This is a list of all the articles that the FGW community considers borderline garbage or simply the worst article.
Note: When the wiki will be adopted in a week, some of these pages will either be revamped or deleted by administrational discretion. Most of the notoriety surrounding the wiki is derived from drama or merely the status of the page's existence.
Plain bad (to be deleted for good)[]
- Peripheral Charliefinity
- Intransigent Charliefinity
- Empty A
- FICTIONAL GOOGOLOGY IS STUPID!!!!!!!!1!!!11!!!!11111!!1!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!
- 289228202810292820220929ke2xmiwoqskmsmskwkwskwidmdcwmkw😙😙😗😗😗😗🙄😲😎😮💨😎😪😎😪😪😪 (Obviously af 💀💀💀)
Drama! (revamped when the time comes)[]
- @JDON SHEP’s edit war with dhyego CWB on one page:
- @UltimusWorldius2024's edit war with Guard2013 on multiple pages, especially:
- Eichrozeiphynas
- The observational limit
- A.I.F.T.B.P.T.E.L
- Crocodile (GMDM's note: It's not that bad, Zenit. It not being a number is absolutely not a reason for it to be deleted.)