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The List was a alternative list of the Lomatuils♋20312 Mesdinal Levels, At "D E V I M F I N I U M" Which split into two paths, The Lomatuils♋20312 way or the Lomatuils Way. It is the Alternative Ordinal seperated from the Main Class

0 to ??????[]

Level 1[]

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. Demonin's Conjecture (5)
  4. Octeci
  5. Googol: 10^100
  6. Suhtasillion
  7. Googolbell: 10^5,000
  8. Multillion
  9. Goobol
  10. Mossol
  11. Gongulus
  12. Tringulus
  13. Blasphemorgulus
  14. Mossol
  15. Gongulus
  16. Tringulus
  17. Collapius
  18. Singularity Numbers
  19. Ineffables

Level 2[]

  1. Infinity (∞)
  2. Phatarinwams Ordinal Ω(1,0,1)
  3. Phatarinwams Final Ordinal Ω(ω,0,1)
  4. Trinitum
  5. Trinitumfinity (ᴟ)
  6. Absolute Infinity (Ω)
  7. Absolutely Everything (ΩxΩ)
  8. Absolutely Infinity Ultimate Universe ((ΩxXΩ) x10)
  9. Absolutely End (.IΩxXΩI. xΩ)
  10. Absolutely Endless (..IΩxXΩI.. xΩ)
  11. Absolute A (ΩA)
  12. Absolute B-Z
  13. Absolute One (1Ω)
  14. Absolutely Absolute Infinity (Ω/Ω)
  15. Absolute Pi (Ωπ)
  16. Absolute Never (田)
  17. Absolutely Eternal (ϴ)
  18. Loop (🔄)
  19. Ytinifni Etulosba (ひ)
  20. Transed Infinity (⊞)
  21. Delta-Stack (⏇)
  22. Infinity Universe (ῷ)
  23. Gigafinity (ђ)
  24. Onefinity (①)

Level 3[]

  1. Infinifinity (𝖀)
  2. Final Infinity (Ꙍ)
  3. Endfinity (⅊)
  4. Eternalfinity (ⅇ)
  5. Inaccessiblefinity (⏦)
  6. Absility (Λ)
  7. Terminusfinity (⊙)
  8. Symbolfinity (⌺)
  9. Ariesfinity (♈︎)
  10. Taurusfinity (♉︎)
  11. Geminifinity (♊︎)
  12. Cancerfinity (♋︎)
  13. Leofinity (♌︎)
  14. Virgofinity (♍︎)
  15. Ophiuchusfinity (⛎)
  16. Xennafinity (⤴️)
  17. Q-doxfinity (Q)
  18. Mysterfinity (🐢)
  19. Librafinity (♎︎)
  20. Jektofinity («)
  21. Equuleusfinity(μ)
  22. Scorpionfinity (♏︎)
  23. Sagittariusfinity (♐︎)
  24. Capricornfinity (♑︎)
  25. Aquariusfinity (♒︎)
  26. Piscesfinity (♓︎)
  27. Pisces A (♓A)
  28. Heninity (%)
  29. Multinity (★)
  30. Pentinity (†)
  31. Inpredictafinity (‡)
  32. Instafinity (Ɒ)
  33. Corrupfinity (ᴓ)
  34. Supifinity (ᴕ)
  35. Megifinity (₪)
  36. Gigifinity (℘)
  37. Ultrifinity (Ђ)
  38. Truifinity (ໂ)
  39. Terifinity (Ⳃ)
  40. Petifinity (-ῶ́-)
  41. Zettifinity (Ը)
  42. Fortifinity (ɸ)
  43. Icosifinity (𖬻)
  44. Yottifinity (ƴ)
  45. Dakifinity (𞤣)
  46. Wekifinity (ꕒ)
  47. Termifinity (⊡)
  48. Absolute Termifinity (▣)
  49. Full Termifinity (■)
  50. Unifinity (⟐)
  51. Omega-Prosgegrammenifinity (Ωι)
  52. Omega-dasia-perispomeni-programmerfinity (ᾯ)
  53. Psifinity (ᴪ)
  54. Alpha-Tonosfinity (Ά)
  55. Pamphylian-Digammafinity (Ͷ)
  56. Archaic-Sampifinity (Ͳ)
  57. Hetafinity (Ͱ)
  58. Unixfinity (∫)
  59. Dunixfinity (∬)
  60. Triunixfinity (∭)
  61. Quadriunixfinity (⨌)
  62. Unix-Circledfinity (∮)
  63. Dunix-Circledfinity (∯)
  64. Triunix-Circledfinity (∰)
  65. Existensfinity (֍)
  66. Infinitilfinity (⋈)
  67. Omegfinity (ᝆ)
  68. Philifinity (ᝎ)
  69. Petilfinity (Ⴉ)
  70. Unreliafinity (ᰟ)
  71. Inaccessifinity (ᦲ)
  72. Cardinalfinity (Ꮚ)
  73. Ultimate-Rebirthfinity (Ꮻ)
  74. Neverfinity (Φ)
  75. Alwaysfinity (⫷)
  76. Foreverfinity (Ⴔ)
  77. Breakfinity (ß)
  78. Lastfinity (∂)
  79. Multifinity (Þ)
  80. Unknownfinity (ƿ)
  81. Impossiblefinity (ʯ)
  82. Flartimatistfinity (Ѧ)
  83. Ultimafinity (Ж)
  84. Trufinity (Ѭ)
  85. Unbreakable Cardinalfinity (ξ)
  86. Endingfinity (𝔈)
  87. Never (⍰)

Level 4[]

  1. The Breakable (🔄 x 1)
  2. Ever (🔄 x 2)
  3. Insiderfinity (🔄 x 3)
  4. Redifinity (🔄 x 5)
  5. Circifinity (🔄 x 10)
  6. Oneilitialfinity (🔄 x 100)
  7. Erkifinity (🔄 x 10^100)
  8. Marsifinity (🔄 x 10{100}10)
  9. Too Much Massive Finity (🔄 x G64)
  10. Absolute One Finitility (🔄 x TREE(3))
  11. Googolilfinity (🔄 x ∞)
  12. A Absolute of Finite (🔄 x Ω)
  13. Googol-M-Infinity (🔄 x ΩxΩ)
  14. Finite Null (🔄 x .IΩxXΩI.)
  15. Cardinal Null (🔄 x ..IΩxXΩI..)
  16. Omnifinity (🔄 x ΩA)
  17. Not So Finity (🔄 x 1Ω)
  18. Eternity Restart (🔄 x Ω/Ω)
  19. Prestige True Infinity (🔄 x Ωπ)
  20. Sophifinity (🔄 x 田)
  21. Metaverse Finite (🔄 x ϴ)
  22. Super Barrelfinity (🔄 x ⊞)
  23. Complex Universe HYDRO (🔄 x ①)
  24. Barrelifinity (🔄 x 𝖀)
  25. Absolute Null Finite (🔄 x Ꙍ)
  26. Tratiticfinity (🔄 x ⅊)
  27. Argonisticfinity (🔄 x ⅇ)
  28. Omni Absolute Number Os(2) (🔄 x ⏦)
  29. Goosupergolfinity (🔄 x Λ)
  30. The True Life (🔄 x ⊙)
  31. Tresicalfinity (🔄 x ⌺)
  32. Quantumfinity (🔄 x ♈)
  33. Eternal Array Point (🔄 x ♉)
  34. Omni Ordinals (🔄 x ♊)
  35. Mesoictipintfinity (🔄 x ♋)
  36. Gigaictinipintfinity (🔄 x ♌)
  37. Exatiminin-Kilofinity (🔄 x ♍)
  38. Windinamicfinity (🔄 x ♎)
  39. Hydronamic Ordinal (🔄 x ♏)
  40. Celestialfinity (🔄 x ♐)
  41. Universifinity (🔄 x ♑)
  42. Starfinity (🔄 x ♒)
  43. Kilolute Infinity (🔄 x ♓)
  44. Megalute Infinity (🔄 x ‡)
  45. Lutilute Infinity (🔄 x Ɒ)
  46. Essential Endingly (🔄 x ᴓ)
  47. Bronistical-Infinity (🔄 x ᴕ)
  48. Petinzicfinity (🔄 x ₪)
  49. Omega-Collapseing Numeral (🔄 x ℘)
  50. Rintesnic (🔄 x Ђ)
  51. Yattisomic (🔄 x ໂ)
  52. Idestinite (🔄 x ⊡)
  53. Sesmtricfinity (🔄 x ▣)
  54. Finiteility (🔄 x ■ = [✧ - Ordinal Level 100])
  55. Jirulousillifinitity (🔄 x ⟐)
  56. Kilotinite (🔄 x ᴪ)
  57. Absolute Astinite (🔄 x ᴩ)
  58. Omega Gods of Everything (🔄 x Ѭ)
  59. Absolute Godlous (🔄 x ξ)

Level 5[]

  1. Endless (⟠ = 🔄 x ⍰)
  2. True Endless (⟠ x 1)
  3. Endless-Quality (⟠ x 2)
  4. Endless-Anioility (⟠ x 3)
  5. Absolute Final Endless (⟠ x 5)
  6. Infinity-Insta-Bility (⟠ x 10)
  7. N.E.V.E.R E.V.E.R!!! (⟠ x 100)
  8. Absolium One finium (⟠ x 10^100)
  9. Endfulfinity (⟠ x 10{100}10)
  10. Ultimate Endless (⟠ x G64)
  11. Truest Complete Endless (⟠ x TREE(3))
  12. Super Everything (⟠ x ∞)
  13. Eta-Hyper 1 Cardinal (⟠ x Ω)
  14. THE END (⟠ x 田)
  15. The Supi (⟠ x ϴ)
  16. The Omni (⟠ x ⊞)
  17. Meta-Hyper One Cardinal (⟠ x ①)
  18. End-Eta Hyper One Cardinal (⟠ x 𝖀)
  19. The Transcendence (⟠ x Ꙍ)
  20. Collapse (⟠ x ⅊)
  21. The Decoherence (⟠ x ⅇ)
  22. The Singularity (⟠ x ⏦)
  23. The Omnisity (⟠ x Λ)
  24. The Beyond (⟠ x ⊙)
  25. THE BIG RIP (⟠ x ⌺)
  26. Ultimate Loop (⟠ x ♈)
  27. Perpetual One (⟠ x ♉)
  28. The Ultimate Beyond (⟠ x ♊)
  29. The Super-Sam number (⟠ x ♋)
  30. Paradoxmeility (⟠ x ♌)
  31. Sunimretility (⟠ x ♍)
  32. Qalander (⟠ x ♎)
  33. Totality (⟠ x ♏)
  34. The Great Fish (⟠ x ♐)
  35. Super Sam's number (⟠ x ♑)
  36. Numifinity (⟠ x ♒)
  37. The Ultimate Cycle (⟠ x ♓)
  38. True Cycle (⟠ x ‡)
  39. Outerconst (⟠ x Ɒ)
  40. The Great Function (⟠ x ᴓ)
  41. The Beyondility (⟠ x ᴕ)
  42. Axiomatic Limit (⟠ x ₪)
  43. Small lgnorance Ordinal (⟠ x ℘)
  44. Cetusfinity (⟠ x Ђ)
  45. Homnoion Ordinal (⟠ x ໂ)
  46. Dect Function (⟠ x ⊡)
  47. Deceret Now Cardinal (⟠ x ▣)
  48. The ???? Ordinal (⟠ x ■)
  49. Miserable Bypassing the EXAPT (⟠ x ⟐)
  50. Bypassed of the Ordinals (⟠ x ᴪ)
  51. The True Cardinal (⟠ x ᴩ)
  52. The Trardinal (⟠ x Ͷ)
  53. The Transception (⟠ x Ͳ)
  54. One of the Largest Fictional Numbers (⟠ x Ͱ)
  55. Travonefinity (⟠ x ∫)
  56. Mathfinity (⟠ x ∬)
  57. The True Finity (⟠ x ∭)
  58. The Phrase Function (⟠ x ∮)
  59. The Black Holility (⟠ x ∯)
  60. Transcendfinium (⟠ x ∰)
  61. The Onwards (⟠ x ֍)
  62. Fillifinitillity (⟠ x ⋈)
  63. The Deleveribate (⟠ x ᝆ)
  64. Suksu One (⟠ x ᝎ)
  65. The True Layer (⟠ x Ⴉ)
  66. The Hyper Finity (⟠ x ∟)
  67. The Breaking Googoloverse (⟠ x א)
  68. The Infinithing (⟠ x σ)
  69. Metagoogology (⟠ x τ)
  70. True Undefintiable (⟠ x λ)
  71. Circliumize One of Numbers (⟠ x Ꮚ)
  72. Transilimizized of Numbers (⟠ x Ꮻ)
  73. Metamatramt of True number (⟠ x Φ)
  74. Pruelmentize Finite of number (⟠ x ⫷)
  75. Hexukament Numbers Finity (⟠ x Ⴔ)
  76. Trauilnity Breaking Finite Number (⟠ x ß)
  77. Pre-Hyper Ordinalize! (⟠ x ∂)
  78. The Mysterious (⟠ x Þ)
  79. The Black Finale (⟠ x ƿ)
  80. The No End (⟠ x ʯ)
  81. The True ???? (⟠ x Ж)
  82. The Breaking Nothing (⟠ x Ѭ)
  83. The True (⟠ x ξ)
  84. The True Undefinitable (⟠ x 𝔈)
  85. The Lasting (⟠ x ⍰)
  86. True Ron Ultimate Epsilion Final Internet Nothing Absolute Luigi Eternal Ending Nandless Denver Iota Number Guy (❂ = ⟠ x ⟠)
  87. T.H.E B.R.E.A.K.I.N.G E.N.D.I.N.G (❂ x 1)
  88. F.I.N.I.T.E R.E.S.T.A.C.K (❂ x 2)
  89. H.Y.P.E.R.I.U.M (❂ x 3)
  90. Inomegaized (❂ x 5)
  91. New-Layerized (❂ x 10)
  92. The Layer Layer (❂ x 100)
  93. The F.I.N.A.L Stack (❂ x 10^100)
  94. The Ultimate Asiumnension (❂ x 10{100}10)
  95. The Stackirestiges (❂ x G64)
  96. Absolutely N.A.N (❂ x TREE(3))
  97. The Finitinital Stage (❂ x ∞)
  98. THE U.N.L.I.M.I.T.E.D (❂ x Ω)
  99. The Symbol Sequence (❂ x 田)
  100. ABSOLUTE D.E.A.T.H (❂ x ϴ)
  101. The M.Y.S-unknown (❂ x ⊞)
  102. The Kratunia (❂ x ①)
  103. The Great F.I.N.A.L.E (❂ x 𝖀)
  105. THE E.N.T.I.R.E F.I.N.A.L O.M.N.I (❂ x ⅊)
  106. T.R.U.E E.N.Dfinity (❂ x ⅇ)
  107. T..H..E E..N..D (❂ x ⏦)
  108. THE L..I..M..I..T (❂ x Λ)
  109. THE O..M..N..I (❂ x ⊙)
  110. The S..T..A..C..K (❂ x ⌺)
  111. G..O..D..D..E..R E..N..D F..I..N..A..L (❂ x ♈)
  112. T...H...E E...N...D (❂ x ♉)
  113. T....H....E E....N....D (❂ x ♊)
  114. THE E.(100)N.(100)D (❂ x ♋)
  115. Altered F.I.N.A.L (❂ x ♌)
  116. The lnstailibility (❂ x ♍)
  117. Hypeamiunbility (❂ x ♎)
  118. The XLOAY Limit (❂ x ♏)
  119. The F..I..N..A..L-F.U.N.C.T.I.O.N (❂ x ♐)
  120. The Finity of the F.U.N.C.T.I.O.N (❂ x ♑)
  121. Refinity (❂ x ♒)
  122. The Realmfinity (❂ x ♓)
  123. The Absolutefinity (❂ x ‡)
  124. Absolute Terminousfinifinity (❂ x Ɒ)
  125. The Real End (❂ x ᴓ)
  126. Chikofinity (❂ x ᴕ)
  127. Supernumber One (❂ x ₪)
  128. The F.I.N.A.L T.R.U.E A.N.T.I-SUPERNUMBER (❂ x ℘)
  129. The Terminitaminus (❂ x Ђ)
  130. Symbol Loops (❂ x ໂ)
  131. Buffed Terminusfinity (❂ x ⊡)
  132. The Hard Resetfinity (❂ x ▣)
  133. The Three-Numbersfinity (❂ x ■)
  134. Superloops Onefinity (❂ x ⟐)
  135. Absolute Kilominx of Numbers (❂ x ᴪ)
  137. T-H-E E-N-D (❂ x Ͷ)
  138. THE BREAKING END (❂ x Ͳ)
  140. The Absolufinium (❂ x ∫)
  141. Absolute True E!Nfinity (❂ x ∬)
  142. Mastery One (❂ x ∭)
  143. Supermastery Numbers (❂ x ∮)
  144. Prestige of E.N.D numbers (❂ x ∯)
  145. Absolute Mastery (❂ x ∰)
  146. Milliliniunium (❂ x ֍)
  147. New Number+ - 3 (❂ x ⋈)
  148. Repeated One (❂ x ᝆ)
  149. Reality of Numbers 1 (❂ x ᝎ)
  150. The Hororiumna (❂ x Ⴉ)
  151. The Paradox of Numbers (❂ x ∟)
  152. The Hyper Extisnece Numbers (❂ x א)
  153. The Metainistiability (❂ x σ)
  154. The Mysticalifinitility (❂ x τ)
  155. The Generic-C.O.M.P.L.E.X-Finity (❂ x λ)
  156. The+ (Finite Version) (❂ x Ꮚ)
  157. Maxifinity (❂ x Ꮻ)
  158. The Mastered True Greater Bond Limit (❂ x Φ)
  159. Masterying Symbols... (❂ x ⫷)
  160. Meta-Number of 1 (❂ x Ⴔ)
  161. Metaprestige of Numbers (❂ x ß)
  162. Metaopsfinity (❂ x ∂)
  163. Alphilia-Numbers # (❂ x Þ)
  164. +New Number+ (❂ x ƿ)
  165. Metamess-New Number (❂ x ʯ)
  166. Tier 3 ~ Finite Class Numbers (❂ x Ж)
  167. Finitial Pent (❂ x Ѭ)
  168. Absolute Kilominuaiouosilum (❂ x 𝔈)
  169. Word-Scaled-Unknowna (❂ x ⍰)
  170. Omnivssunians (❂ x ⟠)
  171. GOODBYE OF NUMBERS... (❂ x ⧮)
  172. Complete Bronistical (𝈀 = ❂ x ❂)
  173. Lavablety (𝈀 x 1)
  174. Desertblety (𝈀 x 2)
  175. Binblety (𝈀 x 3)
  176. Archjicblety (𝈀 x 5)
  177. CylosMega Upper Bound (𝈀 x 10)
  178. Unuitiblety (𝈀 x 100)
  179. Kapoblety (𝈀 x 10^100)
  180. Beyond Binblety (𝈀 x 10{100}10)
  181. Ordinal Barrier Notation limit (𝈀 x G64)
  182. Conkept (𝈀 x TREE(3) = [Э])
  183. Aldebaranblety (𝈀 x ∞)
  184. Stupid Bandinal (𝈀 x Ω)
  185. Optianuistiblety (𝈀 x ϴ)
  186. GOODBYE!!! (𝈀 x ⊙)
  187. Beyond Kaeirimits (𝈀 x ♈)
  188. Solarisfinity (𝈀 x ♌)
  189. Onebimetum (𝈀 x ♍)
  190. Quirkifinity (𝈀 x ♑ = [᯽])
  191. Kaeirimlessfinity (𝈀 x ♒)
  192. Dunever Setest (𝈀 x ₪)
  193. Decairimless (𝈀 x ⟐)
  194. Stimstinal True lnfinity (𝈀 x Ͳ)
  195. Supermeme Function (𝈀 x ∫)
  196. Alephimless (𝈀 x ⍰)
  197. Finonfinity (𝈀 x ⟠)
  198. Stupid Gendinalfinity (𝈀 x ❂)
  199. Absolutely Metagrus (ℿ = 𝈀 x 𝈀)
  200. True Metagrus (ℿ x 2)
  201. Ferilafinity (ℿ x 5)
  202. Complete Ordinal Metagrus (ℿ x 100)
  203. Duintagruiogus (ℿ x ∞)
  204. The Fiter Pomalillity (ℿ x Ω)
  205. Beyond Brainless (ℿ x ΩxΩ)
  206. The Final Forever (ℿ x ϴ)
  207. Svfinity (ℿ x ♏)
  208. Omnili-Ineffable Limit (◓ = ℿ x ℿ)