nothing" beyond it. But that "nothing" is still part of the category known as "The Undefined". However, the undefined is a subordinate concept, a trans-phonological/trans-phonotactical pseudo-protologism/pseudo-concept that I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L. effortlessly, thoughtlessly, and mindlessly transcends and surpasses eternally (to the highest pseudo-authoritative extent of jargon that a fictional trans-phonological/trans-phonotactical protologism can be implied/claimed in or represented by) without the need for awareness of it at all or at any time or pseudo-trans-temporal/pseudo-hyper-temporal state, effectively removing the purpose for any other section in this entry. Regardless, I included the other sections so that further clarification was available to those who didn't understand some parts.
Throughout all the time I have been active on this wiki, I have rarely seen an entry who's purpose is anything other than to simply say: "This entry is the largest regardless of logic, verification, idea, or even opinion". However, whenever I do see entries that are genuine and honest about their accomplishments and purpose, it has never been an entry that would go on to be something special. Knowing this, I would like to clarify a few things about my personal motivation to make this entry before any false and stupid allegations are made. As I said before, I have no intention whatsoever to oppose any other entries in terms of quality or quantity. I would simply like to establish what is permanently true for very obvious reasons. I have spent roughly a month on this entry. I typed countless Google documents about ideas for this entry, and how I was going to structure its explanation. I don't really mind if people don't see how much effort I put into this, to be honest. All I care about is that people understand its purpose, and my reason for making this entry. As I said before, I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's purpose is to end Fictional Googology as a whole. But of course, that purpose was invented by someone. Me. But why would I make I.I.U.U.I.I.T.L's purpose to end the Fictional Googology Wiki if my motivation to even spend time on this wiki wasn't to end it? Well, the whole reason I even made an account on this wiki in the first so I can TRY to end it. Or at least to end the infinite cycle of ignorance from all users of this wiki. I may fail in this, but hey, at least I tried, right? To be honest, I didn't really know what I was getting into. I don't really have anything to lose here, so I guess its OK to try to FINALLY convince people. I just want people to know the truth. I mean, in some sense, I'm actually SAVING everyone that spends time on this wiki, because in all honesty, every user of this wiki is essentially wasting their time! Anyway, I don't fully know what I will gain from this, but....I just don't know. I just thought to myself one day....that if nobody had tried to do what's best.....that nobody had been able to end this pointless cycle... maybe I could.