LIMIT OF EXTENDING (𖣐) is the Final Number of Daniel Dixon's 0 to L.O.E series. it is equal to !!!!!! [2], and it is bigger than The Real Final Point, Annihilation, In.Finiti.A, Box Number, and The End of Every Single Integer. It's equal to Ѧ[-19].
It is Come after cycle of Explorerfinity in Number -Ω to #'(#(';#'!#(-)^{{¢×|¶°}¢{^=™¢|°∆^`∆®[??????'+2'9+)#);)*)@)}°}¢}°¶¶¢}° (2/6)
There are 6 videos showing how to get to LOE on Daniel Dixon's YouTube channel.
so Daniel Dixon did 90 % typing and Ben Number did 10 % typing
all videos will take 1 week in total 6 parts
it takes the videos 1 week and 45 minutes to have 6 parts
there is 6 videos in total
Real numbers takes 40 minutes
fiction numbers takes 7 days
all words times will take 4 minutes
only black time for 1 minute
this video is 99.5 % fiction time 0.5 % real time
According to Mathis R.V, the symbol is this ᛃ
- 𖣐+𖣐
- 𖣐+𖣐+𖣐
- 𖣐x10
- 𖣐x🦃
- 𖣐x𝀭
- 𖣐x=
- 𖣐x[1/1]
- 𖣐x₽
- 𖣐x√
- 𖣐x۩
- 𖣐x⟁
- 𖣐x໖
- 𖣐xℙ
- 𖣐x𝈝
- 𖣐x◓
- 𖣐xᯡᯨ
- 𖣐x🐓
- 𖣐x㉾
- 𖣐xꇪ
- 𖣐xE
- 𖣐x𐂇
- 𖣐xϯ
- 𖣐x㉽
- 𖣐x၌
- 𖣐xℒ
- 𖣐xꂏ
- 𖣐xᠹ
- 𖣐x가
- 𖣐x힣
- 𖣐x϶
- 𖣐xϗ
- 𖣐xݭ
- Extendingfinity, 㐀 𖣐x𖣐
Unofficial way (I will put it on Absolute Chu Gu Du Super 's page)[]
- Limit of Extending, ✯̶̨̥̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part 1]
- Infinitely Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part 2]
- Ernesting-Era Existence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part 3]
- Final Era Existence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part 4]
- The Aperture Astrological Sign Numbers, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part 5]
- Final Ernst Final Era Absolute Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part 10]
- Final Existences Existence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part 100]
- Final Absolute-istence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part Ω]
- Final Terminus-istence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part ⊙]
- Final N E V E R-istence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part ⍰]
- Final Extending this Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part ⨊]
- Final Reisterstown Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part ⋻ 1 & 2 {Finite}]
- Final Startence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part [☆]]
- Final Endless-istence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part ⟠]
- Final ??? [2]-istence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part ??? [2]]
- Final Demontence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part,[Part]]
- Final Tpilence Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part,[Part,[Part]]]
- Final Ephesus Extending, ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part[<,x^(5)]
- Final Out Extending, [Part#/²(<1>)] = ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part[<,x^ ✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ ✯̶̐✯̶̨̥✯̶̌͑✯̶͠❂̶❂̶̌❂̶͡❂̶͠☑ [Part[<,x^()])]
- Final ??? Extending, [Part#/²(<2>)]
- Final Decision Extending, [Part#/²(<??? [2]>)]
- Final Word Extending, [Part#/³(<[Part#/²(<1>)]>)]
- Final Worcester Extending, [Part#/⁴(<[1,000]>)]
- Final Urlacher Extending, [Part#/⁴(<[??? [2]]>)]
- Aries Cycle 1
Aries Cycle 2[]
- Aries Cycle 3
- Aries Layer 1
- Aries Layer 2
- Aries Layer 3
- Unix-Termifinity, (§)
i edited it