Fictional Googology Wiki

Kath-Barriepoint (|𝔎|) is a really important limitant of both absolute-extent constructs and true-metaness, along with The Cage. At this point, every thing to an absolute extent is exhausted to an absolute extent, and thus requiring Kathphysics and Kathextents to surpass.


  • This is the very last entry before the "Maximal Kathextentism" spectrum of Class 34 and the "pata" era of Fictional Googology community.
  • This is one of historical limits surpassing what is considered "impossible."
  • Truly-ineffable objects are not above Kathphysics and this number, and thus contained in the Cage.
  • All (meta)objects referred, limited, or broken through metatext, metaidentifiers, and even our approaches do not surpass, as they do not truly represent what lies beyond Kath-Barriepoint.


  • Kath-Barriepoint is also called "Metatum Barriepoint," due to the exhaustion of Istamtae's defmeta.

More Numbers[]

Assuming there’s something outside to be contained…

The following numbers are about Aarex's take of exhausting higher prefixes and eras such as pata-, cata-, kath-, etc.

Patatum Barriepoint[]

Equivalent to: Crocodile

Patatum Barriepoint (|P+|) is limitant of pata-. All following entries must be "biggest but unreachable and unsurpassable" in all characteristics of hierarchization, even with ability to increase to "biggest." If one is surpassable or reachable by anything whether of any set, it would fall under Patatum Barriepoint.

An Infinite set of this number as an extent is the largest Infinite Set.

Catatum Barriepoint[]

Catatum Barriepoint (|∉|) is limitant of cata-, which must not in/of/have any (including properties and variants) or it. Anything (il)logically used for any purpose (including analysis, definition, interaction, or ignorance) falls under Catatum Barriepoint, and must be completely set-relative imaginary.

Kathtum Barriepoint[]

Kathtum Barriepoint (|κ!|) is Condensed Hyper Asymptomatic Repeating Meta.
