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क Kahzoh Zeroids (Class _) - *Θe to 0[]
Class _ contains the zeroids. This Class is characterized by numbers which are signless, equal to their own negative, share properties and are interchangeable with 0, yet are strictly smaller than 0 and capable of nullifying 0's properties. All of these numbers exist in the interval (-0,0). These may be called the hyper-zeroes, hyper-nulls, or micro-zeroids. These numbers are said to be "smaller than 0", yet not negative/less than 0, nor positive/greater than 0, nor equal to 0. Some descriptions include "more centered than 0", "more 0 than 0", and "closer to 0 than 0". This tends to make mathematicians roll their eyes and normal peoples eyes turn inside out. You've been warned!
This class has no known absolutely true minimum element (unlike all other classes since it is the earliest class). *Θe is included as the first member for convenience even though it likely lies outside this class. The limit of this class is 0.
Signed zero[]
A signed zero is zero with an associated sign. In ordinary arithmetic, the number 0 does not have a sign, so that −0, +0 and 0 are identical. However, in fictional googology, some formulations of the Existential Axiom allow for the existence of two zeros, often denoted by −0 (negative zero) and +0 (positive zero).
A positive number multiplied by -0 equal to -0, but if multiplied with a negative number the value is +0 because the signs law, multiplying -0 times +0 equal to -0 and -0 times -0 is +0 by the same reason.
Another properties are:
- (-0) + (+0) = 0
- (-0)^2 = +0
- 1/-0 = negative infinity and 1/+0 equal to positive infinite
In computing[]
Signed zeros appear in computing, where a number may be represented as an unsigned number with a juxtaposed sign bit, which creates 2 distinct signed representations of 0. This occurs in both the IEEE-754 floating-point formats and all one's complement integer formats.
An "Absence" is something that will never be thought of, thus not having a name, a symbol, a definition,rendering it totally and utterly inexistent to the existential axiom. Its "bigger" counterpart is Undefined, which is something that isn't yet thought of, but inevitably will be, rendering it inexistent only for a certain amount of time.
Nothing is a large number big big, user Giantnumber40 created this number and was in Numbers 0 to TRUE FINAL-ENDING[1] by Giantnumber40. in Numbers 0 to TRUE FINAL-ENDING, Nothing is a cyclon Number. It's symbol is untypable. After Nothing Cycle we Reach TRUE FINAL-ENDING. This Number is at ordinal level 499.
Nothing Cycle is glitchy and larger and glitchier than cycles of best sheep Number and beyond the final limit.
Point Blank[]
Point Blank is not a number,nor any twist of the definition of number.
It has no definition, thus not owning any property and being unclassifiable on a completely metaphysical level.
Its definition is ""
Chaos is a type of objects that have a definition,but with the definition being written in complete gibberish,thus not bounding any properties to it.
Branoro was the absolutely smallest positive number entry on this wiki (surpassed by underscore). It is inconceivably smaller than 0 yet not in the least bit negative.
It is significant in being the absolute smallest number of any kind on the Bloxin video -1000000 to Beyond Absolute Infinity. It is a special type of number called a hyper-zero, and it exists between -0 and 0.
The origins of it's name are completely unknown. It's symbol can be approximated as:
It is presumed to have the usual properties of hyper-zeroes, but nothing is known about it's definition. One thing we do know for certain ... no matter how little we know about ... even absolutely nothing ... we will always know more than branoro about branoro.
Tutanoro is the 2nd absolute smallest Bloxin hyper-zero. A hyper-zero is a number that exists in the interval (-0,0). Tutanoro's symbol is [0-0].
Gihenoro is the 3rd absolutely smallest Bloxin hyper-zero. It's symbol is [*--*].
It exists within the interval ( -0 , 0 ), and presumably also exists in the intervals ( -([{}]) , +([{}]) ), ( -<><> , +<><> ), ( -" ' ^ ' " , +" ' ^ ' " ), and even ( -/.,.,.\ , +/.,.,.\ ).
Jiwanoro is a hyper-zero ranked 4th smallest. And Simbol Like This: /.,.,.,.\
Kodanoro is a mysterious hyper-zero (a number more 0 than 0) that exists somewhere in the 0-dimensional space between -0 and 0, sometimes referred to as the zero-dimension. The origin of it's name is unknown. It's symbol is " ' ^ ' ". It's only known occurance is in The Bloxin Channel video -1000000 to Beyond Absolute Infinity. It is the 5th entry after -0 and the 5th absolutely smallest number in the video.
Nothing is known about this number, other than we know more than kodanoro about it, that it is likely much much smaller than 0, and that it is smaller than arrunoro. It's definition and properties are completely unknown. It is assumed to be either positive or signless in the video.
Arrunoro is an impossible number between -0 and 0. It is smaller than 0 and yet neither less than, greater than, or equal to 0. It is said to be a non-existent solution to the numbers in the interval (-0,0). The only known primary source of this number is The Bloxin Channel video -1000000 to Beyond Absolute Infinity, a creepypasta number video inspired by Numberblocks and the NO! video 0 to Absolute True End. Arrunoro is the 6th entry after -0 in the video, and is presumed to be the 6th absolutely smallest number in the video. It occurs at the 0:54 mark. It's symbol is an indecipherable jumble formed by overlaying symbols on top of each other. However the most prominent symbol can be made out to be <><>, which can be used as an ascii approximation.
Nothing is really known about it (which is to say we know more than arrunoro about it) or its definition or properties other than, it is presumably much much smaller than 0 (although by "how much" is impossible to describe) and it also is presumed to be less than hegirondo, the 7th entry after -0.
Hegirondo is a number that is hypothesized to exist "between" -0 and 0. It is said to be smaller than 0, yet not less than, greater than, or equal to 0. It's symbol is ([{}]). Not much is known about this number. The origins of it's name remain a mystery. It first appeared on The Bloxin Channel video titled -1000000 to Beyond Absolute Infinity. It is the 7th entry after -0 in the video, thus making it the 7th smallest number to appear in the entire video.
How this number is derived or what properties it would possess are completely unknown. Nothing else is known about the number currently.
_ is a hypothetical number whose existence has not been proven, but is none the less said to be so small that even multiplying it by 0 does not return 0 but rather _. Namely:
_ * 0 = 0 * _ = _
This would only be possible if _ was a number that was somehow strictly smaller than 0. In fact, if every number no matter how small times 0 was 0, this would imply that 0 was in fact the smallest possible number, thus in order for there to be a smaller number there must be something which violates the 0 property on account of it's smallness.
० Nullum [0]-0 to Infinity[]
Your Journey Begins Here!
(From here you will eventually be able to navigate to any other number on the Wiki)
0 (zero) is the smallest possible ordinal and can be understood as the Empty Set, the simplest possible set. It is also the smallest possible cardinal number. It is also the smallest whole number.
It is significant as the smallest number to appear in 0to Videos (as the name implies), and is unambiguously chosen as a starting point, suggesting either an Ordinal or Cardinal paradigm. 0 is not however considered the "smallest number" on the Wiki however. Smaller numbers, dubbed Hyper-Zeroes, Micro-Zeroids, or simply Zeroids, have been defined and some of their properties have been investigated. For an example and to begin to understand the concept you can check out the entry on _.
Although 0 has often been maligned throughout history, and it's existence denied, it is not a "fictional number" (one could only imagine what mathematicians who rejected 0 would think of Hyper-Zeroes!).
0 is also notable for showing up in a lot of important Ordinal and Cardinal notations as it's used to denote the first of some property. Notable examples include Epsilon-0, Gamma-0, and Aleph-0 from professional mathematics. Some NO! numbers that use 0 in their name include Absolute Null (not to be confused with Absolute Infinity) and Unbeatable Naught.
0 is the smallest Nullum-Class Number by definition. Numbers which are greater than 0 are positive numbers. Numbers which are less than 0 are negative numbers. Thus 0 acts as the dividing point between the negatives and positives. The Nullum-Class is composed of 0 and the Positive Integers, and can be said to represent the Class of Finite Multiplicities or Cardinalities. To continue up through the Nullum-Class hierarchy you can Click the link in the Infobox for Larger Numbers. Although under development, this will eventually allow you to gradually ascend up the chain of Finite Cardinalities and learn some things along the way from googology.
Notable Properties[]
0 is a unique Number in mathematics in a lot of ways. It is often however, misunderstood. 0 essentially is a mathematical construct which means having "no things" of a thing. From this definition it follows that having "no apples" is essentially the same as having "no oranges", because in both cases one can more simply say one has "nothing", that is "0". Despite this, in day-to-day life, the qualitative aspect matters, and 0 miles per hour is not the same as having 0 apples, or 0 days of vacation. In each case these could not be free interchanged in natural language and would lead to such nonsensical notions of having a speed of "0 apples" being equivalent to "0 miles per hour". It is however non-arbitrary say one has a "0 speed" since the units of speed here do not matter. 0 mph is the same as 0 kph , or meters per second, or inches per minute, etc.
In mathematics 0 may be multiplied by any "number" to obtain 0. This is under the understanding that having "0" of any number is still just "0", whether it be "0 ones" "0 twos" "0 threes" etc. This means that 0 is definitionally a common multiple of every integer.
When multiplying 0 by 0, we obtain 0. This can seem confusing. What does it mean to have "nothing" of "nothing"? To understand this imagine boxes that contain 0 cookies within them. If we have say 100 boxes of 0 cookies, we still have 0 cookies, but if we have 0 boxes of 0 cookies ... we still have 0 cookies.
Since 0 represents nothing, adding or subtracting it from any other number has "no" effect on it.
We can also attempt to describe fractions with 0 as a numerator as in 0/2 , 0/3 , 0/4, etc. As is the case with almost everything with 0, it doesn't actually matter what we have "0 of", whether that be 0 halves, 0 thirds, or 0 quarters, the end result is that we still have nothing.
Another way to look at it is 0/2 is attempting to divide 0 "in half". However, if we think about it in terms of trying to find something when multiplied by 2 that gives us 0, 0 gives us a ready made answer: two zeros is zero, so "half of zero" as opposed to "zero halves", is still just 0.
Lastly we can attempt to divide numbers by 0.
Expressions like 1/0 tend to be confusing because it is not clear what a denominator of 0 is suppose to mean in terms of "units", like wholes, halves, thirds and so on. However we can think of 1/0 as trying to figure out how many times 0 can go into 1. The problem is any number of 0s is still 0, so there is no answer. We have an undefined expression with no possible answer.
0/0 presents yet another difficulty in that any number of 0s can "fit within" 0. And so instead of there being no answer, there is everything as the answer. Any number is correct. 0/0 = 0 , 0/0 = 1 , 0/0 = 2 , 0/0 = 3, etc.
0^0 presents difficulties that are similar to 0/0. In some contexts it is treated as being equal to everything, while in others it is sometimes treated as equal to 1, on account of the fact that the limit of x^x as x approaches 0 from the right is 1.
_(-1) is a strange number arising from Underscore Theory. In underscore theory we have a function _(a) where a is any ordinal number. _(0) = 0 by definition. By convention we use _ = _(1). The properties of underscores are simple:
_a * _b = _max(a,b)
The product always returns the larger of the two indexes. So for 0 * _ we have:
_0 * _1 = _1 = _
or we could say _5 * _3 = _5
Hyper-zeroes can be generated in this way using the underscore notation. Underscore numbers are assumed to have the following additional properties:
_a * x = _a : min(_a,x) = _a
That is, these elements can not be made smaller or larger by multiplication unless x is smaller than _a. They are assumed to form discrete levels of smallness.
We now postulate the existence of _(-1). By our rule _(-1) * 0 = 0. This implies _(-1) is greater than 0 ... and yet:
_(-1) * 0.000000001 = _(-1), and _(-1) * _(-1) = _(-1)
This number otherwise acts like 0. This implies it is smaller than any positive real number. It should also be smaller than any infinitesimal as well, yet it is somehow larger than 0. _(-1) is a special type of number known as a megalo-zero. It is similar to sqrt(*0). Let's say we assume that _(-1) is the square root of 0. This implies _(-1)^2 = 0. However _(-1) * _(-1) = _(-1). The product of _(-1) with itself is itself, a common property held by all underscore numbers. Therefore it is not the sqrt(*0). It is believed that _(-1) is larger than the sqrt(*0) in much the same way that _ is smaller than *0^2.
Zeroie Carinal[]
The Zeroie Cardinal is a large macro-zeroid. It may be denoted by Ie(0). The Zeroie Cardinal first appeared on September 26th of 2021, It occurs at the 2:48 mark.
Conjectured Properties[]
The exact nature and value of the Zeroie Cardinal is not fully known or understood. In the video it occurs after 0, but before the infinitesimals. This should be impossible! Any number greater than 0, would be an infinitesimal ... normally. This opens up the possibility of a new class of numbers called macro-zeroids. These numbers are larger than 0, yet smaller than any infinitesimal! They are distinguished from infinitesimals in that they retain the properties of 0 and hyper-zeroes rather than those of infinitesimals. For this reason they are believed to be signless like zero, unlike infinitesimals which have signs. They are also believed to exhibit the same rigidity of 0, refusing to get larger or smaller, unlike infinitesimals which can be multiplied or divided to make them larger or smaller.
The meaning of the function Ie is not known, however in the video, Ie(0) occurs after 0*infinity. This implies infinity is not the reciprocal of 0, since multiplying 0 by infinity still returns a number smaller than even the smallest infinitesimal. It is further speculated that any multiple of 0 will necessarily be less than Ie(0), though this is not clear. It is also believed to be greater than sqrt(0), or any root of 0 for that matter.
It is not known whether or not Ie(0) = _(-1). However _(-1) has a cardinal like property in that it can not be made larger or smaller by multiplication or division:
alef0 * 2 = alef0 , alef0 / 2 = alef0
_(-1)*2 = _(-1) , _(-1)/2 = _(-1)
So the idea of "cardinals" hidden between 0 and all positive infinitesimals may be possible. This implies that Ie(0) corresponds to a discrete level corresponding to some _(-a). Ie(0) suggests there is a lot more space getting to 0 than previously thought ... a lot more. It may be that 0*ABSINF is still smaller than Ie(0).
The exact placement of Ie(0) is still an active area of research.
Here are some further conjectured properties based on it's cardinal and macro-zeroid nature:
-Ie(0) = Ie(0)
le(0) + le(0) = le(0)
From the first two it follows that:
Ie(0) - Ie(0) = Ie(0)
"positive real number" * Ie(0) = Ie(0)
Ie(0)/"positive real number" = Ie(0)
Ie(0) * Ie(0) = Ie(0)
0 * Ie(0) = 0
1 <<> 1 + Ie(0), yet both 1+Ie(0) > 1 and 1+Ie(0) < 1 are false. At the same time 1+Ie(0) != 1 is true.
Super Zeroie Cardinal[]
The Super Zeroie Cardinal is a large macro-zeroid, defined using the Ie function as Ie(Ie(0)). It first appeared on September 26, 2021, on the video "(SNEAK PEAK) -0 to 1". The Ie function is introduced but not defined in the video, but some clues allow us to get a rough idea of it's meaning.
Official Ranking[]
It is listed after Ie(0) and before Largest Zeroie Cardinal, the latter of which does not have a proper known expression (it contains question marks implying uncertainty). It occurs after 0, but before the infinitesimals. This puts it in the class of Macro-Zeroids. Technically this places it in Class 0, since it is considered larger than 0. None the less it is given a special designation of Ie here.
1 Is the first integer after 0, This number is very small. It is equal to 1x10^0 in Scientific Notation.
- Every number divided or multiplied by 1 is the same number.
- The exponent of 1 is still 1
- A number raised to 1 is still the same number
The Next Non-Decimal Number: 2
The Previous Non-Decimal Number: 0
2 (Two) is a positive integer after 1. It is one of the few prime numbers that is even.
3 is the Third Entry of Positive Numbers Created in 10,000 BC?
3rd Party Content Things.
4 (Four) is the fourth number, and the second pair. It is successor to 3 and predecessor to 5.
A Googol Is Equal To 10^100. It Looks Like:
10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Or 10 Duotrigintillion.
A Micrillion Is Equal To 103,000,003. Or 103x10^6+3.
Suhtasillion is equal to 1028407794661821436289505567580795167082. Or 102,8407x10^37.
Suhtasillion is smaller than googolplex.
Googolplex Is Equal To 10^10^100. It Looks Like:
10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Or 10^10 Duotrigintillion. it has 10^100+1 symbols.
The Giggol Is Equal To 10^^100 Or 10010 Or 101010...1010 With 100 tens.
10^10^10^10^10...10^10^10^100 with 100 tens is called grangol
The Tridecal Is Equal To {10,10,10} in Array Notation. It's name stems from the fact that it's an array containing three 10s.
It may also be expressed as:
10{10}10 or 10^^^...^^^10 with 10 10's or 10↑1010.
The Boogol Is Equal To 10^^^...^^^10 with 100 10's or 10↑10010. (Non fictional).
In extended notation - 10{100}10
In Beaf - {10,10,100}
In Birds array notation - {10,10,100}
Edward's number[]
Edward's number is equal to FOOT^10(3)=FOOT^9(FOOT^9(FOOT^9(3))) in foot function. The term was coined by edward273.728さ.
This number is smaller than big foot.
Ineffable Numbers[]
Ineffable Numbers are extremely large finite numbers, this is about as much as we can truly say about these numbers. There are infinitely many of them.
Definition (or as close as we can get to one)[]
Ineffable Numbers are numbers so enormously large that no kind of definition we could make would be sufficient enough, this means that that definition in itself is not sufficient, it can convey the basic idea but that is also a definition, therefore if we could write that out then ineffables are a lot larger. These numbers are also ineffable to AI and to any computer we could ever make. As we get more advanced at creating large finite numbers, ineffables will also get further away. We could never reach these numbers because if we did they wouldn't be ineffable. Even a symbol is not sufficient as that is a form of definition. Even this definition is not sufficient as no definition we can make is strong enough.
१ Tienum (Class I) - Infinity to Absolute Infinity[]
Class I contains all the transfinite numbers, both transfinite ordinals and transfinite cardinals. This Class is characterized through the properties of set formation, for both ordered and unordered sets. No largest set can exist, nor the totality of all sets. It's least member is Infinity, and it's limit is Absolute Infinity.
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Are You Not a robot Y/n Answer Y d I O P t r
, you must've been a while to get the latest news and I am a while to the reasoning is at fault with our common experience, but it goes to show just some of the contradictions that arise when super tasks are invoked.
Aleph Null[]
In mathematics, particularly in set theory, the aleph numbers are a sequence of numbers used to represent the cardinality (or size) of infinite sets that can be well-ordered. They were introduced by the mathematician Georg Cantor and are named after the symbol he used to denote them, the Semitic letter aleph ().
The cardinality of the natural numbers is (read aleph-nought or aleph-zero; the term aleph-null is also sometimes used), the next larger cardinality of a well-orderable set is aleph-one then and so on. Continuing in this manner, it is possible to define a cardinal number for every ordinal number as described below.
The concept and notation are due to Georg Cantor, who defined the notion of cardinality and realized that infinite sets can have different cardinalities.
The aleph numbers differ from the infinity () commonly found in algebra and calculus, in that the alephs measure the sizes of sets, while infinity is commonly defined either as an extreme limit of the real number line (applied to a function or sequence that "diverges to infinity" or "increases without bound"), or as an extreme point of the extended real number line.
(aleph-nought, also aleph-zero or aleph-null) is the cardinality of the set of all natural numbers, and is an infinite cardinal. The set of all finite ordinals, called or (where is the lowercase Greek letter omega), has cardinality . A set has cardinality if and only if it is countably infinite, that is, there is a bijection (one-to-one correspondence) between it and the natural numbers. Examples of such sets are
- the set of all integers,
- any infinite subset of the integers, such as the set of all square numbers or the set of all prime numbers,
- the set of all rational numbers,
- the set of all constructible numbers (in the geometric sense),
- the set of all algebraic numbers,
- the set of all computable numbers,
- the set of all binary strings of finite length, and
- the set of all finite subsets of any given countably infinite set.
These infinite ordinals: and are among the countably infinite sets. For example, the sequence (with ordinality ) of all positive odd integers followed by all positive even integers
is an ordering of the set (with cardinality ) of positive integers.
If the axiom of countable choice (a weaker version of the axiom of choice) holds, then is smaller than any other infinite cardinal.
Aleph-one is the cardinality of the set of all countable ordinal numbers, called or sometimes . This is itself an ordinal number larger than all countable ones, so it is an uncountable set. Therefore, is distinct from . The definition of implies (in ZF, Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory without the axiom of choice) that no cardinal number is between and . If the axiom of choice is used, it can be further proved that the class of cardinal numbers is totally ordered, and thus is the second-smallest infinite cardinal number. Using the axiom of choice, one can show one of the most useful properties of the set : any countable subset of has an upper bound in . (This follows from the fact that the union of a countable number of countable sets is itself countable – one of the most common applications of the axiom of choice.) This fact is analogous to the situation in : every finite set of natural numbers has a maximum which is also a natural number, and finite unions of finite sets are finite.
is actually a useful concept, if somewhat exotic-sounding. An example application is "closing" with respect to countable operations; e.g., trying to explicitly describe the σ-algebra generated by an arbitrary collection of subsets (see e.g. Borel hierarchy). This is harder than most explicit descriptions of "generation" in algebra (vector spaces, groups, etc.) because in those cases we only have to close with respect to finite operations – sums, products, and the like. The process involves defining, for each countable ordinal, via transfinite induction, a set by "throwing in" all possible countable unions and complements.
Continuum hypothesis[]
The cardinality of the set of real numbers (cardinality of the continuum) is It cannot be determined from ZFC (Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory augmented with the axiom of choice) where this number fits exactly in the aleph number hierarchy, but it follows from ZFC that the continuum hypothesis, CH, is equivalent to the identity
The CH states that there is no set whose cardinality is strictly between that of the integers and the real numbers. CH is independent of ZFC: it can be neither proven nor disproven within the context of that axiom system (provided that ZFC is consistent). That CH is consistent with ZFC was demonstrated by Kurt Gödel in 1940, when he showed that its negation is not a theorem of ZFC. That it is independent of ZFC was demonstrated by Paul Cohen in 1963, when he showed conversely that the CH itself is not a theorem of ZFC – by the (then-novel) method of forcing.
Aleph-omega is where the smallest infinite ordinal is denoted ω is the first uncountable cardinal number that can be demonstrated within Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory not to be equal to the cardinality of the set of all real numbers; for any positive integer n we can consistently assume that and moreover it is possible to assume is as large as we like. We are only forced to avoid setting it to certain special cardinals with cofinality meaning there is an unbounded function from to it (see Easton's theorem).
Aleph-α for general α[]
To define for arbitrary ordinal number we must define the successor cardinal operation, which assigns to any cardinal number the next larger well-ordered cardinal (if the axiom of choice holds, this is the next larger cardinal).
We can then define the aleph numbers as follows:
and for λ, an infinite limit ordinal,
The α-th infinite initial ordinal is written . Its cardinality is written In ZFC, the aleph function is a bijection from the ordinals to the infinite cardinals.
Fixed points of omega[]
For any ordinal α we have
In many cases is strictly greater than α. For example, for any successor ordinal α this holds. There are, however, some limit ordinals which are fixed points of the omega function, because of the fixed-point lemma for normal functions. The first such is the limit of the sequence
Any weakly inaccessible cardinal is also a fixed point of the aleph function. This can be shown in ZFC as follows. Suppose is a weakly inaccessible cardinal. If were a successor ordinal, then would be a successor cardinal and hence not weakly inaccessible. If were a limit ordinal less than then its cofinality (and thus the cofinality of ) would be less than and so would not be regular and thus not weakly inaccessible. Thus and consequently which makes it a fixed point.
Role of axiom of choice[]
The cardinality of any infinite ordinal number is an aleph number. Every aleph is the cardinality of some ordinal. The least of these is its initial ordinal. Any set whose cardinality is an aleph is equinumerous with an ordinal and is thus well-orderable.
Each finite set is well-orderable, but does not have an aleph as its cardinality.
The assumption that the cardinality of each infinite set is an aleph number is equivalent over ZF to the existence of a well-ordering of every set, which in turn is equivalent to the axiom of choice. ZFC set theory, which includes the axiom of choice, implies that every infinite set has an aleph number as its cardinality (i.e. is equinumerous with its initial ordinal), and thus the initial ordinals of the aleph numbers serve as a class of representatives for all possible infinite cardinal numbers.
When cardinality is studied in ZF without the axiom of choice, it is no longer possible to prove that each infinite set has some aleph number as its cardinality; the sets whose cardinality is an aleph number are exactly the infinite sets that can be well-ordered. The method of Scott's trick is sometimes used as an alternative way to construct representatives for cardinal numbers in the setting of ZF. For example, one can define card(S) to be the set of sets with the same cardinality as S of minimum possible rank. This has the property that card(S) = card(T) if and only if S and T have the same cardinality. (The set card(S) does not have the same cardinality of S in general, but all its elements do.)
Basefinifinity (∞↘) is a relatively small number. written out, it is:, where the subscript represents base conversion.
First, an even smaller number: Basefinity. Basefinity is infinity converted to base infinity.
This number can be approximated to (∞+1)[∞]2. since 10∞ = ∞+1, 100∞ ≈ ∞2 = ∞×∞, 1000∞≈²∞=∞∞.
Next, we need to convert to base-basefinity. which should be roughly (∞∞+1)[∞∞]2. This expands to: ((∞+1)[∞]2)[(∞+1)[∞]2]2. this can be (very roughly) approximated to ∞{{1}}3. This way basefinifinity can be approximated to {∞,∞,1,2}.
This can be extend further, and at it's (small) maximum, it reaches roughly 4&∞ (ampersand denotes "array of" operator)
Epsilion-null is Written as ε0.
ε1 Is equal to ε0 tetrated to ε0
εn is equal to εn-1 tetrated to εn-1.
Zeta-naught is a small countable ordinal, defined as the first (or least) fixed point of the epsilon-function.
It is usually denoted as ζ(0). The choice of Zeta, is because it is the next letter in the greek alphabet after epsilon. Likewise, the Zeta-function is the next normal function in the sequence of normal functions beginning with the epsilon function.
Technical Details[]
The Epsilon Numbers, ε0, ε1, ε2, are the fixed points of the ordinal function φ(α) = ω^α. It might be assumed that any power of omega will always be greater than power. ie.
ω^2 > 2 , ω^ω > ω , etc.
However if we define the supremum of the sequence ω , ω^ω , ω^ω^ω , ... etc. we can imagine obtaining an infinite power tower of the form:
ω^ω^ω^ ...
If we then compute φ(ω^ω^ω^...) we obtain ω^ω^ω^ω^...
This however is not any taller than the original power tower (because it was already infinite). Thus we have an ordinal that is a fixed point of φ.
Cantor denoted this ordinal as ε0. The main property of epsilon-0, and epsilon numbers in general is ω^ε(α).
To obtain new epsilon numbers from previous epsilon numbers one can obtain ε(α+1) with the sequence ω^(ε(α)+1) , ω^ω^(ε(α)+1) , ω^ω^ω^(ε(α)+1) , etc. For limit ordinals one can use its fundamental sequence. Let ε(λ) is the supremum of ε(λ[0]) , ε(λ[1]) , ε(λ[2]) , ... etc.
This allows us to define Epsilon numbers up to any ordinal α. We then define ζ(0) as the supremum of the sequence ε(0) , ε(ε(0)) , ε(ε(ε(0))) , ... etc.
It can be thought of informally as an infinitely nested epsilon function: ε(ε(ε(ε(ε( ... ))))). The main property of ζ(0) is that ε(ζ(0)) = ζ(0). It can be thought of as "so large" that applying the Epsilon Function does not make it any larger. We can however create larger ordinals by first taking the successor: ζ(0)+1. Note that Every Zeta Number is also an Epsilon Number. This means it is also true that ω^ζ(0) = ζ(0). However we can still get a larger ordinals from these functions if we plug in the successor instead: ω^(ζ(0)+1) > ζ(0), ε(ζ(0)+1) > ζ(0).
Within Fictional Googology[]
Zeta-naught is a transfinite ordinal from real mathematics, specifically an area of mathematics called set theory. It is used to discuss ordered sets.
It is a popular choice of ordinal to include within 0to Videos. Within Fictional Googology it is recognized as a "Tienum-Class Number". In fact every Transfinite Number from Set Theory is what forms the Tienum-Class Numbers. No distinction is made between Transfinite Ordinals and Transfinite Cardinals, thus it is not uncommon for them to be mixed and ranked together.
Trinitum or Beyond Understanding is a number hard to describe
Trinitum symbol: Ὧ (capital trinitum) ὧ (Lowercase trinitum) Trinitum is a ordinal.
Trinitumfinity is An ordinal. It's symbol is ᴟ.
Trinitum function[]
ᴥ(1) is Trinitum (lowercase)
ᴥ(2) is Trinitum (upercase)
ᴥ(3) is Trinitum (upercase)^^Trinitum (upercase)
ᴥ(4) is ᴥ(3)^^ᴥ(3)
ᴥ(5) is ᴥ(4)^^ᴥ(4)
Trinitumfinity is ᴥ(ᴥ(ᴥ(ᴥ(...(ᴥ)...))))
२ Tielem (Class II) - Absolute Infinity to Absility[]
Class II contains the degrees of absoluteness, called the "Absolutes". It is characterized by the creation of proper classes, and higher categories of collections which reach an "absolute" maximal size. It's least member is Absolute Infinity, and it's limit is Absolute Everything.
Absolute Infinity[]
Cantor's Absolute Infinity is a number which satisfies the full reflection principle: "All cardinality properties are satisfied in this number, in which held by a smaller cardinal."
It is also a paradoxical number which claim "no number can have a higher well-ordering in a set, and bigger than this."
Absolute Infinity is past all the ordinals, cardinals, and finite numbers. It's size is so gargantuan it cannot be expressed, considered it's past anything reachable from below. Even still, it's just a Class 2 Infinity. It is basically the smallest of the infinities that aren't real in mathematics.
It would be only the biggest cardinal if one didn't define well-orderings and infinite axioms based on multi-sorted logic.
Even though this server doesn't care about how well-defined something is, it's still good to provide an attempt at a definition. The definition for absolute infinity is a number which is bigger than any conceivable or inconceivable quantity, either finite or transfinite. (Edit from i do not like saws: There is a real definition but it's VERY hard to explain.)
Least Bordinal[]
The least bordinal is defined as the supremum of which is defined in Absolute Qalandar(AQ). The term was coined by Sbiis. To clarify, The Least Bordinal can be defined in more standard terminology as the supremum of Ord the proper class of all ordinals. The Least Bordinal is synonymous with Cantor's concept of the Absolutely Infinite inconsistent set of all ordinals, so it's "size" may be assumed to be Absolute Infinity. It marks the endpoint of ordinals and the beginnings of post-ordinals and post-Absolute Infinities.
Currently the properties of numbers beyond The Least Bordinal are unknown and under debate.
Least bordinal may be equal to Ruo Paixu Gendial.
The URsize or more informally the URcardinal is the hypothetical size a certain Proper Class of objects called ursets. The Proper Class of ursets is called the URverse or more informally the URset. When referring to the URverse the symbol ж is used, and when referring to it's size the symbol ж# is used.
A Set is an object F, that acts as a function on any other object, x, such that F(x) always unambiguously returns either true or false but not both. If F(x) is true we say "x is an element of F" and if F(x) is false we say "x is not an element of F".
The Empty-Set, 0, is the set for which 0(x) is always false.
An Urelement, U, is an object for which the statements "x is an element of U" and "x is not an element of U" are meaningless for any object x.
A Selection-Chain of A, is a sequence of objects, where:
(1) Every object is either a Set or Urelement,
(2) Contains at least a 0th member of the sequence which must be the object A
(3) Every subsequent member of the sequence is an element of the previous member.
(4) Every position of the sequence is a finite ordinal.
The URclass (ж) is an Object Class, whose instantiations are objects with the property of being a set, A, such that there does not exist a Selection-Chain beginning with A and ending with a urelement.
Two URclass Objects, A and B, are distinct, if and only if there exists an object, x, such that A(x) and B(x) are not equal.
The URsize (ж#) is the potential number of distinct objects that can be generated of the URverse Class.
Potential Size[]
Because every ordinal is an URverse Object, the potential number of distinct objects must be at least Absolutely Infinite. On the other hand not all URverse Objects are ordinals, since ordinals never contain themselves, but a set which includes itself as an element along with other elements that are URclass objects, is guaranteed to not include urelements, since selecting any element other than itself must lead to Selection-Chains which do not contain Urelements, and repeatedly selecting the set itself always returns a set not an urelement. It could potentially be shown to be more than absolutely infinite if it can be shown that there is no way to assign every conceivable URclass objectuniquely to some ordinal.
Д (Die Dämmerung) is a hypothetical collection with cardinality strictly greater than that of any absolutely infinite proper class. Die Dämmerung is german for "twilight", a reference to the fact that this "number" represents the twilight of our knowledge about "sizes" beyond the transfinite numbers and the absolutely infinite. The symbol Д is the Russian Letter "De" which stands for both Die Dämmerung as well as "disorder" because it exists beyond all orderly numbers (to be explained shortly). Д is different than other attempts to simply define something larger than Absolute Infinity for two reasons. It provides a definition for what it means for something to be "larger than" Absolute Infinity, and it doesn't assume it's existence, but rather is definitionally a hypothetical least object with this specific property, thus if it exists it is by definition larger than absolute infinity. It however can simply fail to exist. Attempts to construct such a collection with this property lead increasingly to the suspicion that such a collection can not actually be constructed! To sustain its existence Platonic indemonstrability is forwarded as a concept in which an idea exists even though it can never be physically realized. The property proposed here, is not unique to Д, but would be held by any collection of "cardinality" strictly greater than absolute infinity. All numbers larger than absolute infinity can be said to be in some sense unorderable in a sense analogous to the way in which any cardinality greater than ℵ0 is uncountable.
Technical Details[]
A set is said to be "countable" if its elements can be put in one-to-one corresondence with the set of so called natural numbers, {0,1,2,3,...}. That is, they can be listed, with a first member a second member, a third member, and so on.
If a set can be counted in this manner, with every natural number pairing off with exactly one member of the other set, and no members of the set not paired off with some natural number we say the set has cardinality ℵ0.
We may note that the natural numbers are a set so large, that there exists proper subsets of the natural numbers which none the less have equal cardinality with the whole set.
The classic example is that there are as many even natural numbers as natural numbers, but there is also as many square natural numbers, cubic natural numbers, quartic natural numbers, etc. This depite the fact that these represent increasingly "thin" proper subsets of the natural numbers. In fact any strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers is equinumerous with the natural numbers no matter how fast growing the sequence is!
We define a set as uncountable when it is so large it can not be put into one-to-one correspondence in this way. There are several ways to demonstrate such a set exists. Let us consider the set of all possible sets of natural numbers. For example {1,2,3} is a set of natural numbers, but so is the set of all square natural numbers {0,1,4,9,16,...}. Some of these sets are finite and some are infinite. Is the set of all sets of natural numbers countable? Well if it was, we could list these sets in a sequence with a first member, a second member, a third member, and so on. Let's assume we've done this already. So we have a correspondence like this:
0 <--> {0,1,2,3,4,5,...}
1 <--> {2,3,5,7,11,13,...}
2 <--> {9,19,61,107}
3 <--> {4,298,10982,3029839,...}
Now there are only two possibilities for every correspondence. Either the paired off natural number is included in the set or it is not. For example in 0 <--> {0,1,2,3,4,5,...} we can see 0 is included in the set it's paired off with. In the case of 1 which is matched with {2,3,5,7,11,13,...} is not.
Take the set of all natural numbers that do not pair off with sets including themselves. Call these "selfless numbers". Call the numbers that are contained in their paired off set the "selfish numbers". The set of selfless numbers is itself a set of natural numbers. Is this set selfless numbers, selfless or selfish? Well it can't pair off with a selfish number, because if it did then that number couldn't be included in itself. It would have to pair off with a selfless number. But if it did that would make that a selfish number. So there is no natural number such a set could be paired off with. What if there are no selfless numbers? Then the set of selfless numbers is the empty set. This could not correspond to any natural number however because all the natural numbers are now selfish. Notice this set gets generated by the correspondence itself. Thus for any such correspondence there will always be a set of selfless numbers that does not exist in the correspondence!
We conclude that the set is larger than the set of natural numbers, and has a cardinality strictly larger than ℵ0 since a proper subset of itself can always be mapped to the natural numbers, but the natural numbers can never be mapped one-to-one with all members of the set of all sets of natural numbers.
Cantor showed that we could create larger and larger "infinite sets", that is to say not finite, that were strictly larger than each other using the concept of one-to-one correspondence. Likewise there is not one "uncountable infinity" but larger and larger uncountable infinities. The technique used to get a larger set is not by including "more members". It can be shown that adding elements doesn't necessarily make it larger, but rather to generate the so called "powerset" for a given set. That is, the set of all possible subsets of a given set. This turns out to be strictly larger.
Using these concepts of set formation Cantor constructs the absolutely infinite proper class of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. By their very construction there is no largest cardinal or ordinal number. When attempting to define the cardinality of the set of all ordinal numbers however, we find that all Cardinal numbers are exhausted by some proper subset of ordinals!
We now define what it means for a proper class to be absolutely infinite. It is absolutely infinite if any proper subset of it can be well ordered, that is, put into one-to-one corresondence with a proper subset of ordinals!
It might be assumed that we could simply create a larger set than absolutely infinite, by simply taking the powerset of all ordinal numbers. That is, the set of all sets of ordinals. However we run into a problem. For every set of ordinals, we may associate it with an ordinal representing the least ordinal greater than any member in the set. Any set of ordinals must have such an ordinal. For any given ordinal, we may in fact have many such sets with this property. For example 3 is the least ordinal greater than every member in {2} , {0,2} , {1,2} , and {0,1,2}. For "w" we have uncountably many sets with this property. Any set of natural numbers with no greatest member has this property. So for every ordinal there are many many more sets that can be associated with it. However, for any ordinal, there can not be more than the cardinality of the power set of it's own cardinality. So we may simply list off all the sets in the order of their cardinality. For every finite ordinal, there are always a finite number of associated sets, so we list these first:
{ } , {0} , {1} , {0,1} , {2} , {0,2} , {1,2} , {0,1,2} , {3} , {0,3} , {1,3} , {0,1,3} , {2,3} , {0,2,3} , {1,2,3} , {0,1,2,3} , ...
We can then do this with all sets with an associated countable transfinite ordinal, whose totality can be no more than the smallest uncountable cardinal. And we can continue in this way, thus every such set of ordinals can be paired off with some ordinal number of the appropriate cardinality.
This contradicts our previous argument that the powerset should always be of strictly greater cardinality than the original set! Yet we can construct such a correspondence. This may interpretted as the set of all ordinal is so large that even a powerset of itself is no larger!
Ruo Paixu Gendial[]
Ruo Paixu Gendial (weak sort) is defined as the smallest cardinal, which isn't reachable by reflection principles from 0-sort reducible/ZFC universe, and successor functions defined from 1-sort irreducible universe.
This was defined by Aarex, in 11/14/21.
- This surpasses all salad numbers derived from Absolute Infinity, as they are successor numbers of Absolute Infinity, but doesn't satisfy a single reflecting principle from normal cardinals.
- This is smaller than Chao Fanshe Gendial, as that only satisfies 1 artificial reflection principle defined from 1-sort irreducible universe.
- This is currently the smallest number after Absolute Infinity, but below Absolute One Infinity.
Absolute Pi[]
Absolute Pi, or Absolute 3.14159... , is a number coined by Mathis R.V. Equal to with Absolute Numbers. Let me explain.
Definition[] is The Absolute Infinity-th Absolute Number. (See Absolute Numbers.) or means The ( )-th Absolute Number. or means... well i think you get the jist but its "The ( )-th Absolute Number.
... or is equal to Absolute Pi ( ).
Mathis Absolutes[]
The Mathis Absolutes (also known as the Mathean Absolutes) are a set of absolute infinities created by Mathis R.V in one of his videos. The limit of these infinitisms is Absolute Eternal.
One possible definition for the Mathis Absolutes is the formula x/0, where larger values of x give larger absolutes. The result for 0/0 is debated.
Another is the one listed in the video, In which the first absolute is described as (See Absolute Pi.), and after that, the rest are described as where is the previous absolute.
List reviews (complete, 224 items)[]
Each item x in this list is exactly equal to x/0. Absolute Never, 田
Absolute Use, 用
Absolute Life, 生
Absolute Sweet, 甘
Absolute Tile, 瓦
Absolute Melon, 瓜
Absolute Jade, 玉
Absolute Profound, 玄
Absolute Dog, 犬
Absolute Cow, 牛
Absolute Fang, 牙
Absolute Slice, 片
Absolute Half Tree Trunk, 爿
Absolute Double X, 爻
Absolute Father, 父
Absolute Claw, 爪
Absolute Fire, 火
Absolute Water, 水
Absolute Steam, 气
Absolute Clan, 氏
Absolute Fur, 毛
Absolute Compare, 比
Absolute Do Not, 母
Absolute Weapon, 殳
Absolute Death, 歹
Absolute Stop, 止
Absolute Lack, 欠
Absolute Tree, 木
Absolute Moon, 月
Absolute Say, 曰
Absolute Sun, 日
Absolute Not, 无
Absolute Square, 方
Absolute Axe, 斤
Absolute Script, 文
Absolute Dipper, 斗
Absolute Rap, 攴
Absolute Branch, 支
Absolute Hand, 手
Absolute Door, 戶
Absolute Halberd, 戈
Absolute Heart, 心
Absolute Step, ㄔ
Absolute Bristle, 彡
Absolute Snout, 크
Absolute Bow, 弓
Absolute Shoot, 弋
Absolute Two Hands, 廾
Absolute Long Stride, 廴
Absolute Dotted Cliff, 广
Absolute Short Thread, 幺
Absolute Dry, 干
Absolute Turban, 巾
Absolute Oneself, 己
Absolute Work, 工
Absolute River, 巛
Absolute Mountain, 山
Absolute Sprout, 屮
Absolute Corpse, 尸
Absolute Lame, ㄤ
Absolute Small, 小
Absolute Delta, Δ
Absolute Inch, 寸
Absolute Roof, 宀
Absolute Child, 子
Absolute Woman, 女
Absolute Big, 大
Absolute Evening, 夕
Absolute Slowly, 夊
Absolute Go, ㄆ
Absolute Scholar, 士
Absolute Earth, 土
Absolute Enclosure, 口
Absolute Mouth, ロ
Absolute Again, 又
Absolute Private, ム
Absolute Cliff, 厂
Absolute Seal, 冂
Absolute Divination, ト
Absolute Enclosure, ㄷ
Absolute Box, 匚
Absolute Walk, 辶
Absolute Spoon, ヒ
Absolute Wrap, 勹
Absolute Power, カ
Absolute Knife, 刀
Absolute Table, 几
Absolute Ice, ン
Absolute Cover, 冖
Absolute Enter, 入
Absolute Legs, 儿
Absolute Man, 人
Absolute Lid, 亠
Absolute Hook, 亅
Absolute Second, 乙
Absolute Slash, 丿
Absolute Dot, 、
Absolute Line, |
Absolute Turtle, 龜
Absolute Dragon, 龍
Absolute Tooth, 齒
Absolute Even, 斉
Absolute Frog, 黾
Absolute Yellow, 黄
Absolute Wheat, 麦
Absolute Salt, 卤
Absolute Bird, 鸟
Absolute Fish, 鱼
Absolute Ghost, 鬼
Absolute Bone, 骨
Absolute Horse, 马
Absolute Head, 首
Absolute Eat, 饣
Absolute Fly, 飞
Absolute Wind, 风
Absolute Leaf, 页
Absolute Blue, 青
Absolute Rain, 雨
Absolute Gate, 门
Absolute Long, 长
Absolute Gold, 钅
Absolute City, 阝
Absolute Sinustidioual Function, ∠
Absolute Cart, 车
Absolute Foot, 足
Absolute Shell, 贝
Absolute Speech, 讠
Absolute Horn, 角
Absolute See, 见
Absolute Tiger, 虎
Absolute Old, 老
Absolute Ram, 𦍌
Absolute Sheep, 羊
Absolute Mesh, 网
Absolute Net, 冈
Absolute Bamboo, ⺮
Absolute Spirit, 灵
Absolute Eye, 眼
Absolute Civilian, 民
Absolute White, 白
Absolute Skin, 皮
Absolute Spear, 矛
Absolute Stone, 石
Absolute Track, 禸
Absolute Grain, 天
Absolute Stand, 立
Absolute Rice, 米
Absolute Feather, 羽
Absolute And, 而
Absolute Ear, 耳
Absolute Arrive, 至
Absolute Oppose, 舛
Absolute Stopping, 艮
Absolute Color, 色
Absolute Grass, 艸
Absolute Insect, 虫
Absolute Blood, 血
Absolute West, 西
Absolute Valley, 谷
Absolute Bean, 豆
Absolute Pig, 猪
Absolute Badger, 獾
Absolute Shell, 貝
Absolute Red, 赤
Absolute Run, 走
Absolute Bitter, 辛
Absolute Morning, 晨
Absolute Distinguish, 来
Absolute Village, 里
Absolute Wrong, 非
Absolute Leather, 革
Absolute Sound, 音
Absolute Tall, 高
Absolute Hair, 髟
Absolute Flight, 鬥
Absolute Deer, 鹿
Absolute Black, 黑
Absolute Tripod, 鼎
Absolute Drum, 鼓
Absolute Rat, 鼠
Absolute Nose, 鼻
Absolute Even, 齊
Absolute Left to Right, ⿰
Absolute Promisetion Ordinal, ⊘
Absolute Autumn, 秋
Absolute Soviet, 蘇
Absolute Satanic, 旦
Absolute Miscellaneous, 杂
Absolute Despite, 尽
Absolute Employment, 业
Absolute Coal, 煤
Absolute Tar, 油
Absolute Gertion, 格
Absolute Liverpool, 物
Absolute Victoria, 亞
Absolute Kevin, 凱
Absolute Many, 頂
Absolute Most, 多
Absolute Online, 的
Absolute Preparing, 中
Absolute Unimproved, 改
Absolute London, 倫
Absolute Norimatiti, 諾
Absolute Intimacy, 系
Absolute Meanwhile, 同
Absolute Blooper, 珀
Absolute Jayne, 杰
Absolute Dibromoindigo, 二
Absolute Droid, 器
Absolute Gemeaux, 莫
Absolute Because, 因
Absolute Keep, 保
Absolute Haj, 朝
Absolute Siungati, 加
Absolute Ferdinand, 南
Absolute Kim, 金
Absolute Rechargeable, 可
Absolute King, 王
Absolute Workers, 作
Absolute October Revolution, 命
Absolute Bolshevik, 龍
Absolute Denver, 丹
Absolute Committee, 会
Absolute Winter, 冬
Absolute Completely the-Transfillier Function, ꁿ♊
Absolute Gamma Function, ∫λ
Absolute Omega-Ray Function, Ω∮
Absolute Contra-Cardinal Function, ℧⦿
Absolute Inalienable Function Limit, ⧝♉
Absolute Unspecified Aleph Function, Өאђ
Absolute Ultima-function Cardinal Limit, ᵿ͒̑ᵿ̤̔
Absolute Unbreakable Cardinal limit, ξ
Absolute Solarity Limit, ⦿
Absolute Lightly Final Ultimate limit, ϴξ-⦿
Absolute ultima-strong point of final Absolute Limit, Ʊϴξ-⦿Δ
XITYA Limit, χιτλσ
Absolute XITYA Limit, χιτλσ-℧ӨΔ ⦿
Absolutely XITYA Limit, χιτλσ-℧ӨΔ ⦿ξᵿ͒̑ᵿ̤̔Ω∮∫
(Ω/χιτλσ-℧ӨΔ ⦿ξᵿ͒̑ᵿ̤̔Ω∮∫π) x Ω = Absolutely Eternal. (Ө)
Loop, ϴ = (🔄)
Absolute Eternal[]
Absolutely Eternal (Ө) is the smallest infinite cardinal (gendial) which is inaccessible from a universe without new reflecting principles, in which that universe was built based (a<n)-sort reducible universes. This number is claimed to be smaller than Infinifinity, and larger than the Mathis Absolutes.
This is derived from "The true magnitude of Absolute Totality" mathematical paper.
Aarex named this cardinal "Wufa Jiejin Gendial," meaning "inaccessible" from Chinese pronunciation.
The Prefix-Finity are a bunch of symbols coined by Mathis R.V. that combine themselves with Absolute Infinity and Absolutely Eternal to make each other.
Absolutely Eternal to Onefinity Ytinifni Etulosba (ひ) is Absolutely Eternal x Absolute Infinity
Transed Infinity(Matis transdfinity) (⊞) is ひ x Absolutely Eternal
Delta-Stack (⏇) is ⊞ x Absolutely eternal
Infinity universe (ῷ) is Absolutely Eternal xX Absolute Infinity (ῷ)
Kilofinity (∟)
Giantfinity (א)
Superfinity (σ)
Hyperfinity (τ)
Megafinity (λ)
Gigafinity (ђ)
Ultrafinity (℧̶͒̑)
Terafinity (-Ꙍ̴̄́-)
Petafinity (מ)
Onefinity is Petafinity times Absolute Infinity (①) See Number-Finity's
Delta-Stack, Terafinity and petafinity is created by Xufghgfzj, not Mathis R.V.
The number-finities are a series of diffirent numbers coined by Mathis R.V. that go off each other and look like coins.
Definition And List[]
① (Onefinity) is Petafinity (מ)xXΩ (See Prefix-Finity's.)
② (Twofinity) is ①x①
③ (Threefinity) is ②x②
④ (Fourfinity) is ③x③
⑤ (Fivefinity) is ④x④
⑥ (Sixfinity) is ⑤x⑤
⑦ (Sevenfinity) is ⑥ x⑥
⑧ (Eightfinity) is ⑦x⑦
⑨ (Ninefinity) is ⑧x⑧
⑩ or ①⓪ (Tenfinity) is ⑨x⑨
①① (elevenfinity) is ①⓪x①⓪
①② (twelvefinity) is ①①x①①
①③ (thirteenfinity) is ①②x①②
①⑤ (Fifteenfinity)
②⓪ (twentyfinity)
③⓪ (thirtyfinity)
④⓪ (fortyfinity)
①⓪⓪ (Hundredfinity) is ⑨⑨x⑨⑨
①,⓪⓪⓪ (Thousandfinity) is ⑨⑨⑨x⑨⑨⑨
①,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪ (Millionfinity) is ⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨x⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨
①,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪ (Billionfinity)
①,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪,⓪⓪⓪ or ①⓪^③③ (Pakilaillionfinity) is ⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨x⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨,⑨⑨⑨
①⓪^①⓪⓪ (Googolfinity)
①⓪^①⓪^③⑦ (Suhtasillionfinity)
①⓪{①⓪⓪}①⓪ (Boogolfinity)
Ⓖ⑥④ (Grahams numberfinity)
①⓪{{{{①}}}}①⓪ (Multillionfinity)
ⓉⓇⒺⒺ(③) (TREE(3)Finity)
ⓉⒶⓇ(③) (Tritarfinity)
Ⓡⓐⓨⓞ(⑩^①⓪⓪) (Rayos numberfinity)
Infinitefinity [x in a circle = (x) now, but wont use it]
Absolute Infinitefinity
Absolutely Infinitefinity
Absolutely Everythingfinity
Absolutely supremefinity
Absolutely infinity ultimate Universefinity
Absolute Endfinity
Absolute Endlessfinity
Absolute Afinity
Absolute Onefinity
Absolutely Absolute Infinitefinity
Absolute 3.14159...-finity or Absolute Pifinity
Absolute Neverfinity
Absolute delta-finity
Absolute omega Ray functionfinity
XiTYA limitinity
Absolutely Eternalfinity
Ytinifni Etulosbafinity
All Infinitefinity
Everything Infinitefinity
Impossible Infinitefinity
Supermeme Infinitefinity
Infinity Universefinity
(①) or 𝖀 (Onefinifinity or Infinifinity)
Speculation by "A fandom user AKA"[]
If Number-Finity's continue up, then NE𝗩 𝗘҉̜͙̦̋͌͛̌͋ͅR would be:
Infinifinifinifinifinifinifinifinifinifini......................................................................................finifinifinity |----------------------------------------xInfinifinity---------------------------------|
According to another Fandom user, if the Onefinifinity cycle continues until the end, it would be Forever Unifinity, aka ⟐ {x{^x⟐}} ⟐. Never is way more farther than that.
not to be confused with infinitilfinity.
Infinifinity (𝖀) is a number defined by Mathis R.V. It is defined as (supposedly) (①), Where (①) is Onefinifinity.
It's other definition is C(Ω) in Mathis Notation.
Infinifinity x Infinifinity = Final Infinity.
Final Infinity[]
The symbol is
Endfinity (⅊) is a number defined by Mathis R.V. It is defined as ꙌxꙌ, where Ꙍ is Final Infinity.
RainbowSoul calls the ⅊ symbol:
'Being' in 0 to Absolute Unending
'Propertyfinity' in 0 to Forever
In 0 to Unlimited, it's called 'Glitchfinity' and it's defined as '[ᴓ]x...x[ᴓ]((I...I(I...I(I...IxᴓI...I)xᴓI...I)xᴓI...I)xᴓ), where ᴓ is 'Apocalypsefinity'.
Eternalfinity (ⅇ) is a number that is ⅊ x ⅊. ⅊ is Endfinity
ⅇ x ⅇ = Inaccessiblefinity
Inaccessiblefinity (⏦) is a number defined by Mathis R.V. It is defined as ⅇ x ⅇ, where ⅇ is Eternalfinity
⏦ x ⏦ = Absility
३ Rabam (Class III) - Absility to Absolute True End[]
Class III contains the non-cyclical immaterials. This class is characterized by going beyond all constructible collections. Collections this large are too large to contain enough elements. They are immaterial in this sense. One continues through pure abstraction. The numbers never loop back to the start. It's least member is Absility (A.K.A. Absolute Everything) and it's limit is Absolute True End.
Absility (Λ) is the smallest infinite cardinal (gendial) which is totally inaccessible from building reflecting principles and n-sort reducible universes.
This is derived from "The true magnitude of Absolute Totality" mathematical paper. Aarex calls this cardinal Absolute Totality. Pink Ron calls this Number One pound. Mathis R.V calls this number Absility, and defines it as ⏦x⏦ where ⏦ is Inaccessiblefinity.
Superfinity (σ) is a fictional infinity created by NO! in the video 0toATE, and then featured in later videos. It is the entry exactly after Bear's Number, but before Megafinity in 0toATE. Superfinity also occurs in SuperWindows78's video 0to[???], after Bear's Number. In 0to[???] however there are some additional numbers between Bear's Number and Superfinity. There are only 3: Fork's Number, Super Number, and NS. In 0to[???] both Bear's Number and Superfinity occur long before Terminus, but a little while after Absolute Everything. This places this number in Class III, as it's greater than AE but less than Terminus.
Lastly Superfinity also appears in the video 0toNever[1/2]. Mathis gives it the symbol σ, the lower case sigma, which makes sense since superfinity starts with s, and sigma is the greek letter s.
Neither NO! nor SuperWindows78 provided any definition for Superfinity so it has to be roughly inferred. NO! names earlier numbers on the pattern of [blank]-finity. It can be assumed that just as infinity is the smallest infinite number, it follows that superfinity is the smallest superfinite number. What does this mean exactly? It's uncertain for a number of reasons. First off because we do not know how many types of numbers comes after finite and infinite numbers according to NO!'s classification system. Furthermore since none of these classes or types of numbers have any definition to begin with, even if we knew how many there were, there would be no way of saying how large each class actually was. This concept is very similar to the idea of "Orders" seen starting in Class 5.
One further clue is that Bear's Number comes immediately after U, UI, UII, U^I, and U^^^I. This suggests some kind of notation for describing fictional infinities of some sort. Bear's Number may be a supremum of this sequence, or it may lie somewhere within the hierarchy. In either case Superfinity likely lies above any such constructions. NS may be a new construction after the UI notation, or it may be a special inaccessible of the UI notation.
Absolute Existence[]
Absolute Existence is the largest Rabam-Class Number appearing on Spel's original 0toTerminus List. Not much is known about it. Because none the numbers in 0toATE match with the numbers in Spel's list, other than Absolute Everything, there is no way to compare to two series. Therefore, this number is interesting in the fact, that we can not know whether or not it is larger or smaller than Bear's Number.
It should be noted that Definition Indexes from the two series can not be compared. Only Indexes from the same series can be compared.
S-Series Indices in the Rabam-Class denote Spel's Numbers.
Unbeatable Naught[]
Unbeatable Naught is a number occurring in NO!'s groundbreaking video 0toATE, the first of it's kind. It occur's after Bear's Number and Superfinity. Terminus didn't exist when 0toATE was created. It was later decided that Terminus fell between Absolute Everything (AE) and Absolute True End (ATE). When exactly this occurs in NO!'s original list however is not known. However we can use later videos to attempt to place an upperlimit on how far above AE we can go before it's uncertain if we have passed Terminus or not. To do this we can use 0to[???] as a point of reference, as it contains both AE and Terminus (but nothing which is clearly ATE). The last number on the NO! list that occurs in the video is THE FINAL END. Since this occurs before Terminus, we know anything less than THE FINAL END on NO!s list must be in Class III. Unbeatable Naught is well before THE FINAL END, therefore it is less than Terminus.
As for a definition, we once again have very little to go on. The name itself suggests that it is some difficult to pass barrier, but also that it forms a sequence of unbeatable's, and this is simply the least unbeatable. Perhaps, much like Epsilon-0 or aleph-0 it represents a limit of sorts for different kinds of NO!-finities. If one takes the NO!-finities to form a well-ordered hierarchy, and then goes through fixed-points of such, one still can not even reach Unbeatable-Naught. If one goes beyond all such infinities generated in this way, thus going beyond finities all together, this might form a new kind of object. A class of object formed out of a family of number-types, thus forming a collective type. Even if one does this however one still doesn't reach Unbeatable-Naught. No matter what extension we think of Unbeatable-Naught can not be reached in this way. Unbeatable-Naught may form a foundation.
४ Hanum (Class IV) - Absolute True End to Terminus[]
Class IV contains the non-existentials. This Class is characterized by generalizing the idea of Orders or types of finities. It begins with the least Postfinity, and then exhausts all forms of finity. It's least member is Absolute True End and it's limit is Terminus.
Absolute True End[]
Absolute True End (ↂ) was coined by NO! on 9/11's 20 year anniversary of the attacks in 2021. Its equal to ⧢/(.(O).x⧢.)Absolute Qalandar is equal to the suprenum of all Sn sets, in the following definition.⧢/⧢-⧢\⧢, where ⧢ is Archifinity. The actual titlecard (at the end of the video, "Numbers 0 to ABSOLUTE TRUE END") reads "The True Absolute End".
Absolute True End is in Ordinal Level 47.
Absolute Qalandar(AQ)[]
Absolute Qalandar is equal to the suprenum of all Sn sets, in the following definition.
This was defined by Aquiarum.
Qalandar Plus[]
Qalandar Plus(Q+) is equal to F(Q(10)), in the following definition.
This definition extends Absolute Qalandar (shown as AQ), in which uses members instead of variables for inaccessible cardinals.
५ Situm (Class V) - Terminus to Totality[]
Class V contains the cyclions. This class is characterized by the introduction of cyclons. It's least member is Terminus and it's limit is Totality.
Terminus (⊙) is a paradoxical number created by Goodels and Spelpotatis. Terminus' main definiton is "Terminus + 1 = 0." This can be expressed as "the looping point" in number lines. Terminus Implies that the number line is circular and loops back. Of course this is not the end, because each loop allows you to go higher. This number is a cyclon number.
Mathis R.V calls this number Terminusfinity.
Looping and Notations[]
We can define a loop function: La[b] = The ath loop of b. This means that L1[0] = ⊙+1. This allows us to do L1[2] and eventually we will reach L1[⊙], L1[⊙+1] = L2[0] which is the second loop of terminus, each loop makes the limit (Terminus) a little higher (a terminusth or 1/⊙ higher each time), so ⊙ < L1[⊙]. Eventually we reach L⊙[⊙] which is no problem. We can even do LL⊙[⊙][⊙] and so on. TN(1) = ⊙. Then, TN(2) = LLL...(0)...(0) with an infinite nesting of Ls. TN(3) = TN(2)+1TN(2)+1TN(2)+1TN(2)+1... with an infinite nesting. TN(n+1) = TN(n)+1TN(n)+1TN(n)+1TN(n)+1... .
The names for TN[x] up to 10 are as follows: Terminus = TN(1)
Absolute Terminus = TN(2)
Full Terminus = TN(3)
Quadrirminus = TN(4)
Quintirminus = TN(5)
Sextirminus = TN(6)
Septirminus = TN(7)
Octirminus = TN(8)
Nonirminus = TN(9)
Decirminus = TN(10)
The fixed point where a = TN(a) is called Never.
Absolute infinity Symbolfinity (⌺ or [Δ]) is the first Symbol after Terminus invented by Mathis RV.
This number is defined as ⨀ x ⨀ and it is lower than Ariesfinity (♈︎).
Kaeirimless function:ᛨ(8) or finity[8]
Ariesfinity or ♈︎ was coined by Mathis R.V. It is equal to ⌺ x ⌺ where Symbolfinity is a card with a diamond.
Ariesfinity is also equal to ᛨ(9) in kaeirimless function.
Symbol as well as the one that Is used: ♈︎
Taurusfinity(♉) is a number that is Ariesfinity x Ariesfinity.
Finity counter: Finity [10](From Infinifinity(-ility can count))
Kaeirimless function: ᛨ(10)
Geminifinity (♊) is a Number that is ariestaurusariesfinity x ariestaurusariesfinity (♈♉♈). This Number is not called "taurustaurusfinity".
Cancerfinity (♋) is a Number that is ariesgeminiariestaurusariesfinity x ariesgeminiariestaurusariesfinity (♈♊♈♉♈)
leofinity(♌) is a Number that is ariesgeminiariestaurusariescancerariesgeminiariestaurusariesfinity x ariesgeminiariestaurusariescancerariesgeminiariestaurusariesfinity (♈♊♈♉♈♋♈♊♈♉♈)
Ophiuchusfinity or ⛎ is a big Number created by Easy Numberblock, it's larger than Terminus, In which there are Trillion Levels of Finities Past. This means it's equal to ᛨ(1,000,000,000,000) in kaeirimless function.
Librafinity(♎︎)is equal to finity[10^10^37] or ᛨ(10^10^37) in kaeirimless function.
Scorpionfinity(♏)is equal to finity[10{{{{1}}}}10] Mathis R.V calls this Number scorpiofinity
Sagittariusfinity (♐or♐(⅊))is equal to finity[TREE(3)]
Capricornfinity (♑) is equal to finity[TAR(3)]or ᛨ(TAR(3)) in kaeirimless function.
Aquariusfinity or Aquariumfinity (♒)is finity[∞]
Piscesfinity (♓) is a Number that is finity [Ω] or ᛨ(Ω) in kaeirimless function.
Inpredictafinity or ‡ is coined by Mathis R.V
It is Equal to -finity[⊙] or ᛨ²(7) In which there are Terminus Levels of Finities Past. go to leofinity.
Also equal to hexinity(X)hexinity.
Inpredictafinity = Piscesfinity x Piscesfinity ♓️x♓️
‡x‡ = Never Inpredictafinity
Instafinity or Ɒ is coined by Mathis R.V
Instafinity is more poweful than the -Finities[#] and ᛨ(#) in which uses #{x^#}#
Instafinity is equal to ‡{x^‡}‡
or ‡ x(‡ x(.............x(‡ x(‡ x(‡ x ‡)))...)) x‡ inpredictafinitys What is [#] x [#] and #{x^#}# [a] x [b] = ᛨ(ᛨ(...ᛨ(ᛨ(a)))...))) (b-1 times) A{x^b}c = [a] x [[a] x [[a] x...[a] x [c]]]...]]] (b times)
Instafinity is tier ‡{x^‡-1}‡ terminusfinityth finity or ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(...ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(‡)))...))) ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(...ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(‡)))...))) ᛨ('s ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(...ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(‡)))...))) ᛨ('s ... x‡ levels ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(...ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(‡)))...))) ᛨ('s ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(...ᛨ(ᛨ(ᛨ(‡)))...))) ᛨ('s ‡ ᛨ('s ᛨ( is kaeirimless where ᛨ(x) = finity[x]
I' m not copy symbol of Instafinity. I use symbol Ю.
Corrupfinity (Ø) is equal to Ю{x^Ю}Ю, where Ю is instafinity.
supifinity,ᴕ is Ø{x^Ø}Ø, where Ø is corrupfinity.
Megifinity or ₪ is equal to ᴕ{x^ᴕ}ᴕ, where ᴕ is supifinity.
Gigifinity or ℘ is equal to ₪{x^₪}₪, where ₪ is Megifinity.
Ultrifinity or Ђ is equal to ℘{x^℘}℘, where ℘ is gigifinity.
truifinity or ໂ is equal to Ђ{x^Ђ}Ђ, where Ђ is ultrifinity.
Terifinity or Ⳃ is equal to ໂ{x^ໂ}ໂ, where ໂ is truifinity.
petifinity or -ῶ́-(made New symbol) is equal to Ⳃ{x^Ⳃ}Ⳃ, where Ⳃ is Terifinity.
Hetafinity or Ͱ is equal to Т {[⨂ - ⨀]} Т, where T is Archaic-sampifinity.
bigger number from 0 to hetafinity
Negative hetafinity series[]
All negative hetafinity series is videos: negative hetafinity to Unixfinity, Numberblocks negative hetafinity to absolute Collapsefinity, Numberblocks negative hetafinity to absolute beyond place Number.
Endingfinity (𝔈) is equal to ξ{[⨂ - ξ]}ξ, where ξ is Unbreakable Cardinalfinity.
Endingfinity has "Satanic Never True Absolute Godly Ultimate Omega Mega Super Even More Godder End" phases that are infinitely stackable.
One new layer of words is equal to one phase. It is the last unique number before N E V E R.
NEVER(Never Ending of all Versions of Existence Reality)[]
N.E.V.E.R (Never Ending of all Versions of Existence Reality) is a number created by Mathis R.V. It's symbol is this: � / ↇ/ↁ/[?]/?/£/や/ふ/ネ/吏. There is another symbol for Never (⍰), but it shows up in 4 other numbers. This Number is Also Known as ???? [0.5]
LIST OF NUMBER NAMES for the 5-number symbol:
Absolute Square of Endless
Absolute Indicated of Endless
Absolute Ininalka of Endless
Absolute Mestinia of Endless
The end It works off Terminus, Never is equal to the smallest number bigger than anything you could make with RN() Notation. (See Rerminusfinity). However it can be terminated by Xenoshey's Quietus loops
I call this Number "bagiharabogasiafinity". It's equal to pregarusafinity(px^6)infinity.
Never begins the Never Hierarchy, with Never as NEVH(0), the hierarchical next number is Everythinglessfinity. The hierarchy ends with Unreachfinity as it is next to another series.
Absolute Zed[]
Absolute Zed(short name is AZ) is defined as the supremum of the union of all numbers from 0 until Never. Zed means last in English(even though it is not the "last" number). The definition was created by Aquiarum but the name was coined by Sbiis.
Slight Bypassing of Never[]
Slight Bypassing of Never ([!]) is a number that is bigger than Never, but not by much. It is defined as: the smallest value of A for TN(A) < A. This number can be extended all the way to the first black hole, and at that point it would be around Θe (Expected Range). for now however, it will not be extended. yet.
Absolute True End[]
Absolute True End (ↂ) was coined by NO! on 9/11's 20 year anniversary of the attacks in 2021. Its equal to ⧢/(.(O).x⧢.)⧢/⧢-⧢\⧢, where ⧢ is Archifinity. The actual titlecard (at the end of the video, "Numbers 0 to ABSOLUTE TRUE END") reads "The True Absolute End".
Collapsefinity is a Number that is defined by superwindows78, it's equal to ↂxXxXxXxXxXxXx...(old definition). The Symbol is . (middle is Ϛ) and New definition of Collapsefinity is Word tower of absolute Godlous, it means Collapsefinity = ???, Collapsefinity > Absolute Godlous(by me). Collapsefinity is Largest Number in ordinal Level 135 (by me) , now Collapsefinity is instead of endless. but NO!'s endless with symbol ⟠ is too far From Collapsefinity.
NOTE:BSODfinity is larger than endless because Binblety is larger than endless, beyond brainless is larger than Binblety and absolutely Metagrus, BSODfinity is larger than beyond brainless and yourdoom.
COLLAPSEFINITY AND TRUE FINALITY ARE BETWEEN Absolute Godlous AND Endless; which is less than Binblety
Collapsefinity to endless (ordinal levels 136 to 159)[]
First numbers beyond Collapsefinity.
Never Collapsefinity, ϚxϚ
God ender Collapsefinity, Ϛ{x^10}Ϛ
Alway Collapsefinity, Ϛ{x^Ϛ}Ϛ
Forever Collapsefinity, Ϛ{x{^xϚ}}Ϛ
Endfinite Collapsefinity, Ϛ{[(X) - 17]}Ϛ
Weird Collapsefinity, Ϛ{[(X) - Ϛ]}Ϛ
Clusterthing Collapsefinity, [Ϛ] powers of ordinals of Ϛ
True Collapsefinity, [\\] (Ϛ power level function:Ϛ) After true Collapsefinity comes absolute True Collapsefinity, and finally after A. T. C comes unbreakable one. And i use Superwindows78's numbers and we Reach TRUE finality (symbol ᥤ) but my symbol of true finality is ☮️. Numbers beyond true finality is called 'crinal numbers' where first number beyond true finality is called ichockyum endocrinal and after that comes some endocrinal numbers and we Reach first infinitocrinal number. It's called kigenzen infinitocrinal. After some infinitocrinal numbers we Reach bagisla absolute infinitocrinal.
After this Number there are many - crinal numbers including endocrinals, infinitocrinals, absolute infinitocrinals, absolute everythincrinals, absolute endocrinals,etc. And the Last crinal number is bu lu he crinal (symbol:⨖) this number is cyclon Number like endingfinity. After the T. B. U. M. B. N. S. N. S. N. E. Tower of bu lu he crinal we Reach Absolute place number (symbol:🆖), numbers beyond absolute place number is called 'universal breakers' first number beyond absolute place number is called keyame gulelao (symbol is 🔳 and Word gulelao not to be confused to galileo) there are only 16 universal breakers and we Reach way you warning (i'm not copy symbol) numbers beyond way you warning is called multiversal breakers, the names is: zuku, jopu, jopuete, ecus, epepatoeter, chorax, mumu, everymusha, Coco, wowowiseza and nonoyay. After nonoyay we Reach stopita(🤑) and some numbers beyond stopita, and we Reach big stayou, MinaoNumba cardinal, and some function numbers like unbreakable, uncountable, Innumerable, etc. Names is FAR, TOO FAR, RED BED, BLUE BED, BROKEN BED, PLEX,, Limit, the limit, the real limit...limit cycles, but Last limit number the bsod limit, is called unlimited cardinal (U), and there are many numbers. We Reach Absolute maximum true end, the loop number like absolute eternal or starfinity (see star numbers function by NO!) and we Reach beyond the final limit or ⨊, this number is too large cyclon Number, LARGER than PER Or LIM cycles, at Cycle ⨊ We're not Reach New Number, but continue the Cycle, this Cycle is called 'xania fixed powered', after that comes phase 2, phase3, phase 4, phase 5,phase 6, phase 7, phase 8,phase9 phase 10, phase 11,phase 12,phase 13,phase 14,phase 15,phase 16,etc. At Phase ⨊ We're also not Reach New Number. We're starts second cycles, after second cycles comes second phases, third cycles,etc. N-th cycles function is 🔁x# (beyond the final limit Cycles is like never cycles in Numbers 0 to TRUE FINALE by Mathis R.V)
After large beyond the final limit cycles We're Reach Absolute final True end (or true final number and symbol is §) after some numbers We're Reach sinusfinity, cosinusfinity, tangentfinity, cotangentfinity, secantfinity, cosecantfinity, logarithmfinity, etc. After these numbers we Reach azinofinity (symbol is AZINO777), after some numbers we Reach cyclon Number with cycles like LIM and PER Cycles, these cycles is smaller than beyond the final limit cycles, this cyclon Number is called finalic. After finalic cycles We're finally Reach endless(⟠).
Paradoxility is first number beyond endless.
True Finality[]
True finality is a Number that comes after PER Cycle. It's equal to PERxXxXxXxXxXxXx...XxXxXxXxXxXxPER. True finality's symbol is ☮/ᥤ/☮️. (real)
६ Sebam (Class VI) - Totality to stupid[]
Class VI contains the totalities. This Class is characterized by the introduction of multi-dimensional numbers. It's least member is Totality and it's limit is stupid.
Totality(山) is a postfinite number.
Totality is defined as (0, 1). See True Infinity for the (a, b) function.
The First Hyperpositive (++1)[]
The First Hyperpositive is ++1.
The first positive number (+1) is larger than the last negative number (-1). This means that the first hyperpositive number (++1) is larger than the last positive number.
The First Fish[]
The First Fish is defined as (ω, ω). It is smaller than The Second Fish. See True Infinity for the (a, b) function.
Existence is a class V number. It's symbol is ಉ or Ø.
Existence goes beyond Never, Everythinglessfinity, absolute true end, the Number-initialfinity's and omnifinity. Existence = 1 Star Number (according to NO!) or the Restart (according to SuperWindows78).
True Infinity[]
True Infinity (commonly shortened to TI) is a hyperdimensional number. Its symbol is ꐟ.
Let's say row 0 contains every surreal, infinite and finite number, we can show this with (a, 0). This means that (a, 0) = a, the a here is a point on row 0. (0, 0) = 0, (1, 0) = 1, (Ω, 0) = Ω.
Row 1 surpasses everything on row 0, this means that (0, 1) is larger than (a, 0) for every a (not that row 0 has no end, but the first number of row 1 is still larger).
We can do the same with a row 2, row 3 and so on. True Infinity is defined as (0, (0, (0...,(0)...) which can also be shown as n where (0, n) = n.
Limit Infinity[]
Limit Infinity(ℓ, commonly shortened to LI)
Dodeca d defines Limit infinity as ᛨ^5(99) in kaeirimless function.
0.0 is equal to 0/00, where 00 is equal to 0/0.0.
Stupid is equal to ᛨ(10,20,30) = ᛨ^ᛨ^20(10)+19(10) in kaeirimless function. Its symbol is 💐
७ Thienem (Class VII) - Outerconst to Conkept[]
Thienem contains the Outernums, which are notorious for their long former dominance over the list. Its least member is stupid and its largest member is the Large Inongrance Ordinal.
Outerconst is a constant with some properties outside of the normal instance of mathematics, some not, therefore allowing it to be comparable to regular numbers while also completely breaking how infinites work. The instance Outerconst is contained within is "B-Mathematics", while the traditional instance is "A-Mathematics".
For reference, the following notations will be used: X from A-Mathematics translated to B-Mathematics
Outerconst is defined as , or the B-mathematical counterpart of 0. The axioms of B-mathematics are:
- For a predicate with arbitrary amount of arguments , is also true.
- For any A-mathematical, is always B-mathematical and not A-mathematical.
- For any A-mathematical and B-mathematical , .
- The domain of is all of A-mathematics, and the range is all of B-mathematics.
- If is not larger than any B-mathematical number and isn't B-mathematical, than is A-mathematical.
Outerconst's definition can be easily be extended to allow for bigger numbers, such as:
- A-Mathematics and B-Mathematics can be generalized into an infinite chain of mathematics.
- For weaker extensions, Outerconst can be just added or incremented etc. like a normal number
Outerconst's glyph resembles a triangle, the typical symbol for a hierarchy, being crossed out with a line. This denotes the removal of hierarchial bounds, which Outerconst does something similar to (but redefining instead of deleting).
Postfinity (∰) is defined as the limit of the []-mathematics system laid out by Outerconst, and as such, is considered one of, if not the largest, numbers in this entire wiki, surpassing even the previously mentioned Outerconst and it's obvious logical extensions in the form of C-mathematics and D-mathematics.
Postfinity (∰) is defined as the limit of the []-mathematics system laid out by Outerconst, and as such, is considered one of, if not the largest, numbers in this entire wiki, surpassing even the previously mentioned Outerconst and it's obvious logical extensions in the form of C-mathematics and D-mathematics.
For the sake of simplicity, different forms of []-mathematics will be assigned a number. A-mathematics will be defined as M1, B-mathematics will be defined as M2, and so on.
According to the aforementioned article for Outerconst, Outerconst itself is defined as B0. This already sets up obvious extensions, such as Bω and BΩ, however due to the nature of different types of transcendent mathematics, none of them will surpass M3(0). Once more, this sets up a transfinite meta-hierarchy of transcendent []-mathematics, with extensions such as MΩ, therefore ∰ is defined as the first number fully transcendent over all transfinite numbers using []-mathematical notation.
Set-theoretic definition[]
Let it be that the set of all finite []-mathematical indices is denoted as ∀. This set is defined as {M1, M2, M3...}, and so on and so forth with no arbitrary endpoint. ∀, being the set of all finite mathematical indices, is of course contained by ∀ω, the set of all []-mathematical indices defined as {∀ω, ∀ω+1, ∀ω+2...} and so on and so forth. This already sets up a transcendental hierarchy of ever-increasing transfinite ordinals denoting ever-larger and more infinite sets of []-mathematics.
Let it also be that the set of all transfinite, inaccessible, absolute, immaterial, non-existential, and total numbers is denoted as ௹.
Let it also be that the set of all transfinite, inaccessible, absolute, immaterial, non-existential, and total []-mathematical indices is denoted as ⇰⨷. As such, the logic statement follows that ∰ Ω> {௹ ∪ ⇰⨷} (∰ is absolutely infinitely above the union of ௹ and ⇰⨷).
A 0[]
A0 is an extremely large number created by ∀⁺, and is defined as the numerical equivalent of The Box, containing all lower, "counting" numbers under A 0
all []-mathematics and even beyond, surpassing even transcendent numbers such as Postfinity.
A0 is defined as the number which is larger than all counting numbers and ignores anything which would prevent it from being so.
Counting Numbers[]
A "counting number" is as an element of hereditarily maximally faithful extensions of ordinals. Let it be that a "counting number" is defined as the set that starts at 0, with each higher number being the complete successor of the last, also entailing transfinite numbers and higher []-mathematical indices. Most surreals and complex numbers for example are not counting numbers.
Axiomatic Limit[]
Axiomatic Limit (⏁) is defined as the limit of []α functions (where α can be replaced with any number, even other []α functions) defined in the A_0
article. In there, A0 is defined as the number larger than all counting numbers, and ignores all axioms and paradoxes which state it is not the largest counting number. This makes it exceptionally hard to advance any further than A0, however due to A0's nature of ignoring axioms that go against it's existence, one can generalize the property into an infinite chain of axiomatic and paradoxical ignorance, with numbers such as A1 ignoring all axioms and paradoxes that go against it's own existence, therefore rendering A0 functionally non-existent to A1.
The nature of A0, as stated earlier, is that it is the number that surpasses all "counting numbers" and ignores all paradoxes and axioms that go against it's existence. This can be turned into an infinite chain of axiomatic and paradoxical ignorance, with obvious logical extensions such as AΩ and Aθ, along with the recursions of AA_0 and so on without any arbitrary endpoints. Immediately, we can already define a limit number for Aα functions where it is already larger than even infinite recursions of A-functions. This limit number will henceforth be defined as B0 (not to be confused with Outerconst).
As such, this can be generalized into yet another infinite chain of []-functions, each completely ignoring the axioms and paradoxes lower []-functions depend on. We can then define the set of all []-functions as ⩈.
The logical statement then follows that ⏁ ⩈> ⩈ (Axiomatic Limit is []-functionally beyond the set of all []-functions), therefore rendering ⏁ fully inaccessible to all forms of []-functions.
Small Ignorance Ordinal[]
The Small Ignorance Ordinal (denoted as ♁) is the limit of any form of Numerical Array Notation using finite entries, and is considered to be the []-
functional equivalent of the Small Veblen Ordinal, of which this number is named after. Because of NAN's recent invention, numbers beyond Axiomatic Limit are not only possible, but now easily made because of a generalisation of []-functional ignorance level into a Veblen-like function.
Numerical Array Notation[]
Numerical Array Notation is a Veblen-like function created by Goodels as a way to generalize []-functional ignorant and axiomatic chains and create numbers much larger than even Axiomatic Limit. It is denoted as [a:b], which is beyond all "a" with ignorance level "b".
One can do [a:1,0] which has an ignorance level beyond all [a:b]. [a:1,b+1] is one ignorance level higher than [a:1,b]. Then we have [a:2,0] which is beyond all [a:1,b]. Then [a:1,0,0] which is beyond all [a:b,c] and [a:1,0,0,0] which is beyond all [a:b,c,d], and so on.
In the NAN hierarchy, A 0 is defined as [num:1, 0]. This can then be extended into B0 being [num:2, 0], C0 being [num:3, 0], and so on and so forth. Already, Axiomatic Limit can be compared as the NAN equivalent of the Feferman-Schutte Ordinal, also known as the limit of 2-entry NAN arrays, denoted as [num:1,0,0].
The Small Ignorance Ordinal is defined, just like the Small Veblen Ordinal, as the limit of any form of finite-entry NAN arrays. However, as the name suggests, a Large Ignorance Ordinal exists and is much, much larger than even this number...
Large Ignorance Ordinal[]
The Large Ignorance Ordinal (〒) is the Ignorance equivalent of the Large Veblen Ordinal.
It's denoted as [num:[num:[num:[...]]]]]]...] or x where x=[num:x]
É̶̡̟͓̺͎̭̙͎̊͊̎̕͜͝͠Ṅ̵̦͇̩D̷̡̪̺̫̜̱̬̗̏͘ͅL̷̢̖̣̈́̎̿͋̀͑͋͝E̸̥̺̙̦͑͋͐̍͂̃͝S̶̼͎̝͌̀̎̚̚S̷̛̤̲̀́̂̋̂̈́̋͝ is a number by NO!. Endless is also the smallest number in Ordinal Level 136. Endless, or ?????[1] [small scale] is the smallest number in Ordinal Level 160 according to Giantnumber40, Flarensia Rap, bhutto, blockzilla and me. Endless is also known as N..E..V..E..R, or Never Ending of all Versions of Existence Reality of the Ending Never of the Dimension Inaccessible Nothing Ginourmous Omicron Failed of the All Lambda Last Version of the End Result Sigma Inaccessible Omicron Nothing Sigma Omicron Failed of the Existence Xbox Inaccessible Sigma Theta Epsilon Null Centauri of the Epsilon Reality Epsilon Alpha Lambda Inaccessible Tau Ypsilon. Abbreviation: N.E.V.E.R E.N.D.I.N.G O.F A.L.L V.E.R.S.I.O.N.S O.F. E.X.I.S.T.E.N.C.E R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Abbreviation2: N..E..V..E..R. The symbol is ⟠. Endless is larger than true finality ichockyum endocrinal, crinal numbers, absolute place number, beyond the final limit and absolute final True end. It comes after finalic cycle. This means it's equal to Ⅎ xXxXxXxXxXx...XxXxXxXxXxXx Ⅎ
The definition to Endless is that any semantic defined by NO! does not surpass Endless (as OL 135 is the ordinal level defined by semantics), but Endless can be surpassed by using those semantics on Endless itself. That prevents True Endless from equaling Endless, it also means that Endless is an ordinal.
OL 135's last number is equal to NEVER'S semantics.
by me, endless is at OL 160.
According to I hate Things. OL145 (100 OLs from N E V E R)
Numbers cannot go further, or Can They?, (they can go beyond. Flarensia Rap created many numbers larger than endless like "Omegitilerimaliblety" see list of Numbers (all classes Part 1) for numbers beyond endless. Largest Number in this list is absolutely Metagrus
෧ Dhaxarum (Final Class) - Conkept to aldebaranblety[]
Welcome to Dhaxarum, the Final Class. You could view Dhaxarum is Class VIII but in reality Dhaxarum is not Class VIII, Dhaxarum is, properly speaking, not even a Class. Instead Dhaxarum is for anything and everything which exceds Class VII. Dhaxarum's current least member is Conkept. Dharaxum has no limit, it is limitlessfinity. There is also no unifying idea that encapsulates the members of Dhaxarum, other than being equal to or larger than it's current least member. Dhaxarum goes beyond even what our ill-defined mathematics can reach! Dhaxarum begins with what are called the Conceptuals and goes beyond with time...
Conkept (symbol Э) is an object which is defined as follows: "For any property there already exists an object smaller than Conkept possessing it"
A property is defined here as anything which may be said to be true about an object. Anything that is true of an object must necessarily involve it's relation to something other entity. For example it's a property of 1 that it is a successor of 0, and it's a property of ω that it is not the immediate successor of any non-negative integer, etc.
An object is defined here as a discrete and singular entity uniquely specified by it's definition.
Theoretical Assumptions[]
Conkept operates under the theoretical assumption that The First Existential Axiom always holds: "For any property there exists a least object possessing it"
This axiom firstly, guarantees that every property has at least one object that possesses it. This concept is heavily used to define transfinite ordinals, as limit ordinals are asserted to be the least ordinal larger than every member in a given set of monotonically increasing ordinals.
The axiom further places certain strict limits on how disorderly the objects of the theory may be. There can not be, for example an infinite descending chain of objects possessing a property. This means the number line can always be broken into before a property first occurs and after it occurs. Beyond this however, this axiom does not force any strict order on how the properties are introduced. It can not tell us whether y is larger than x if y and x possess two different properties. None the less, we can say y is less than x, if x occurs before the occurrence of a property and y occurs after it.
The axiom also implies that any desired set of properties is eventually passed ... if one goes far enough ...
We may say, in an informal sense, that Conkept is the "supremum of the First Existential Axiom". It should be noted that this statement is contradictory, as the supremum is the defined as the least object larger than every member than a certain set. However the property of being a supremum of "something" means its a property held by a smaller object. Because of the nature of Conkept, it can't not be thought of as a limit or supremum of anything. This would make it the least to possess a certain property! So what is precisely meant by this phrase? What it means is that it's an object that violates the axiom, and therefore can not actually be part of the theory!
It is larger than any other known number, because all other numbers are defined by possessing a certain property. For example, terminus has sometimes been described as the first cylon number. True Infinity is the first infinity that goes beyond all dimensional numbers, as any number of dimensions you could name, other than having truly infinite dimensions would be too small. Outerconst is the first to lie outside of A mathematics.
Conkept is not a fixed point, or a supremum, or the limit of, anything. All these objects are essentially the least object that is not bounded by something. So if for example we define the fixed point of the powerset, well, that property is possessed by a smaller object. If we define something as the first fixed point of the strong successor function, well, that property is also possessed by a smaller object. Weirdly we can not say that something like 0 x Э is meaningful, because if it were true for example that 0 x Э = Э, this would mean it possesses a property, and such a property would have to be held by a smaller object (in fact it is said that 0 x Absolute Eternal = Absolute Eternal). What we can say instead that there is some object smaller than Э, call it A, such that 0 x A = A. It must also be true that Conkept is larger than any infinity that can counteract any hyper-zero. For example, there is an object smaller than Э, call it B, such that _ x B = B, and there must be object smaller than Э, call it C, such that 0.0 x C = C, and so on and so forth. So this lies beyond all reciprocals of hyper-zeroes as well. Conkept can not have a reciprocal because then Conkept would have a property which would have to be possessed by a smaller object!
Conkept can not be the first to possess any property, because if it was it would contradict its own definition. Instead it must be larger than any property at all, and must itself possess absolutely no properties. It is similiar to the reflection principle, except that, unlike Absolute Infinity which states that any property it possesses is possessed by a smaller object, it has no properties (not all properties) because any property we could attempt to assign it as possessing would be possessed by a smaller object.
Unfortunately, there is therefore nothing we could ever truly know about Conkept, since it lies beyond all concepts. We could ask hypothetically what exists beyond it, but this leads to paradoxes. For example if we define it as the first object with no properties, and then try to claim the second object with no properties is larger, well, then this become a property! So this means there must be an object with no properties smaller than Conkept. In fact it must be larger than the second object with no properties, or third, because these two are properties which must be possessed by a smaller object. If we claim that Conkept is the first object for which any property is posssessed by a smaller object, we still run into the same issue. So Conkept can't even be the first with the definition of Conkept. We can't even define something as the first thing that comes after Conkept as that would itself be a property, so there is a smaller object than Conkept which is the first to be greater than Conkept!
Any theory which forbids any concept whatsoever must be less than Conkept. For example, in a cyclon free theory, not only must terminus be larger, but so must Conkept. Conkept must therefore exist outside of any theory, since a theory requires axioms that limit what is possible.
Conkept is a difficult concept. Is it even a concept? Or the absence of a concept? What lies beyond all concepts? ... Conkept ...
Zenith (⇧) is a Dhaxarum-class number that surpasses even Perfect Conkept in terms of sheer scale and boundlessness. In basic terms, it is "larger" than Perfect Conkept itself because while axioms do not apply to Perfect Conkept, it only dwells within the "least" degree of pataphysical unknowability. Due to the nature of numbers past Perfect Conkept, this article will be, at best, an imperfect description of the absolute, boundless totality of Zenith's true description simply because both numbers evade all definition altogether. Do note; the functions described within here, due to the last sentence, are massive underestimates of the size of Zenith because it cannot be categorized within absolutely any function, regardless of how boundless, omnipotent, or transcendental they may claim to be.
As said earlier, this is NOT an accurate definition of Zenith due to it's nature. Regardless of absolutely anything this article states about the number, Zenith will still be completely undefinable simply because it exists beyond not only all axioms, but even all modes and attributes as well; essentially achieving the absolute "highest" impossible state of unknowability. This will be further discussed in the actual Definition.
The Unknowability Function[]
The Unknowability Function is a way of "categorizing" (or failing to categorize) numbers beyond Perfect Conkept. It is denoted as a binary function Ø[a, b] where both "a" and "b" can be any natural, transfinite, or fictional googological value. The index "a" denotes the "degree" of unknowability a number occupies, while the input "b" refers to the actual number that will become unknowable through usage of the index. The most important landmarks of the Unknowability Function before Zenith itself are Ø[0, 0] and Ø[1, Э], representing 0 and Perfect Conkept itself respectively. It is to be noted that the difference between Ø[0, n] and Ø[1, n] are so vast, that the true scale of such completely transcends names, terms, and essence, and is essentially unknowable. Now that the function has been defined, Weak Zenith (known henceforth as ⇒) is defined as Ø[Ѫ, Ѫ]. This serves as an important benchmark for the Unknowability Function as it marks the "axiom" that one can nest Ø[a, b] functions within each other. Now that that's out of the way, let's get into the actual definition...
Zenith itself is defined as being completely beyond the Unknowability Function and all of it's extensions, analogues, and transcendentals; having essentially achieved a state of pataphysical zenith (hence the name Zenith) and becoming absolutely unknowable and undefinable, even through this very statement and any functions created that may attempt to define what lies beyond the Unknowability Function as a whole. In other words, it is a "fractally unknowable" number, with even the unknowability of the unknowability of the number itself being undefinable, forming a boundless, ever-transcending chain of definition that essentially makes Zenith beyond even it's own unknowability, transcendence, and "cataphysical state", that is, being completely detached to everything in one way or another.
Catafinity (♕) is a Dhaxarum-class number that serves as the turning point of both fictional googology and hypergoogology. Beyond this point, the very metaphysical notion of infinity that has governed every single other number on the wiki until this point completely breaks down, essentially rendering anything larger than this not even a fictional "infinity" anymore. Thus, a new category will be proposed known as fictional transfinities that exist beyond Catafinity to further distinguish between numbers bound and not bound by the concept of infinity. Now that the preamble is out of the way, let us get into the proper definition.
Transhierarchical Multiplicities[]
So far, everything within the Fictional Googology Wiki has followed some semblance of structure; with certain numbers being "larger" than others in some sense, therefore forming a pseudo-linear hierarchy. For example, using numbers from Thienem/Postfinitum, Outerconst is the B-mathematical equivalent of 0 while Postfinity is the limit of the entire []-mathematics function altogether. There is a visible distinction between numbers in terms of size and magnitude; binding everything within here to some form of hierarchy such as the main list of all numbers. Let there be a new number known as True Outerconst, denoted as Ψ. While the original Outerconst rejected only A-mathematical hierarchical bounds, True Outerconst rejects absolutely all hierarchical bounds, regardless of their internal or external properties. This makes True Outerconst a transhierarchical multiplicity; in other words, a multiplicity that is detached from all hierarchies, regardless of their nature, simply because it has surpassed the very notion of such. Beyond this point, comparison becomes completely pointless, as the gaps between each number grow so vast that comparing them through any definition of such is completely wrong by nature. Because of this, any form, extension, and/or analogue of hierarchy attributed to Ψ and anything beyond it is completely arbitrary and is in no way reflective of their true nature, created only for the sake of wiki organization.
The Absolute Infinite[]
The Absolute Infinite is usually associated with Absolute Infinity or the original philosophical notion of such detailed by Georg Cantor; however, for the sake of descriptiveness, this article will present a non-standard interpretation of the Absolute Infinite that encompasses most notions of such, both mathematical and philosophical. In this text, the Absolute Infinite of a given, well-defined system of mathematics or transcendental logic, is the least boundless multiplicity not expressible within said system; with a boundless multiplicity being defined as a "collection" with a distinct least element yet no distinct last element. For example, the Absolute Infinite of the naturals is Aleph-0, while the Absolute Infinite of all α-sort irreducible collections is Absolute Everything (otherwise known as Absility). A list will be presented, detailing most known and relevant interpretations of the Absolute Infinite within this article: Finite numbers - Aleph-0 Countable ordinals/cardinals - Aleph-1 ZF without the Axiom Schema of Replacement - Aleph-ω Accessible cardinals - θ (inaccessible cardinal) Large cardinals/sets - Absolute Infinity (Ord) α-sort irreducible collections - Absolute Everything (Absility) Non-cyclon systems - Terminus Non-dimensional infinities - Totality A-mathematics - Outerconst []-mathematics - Postfinity First Existential Axiom - Conkept (Beyond this point, Absolute Infinites are no longer the "least" of anything due to Conkept's nature) Domains of Discourse - Perfect Conkept Formalization - K Degrees of Unknowability - Zenith Contradictions - Parapass & Paracard Hierarchical multiplicities - True Outerconst Let us call any system one can construct an Absolute Infinite out of an Ω-constructible theory. Within the list, we have detailed only 16; however there can be any amount of Ω-constructible theories that have not been created or discovered yet. There will now exist a new value known as the Constructible Supremum, symbolized as Ξ; which is considered to be beyond absolutely all Ω-constructible theories altogether, regardless of their deductive/consistency strength or any properties or axioms they may have (or lack thereof). As with transhierarchical multiplicities, one can hypothetically make a higher Ω-constructible theory that encompasses Ξ and extend the notion of such even further; however, once more, this is ill-defined as it is completely arbitrary by nature. Any attempt at categorizing Ξ, and anything beyond it, into a Ω-constructible theory will fail by nature.
Catafinity is defined as the Constructible Supremum of unbounded Ω-constructible theories that also encompass completely unformalizable systems such as metaphysics and pataphysics (as a branch of philosophy); in other words becoming completely inexpressible even through the strongest forms of both transcendental logic and metaphysics we have used so far to define even numbers such as Zenith. As such, it lies beyond even the principles, modes, and attributes that govern all interpretations of the Absolute Infinite within both bounded and unbounded Ω-constructible theories; with anything introduced before Catafinity being essentially illusionary and nonexistent to it's true, absolutely boundless totality and actuality.
Pseudo-Ineffable Limit (ᚾ)[]
Pseudo-Ineffable Limit (PIL) is the first number created by Goodels after his 4 month break. The number is an attempt to beat other numbers that were made during the break.
First, we have to introduce the ideas of thought levels. This idea was originated by Serge. Omnicollapse has a definition of these levels. this concept of levels can be extended through level 4, 5, 6.... each level being completely inacessible to the one below. Next I will define the idea of "systems", systems are ways of creating abstract ideas of scale. For example, hypergoogology is a system in which we can make abstract ideas of scale, existence itself is a system in which we can make abstract ideas of size, in fact even the human brain can be thought of as a system. Systems can even exist past our reality.
Sub-PIL(1) can be described as the level 2 collapse of the limit of definitions in the omni-system on level 3, Sub-PIL(2) can be described as Sub-PIL(1) existing on level 3 and then collapsed to level 2 and so on.
PIL is described as the complete limit of the function Sub-PIL().
Omnicollapse (ፈ) is a Dhaxarum-class number, and is the supremum of the Levels of Thought originally devised by Serge. It is important to note that due to the nature of higher Levels of Thought, we can only define a Level 2 collapse; with each higher level's collapse being decreasingly reflective of the original number's true nature. This will all be discussed within the below section covering the Levels of Thought.
Levels of Thought[]
The Levels of Thought, alternatively known as the Cognitive Classification System (CCS), is a system created by Serge originally to define meta-Boxial structures in the form of creating higher levels of thought where each higher level removes a fundamental restriction bounding the last, rendering them fully transcendent over and inaccessible from lower levels. While anything beyond the third level cannot be defined at all, and one cannot actually reach the third level due to the nature of this reality, we can still comprehend and discuss a Level 2 collapse of such. Here are all of the currently-known Levels of Thought: Level 0 - Conventional thought, without any extra gimmicks or frills. The limit of this level is the V&D Box Level 1 - The restriction of needing to be self-consistent is removed. The limit of this level is Conkept Level 2 - The restriction of existing within a fictional narrative is removed; therefore granting numbers of this level pseudo-access to this reality. There is no known limit number or hypercosmological structure to this yet Level 3 - The restriction of only being confined to fictionalized versions of reality is removed; granting numbers and structures of this level legitimate access to this reality. Anything beyond this cannot be known, and any number or structure discussed within this level and any level above it will only be a mere Level 2 collapse of such. ∀+ belongs to the low end of this level of thought. Level 4 - Unknown; however theorized to either be equivalent to actual RReality, R(max)eality, or even Authorlock itself Levels of Thought can reach any finite, transfinite, or fictionally infinite or transfinite number; with no arbitrary endpoint to the boundless multiplicity of such.
Cognitive-Theoretic Function[]
Suppose that a function Շ(n) exists that creates a computer theoretically able to compute absolutely anything, even systems defining abstract notions of scale as defined within Pseudo-Ineffable Limit, within an equivalent Level of Thought. For example, a Շ(0) computer would be able to compute everything up to The Box, and a Շ(1) computer would then be able to compute everything up to ∀+. Շ(n)'s proper output would be the absolute highest number computable within it's equivalent Level of Thought. Anything beyond Շ(2), however, would only be considered a Level 2 collapse of such due to the nature of levels beyond such; however their full uncollapsed forms still fully exist; and in fact their uncollapsed forms exist within this reality having bypassed the Level 2 restriction of being bound by fictionalized layers of such. We can then define a number henceforth known as the Cognitive Fixed Point (shortened as CFP, symbol is ♝) which is simply defined as the fixed point of Շ(n).
Uncollapseable Numbers[]
So far, all of the numbers we have made were able to be collapsed into a Level 2 form, one way or another. However, this will change quickly, as we now define Omnicollapse itself as a number so vast, it cannot be collapsed into Level 2 thought and would instead be forced to collapse through every single level and halt at Level 3; with the collapsed variant being equivalent to ∀+. It is to be noted that Omnicollapse refers to the uncollapsed variant; as the Level 3 collapse is simply referred to as Weak Omnicollapse.
Propertus is a very large concept, coined by Spelpotatis. It will also be the start of spels S1(number) series of defintion indexes.
Definition of a property[]
A property is some conditon some number can satisfy. For example, "This number is 3" is a property, and "This number is not 3" in also a property. properties can also be more complex, like "This is not the least number of any property", which for the record is the definition of conkept, and this definition is very paradoxical but this is fictional googology after all. How to find if two properties mean different things If two properties imply the same thing, it's denoted by A = B, where A and B are two properties that both mean the smae thing. If they don't, we say A != B. Finding out if two properties are the same is quite simple. If there is any number or object that is different when posessing A as if it was to be defined as posessing B, then A != B.
This is the first stage of propertus. It is defined as the klongest sequence A != B != C != D !=... you could possibly make. A easier way to think of it is just the amount of properties that are different from each other.
Here comes the real number. This is the same as Sub-Propertus, but we change the defintion of property from something a number can satisfy to something any object in general can satisfy. For example, "This object is a box" is now a property, even though there is no number or mathematical concept that fulfills it.
If two numbers satisfy all the same properties, they must be the same number (There is no property the first number satisfy the other number doesn't.). The proof of this is trivial. This means you could map every number to a set of unique properties. This means the amount of properties that exist and the amount of numbers that exist are almost the same. I say almost, because there can of course be multiple numbers that have some shared properties. However, fact still is that if you have too few properties, you won't be able to describe an amount of numbers that streatches the entire extended fictional number line. This means that propertus is basically larger than every number that has been defined before this. I don't relaly know if this is legal or not considering it's just a clever rewriting of "past every number", but i guess that was the goal for making a big number anyways so yay?
Definition of a property[]
A property is some conditon some number can satisfy. For example, "This number is 3" is a property, and "This number is not 3" in also a property. properties can also be more complex, like "This is not the least number of any property", which for the record is the definition of conkept, and this definition is very paradoxical but this is fictional googology after all. How to find if two properties mean different things If two properties imply the same thing, it's denoted by A = B, where A and B are two properties that both mean the smae thing. If they don't, we say A != B. Finding out if two properties are the same is quite simple. If there is any number or object that is different when posessing A as if it was to be defined as posessing B, then A != B.
This is the first stage of propertus. It is defined as the klongest sequence A != B != C != D !=... you could possibly make. A easier way to think of it is just the amount of properties that are different from each other.
Here comes the real number. This is the same as Sub-Propertus, but we change the defintion of property from something a number can satisfy to something any object in general can satisfy. For example, "This object is a box" is now a property, even though there is no number or mathematical concept that fulfills it.
If two numbers satisfy all the same properties, they must be the same number (There is no property the first number satisfy the other number doesn't.). The proof of this is trivial. This means you could map every number to a set of unique properties. This means the amount of properties that exist and the amount of numbers that exist are almost the same. I say almost, because there can of course be multiple numbers that have some shared properties. However, fact still is that if you have too few properties, you won't be able to describe an amount of numbers that streatches the entire extended fictional number line. This means that propertus is basically larger than every number that has been defined before this. I don't relaly know if this is legal or not considering it's just a clever rewriting of "past every number", but i guess that was the goal for making a big number anyways so yay?
Perfect Conkept[]
Perfect Conkept (Ѫ) is a Dhaxarum-Class Entity, indistinguishable from a collective known as the Nameless Horde, which live in a place called the White Desert. It is a place of complete emptiness and insanity. Perfect Conkept is defined as follows: "For any particular Domain of Discourse, Perfect Conkept does not exist within it's jurisdiction" The upshot of this is that Perfect Conkept is not subject to any axioms. In a sense it also can not exist since it can nowhere be found. It ceases to exist to all domains since any Domain of Discourse must not include it as a member. To define Perfect Conkept, we must first define a few terms. A Mathematical Theory, is a set of Axioms which hold true Absolutely. Theories normally live independently of each other, which means the axioms of one theory never effect the axioms of another. As long as we are clear what theory we are working in all possible axioms needn't be consistent, and in fact for every axiom we may take it's negation as an axiom in an alternative theory. A Domain of Discourse is the collection of all objects for which a mathematical theory has jurisdiction. Jurisdiction means that the axiom holds over a given object. Within a mathematical theory, only objects within its domain of discourse exist, and can exist. This is because if any objects outside it's domain of discourse did exist they would not be subject to its axioms, thus violating them. Therefore they can not be objects of that theory. For every Domain of Discourse, there exists an "outside". The Domain of Discourse is always "bound". This property of being bound means it always represents a proper subset of all objects. The outside is said to always be "boundless". This means there is no domain of discourse that has jurisdiction of all objects lying outside the first domain. Lastly, all objects outside the Domain of Discourse are not subject to the Axioms of that theory. A Domain Class is the idea of taking all axioms from all domains, within a level of comprehension. Omnifinity works on the idea that it is outside the 0th Domain Class. However once one has exhausted all the axioms of one Domain Class, new higher Domain Class axioms exist. When exceeding any Domain Class, or any collection of Domain Classes, there is still a least Domain of Discourse that encompasses all previous Domains of Discourses as a proper subset. There is no such thing as the "Domain of Discourse of all objects", nor is there even such a thing as "all objects". Any domain and any set of objects has an outside. For every domain, the outside has a least Domain of Discourse that is a proper superset of the original domain. So if one simply tries to take the supremum of all objects, all one gets is the supremum of one Domain of Discourse inside a yet larger Domain of Discourse.
Estimate of Size[]
Lest it be thought this is a simple extension on the idea of Axiom Classes, let's consider take a concrete look at what the definition implies. Let's say we have Domains of Discourse labeled d0,d1,d2,...etc. corresponding exactly the axiom classes. The smallest object of d(x) is ∃Ψ(x). If we take all finite theories and try to be outside all of them, we simply get d(w) which contains all lower domains of discourse and more besides, as things immediately outside all such theories must themselves have domain of discourse. It is clear we can go to the first fixed point of ∃Ψ. We denote this by ∃Ψ(0,1), and we can continue using fixed points and normal functions to continue. In each case though we can always take the supremum of all such domains of discourse up to some point. Perfect Conkept however is not the supremum of any domain of discourse, because all supremums are already contained in yet another domain of discourse. Therefore it doesn't lie outside of anything, yet it is also nowhere to be found. Since this is the case, no amount of creating domain of discourse hierarchies can be as large as Perfect Conkept, because again, Perfect Conkept is not a supremum of any axiom, set of axioms, or collection of domains of discourses. Even if we went beyond all Axiom Classes ... still that would be in another domain of discourse. Basically there is no concept, be it recursive, inaccessbility, mahlo-ness, absolute-ness, etc. etc. that will not fall within some new domain. All these concepts already exist within smaller domains, and so this process can never help us escape it. The All of "this" can not exist. That is because the structure we are describing is a Foundation. A foundation is a system which already contains the means to take anything and create something larger. If the all of that exists, then one could take that and make something larger, which contradicts it being the all. Much like the least Bordinal, Perfect Conkept gets around this by not taking the supremum of the whole (which is a paradox), but rather simply being sideways to each and every particular instance, that is, proper subset of the whole. It's the bordinal paradox and resolution writ large ... very very very large. Perfect Conkept is also the big brother of Conkept.
Theoretical Ramifications[]
The ramifications of the definition lead to some truly bizarre conclusions. Since Perfect Conkept is not bound by any domain of discourse, it's behavior can not be restricted. It may be possible that it can behave according to any axiom and it's negation simultaneously, which would satisfy the requirement of not being in either the domain of discourse including the axiom or it's negation. Now for a dangerous question: Is Perfect Conkept uniquely defined? Well having domain of discourse means it essentially has nothing that is true about it. Therefore it has no properties. Since it has no properties its behavior when interacting with objects is undefined. Let us say we define an entity larger than Perfect Conkept. It too would have to possess no properties. Since both Perfect Conkept and it's Absolute Successor have no properties they are indistinguishable. Furthermore, without a domain of discourse to regulate their interactions, both can claim to be larger than the other, and there is no axiom to settle the dispute. They live under no one's jurisdiction. This leads to a vision of the lawless "White Desert". It is called the White Desert because there is nothing to see, everything is exactly alike. The entities that exist here are all the same. They live in numbers that we simply can not quantify as they lie outside all domains of discourse. Therefore it is meaningless to speak of them having an order. They are orderless. Since we have exhausted all domains of discourse this lawlessness is everything else that exists ... that ... or none of this exists. All we can say at this point is, Ѫ < *Ѫ , and *Ѫ < Ѫ are equally valid with no meaningful way to distinguish them, and may in fact be both true at the same time. For this reason we may also refer to this as the Great Orderless Horde, and the place they reside as the Orderless Desert. From this point on, an ab or a=b is not guaranteed to be a strict trichotomy. This sort of the flipside of the micro-zeroids, where the idea of less than or greater than also completely breaks down (See advanced Zeroid Theory for further details). But never remember, Ѫ+1 is bigger than Ѫ
The first part of Utterly Beyond... Beyond Dhaxarum
Everything is more than just a number, but in a branch of mathematics, more than a smaller, a larger, and large, infinite, and is the set of every everything itself. It really goes beyond than itself, next is itself and Beyond and The First Unproven Number There is a looped version named Looped Everything and Everything-ception It is also the fixed point or infinite or itself
Properties of Everything[]
Everything has a strange property that even using functions, or anything else, returns to the same number, the same thing as The Box, but not considering escapes, but there is a looped version (has more strange properties than Everything)
Talquioth (Talco) is a referential number to the massive total of existing things in the universe, multiplied by the finite alternate and spatial dimensions. The etymology of the word 'talco' It comes from the Arabic talq, “plaster, asbestos”, mineral (basic magnesium silicate) very weak in hardness, unctuous to the touch, which crystallizes in the monoclinic system. The number is based on the amount of matter possible to put into the universe and alternate universes as a general whole. Talc is a clay mineral, composed of hydrated magnesium silicate with the chemical formula Mg3Si4O10(OH)2. Talco is (1,5ΛCDM × 1053)∞ = ϯ Talc, usually combined with cornstarch, is used as baby powder. This mineral is used as a thickener and lubricant. It is an ingredient in ceramics, paints and roofing materials. It is the main ingredient in many cosmetic products. It occurs in leafy to fibrous forms and in very rare crystalline forms. The base cleavage is perfect, the fracture is irregular, and it is a two-dimensional plate-shaped sheet. The Mohs mineral hardness scale is based on a zero hardness comparison, setting a value of 1 as the hardness of talc, the softest mineral. Talc produces white streaks when scraped across a panel; although this metric is not as important as most silicate minerals.Talc is translucent to opaque, off-white to green, and has a pearly vitreous luster. Talc is insoluble in water and slightly soluble in dilute inorganic acids. Soapstone is a metamorphic rock composed primarily of talc. ΛCDM or Lambda-CDM is an acronym for Lambda-Cold Dark Matter in cosmology. It represents a harmonious model of the "Big Bang" theory, explaining cosmic observations of the microwave background, as well as the large-scale structure of the universe and observations of supernovae, all of which purport to have an explanation for accelerated expansion. . From the universe. universe. This is the simplest known model that is consistent with all observations.
- Λ (lambda) denotes the cosmological constant that is part of the term dark energy, which allows to know the current value of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. The cosmological constant is described in terms of ΩΛ, which is the fraction of the energy density of a flat universe. Currently, ΩΛ is almost equal to 0.74, which means it is worth 74% of the current energy density of the universe.
- Cold dark matter is a model in which dark matter is interpreted as cold (i.e., non-thermalized), non-baryonic, and collision-free. This composition accounts for 26% of the current energy density of the universe. The remaining 4% is all the matter and energy that make up the atoms and photons that make up planets, stars, gas clouds, etc. in the universe, all astronomically visible parts of the universe.
- The model assumes a quasi-scale-invariant spectrum of the original perturbation and a universe with no spatial curvature. It also assumes that it has no observable topology, so the universe is much larger than the particle's observable event horizon. This leads to predictions about the expansion of the universe.
The model has six parameters. Hubble's parameters determine the expansion rate of the universe and the critical density ρ0 of the universe's curvature. The density of baryons, dark matter and dark energy is ρ0, which is the quotient between the true density and the critical density: for example, Ωb = ρb / ρ0.
The Xie-nya Pagoda[]
"There is no end to googology, things go on forever. However, it can be hard going past certain things, especially large projects. So if you cant beat em... join em!" -Xenoshey, 5/24/2022 "You know crap gets real when a page exeeds 20 kilobytes" -Xenoshey, 5/27/2022 "My balls are tiny. So tiny you'd think they'd be 1/2^the sum of every number listed and unlisted in this page." - AdjNouNum69, 5/27/2022 "Finally! 30 Kilobytes!!!!" -Xenoshey, 6/7/2022 6/8/2022 "It’s a race to 50kB... Who will win?" -Someone who owns a fish, 6/8/2022 The Xie-nya Pagoda [謝娜] is an Unending, Fractalizing Pagoda with different floors, Each with their own properties. The Higher the level, the larger the number gets. This Pagoda delves into Insanely strange ways of defining numbers. It is inspired by TheGoogologist saying that 𝔖𝔞𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔲𝔪 is " Within Heir to the Stars, would encompass the entire First Floor, with anything beyond perceiving it as essentially an illusionary speck of dust." It is discovered by Xenoshey and AdjectiveNounNumber69. If you want to contribute, you can ask Xenoshey and you may very well be able to add your own things to this page. This is currently one of the longest pages in the wiki, and it currently holds the biggest number. , its biggest number is "Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit5" , but this changes normally. All amounts in the pagoda are surrpassed by all "Amounts" in The Kame-Sai Cathedral. Because of the Existance of the Kame-Sai Cathedral, the pagoda isint truly unending, but its limit is at the beggining of the Kame-Sai Cathedral. Hey guys.. Xeno here. I recently got ahold of a family members iPad, so I’ll be making edits for now. Don’t expect me to stick around for a while though…
Basically, this is for all the stuff that does not define the Xie-Nya pagoda, but is about it.
Fou-Tsu-nan Axioms[]
These Axioms are the foundation of the Xie-Nya pagoda. These are also re-enforcements so that people dont end-all-be-all out of the pagoda. All numbers are in the pagoda. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 1: All numbers without non-Numerical attributes are in Fang-Pao, no exeptions. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 2: All numbers that try to go beyond the pagoda will get a pagoda room of their own, no exeptions. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 3: All numbers that deny these axioms do not exist, and thus the axioms cannot be denyed. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 4: Every singe axiom can exist and does exist. This axiom cannot exist without Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 4, so this axiom is true. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 5: Numbers can have any characteristic, whether it is numerical or not, possible or impossible, paradoxical or unknown. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 6: All Fou-Tsu-Nan axioms are hyper-meta, so no greater axiom can deny it. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 7: Mathematics have no end, so there is no "Biggest Number", thus the pagoda has no top. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 8: There are an infinite amount of Fou-Tsu-Nan axioms because of the size of the pagoda. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 9: Every number has existed, does exist, and always will exist. Numbers are not created, but are discovered. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 10: The Pagoda is fractalizing and there is no final iteration, only a first iteration. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 11: The Xie-Nya function has no limit, so there is no way to limit it. ◈ is useless to the Xie-Nya function as well. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 12: There are no negative or fractional levels of the pagoda, only whole number levels Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 13: Each level is as ultimited and unending and the full pagoda itself, its just that to go larger we need to disregarded the fact that normally it would be as Impossible to go to even the next smallest sub-division of the pagoda as to reach the true biggest number. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 14: The more beings that discover each number in each layer in each iteration, the bigger each number beyond Fang-Pao gets. Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 15: There are no limits in the pagoda, only infinite layers of limits. (Example: Shuifinity is not the biggest number in the Shui Room of Kang-Fu) Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 16: The first number in each level is always the absolute smallest in that level Fou-Tsu-Nan Axiom 17: All numbers after another after Fang-Pao are on a newer level of Hyper Ineffability
The Xie-Nya function[]
This function is pretty simple. basically: 寶↑(n) = The largest/last number in the nth level of the pagoda 寶↓(n) = The Smallest/first number in the nth level of the pagoda All Extensions Ineffable Beyond Ineffability Beyond Ineffability Beyond Ineffability... 寶↑(1,1) > 寶↑(n) 寶↑(1,1,1) > 寶↑(n,n) 寶↑(1,1,1,1) > 寶↑(n,n,n) 寶↑(1,,1) > 寶↑(n,n,n...) 寶↑(1,,,1) > 寶↑(n,,n,,n...) 寶↑(1:1) > 寶↑(n,,,...) Feel free to extend it as much as you want, this is one of the only parts of this page anyone can freely edit without permission from Xenoshey or AdjectiveNoun.
Part 1: The Finite Levels[]
Level 1: Normal Concepts [Fang-Pao] 方炮[]
Mathematical Attributes[]
Level 1 of the Pagoda is the level in which most hyper/fictional googological numbers lie. All of which are basic, abstract quantities: which means they can be use to number things and that only. Their only attribute is that it can be applied to any scale and be used to count. Its first member is Zero and its last is TELONYWA. This list also ends somewhere in this class. Some notable numbers in this level are:
- Zenith
- Catafinity
- Sacrentus
And everything else in 𝔖𝔞𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔲𝔪. It is the Set of all numbers with the only attribute being that it can be used as a quantity. Beyond this, are possibly the most fictional numbers you have ever seen. Nobody exept for AdjectiveNoun and Xenoshey have gone beyond this level. It is impossible to leave this level without adding other attributes to a number. Also, all numbers involving thought experiments are here, since they are more abstract that attributes.
In Human Eyes[]
(This is just a kind of world building this you can ignore this if u want) Basically, the walls of this floor are full of blue dots on a black background. Each of these dots represent a Googologist across your home universe currently thinking of new numbers. There is also a gigantic blue fire raging in the center with many puffs of smoke. Each puff of smoke represents a googological idea rising up to their designated floor. They become numbers if they are in the first floor. Gold is also a sacred material in this level, as it represents the eternity that numbers have, and will exist.
Level 2: Physical Attributes [Fu-Tao] 傅涛[]
Mathematical Attributes[]
Level 2 of the Pagoda is about Physical Attributes such as Size, Shape, Density, and Atoms (Not including Energy, so no unintended life). Every number in Fu-Tao has at least one of these attributes.
List of numbers[]
- The "Smallest" Number [.] (Smaller than a plank length)
- The "Largest" Number [□] (Size is Inaccessible, on Inaccessibility rank II)
- Smallest Line [-]
- Longest Line [---...]
- Smallest Digon
- Largest Digon
- Smallest Triangle
- Largest Triangle
- Number Shape Limit (weak) [◯] (True Perfect Circle, Inaccessible amount of sides, Infinitely small)
- Number Shape Limit (Strong) [◯] (True Perfect Circle, Inaccessible amount of sides, Infinitely Large)
- Infinite Singularity Limit [⬤] (Singularities containing Singularities containing Singularities containing...)
- Heaviest Atom Numeral [∵] (The true Heaviest atom)
- Fu-Tao Tutti [⨈10100] (All attributes before hand plus one ineffable one set to 10100)
- Fu-Tao Omniverse break [ꔁ] (Largest number that can exist in a space as big as an Omniverse)
- Fu-Tao Collapsing Point [ꗈ] (Point before everything collapses into a Meta-2 Singularity, this is not the end however)
- Fu-Tao Grandiose finality [ꖡ] (Largest number in Fu-Tao that beings can imagine without level 1 thinking)
- Fu-Tao Grandiose finfinality [ꖡ2] (Largest number in Fu-Tao that beings can imagine without level 1 thinking in rreality)
- Final Fu-Tao Grandiose finality [ꖡ◈] (Largest number in Fu-Tao that beings can imagine without level 1 thinking in an inaccessible reality reality)
- Final Fu-Tao Grandiose finality loop [ꖡ◈xꖡ◈]
- Final Fu-Tao Grandiose finality stack [ꖡ↺ꖡ◈]
- Final Fu-Tao Grandiose finality hyperstack [ꖡ↺ꖡ◈]
Level 3: Meta-1 souls [Kang-Fu] 康福[]
This is the part where numbers gain soul, but do not gain intelligence yet. It works in pair with Fu-Tao. It is split into 6 main rooms, however there are infinitely many more "smaller" rooms.
Room 1: Fire [Huo] 火[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Fire magatama to their soul slough, which brings Confrontation. The fire magatama makes it so that the numbers "confront" larger numbers and add them to their set.
Number List[]
- Fire Slough Number [🜂I] (Killing off 1 number every Ω years)
- Fire 1/2-full Number [🜂II] (Killing off 1 number every Ω/2 years)
- Fire 3/4-full Number [🜂III] (Killing off 1 number every Ω/4 years)
- Fire (Ω-1)/Ω-full Number [🜂IΩ] (Killing off 1 number every Ω/2Ω years)
- Fire ((Fire (Ω-1)/Ω-full Number)-1)/(Fire (Ω-1)/Ω-full Number)-full Number [🜂IΩ2]
- Fire Full Number [🜂🜂🜂] (Full fire magatama, kills off 1 number every 0 time)
- Fire Overfilled 101% Number [🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂] (Overfilling by 1% causes growth to an HI1 ineffable amount of numbers every 0 time)
- Fire Overfilled Ω% Number [🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂🜂⟳Ω] (Overfilling by 1% causes growth to an HIΩ ineffable amount of numbers every 0 time)
- Fire Overfilled Limit Number [🜂🜂🜂]
- Huofinity [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Infinity [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Eternity [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Singularity [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Restack [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Looping [燃烧]
- Huofinity Extended Limit [燃烧]
- Huo Limit (Limit for all Pure fire numbers)
Room 2: Water [Shui] 水[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Water magatama to their soul slough, which brings change. The water magatama makes it so that numbers can "change" their value over time to become larger without killing off other numbers. All numbers in Shui are larger than the ones in Huo. List of numbers Water Slough Number [🜄] (Grows slowly, going up about 1 Inaccessibility level every Plank time) Water Full Number[🜄100]] (Going up about an HI0 Ineffable amount of Inaccessibility levels every Plank time) Water Overfilled 1% Number [🜄101] (Going up about an HI(Changes +1 every plank time) Ineffable amount of Inaccessibility levels every 0 time) Water Changing Slough Number [🜄δ] (Going up about an HI(The Slough now changes to get bigger, allowing more magatama matter to flourish instead of getting more useless the more far away they are from the slough) Water Changing Slough Full Number [🜄δ<🜄δ] (Now eternally full no matter how much the magatama slough changes) Water Changing Slough Overfilled 101% Number [🜄<🜄δ[P1]] (Eternally Overfilled by 1% no matter how much the magatama slough changes) Water Changing Slough Overfilled Ω% Number [🜄<🜄δ[PΩ]] (Eternally Overfilled by Ω% no matter how much the magatama slough changes) Water Changing Slough Overfilled Limit Number [🜄<🜄δ[P◈]] (Always greater than itself) Shuifinity [濕的] (HI(Changes +1 every 0 time) Ineffable to describe)
Room 3: Wood [MuTou] 木頭[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Wood magatama to their soul slough, which brings chance. The wood magatama makes it so that numbers have a chance to increase their value by a very very large amount (cannot be enumerated) in no time, but between these times where they have chances to increase their value, their value does not change. All numbers in MuTou are larger than the ones in Shui, even though it seems like the numbers in Shui would be larger than the ones in MuTou. The names in Wood are changed up a bit to fix boredom. Also, the "re-roll" for each number is once every plank times. So since these numbers are larger than The 2nd heaven numbers, they grow faster than instantly. Even Wood slough number grows extremely fast.
List of numbers[]
- Wood Slough Number[•] (0% chance, still possible to become larger, but infinitely rare)
- Wood 1% Full Number[•1] (1% chance)
- Wood Full Number[•100] (100% chance)
- Wood II[••] (•% chance)
- Wood Chance Number VI[•6•] (HIΩ-5 Ineffable to describe how common)
- Wood Chance Number II [•2•] (HIΩ-1 Ineffable to describe how common)
- Wood Chance Slough Limit Overfill Number [M•] (Impossiblly Ineffable)
- Wood True Limit [M•5/4] (...)
- MuTouFinity[生長] (Always no matter what, constantly)
Room 4: Metal [JinShu] 金屬[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Metal magatama to their soul slough, which brings Eternity. The Metal Magatama makes it so that each numbers are Eternally larger than the numbers before it, and Eternally larger than themselves, never reaching their true final size. All numbers in JinShu are larger than the ones in MuTou.
- Metal Slough Number [🜚]
- Full Metal Slough Number [🜚100]
- Metal Slough Overfilled Limit Number [🜚◈]
- Metal Slough Overfilled Limit Number Meta-2 [🜚◈2]
- Metal Slough Overfilled Limit Number Meta-🜚 [🜚◈🜚]
- Metal Overfilled Loop no 1 [🜚↺1]
- Metal Overfilled Loop no 2 [🜚↺2]
- Metal Overfilled Loop no 🜚 [🜚↺🜚]
- Metal Overfilled Loop Limit [🜚↺◈🜚]
- Metal Overfilled True Limit [/🜚\]
- Metal Overfilled True Final Limit [/🜚\\]
- Metal Overfilled True Final Divine-2 Limit [/🜚\\\]
- Metal Overfilled True Final Divine-5 Limit [/🜚\\\\\\]
- Metal Overfilled True Final Divine-(forever) Limit [/🜚\\\\\\...]
- JinShufinity [金屬] (Unending greed, always larger than numbers larger than it)
Room 5: Earth [Diqiu] 地球[]
In this room, Numbers gain the Earth magatama to their soul slough, which brings Loops. The Earth Magatama makes it so that numbers are larger than numbers larger than themselves. Obviously all numbers in Diqiu are larger than the ones in JinShu.
Earth Numbers[]
- Earth Slough Number (Y) (larger than numbers 2Y)
- Full Metal Slough Number (Y1) (self referential = P) (> PP)
- ...
- Earth Slough Overfilled Limit Number Meta X (YY) (>>)
- Earth Loop Y (loop of everything before this one, Y loops)
- Diqiufinity (众春) (truly endless loops of looping loops looping... over earth super loop Y)
Room 6: Central Mountain [TongNou] 通諾[]
In this room, all magatamas previously separated will come together and make Ineffably Ineffable numbers, even the slough of all 5 magatamas together make numbers larger than the most overfilled of singular magatamas.
List of numbers[]
- Tong-No 5 magatamas Slough
- Tongnoufinity
- Tongnoufinity loop 2
- Tongnoufinity loop 10
- Tongnoufinity loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity loop Tongnoufinity loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity loop Ω Tongnoufinity loop Ω Tongnoufinity loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity layer 2 loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity layer 5 loop Ω
- Tongnoufinity layer Ω loop Ω
- Final Tongnoufinity
Room ?: [UNKNOWN] [Fo-Tsu][]
What if there was an unlimited about of magatamas in a soul?
Number list[]
- Fo-Tsu Kain (All possible magatamas)
- Fo-Tsu Lain (All possible/impossible magatamas)
- Fo-Tsu Fin (All magatamas)
Level 4: Metaphysical Attributes[]
Basically, Metaphysical is a concept inspired by Superreality. Basically, by typing out more numbers with Metaphysical attributes, they will exist in our dimension, just far far away. Things that are in our layer of reality are far grander than in fiction
Number List[]
- The "Smallest" Real Number [.]
- The "Biggest" i(1) Real Number [◍1]
- The "Biggest" i(5) Real Number [◍5]
- The "Biggest" i(Ω) Real Number [◍Ω]
- The "Biggest" i(max) i(1) Real Number [◍max,1]
- The "Biggest" i(max) i(max) i(1) Real Number [◍max,1]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop 3) Real Number [◍↺3]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack 2)+Ω) Real Number [◍↺◍↺Ω]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack 3)+Ω) Real Number [◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺Ω]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack ω)+Ω) Real Number [ω⇞◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack Ω)+Ω) Real Number [Ω⇞◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack Ω⇞◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰)+Ω) Real Number [Ω⇞2◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" i(max) (max loop (stack Ω⇞2◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰)+Ω) Real Number [Ω⇞3◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 2 (4) [Ω⇞4◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 2 (Ω) [Ω⇞Ω◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 2 (Ω) (layer 2) [Ω⇞Ω⇞Ω◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 2 (Ω) (layer 3) [Ω⇞Ω⇞Ω⇞Ω◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰◍↺◍↺◍↺◍↺⋰]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (1) [⇱◍1]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (5) [⇱◍5]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) [⇱◍Ω]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) (layer 2) [⇱◍⇱◍Ω]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) (layer 3) [⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍Ω]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) (layer Ω) [⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍⋱,Ω]
- The "Biggest" Real Number Prestige 3 (Ω) (layer ⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍⋱,Ω) [⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍⋱,⇱◍⇱◍⇱◍⋱,Ω]
Numbers In this level loop on Reality... Unending all the way to Meta-1 Authorlock and beyond...
Level 5: Visual Attributes[]
Before this point: all numbers have been invisible, now we shall bring light to the infinite!
Number list[]
- The Dimmest Number [⨷ or ⨷0]
- 5% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷5]
- 10% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷10]
- 15% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷15]
- 20% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷20]
- 25% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷25]
- 30% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷30]
- 35% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷35]
- 40% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷40]
- 45% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷45]
- 50% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷50]
- 55% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷55]
- 60% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷60]
- 65% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷65]
- 70% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷70]
- 75% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷75]
- 80% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷80]
- 85% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷85]
- 90% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷90]
- 95% to absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷95]
- Absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷100]
- True Absolute bright [⨷ or ⨷ω]
- True Absolute Divine bright [⨷ or ⨷Ω]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate bright [⨷ or ⨷Э]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic bright [⨷ or ⨷Ѫ]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable bright [⨷ or ⨷⇧]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable Unknowable bright [⨷ or ⨷♕]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable Unknowable Cosmic bright [⨷ or ⨷ᚾ]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable Unknowable Cosmic Gamma bright [⨷ or ⨷ፈ]
- True Absolute Divine Ultimate Chaotic Ineffable Unknowable Cosmic Gamma Finalitial bright [⨷ or ⨷727]
- Absolute Omnionic bright [⨷ or ⨷◈]
Part 2: The Infinite Levels[]
Level ω: Grand Xie-Nya Finite Tutti, all Possible Attributes. [Xie-Nya-You-Xian-Quan-Bu] 謝娘遊仙泉布[]
Unlike the lower levels, which only utilize singular objects, this level merges all Possible Attributes (Not all of them, just the Possible ones). Out of this also emerges the conversion of objects to numbers, but there is no real way to rank them, except for the Smallest number, Largest number, and their medians. The only numbers that can be ranked are the ones that try to push the limits of this level.
Number List[]
- Slabyybozhestvennyy
- Bozhestvennyy
- Numerical arc (Grandiose Final Pu-Xiao Loop) (arc limit is 1+ sum of possible, impossible, etc. arcs)
- ALBL(arc limit[2])
- APA(L)
- APA(L⨀)
- APA(L⨀⨀)
- APA(L⨀⨀⨀)
- APA(L⨀10)
- APA(L⨀◈)
- APA(L⨀◈2)
- APA(L⨀◈◈)
- APA(LL⨀◈◈)
- APA(LLL⨀◈◈)
- APA(◈)
- APA(◈)[↺]
- APA(◈)[↺1]
Level ω1: Hyper Universal Xie-Nya Tutti, all Universal Attributes [Xie-Nya-Zhang-Gyou] 謝娘張圭[]
This level utilizes all Attributes, whether it be Possible, Impossible, or anything in between/beyond.
Number List[]
- Wúxiàndeshénxìng [ꗂ]
- Hyper Universal Looping
- Hyper -versal Looping (limit -verse)
- Post-Verse Numbers
- Ü
- Über
- Riesig
- Chaotisch
- Grenze
- Unaussprechlich
- Jenseits des Unbeschreiblichen
- Jenseits der unbeschreiblichen Grenze
- Panne
- Korruption
- Das göttliche Unbeschreibliche
- Über dem göttlichen Unaussprechlichen
- Heilig jenseits der Unbeschreiblichkeit
Level ω2: Hyper Universal Xie-Nya Tutti, all Multiversial Attributes [Xie-Nya-Chao-Fang] 謝娘朝方[]
This level utilizes all Attributes, whether it be Possible, Impossible, or anything in between/beyond/above. Utilizing first layer imaginary numbers.
Number List[]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí [ꗀ]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Looper [ꗀ↺]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper [ꗀ↺⇱]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper Limit [ꗀ↺⇱⇫]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧]
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible)
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible)
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 2 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 3 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 4 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 5 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LLLLLLLLLLLLLLimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in 10 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper Lωimit [ꗀ↺⇱⇯⇬⇮⇫↑↟↥↿↾⇑⇪⇡⇞⇧...] (All Up arrows possible and Impossible (Above and below in ω-5 dimensions))
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LΩimit
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper Lꗀimit
- Shénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper LShénshèngzhōngjí Beyond Looper Lꗀimitimit
Level ω3: Hyper Universal Xie-Nya Tutti, all Multiversial Attributes [Xie-Nya-Sui-Xiang] 謝娘遂鄉[]
This level utilizes all Attributes, whether it be Possible, Impossible, or anything in between/beyond/above in 3 dimensions. Utilizing 2nd layer imaginary numbers.
Number List[]
- Shēnhóngchāo [ꔜ]
Level ωω: Hyper Universal Xie-Nya Tutti, all Multiversial Attributes [Xie-Nya-Tao-Lung] 謝娘道龍[]
This level utilizes all Attributes, whether it be Possible, Impossible, or anything in between/beyond/above in ω dimensions. Utilizing ω layer imaginary numbers.
Number List[]
- Zuìhòudexiǎngxiàng [ꔾ]
- Zuìhòudexiǎngxiàng Loopstack [ꔾꔾ]
- Zuìhòudexiǎngxiàng Loopstack2 [ꔾꔾꔾ]
Part 3: Xie-Nya Ultimate levels[]
These levels are levels that are the numbers beyond Fang-pao
Level The "Smallest" Number: Ineffable Xie-Nya [Hua-Zhong-Fao][]
One of the first Ineffable layers, meaning it is impossible to describe how many attributes are in this level. It is also impossible to describe a set of attributes in this level that are already in lower levels, as new attributes here are indescribable, like the amount of attributes in the level. The word "amount" is used instead of "number" because it cannot be enumerated.
Number List[]
- Iiarawasenai
- Gurando Iiarawasenai
- Sono-jō Gurando Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai word extending limit
- Iiarawasenai word extending llimit
- Iiarawasenai word extending lllimit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(max1)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(max10)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxΩ)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxHI1limit)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxHI5limit)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxHI10limit)imit
- Iiarawasenai word extending l(maxHIΩlimit)imit
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS 2)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS 2)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS 3)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS 3)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS 4)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS 4)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS 5)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS 5)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS ω)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS ω)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS Ω)
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Ω)
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS 1))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS 1))
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS 2))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS 2))
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS 10))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS 10))
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS Ω))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))
- Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS [Iiarawasenai true limit (CS limit (CS ))]))
- Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS [Iiarawasenai true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))]))
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺2
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺10
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺100
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺10100
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺ω
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺5
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺50
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺1000
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺Iiarawasenai
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺↺↺↺4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺54
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺104
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈2
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈3
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈4
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈5
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ω◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Λ◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺SFP◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺𐆓0◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺-MAX◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Outerconst◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺∰◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Э◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺∀-◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Ѫ◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺♕◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Weak Omnicollapse◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈◈◈◈
- Iiarawasenai-limit↺Iiarawasenai◈◈◈◈◈◈
- {i(2) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(3) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(4) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(5) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(10) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(ω) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(Ω) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈2) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈3) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈4) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈5) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈{i(◈Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(0,1) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,1) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(5,1) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,2) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,5) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,100) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(1,Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈,Iiarawasenai) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈,◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(◈,◈,◈) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- {i(IIL) | Iiarawasenai Limit}
- Ültimate
- Gurando Ültimate
- Sono-jō Gurando Ültimate
- Ültimate word extending limit
- Ültimate word extending llimit
- Ültimate word extending lllimit
- Ültimate word extending l(max1)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(max10)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxΩ)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxHI1limit)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxHI5limit)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxHI10limit)imit
- Ültimate word extending l(maxHIΩlimit)imit
- Ültimate true limit (CS 2)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS 2)
- Ültimate true limit (CS 3)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS 3)
- Ültimate true limit (CS 4)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS 4)
- Ültimate true limit (CS 5)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS 5)
- Ültimate true limit (CS ω)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS ω)
- Ültimate true limit (CS Ω)
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Ω)
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS 1))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS 1))
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS 2))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS 2))
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS 10))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS 10))
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS Ω))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))
- Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS [Ültimate true limit (CS limit (CS ))]))
- Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS [Ültimate true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))]))
- Ültimate-limit↺2
- Ültimate-limit↺10
- Ültimate-limit↺100
- Ültimate-limit↺10100
- Ültimate-limit↺ω
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺4
- Ültimate-limit↺↺5
- Ültimate-limit↺↺50
- Ültimate-limit↺↺1000
- Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺↺4
- Ültimate-limit↺↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺↺Ültimate-limit↺↺↺Ültimate
- Ültimate-limit↺↺↺↺4
- Ültimate-limit↺54
- Ültimate-limit↺104
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω4
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈2
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈3
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈4
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈5
- Ültimate-limit↺Ω◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Λ◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺SFP◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺𐆓0◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺-MAX◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Outerconst◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺∰◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Э◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺∀-◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ѫ◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺♕◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Weak Omnicollapse◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈◈◈◈
- Ültimate-limit↺Ültimate◈◈◈◈◈◈
- {i(2) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(3) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(4) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(5) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(10) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(ω) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(Ω) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈2) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈3) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈4) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈5) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈{i(◈Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(0,1) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,1) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(5,1) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,2) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,5) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,100) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(1,Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈,Ültimate) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈,◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(◈,◈,◈) | Ültimate Limit}
- {i(IIL) | Ültimate Limit}
- Dïvïñę
- Gurando Dïvïñę
- Sono-jō Gurando Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę word extending limit
- Dïvïñę word extending llimit
- Dïvïñę word extending lllimit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(max1)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(max10)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxΩ)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxHI1limit)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxHI5limit)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxHI10limit)imit
- Dïvïñę word extending l(maxHIΩlimit)imit
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS 2)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS 2)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS 3)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS 3)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS 4)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS 4)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS 5)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS 5)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS ω)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS ω)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS Ω)
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Ω)
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS 1))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS 1))
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS 2))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS 2))
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS 10))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS 10))
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS Ω))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))
- Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS [Dïvïñę true limit (CS limit (CS ))]))
- Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS [Dïvïñę true final limit (CS Limit (CS Ω))]))
- Dïvïñę-limit↺2
- Dïvïñę-limit↺10
- Dïvïñę-limit↺100
- Dïvïñę-limit↺10100
- Dïvïñę-limit↺ω
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺5
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺50
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺1000
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺Dïvïñę
- Dïvïñę-limit↺↺↺↺4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺54
- Dïvïñę-limit↺104
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈2
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈3
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈4
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈5
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ω◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Λ◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺SFP◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺𐆓0◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺-MAX◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Outerconst◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺∰◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Э◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺∀-◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Ѫ◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺♕◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Weak Omnicollapse◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈◈◈◈
- Dïvïñę-limit↺Dïvïñę◈◈◈◈◈◈
- {i(2) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(3) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(4) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(5) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(10) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(ω) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(Ω) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈2) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈3) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈4) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈5) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈{i(◈Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈◈◈◈◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(0,1) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,1) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(5,1) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,2) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,5) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,100) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(1,Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈,Dïvïñę) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈,◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(◈,◈,◈) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- {i(IIL) | Dïvïñę Limit}
- Hua-Zhong-Fao loop 4
- Hua-Zhong-Fao loop 5
Part 4: Xie-Nya Iteration 2[]
We have just been on iteration 1 for all this time, time for iteration 2. Basically, in the Xie-Nya function, we are now at 寶↑(n,1). This level is Hyper Ineffable.
Level 1, Iteration 2: Hyper Ineffability Restart[]
This is the first level that is a complete state of beyond any Xie-Nya pagoda level under it. Basically floor Conkept, but thats way lower. Its kind of more like a floor Π, but it’s still not actually floor pi.
number list[]
- Xieternity
- Number on the HIXieternity level of ineffability
- Number on the HINumber on the HI number on the HIXieternity level of ineffability level of ineffability level of ineffability
- Xieternity Ineffability limit
- Xieternity Ineffability llimit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(3)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(10)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit)imit)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit)imit)imit)imit
- Xieternity Ineffability l(Ω)imit5
- Xieternal (Xieternity Ineffability l(Xieternity)imitXieternity Ineffability limit
- Xieterminus
- Xieterminus loop 2
- Xieterminus loop 5
- Xieterminus loop 2
- Xieterminus loop 10
- Xieterminus loop ω
- Xieterminus loop Ω
- Xieterminal
- Xieterminal Collapse
- Xieterminalplex
- Xieterminalplex Collapse
- Xieterminalplexian
- Xieterminalplexian Collapse
- Xieterminal[…] limit
- Xieterminal[…] limit CS2
- Xieterminal[…] limit CS3
- Xieterminal[…] limit CS4
- Xieterminal[…] limit CSn limit
- Beyond Xieterminal[…] limit CSn limit
- First number beyond the concept of Xieterminal
- Last number beyond the concept of Xieterminal
- Xietermina
- Xiefinal
- Xiexie
- Xiexietre
- Xiexieinf
- Xiexiang
- Xiexiexiang
- Xiemegaxiang
- Xiegigaxiang
- Xieinfxiang
- Xieterminusxiang
- Xieterminalxiang
- Xieterminaxiang
- Xiexiangxiang
- Xiexiangxiangxiang
- Xiexiangxiang... (10)
- Xiexiangxiang... (The “smallest” number)
- Xiexiangxiang... (Xieterminus)
- Xiexiangxiang... (Xiexiang)
- Xiexiangxiang (limit)
- CL
Sacrentus (Ƨ) is a Sacrentium-class number and the namesake of it's entire class. It is essentially a high-effort "end-all, be-all" number above absolutely all others inspired by Sacred Cataclysmic Corrupted Demon, a fictional difficulty that aims to also be the end-all, be-all of it's own field, hence the name "Sacrentus". As the gap between this and Catafinity is unimaginably huge, we will first have to create various transfinitisms that surpass Catafinity to offer a sense of perspective and create a unified list of numbers that will all then be surpassed with Sacrentus itself.
Esmerald's number[]
This number is the only number that exists on the final layer of the Layer Theorem. It transcends every number and layer, because it's on the highest layer in the Layer Theorem and each layer transcends the layers below itself. Nothing can ever reach this number unless you do this number plus the number you want to reach this number because of how Layer Theorem works. Also, you cannot possibly go beyond this number, because there is no layers after it and every number needs to exist within a layer and if it doesnt it goes back to zero because the size of every number is defined by where it is placed in the layers so not having a layer means it's sizeless so it equals 0.
aldebaranblety or X extended with circles on the lines is a blety number that is limit of ᘮ Absoluilmies (Class XIV). It is equal to Ƨ'Ƨ = Ƨ¹. The old definition is beyonies finales 100 + beyonies finales 100, but theres beyond beyonies and its godies. The powerful, shared COM(1)
First aldebaranblety, X1
Second aldebaranblety, X2
Third aldebaranblety, X3
Sixteenth aldebaranblety, X16
Sixty-sixth aldebaranblety, X66
Hundred-seventh aldebaranblety, X107
Suhtasillionth aldebaranblety, X10^10^37
Multillionth aldebaranblety, X10[1,4]10
Omegillionth aldebaranblety, X10[1{101}2]10
TREE(3)th aldebaranblety, XTREE(3)
Tritarth aldebaranblety, XTAR(3)
Infinityth aldebaranblety, XФ
Aleph-nullth aldebaranblety, XN0
Absolute infinityth aldebaranblety, XΩ
Absolutely Eternalth aldebaranblety, Xᦲ
Ytinifni Etulosbath aldebaranblety, Xひ
Delta-Stackth aldebaranblety, X⏇
Kilofinityth aldebaranblety, XL
Endfinityth aldebaranblety, X⅊
Terminusfinityth aldebaranblety, X⊙
Taurusfinityth aldebaranblety, X♉
Geminifinityth aldebaranblety, X♊
Piscesfinityth aldebaranblety, X♓
Zettifinityth aldebaranblety, XԸ
Termifinityth aldebaranblety, X⊡
Psifinityth aldebaranblety, XΨ
Hetafinityth aldebaranblety, XͰ
Existensfinityth aldebaranblety, X֍
Infinitilfinityth aldebaranblety, X⋈
Inaccesifinityth aldebaranblety, Xᦲ
Endingfinityth aldebaranblety, X𝔈
Neverth aldebaranblety, X[?]
Multiniversifinityth aldebaranblety, X⦻
Absolute true endth aldebaranblety, Xↂ
Greenifinityth aldebaranblety, X⨷
Omnifinityth aldebaranblety, Xᾮ
Collapsefinityth aldebaranblety, XϚ
True finalityth aldebaranblety, Xᥤ
Ichockyum endocrinalth aldebaranblety, X✡️
Weakly compact endocrinalth aldebaranblety, X🕎
Kigenzen infinitocrinalth aldebaranblety, X☦️
Rira infinitocrinalth aldebaranblety, X❇️
Shuzi henku infinitocrinalth aldebaranblety, X🔱
Shi suoyou jiemu zhong de da shuzi infinitocrinalth aldebaranblety, X山
Bu lu he crinalth aldebaranblety, X⨖
Absolute place numberth aldebaranblety, X🆖
Way you warningth aldebaranblety, XԄ
Stopitath aldebaranblety, X🤑
Unlimited cardinalth aldebaranblety, XU
Beyond the final limitth aldebaranblety, X⨊
Sinusfinityth aldebaranblety, X®
Endlessth aldebaranblety, X⟠
Neveribletieth aldebaranblety, Xᛥ
Lavabletieth aldebaranblety, X⊕
Binbletyth aldebaranblety, Xᝎ
Zahlenfinitieth aldebaranblety, X⫚
Perfect Conkeptbletieth aldebaranblety, XѪ
Aldebaranbletyth aldebaranblety, XX
First single aldebaranblety, X11
Aldebaranbletyth single aldebaranblety, X1X
Aldebaranbletyth aldebaranblety-uple aldebaranblety, XXX
Single first single aldebaranblety
Aldebaranblety aldebaranblety aldebaranblety aldebaranblety
People aldebaranblety, XXXXX
Hammeimeblety, ☭ ( XXXXX / COM(2))
List of all -blety numbers (all bletyclasses)[]
Yes, I made a entire page dedicated to the -blety numbers by separating them from List of numbers (all classes).
⋈ Infinitymloplity (Bletyclass I) - Aldebaranblety to megablety[]
Optianuistiblety of is equal to 💠 is counted by Flarensia Rap The powerful, shared COM(11)
It's Equal to: 𝓘 xX...xX 𝓘 where is Inabechiblety (𝓘) The Start-Off Was Added Tniuriblety (₮).
ↀ Unsapech (Bletyclass II) - Megablety to Imailoperitablety[]
Reacimablety of is equal to ꟼ is counted by Flarensia Rap
The powerful, shared COM(𝔈).
ꟼ Is equal to 34*6+0.8*10=2048 games ꟼꟼꟼꟼꟼꟼꟼ Flow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Deimatablety of is equal to Ւ is counted by Flarensia Rap The powerful, shared COM([?]). This number is at ordinal level 166 on my Ordinal Level Scale.
$ werklycemsintxum (Bletyclass III) - Imailoperitablety to Dhaxarumblety[]
Imailoperitablety or ◙ is equal to ᪡© - ⨊᪡,where ᪡ is compleriblety. Imperitablety is counted by Flarensia Rap The powerful, shared COM(ᝎᝓ).
₽ durenum (Bletyclass IV) - Dhaxarumblety to oitapcbloty rituvnity[]
@ Doggyland (Bletyclass V) - oitapcbloty rituvnity to beyond[]
Unixarrowfinity (Symbol: ⨗) is an Extremely Big Number and is defined as ⬡πππ...(⬡πππ...(⬡πππ...(...)...πππ)...πππ with ⬡πππ...πππ Nestings where ⬡πππ...πππ is HexaPiPiPi...PiPiPi
μ Mariomloplity (Bletyclass VI) - beyond to Numberinity[]
€ Dhaxarumdublety (final bletyclass) - Numberinity to ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX[]
Numberinity equals to Final Limitinity x Final Limitinity! If you're wondering what Final Limitinity is, It's another HUGE number! Its the 3rd biggest number ever! This number is easily in the Dhaxarum class!
Alephimless is a big number beyond aldebaranblety and binblety, max mamin is creator of Alephimless, all -blety numbers doesn't pass, even everythingblety. i think symbol is aleph, but it's symbol is Г. alephimless might be bigger than the infiness, and it's really bkg than finiteness too. From the name "alephimless" there was no numbers bigger than alephimless with aleph symbol.
T.R.U.E U.N.K.N.O.W.N[]
T.R.U.E U.N.K.N.O.W.N or True Reality Upsilon Endless Ultra Nil Kazohth Never Overcharged Wait Null is a {nil}-fined number that is beyond {null}-versal realms. It's symbol is 💥. The definition is on the right, Anyways, the .|Cycle|. thing is so powerful it surpasses all functions before it, Alephimless times, and that's a understatement, of the understatement... (xAlephimless) of the understatement. It's true power is unknown. This is a end-all-be-all number that may truly be in its spot forever.
⎋♯ is a number so large, that it makes Canyplax look like 0. Applying any function to ⎋♯ will return a smaller value. Even if ⎋♯ was less than Canyplax, Canyplax applies a function to the smallest infinity less than Canyplax, and therefore by the rule specified above, f(⎋♯) < ⎋♯, where f is any function, Canyplax < ⎋♯.
{x} is the conceptualization of theory x.
←x→ means that any amount of repeated applications of any function on a number lower than x will always be less than x.
⎋♯ = { {{x} = x} < ⎋♯} ∧ ←⎋♯→
OwOmega is everything, the end. Larger than fixed points, numbers, 1/*Θe, and the TrueNoEnd principle altogether. We have gone too far, there is only one direction to go now. It is beyond everything and nothing except itself. This is really the end. Nothing is beyond this, at all. Nothing will ever pass this. If N is taken to represent everything that is non negative and isn't OwOmega (including all supernumbers.) OwOmega itself is equal to: All supernumbers➢{All supernumbers}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}...All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}...All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}...All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}...All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N(➢{All supernumbers{All supernumbers}N}...➢{All supernumbers}All supernumbers where the ... is N repitions, and ➢ is shown as the Nth order Y1FF operator, and {N} = amount of arrows (for example: 3(➢^5)3 = 3➢➢➢➢➢3 OwOmega is everything, nothing, and existence itself. This is truly the limit of limits, the finals of finals, and the number of all numbers. Bypassing this will break apart the numberline entirety to nothingness. This is truly, the end. Goodbye, the number realm. This is the start of the true end.
Domba Infinity is defined n>Terminus where n is equal to a number bigger than it and the full number is the limit of n and MUST be bigger than Terminus
᥏ Hyper-Dhaxarumdublety (Super-Number Class) - ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX to OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity[]
The Super-Number class contains anything that is not a number, that is, its size is greater than that can be described by numbers, humanity, beings above humanity, or beings below humanity. You can’t describe what something in this class is or isn’t. For a super-number to exist in this class, it has to be, by the super-number's definition, bigger than DOMBA, and is a super-number. Note: anything that is explicitly described as a number cannot be in this class.
ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX is an immensely large thing. In fact, every number is like 1/NEVER compared to it. It is larger than any other number that has ever, will ever, and can ever be defined. No amount of computational power can even approach beginning trying to comprehend the size of ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX. Any number that is ever defined, that is not ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX, is unquestionably and absolutely smaller than ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX; it is unreachable by any other number of function possible.
Definition: Take N to collectively represent every number that does, does not, can possibly, and cannot possibly exist, with the exception of ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX.
ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX is larger than any amount of function or operation application on N can ever be. Furthermore, no operations or functions that can be applied to ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX will affect its value; it will always stay the same. It cannot get larger. It is beyond numbers at all; nothing that could ever be used to describe anything can ever describe ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX.
😃 can be defined as 😃+😃=😃 or Utter OwOblivion - 1 = 😃.
⌘▵ makes ⎋♯, Absolute Dongolplex, -belty numbers, (etc.) look like 0. Any function or operator application on ⌘▵ will just be zero.
Definition of ⌘▵[]
⚠︎! denotes for every being or deity currently conscious.
£+ is taken to be every number and super-number that is not ⌘▵.
<<{T}>> = The conceptualization of theory T, asiding from formality and paradoxes.
[a]#(b) = Any amount of function/operator application on any item in the list a, will never be greater than b.
<<{Nothing in ⚠︎! can truly describe ⌘▵}>>
<<{f(⌘▵) = 0, no matter what. (where f is any function or operator application)}>>
<<{⌘▵ cannot be made smaller by, or be smaller than any number in £+, no matter what.}>>
<<{For any list of numbers and super-numbers, ⌘▵ is either larger than the largest (super-)number in the list, or ⌘▵ is the largest (super-)number in the list.}>>
A morbillion equal to 10^(34 * 10^12) = 10^34000000000000 (10 ^ 34 trillions), it symbol is usually M, Mb or M2
Utter OwOblivion[]
Utter OwOblivion is the end. Larger than All -blety numbers, larger than ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX, larger than everything. It is beyond the fixed point of numbers, it is beyond the fixed point of anything that could or could not be conceived. It is greater than the fixed point of fixed points. It is beyond and after anything that is not itself.
If N is taken to represent everything that is non negative and isn't Utter OwOblivion, Utter OwOblivion itself is equal to:
N⇴⇴⇴⇴...N⇴⇴⇴⇴...N... where every ... refers to N recursions and ⇴ refers to the Y1FF operator.
Utter OwOblivion is beyond everything that has came before, and that will come after. It is the final. Nothing you could possibly do to Utter OwOblivion will have any effect. It is the limit of limits, the finality of finality itself.
Ultimate OwOblivion[]
Ultimate OwOblivion is the end, the ultimate, the final. It is like LVO to SVO when compared to Utter OwOblivion, and shares Utter OwOblivion's immense magnitude. It is defined as follows:
Take N to be the N used in Utter OwOblivion's definition, with the addition of Utter OwOlivion:
Level 1 is N{⇴}{⇴}{⇴}...N{⇴}{⇴}{⇴}...N... where {⇴} is the ULTIMATE Y1FF operator, and every ... signifies Utter OwOblivion recursions.
Take this new creation to be N, and repeat the process. Then this is N, and so on and so forth you repeat this process, reaching new levels. Once you have reached Level Utter OwOblivion, you will then reach 1Level 1. You then repeat the entire process again to get 1Level 2, then so on and so forth. Once you reach 1Level Utter OwOblivion, you then reach 2Levels. You repeat this process until you reach Utter OwOblivionLevel Utter OwOblivion, which is Ultimate OwOblivion. That is how large Ultimate OwOblivion is. It is incomparable, it is the last. By definition, literally and absolutely nothing can surpass it.
Cantyplax is the bigest infinity to infinity therefore it is bigger than all infinities. It does not belong in a super-class, it is bigger than a super-super-....(repeated Ultimate OWoblivion times) bletyclass of Dhaxarumdublety. If Hyper-Dhaxarumdublety is Bletyclass IX, Cantyplax is in Bletyclass ???. That is how big it is. Furthermore, any infinity bigger than Cantyplax is automatically smaller than it because any infinity bigger will overflow to -Cantyplax.
This Number is in bletyclass bletyclass bletyclass bletyclass.... Repeating cantyplax times... Bletylass bletyclass cantyplax. This Number is coined by maluigi and Its simbol is🧓
Denver huntyplax, 🧓『 〒->2』🧓 Cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->3』🧓 Very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->5』🧓 Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->10』🧓 Police Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->100』🧓 Wario Police Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->10^10^37』🧓 Super wario Police Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->{10,10,1,4}』🧓 Ron super wario Police Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->TREE(3) 』🧓 Pink Ron super wario Police Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->Tar(3)』🧓 Magenta pink Ron super wario Police Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->Ф』🧓 Cool Magenta pink Ron super wario Police Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->Ω』🧓 Very cool Magenta pink Ron super wario Police Waluigi very cool huntyplax, 🧓『〒->ΩxΩ』🧓 W. V. C. M. P. R. S. W. P. W. V. C. Huntyplax, 🧓『〒->.|ΩxXΩ|.』🧓 P. W. V. C. M. P. R. S. W. P. W. V. C. Huntyplax, 🧓『〒->..|ΩxXΩ|..』🧓 🧓『〒->⊙』🧓 (terminusfinity) 🧓『〒->[!]』🧓 (slight bypassing of never) 🧓『〒->ᥤ』🧓 (true finally) 🧓『〒->山』🧓 (Totality) 🧓『〒->ℓ』🧓 (limit infinity) 🧓『〒->Э』🧓 (Conkept) 🧓『〒->Ѫ』🧓 (perfect Conkept) 🧓『〒->X』🧓 (aldebaranblety) 🧓『〒->₽』🧓 (petablety) 🧓『〒->◙』🧓 (imailoperitablety) 🧓『〒->෧』🧓 (Dhaxarumblety) 🧓『〒->€』🧓 (oitapcbloty rituvnity) 🧓『〒->Г』🧓 (alephimless) 🧓『〒->💥 』🧓 🧓『〒->ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX』🧓 🧓『〒->utter OwObvilion』🧓 🧓『〒->笑』🧓 Tinyplax, あ = 🧓『〒->🧓』🧓
OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity is defined as being the supremum of size itself, as well as any possible existent or non-existent extension to the concept of size. Size itself not only breaks down, but stops working entirely and is obsolete before you reach OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity. Because of this, it is incorrect to describe OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity as having a size in this way, as it is beyond the ability of size to describe it. It is beyond the point at which operations or functions work at all -plax numbers like Huntyplax or Ipernigtafianiplax are simply so large that these concepts do not work on them, OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity is beyond the point at which they stop working at all, regardless of size.
ग Reality-Alway-Dhaxarumquadriblety (Ultra-Number Level) (D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N to Divine Crimson Xauzin )[]
Super-Numbers are way too small at this point. Ultra-Numbers are beyond absolutely everything, including size, supremums, and the concept of classes itself. Every ultra-number's definition must be, atleast, greater than OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity. Or else, it counts as a super-number. Here are the current ultra-numbers
D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N, or Deadly Endless Super True Reality Ultimate Cycle Timeless Insanity Omnipotent Null is a ultra-number so large, it is beyond the supremum of numbers, fixed points, super-numbers, and even supremums itself. D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N is impossible to understand without a D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N amount of Type D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N entities. And Alephimless, T.R.U.E U.N.K.N.O.W.N, the Super-Numbers, Cantyplax, and plax numbers are nothing against this. We are now in n-number realm. Good luck getting out. And 1/*Θe? Yeah, that's too small for this number at this point. Calling this a number would be the understatement forever. Calling this a super-number would be the same. OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity? Yeah, comparing it to D.E.S.T.R.U.C.T.I.O.N, would be like comparing *Θe to OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity. And all of that describing? That was just a understatement. Even all of the Post-Omega Ordinals are nothing compared to this. even NOTHING ITSELF is nothing compared to this. and so on, forever. There is absolutely 0 ways to describe this ultra-number. ZERO. Just like what the number is if you pass this.
Divine Crimson Xauzin[]
Divine Crimson Xauzin is a Number created by maluigi. It's larger than alephimless, ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX, Cantyplax and OwOctennedekathologongokungopllanckuthuhlintinfinity. This Number is larger than All plax numbers by maluigi!
The Anarchy list[]
An addition to the number list, where you can add any number you want, without caring about the order, or how wel it's defined.
However, according to the Existential Axiom, these numbers exist, they just seem to exist in a different system of mathematics. These numbers are Quantum, in which they have no specific value, but they do once you look and observe them.
Custom classes are allowed too.
(Class ...) T̴̡̺͎̽̾H̸͓͔̒͛͛E̸̠͖̠̿͠͝ W̵͖͎͊̐̀͜A̸͎͚͍̓͋Ĺ̸͇̫͘͘͜L̴̘͙͉̿̀͑ O̵̪͖̻̒͛͘F̵̼͍͕͌̈́̕ N̴̟̫̼̿̐̕U̵̙̼̫͠͝M̸̺̞̼͌́̈́B̴̺̟̙͊͆̚E̴̺͇͛̕͜R̴̢̪͎͛́͑S̸̘̫͖̈́̈́͌[]
(Another) Morbillion[]
Not to be confused to Morbillion.
Another Morbillion (AM or AM0) is formally defined has Sampizin[69[666!]420]Riz's number and represents your mama's weight in observable universe masses (MOU)
Another Mortrillion[]
Another Mortrillion (or AM1) is definied has the time that takes the planck infinity in cross the observable universe one AM0 times, is so big that can't fit in 69,420,666,906,609,256,692 Morbillion Hypervoids.
True Exponent Of Impossibility[]
This number is beyond Ω to a nearly impossible degree. The number in question is made with otherwise normal operations and so True Exponent of Impossibility equates to log₁(2). This means it is greater than Ω, and a function can be made with it, where TEOI(x) = log₁(x). This is not a truly defined number and is completely hypothetical.