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Fictional Googology Wiki

Inpredictafinity or ‡ is coined by Mathis R.V

It is Equal to -finity[⊙] or ᛨ²(7) In which there are Terminus Levels of Finities Past. Also known as Heptinity.

Inpredictafinity is also equal to hexinity(X)hexinity.

Inpredictafinity = -finity[-finity[7]] you need multiply all Finity's by themselves for making Another finity and you need start it From infinifinity and do that terminusfinity times.

‡x‡ = InpredictaInfinifinity

-finity[... x terminus = never terminusfinity

-finity[... x -finity[... x -finity[... x -finity[... = Instafinity
