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"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023) |
The List was a alternative list of the Lomatuils♋20312 Mesdinal Levels, At "D E V I M F I N I U M" Which split into two paths, The Lomatuils♋20312 way or the Lomatuils Way. It is the Alternative Ordinal seperated from the Main Class
0 to ??????[]
Level 1[]
- 0
- 1
- Demonin's Conjecture (5)
- Octeci
- Googol: 10^100
- Suhtasillion
- Googolbell: 10^5,000
- Multillion
- Goobol
- Mossol
- Gongulus
- Tringulus
- Blasphemorgulus
- Mossol
- Gongulus
- Tringulus
- Collapius
- Singularity Numbers
- Ineffables
Level 2[]
- Infinity (∞)
- Phatarinwams Ordinal Ω(1,0,1)
- Phatarinwams Final Ordinal Ω(ω,0,1)
- Trinitum
- Trinitumfinity (ᴟ)
- Absolute Infinity (Ω)
- Absolutely Everything (ΩxΩ)
- Absolutely Infinity Ultimate Universe ((ΩxXΩ) x10)
- Absolutely End (.IΩxXΩI. xΩ)
- Absolutely Endless (..IΩxXΩI.. xΩ)
- Absolute A (ΩA)
- Absolute B-Z
- Absolute One (1Ω)
- Absolutely Absolute Infinity (Ω/Ω)
- Absolute Pi (Ωπ)
- Absolute Never (田)
- Absolutely Eternal (ϴ)
- Loop (🔄)
- Ytinifni Etulosba (ひ)
- Transed Infinity (⊞)
- Delta-Stack (⏇)
- Infinity Universe (ῷ)
- Gigafinity (ђ)
- Onefinity (①)
Level 3[]
- Infinifinity (𝖀)
- Final Infinity (Ꙍ)
- Endfinity (⅊)
- Eternalfinity (ⅇ)
- Inaccessiblefinity (⏦)
- Absility (Λ)
- Terminusfinity (⊙)
- Symbolfinity (⌺)
- Ariesfinity (♈︎)
- Taurusfinity (♉︎)
- Geminifinity (♊︎)
- Cancerfinity (♋︎)
- Leofinity (♌︎)
- Virgofinity (♍︎)
- Ophiuchusfinity (⛎)
- Xennafinity (⤴️)
- Q-doxfinity (Q)
- Mysterfinity (🐢)
- Librafinity (♎︎)
- Jektofinity («)
- Equuleusfinity(μ)
- Scorpionfinity (♏︎)
- Sagittariusfinity (♐︎)
- Capricornfinity (♑︎)
- Aquariusfinity (♒︎)
- Piscesfinity (♓︎)
- Pisces A (♓A)
- Heninity (%)
- Multinity (★)
- Pentinity (†)
- Inpredictafinity (‡)
- Instafinity (Ɒ)
- Corrupfinity (ᴓ)
- Supifinity (ᴕ)
- Megifinity (₪)
- Gigifinity (℘)
- Ultrifinity (Ђ)
- Truifinity (ໂ)
- Terifinity (Ⳃ)
- Petifinity (-ῶ́-)
- Zettifinity (Ը)
- Fortifinity (ɸ)
- Icosifinity (𖬻)
- Yottifinity (ƴ)
- Dakifinity (𞤣)
- Wekifinity (ꕒ)
- Termifinity (⊡)
- Absolute Termifinity (▣)
- Full Termifinity (■)
- Unifinity (⟐)
- Omega-Prosgegrammenifinity (Ωι)
- Omega-dasia-perispomeni-programmerfinity (ᾯ)
- Psifinity (ᴪ)
- Alpha-Tonosfinity (Ά)
- Pamphylian-Digammafinity (Ͷ)
- Archaic-Sampifinity (Ͳ)
- Hetafinity (Ͱ)
- Unixfinity (∫)
- Dunixfinity (∬)
- Triunixfinity (∭)
- Quadriunixfinity (⨌)
- Unix-Circledfinity (∮)
- Dunix-Circledfinity (∯)
- Triunix-Circledfinity (∰)
- Existensfinity (֍)
- Infinitilfinity (⋈)
- Omegfinity (ᝆ)
- Philifinity (ᝎ)
- Petilfinity (Ⴉ)
- Unreliafinity (ᰟ)
- Inaccessifinity (ᦲ)
- Cardinalfinity (Ꮚ)
- Ultimate-Rebirthfinity (Ꮻ)
- Neverfinity (Φ)
- Alwaysfinity (⫷)
- Foreverfinity (Ⴔ)
- Breakfinity (ß)
- Lastfinity (∂)
- Multifinity (Þ)
- Unknownfinity (ƿ)
- Impossiblefinity (ʯ)
- Flartimatistfinity (Ѧ)
- Ultimafinity (Ж)
- Trufinity (Ѭ)
- Unbreakable Cardinalfinity (ξ)
- Endingfinity (𝔈)
- Never (⍰)
Level 4[]
- The Breakable (🔄 x 1)
- Ever (🔄 x 2)
- Insiderfinity (🔄 x 3)
- Redifinity (🔄 x 5)
- Circifinity (🔄 x 10)
- Oneilitialfinity (🔄 x 100)
- Erkifinity (🔄 x 10^100)
- Marsifinity (🔄 x 10{100}10)
- Too Much Massive Finity (🔄 x G64)
- Absolute One Finitility (🔄 x TREE(3))
- Googolilfinity (🔄 x ∞)
- A Absolute of Finite (🔄 x Ω)
- Googol-M-Infinity (🔄 x ΩxΩ)
- Finite Null (🔄 x .IΩxXΩI.)
- Cardinal Null (🔄 x ..IΩxXΩI..)
- Omnifinity (🔄 x ΩA)
- Not So Finity (🔄 x 1Ω)
- Eternity Restart (🔄 x Ω/Ω)
- Prestige True Infinity (🔄 x Ωπ)
- Sophifinity (🔄 x 田)
- Metaverse Finite (🔄 x ϴ)
- Super Barrelfinity (🔄 x ⊞)
- Complex Universe HYDRO (🔄 x ①)
- Barrelifinity (🔄 x 𝖀)
- Absolute Null Finite (🔄 x Ꙍ)
- Tratiticfinity (🔄 x ⅊)
- Argonisticfinity (🔄 x ⅇ)
- Omni Absolute Number Os(2) (🔄 x ⏦)
- Goosupergolfinity (🔄 x Λ)
- The True Life (🔄 x ⊙)
- Tresicalfinity (🔄 x ⌺)
- Quantumfinity (🔄 x ♈)
- Eternal Array Point (🔄 x ♉)
- Omni Ordinals (🔄 x ♊)
- Mesoictipintfinity (🔄 x ♋)
- Gigaictinipintfinity (🔄 x ♌)
- Exatiminin-Kilofinity (🔄 x ♍)
- Windinamicfinity (🔄 x ♎)
- Hydronamic Ordinal (🔄 x ♏)
- Celestialfinity (🔄 x ♐)
- Universifinity (🔄 x ♑)
- Starfinity (🔄 x ♒)
- Kilolute Infinity (🔄 x ♓)
- Megalute Infinity (🔄 x ‡)
- Lutilute Infinity (🔄 x Ɒ)
- Essential Endingly (🔄 x ᴓ)
- Bronistical-Infinity (🔄 x ᴕ)
- Petinzicfinity (🔄 x ₪)
- Omega-Collapseing Numeral (🔄 x ℘)
- Rintesnic (🔄 x Ђ)
- Yattisomic (🔄 x ໂ)
- Idestinite (🔄 x ⊡)
- Sesmtricfinity (🔄 x ▣)
- Finiteility (🔄 x ■ = [✧ - Ordinal Level 100])
- Jirulousillifinitity (🔄 x ⟐)
- Kilotinite (🔄 x ᴪ)
- Absolute Astinite (🔄 x ᴩ)
- Omega Gods of Everything (🔄 x Ѭ)
- Absolute Godlous (🔄 x ξ)
Level 5[]
- Endless (⟠ = 🔄 x ⍰)
- True Endless (⟠ x 1)
- Endless-Quality (⟠ x 2)
- Endless-Anioility (⟠ x 3)
- Absolute Final Endless (⟠ x 5)
- Infinity-Insta-Bility (⟠ x 10)
- N.E.V.E.R E.V.E.R!!! (⟠ x 100)
- Absolium One finium (⟠ x 10^100)
- Endfulfinity (⟠ x 10{100}10)
- Ultimate Endless (⟠ x G64)
- Truest Complete Endless (⟠ x TREE(3))
- Super Everything (⟠ x ∞)
- Eta-Hyper 1 Cardinal (⟠ x Ω)
- THE END (⟠ x 田)
- The Supi (⟠ x ϴ)
- The Omni (⟠ x ⊞)
- Meta-Hyper One Cardinal (⟠ x ①)
- End-Eta Hyper One Cardinal (⟠ x 𝖀)
- The Transcendence (⟠ x Ꙍ)
- Collapse (⟠ x ⅊)
- The Decoherence (⟠ x ⅇ)
- The Singularity (⟠ x ⏦)
- The Omnisity (⟠ x Λ)
- The Beyond (⟠ x ⊙)
- THE BIG RIP (⟠ x ⌺)
- Ultimate Loop (⟠ x ♈)
- Perpetual One (⟠ x ♉)
- The Ultimate Beyond (⟠ x ♊)
- The Super-Sam number (⟠ x ♋)
- Paradoxmeility (⟠ x ♌)
- Sunimretility (⟠ x ♍)
- Qalander (⟠ x ♎)
- Totality (⟠ x ♏)
- The Great Fish (⟠ x ♐)
- Super Sam's number (⟠ x ♑)
- Numifinity (⟠ x ♒)
- The Ultimate Cycle (⟠ x ♓)
- True Cycle (⟠ x ‡)
- Outerconst (⟠ x Ɒ)
- The Great Function (⟠ x ᴓ)
- The Beyondility (⟠ x ᴕ)
- Axiomatic Limit (⟠ x ₪)
- Small lgnorance Ordinal (⟠ x ℘)
- Cetusfinity (⟠ x Ђ)
- Homnoion Ordinal (⟠ x ໂ)
- Dect Function (⟠ x ⊡)
- Deceret Now Cardinal (⟠ x ▣)
- The ???? Ordinal (⟠ x ■)
- Miserable Bypassing the EXAPT (⟠ x ⟐)
- Bypassed of the Ordinals (⟠ x ᴪ)
- The True Cardinal (⟠ x ᴩ)
- The Trardinal (⟠ x Ͷ)
- The Transception (⟠ x Ͳ)
- One of the Largest Fictional Numbers (⟠ x Ͱ)
- Travonefinity (⟠ x ∫)
- Mathfinity (⟠ x ∬)
- The True Finity (⟠ x ∭)
- The Phrase Function (⟠ x ∮)
- The Black Holility (⟠ x ∯)
- Transcendfinium (⟠ x ∰)
- The Onwards (⟠ x ֍)
- Fillifinitillity (⟠ x ⋈)
- The Deleveribate (⟠ x ᝆ)
- Suksu One (⟠ x ᝎ)
- The True Layer (⟠ x Ⴉ)
- The Hyper Finity (⟠ x ∟)
- The Breaking Googoloverse (⟠ x א)
- The Infinithing (⟠ x σ)
- Metagoogology (⟠ x τ)
- True Undefintiable (⟠ x λ)
- Circliumize One of Numbers (⟠ x Ꮚ)
- Transilimizized of Numbers (⟠ x Ꮻ)
- Metamatramt of True number (⟠ x Φ)
- Pruelmentize Finite of number (⟠ x ⫷)
- Hexukament Numbers Finity (⟠ x Ⴔ)
- Trauilnity Breaking Finite Number (⟠ x ß)
- Pre-Hyper Ordinalize! (⟠ x ∂)
- The Mysterious (⟠ x Þ)
- The Black Finale (⟠ x ƿ)
- The No End (⟠ x ʯ)
- The True ???? (⟠ x Ж)
- The Breaking Nothing (⟠ x Ѭ)
- The True (⟠ x ξ)
- The True Undefinitable (⟠ x 𝔈)
- The Lasting (⟠ x ⍰)
- True Ron Ultimate Epsilion Final Internet Nothing Absolute Luigi Eternal Ending Nandless Denver Iota Number Guy (❂ = ⟠ x ⟠)
- T.H.E B.R.E.A.K.I.N.G E.N.D.I.N.G (❂ x 1)
- F.I.N.I.T.E R.E.S.T.A.C.K (❂ x 2)
- H.Y.P.E.R.I.U.M (❂ x 3)
- Inomegaized (❂ x 5)
- New-Layerized (❂ x 10)
- The Layer Layer (❂ x 100)
- The F.I.N.A.L Stack (❂ x 10^100)
- The Ultimate Asiumnension (❂ x 10{100}10)
- The Stackirestiges (❂ x G64)
- Absolutely N.A.N (❂ x TREE(3))
- The Finitinital Stage (❂ x ∞)
- THE U.N.L.I.M.I.T.E.D (❂ x Ω)
- The Symbol Sequence (❂ x 田)
- ABSOLUTE D.E.A.T.H (❂ x ϴ)
- The M.Y.S-unknown (❂ x ⊞)
- The Kratunia (❂ x ①)
- The Great F.I.N.A.L.E (❂ x 𝖀)
- THE E.N.T.I.R.E F.I.N.A.L O.M.N.I (❂ x ⅊)
- T.R.U.E E.N.Dfinity (❂ x ⅇ)
- T..H..E E..N..D (❂ x ⏦)
- THE L..I..M..I..T (❂ x Λ)
- THE O..M..N..I (❂ x ⊙)
- The S..T..A..C..K (❂ x ⌺)
- G..O..D..D..E..R E..N..D F..I..N..A..L (❂ x ♈)
- T...H...E E...N...D (❂ x ♉)
- T....H....E E....N....D (❂ x ♊)
- THE E.(100)N.(100)D (❂ x ♋)
- Altered F.I.N.A.L (❂ x ♌)
- The lnstailibility (❂ x ♍)
- Hypeamiunbility (❂ x ♎)
- The XLOAY Limit (❂ x ♏)
- The F..I..N..A..L-F.U.N.C.T.I.O.N (❂ x ♐)
- The Finity of the F.U.N.C.T.I.O.N (❂ x ♑)
- Refinity (❂ x ♒)
- The Realmfinity (❂ x ♓)
- The Absolutefinity (❂ x ‡)
- Absolute Terminousfinifinity (❂ x Ɒ)
- The Real End (❂ x ᴓ)
- Chikofinity (❂ x ᴕ)
- Supernumber One (❂ x ₪)
- The F.I.N.A.L T.R.U.E A.N.T.I-SUPERNUMBER (❂ x ℘)
- The Terminitaminus (❂ x Ђ)
- Symbol Loops (❂ x ໂ)
- Buffed Terminusfinity (❂ x ⊡)
- The Hard Resetfinity (❂ x ▣)
- The Three-Numbersfinity (❂ x ■)
- Superloops Onefinity (❂ x ⟐)
- Absolute Kilominx of Numbers (❂ x ᴪ)
- T-H-E E-N-D (❂ x Ͷ)
- The Absolufinium (❂ x ∫)
- Absolute True E!Nfinity (❂ x ∬)
- Mastery One (❂ x ∭)
- Supermastery Numbers (❂ x ∮)
- Prestige of E.N.D numbers (❂ x ∯)
- Absolute Mastery (❂ x ∰)
- Milliliniunium (❂ x ֍)
- New Number+ - 3 (❂ x ⋈)
- Repeated One (❂ x ᝆ)
- Reality of Numbers 1 (❂ x ᝎ)
- The Hororiumna (❂ x Ⴉ)
- The Paradox of Numbers (❂ x ∟)
- The Hyper Extisnece Numbers (❂ x א)
- The Metainistiability (❂ x σ)
- The Mysticalifinitility (❂ x τ)
- The Generic-C.O.M.P.L.E.X-Finity (❂ x λ)
- The+ (Finite Version) (❂ x Ꮚ)
- Maxifinity (❂ x Ꮻ)
- The Mastered True Greater Bond Limit (❂ x Φ)
- Masterying Symbols... (❂ x ⫷)
- Meta-Number of 1 (❂ x Ⴔ)
- Metaprestige of Numbers (❂ x ß)
- Metaopsfinity (❂ x ∂)
- Alphilia-Numbers # (❂ x Þ)
- +New Number+ (❂ x ƿ)
- Metamess-New Number (❂ x ʯ)
- Tier 3 ~ Finite Class Numbers (❂ x Ж)
- Finitial Pent (❂ x Ѭ)
- Absolute Kilominuaiouosilum (❂ x 𝔈)
- Word-Scaled-Unknowna (❂ x ⍰)
- Omnivssunians (❂ x ⟠)
- Complete Bronistical (𝈀 = ❂ x ❂)
- Lavablety (𝈀 x 1)
- Desertblety (𝈀 x 2)
- Binblety (𝈀 x 3)
- Archjicblety (𝈀 x 5)
- CylosMega Upper Bound (𝈀 x 10)
- Unuitiblety (𝈀 x 100)
- Kapoblety (𝈀 x 10^100)
- Beyond Binblety (𝈀 x 10{100}10)
- Ordinal Barrier Notation limit (𝈀 x G64)
- Conkept (𝈀 x TREE(3) = [Э])
- Aldebaranblety (𝈀 x ∞)
- Stupid Bandinal (𝈀 x Ω)
- Optianuistiblety (𝈀 x ϴ)
- GOODBYE!!! (𝈀 x ⊙)
- Beyond Kaeirimits (𝈀 x ♈)
- Solarisfinity (𝈀 x ♌)
- Onebimetum (𝈀 x ♍)
- Quirkifinity (𝈀 x ♑ = [᯽])
- Kaeirimlessfinity (𝈀 x ♒)
- Dunever Setest (𝈀 x ₪)
- Decairimless (𝈀 x ⟐)
- Stimstinal True lnfinity (𝈀 x Ͳ)
- Supermeme Function (𝈀 x ∫)
- Alephimless (𝈀 x ⍰)
- Finonfinity (𝈀 x ⟠)
- Stupid Gendinalfinity (𝈀 x ❂)
- Absolutely Metagrus (ℿ = 𝈀 x 𝈀)
- True Metagrus (ℿ x 2)
- Ferilafinity (ℿ x 5)
- Complete Ordinal Metagrus (ℿ x 100)
- Duintagruiogus (ℿ x ∞)
- The Fiter Pomalillity (ℿ x Ω)
- Beyond Brainless (ℿ x ΩxΩ)
- The Final Forever (ℿ x ϴ)
- Svfinity (ℿ x ♏)
- Omnili-Ineffable Limit (◓ = ℿ x ℿ)