Absolute Infinity - Ω
Absolute One infinity - Ω1
Absolute Two infinity - Ω2
Absolute Three infinity - Ω3
Absolute Four infinity - Ω4
Absolute Five infinity - Ω5
Absolute Six infinity - Ω6
Absolute Seven infinity - Ω7
Absolute Eight infinity - Ω8
Absolute Nine infinity - Ω9
Absolute Ten infinity - Ω10
Absolute Eleven infinity - Ω11
Absolute Fifteen infinity - Ω15
Absolute Sixteen infinity - Ω16
Absolute Twenty infinity - Ω20
Absolute twenty-one infinity - Ω21
Absolute twenty-five infinity - Ω25
Absolute twenty-seven infinity - Ω27
Absolute thirty infinity - Ω30
Absolute thirty-six infinity - Ω36
Absolute forty infinity - Ω40
Absolute forty-two infinity - Ω42
Absolute fifty infinity - Ω50
Absolute sixty infinity - Ω60
Absolute seventy infinity - Ω70
Absolute eighty infinity - Ω80
Absolute ninety infinity - Ω90
Absolute ninety-one infinity - Ω91
Absolute hundred infinity - Ω100
Absolute hundred-one infinity - Ω101
Absolute hundred-four infinity - Ω104
Absolute hundred-seven infinity - Ω107
Absolute Hundred-Ten infinity - Ω110
Absolute Hundred-Twenty infinity - Ω120
Absolute Two hundred infinity - Ω200
Absolute Three hundred infinity - Ω300
Absolute five hundred-twenty-seven infinity - Ω527 [bird]
Absolute seven hundred-twenty-nine infinity - Ω729
Absolute nine hundred infinity - Ω900
Absolute thousand infinity - Ω1000
Absolute myriad infinity - Ω10000
Absolute hundred thousand infinity - Ω100000
Absolute million infinity - Ω1000000
Absolute dialogue infinity - Ω10^10
Absolute googol infinity - Ω10^100
Absolute suhtasillion infinity - Ω10^10^37
Absolute decker infinity - Ω10^^10
Absolute Giggol infinity - Ω10^^100
Absolute Deka-petaxis infinity - Ω10^^^^10
Absolute Tridecal infinity - Ω10{10}10
Absolute G64 infinity - ΩG64
Absolute Multillion Infinity - Ω10[1,4]10
Absolute Gongulus infinity - Ω{10,10[101]2}
Absolute TREE(3) infinity - ΩTREE(3)
Absolute SSCG(3) infinity - ΩSSCG(3)
Absolute Goshomity infinity - Ω200?
Absolute Tritar infinity - ΩTAR(3)
Absolute Big tum infinity - ΩFOOT10(10^100)
Absolute Infinity Infinity - ΩФ
Absolute church Kleene Ordinal infinity - Ωω1CK
Absolutely infinity - ΩΩ
Absolutest infinity - ΩΩΩ
Absolute King infinity - ΩΩΩΩ
Absolute Jesusa infinity - ΩΩΩΩΩ
Absolute Helaka infinity - ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ
Tip: Ω x # = ΩΩΩΩΩΩ...ΩΩΩΩΩ with # copies of Ω.
Absolute random infinity - Ωx10
Absolute Bagiharabogasia infinity - Ωx16
Absolute Preguarda infinity - Ωx21
Absolute Big infinity - Ωx27
Absolute Bigger infinity - Ωx36
Absolute Biggest infinity - Ωx42
Absolute Something infinity - Ωx70
Absolute All infinity - Ωx100
Absolute Vacations infinity - Ωx104
Absolute Junk food infinity - Ωx107
Absolute anything infinity - Ωx200
Absolute Jesusathing infinity - Ωx300
Absolute bird infinity - Ωx527 [bird]
Absolute helakathing infinity - Ωx729
Absolute preguardathing infinity - Ωx900
Absolute bagiharabogasiafthing infinity - Ωx1000
Absolute Ultrathing infinity - Ωx1000000
Absolute Google infinity - Ωx10^100
Absolute everything infinity - Ωx10^10^37
Absolute deka-dekaksys infinity - Ωx10{10}10
Absolute flartimatist infinity - ΩxG64
Absolute impossible infinity - Ωx10[1,4]10
Absolute supermeme infinity - ΩxTREE(3)
Absolute Demoniac infinity - ΩxTAR(3)
Absolute Kitty infinity - ΩxFOOT10(10^100)
Absolute Multiverse infinity - ΩxФ
Absolutely Everything - ΩxΩ
Absolute Cube - ΩxΩxΩ
Absolute King - ΩxΩxΩxΩ
Absolute Jesusa - ΩxΩxΩxΩxΩ
Absolute helaka - ΩxΩxΩxΩxΩxΩxΩ
Tip: Ωxx# = ΩxΩxΩxΩxΩxΩ...ΩxΩxΩxΩ
Absolute Tenstack - ΩxX10
Absolute bagiharabogasia - ΩxX16
Absolute pregiarda - ΩxX21
Absolute bigger - ΩxX36
Absolute something - ΩxX70
Absolute All - ΩxX100
Absolute Bagiharabogasiafthing - Ωxx1000
Absolute superthing - Ωxx10^10^37
Absolute Decker-thing Infinity - ΩxX10^^10
Absolute deka-dekaksys Infinity - Ωxx10{10}10
Absolute flartimatist- ΩxXG64
Absolute Impossible - ΩxX10[1,4]10
Absolute Supermeme - ΩxXTREE(3)
Absolute Demoniac - ΩxXTAR(3)
Absolute Mutiversing - ΩxX∞
Absolutely Infinity Multiverse - ΩxXΩ
(ΩxXΩ) x10
(ΩxXΩ) xΩ
Absolute A (We Skipped It) - ΩA