Yes, I made a entire page dedicated to the -blety numbers by separating them from List of numbers (all classes).
⋈ Infinitymloplity (Bletyclass I) - Aldebaranblety to megablety[]
- Ǎ̶̡L̶͖͑DE̷̲̹̓BǍ̶̡RǍ̶̡N̶̼͂͗BL̻̩̞̲͎̺̺̓͌ͮͬ̀E̷̲̹̓T̵̻̭̓̀Y̵͙̠͆ (X)
- Hammerblety (¥)
- Optianuistiblety (💠)
- Octogaimolblety (~)
- Tniuriblety (Ͳ)
- Unic-dertimagimopenblety (√)
- Dunic-dertimagimopenblety (√')
- Trunic-dertimagimopemblety (><><)
- Decablety (Б)
- Gakuseiblety (🗼)
- Kiloblety (_)
ↀ Unsapech (Bletyclass II) - Megablety to Imailoperitablety[]
- Megablety (∧)
- Gigablrty (#)
- Terablet (7)
- Petablety (₽)
- Zetablety (ч)
- Phiblety (Ф)
- Iotablety (ι)
- Unic-rondedblety (ф)
- Quasionsblety (/\¦^)
- Dghserblety (Q)
- Insaimsbleblety (j)
- Taurus-prosgegrammeniblety (♉ι)
- Taurus-tonosblety (΄♉)
- Fetiblety (u)
- Reasimablety (P)
- Deimatablety (Ͱ)
- Everlastingblety ($)
- Semyablety (¥)
- The Last symbol (🐕)
$ werklycemsintxum (Bletyclass III) - Imailoperitablety to Dhaxarumblety[]
- Imailoperitablety ()()
- Yvffjtfblety (&)
- Tetghukkiyfblety (%)
- Hgferblety (÷)
- Referencesblety (×)
- Kdrggjblrty (678)
- Peritamenifiniblety (*)
- Kahzohblety (क)
- Nullunblety (o)
- Tienumblety (१)
- Tielemblety (२)
- Rabamblety (३)
- Hanumblety (४)
- Situmblety (५)
- Sebamblety (६)
₽ durenum (Bletyclass IV) - Dhaxarumblety to oitapcbloty rituvnity[]
- Dhaxarumblety (෧)
- Infinitymloplityblety (⋈)
- Unsapechblety (ↀ)
- Werklycemsintxumblety ($)
- Durenumblety (₽)
@ Doggyland (Bletyclass V) - oitapcbloty rituvnity to beyond[]
- Oictabloty rituvnity (€)
- Zeroblety ((0))
- Unknownblety (ナмой)
- Mathisrvblety (_67189)
- Hnablety (__*%FINALE-BLETY...)
- Hexagonblety ('()'()')
- Unicarrowblety (</-)
- Yin infinity Nandless yang absolute Nandless gods (☯️)
- Beyond
μ Mariomloplity (Bletyclass VI) - beyond to Numberinity[]
- Permanusblety ([*])
- Symbolblety (/' *:)
- Smithblety (#)
- Conkeptblety (¦Э¦)
- Aldebaranbletyblety (¦X¦)
- Aldebaranbletybletyblety (¦¦X¦¦)
- Aldebaranblety fixed point (¦.¦X¦.¦ x X)
- Limitlessfinity (???)
- The True Hyper Blety (Old: MOST LIMITLESS)
- All finality (Ф)
- All finalityfinity (Фф)
€ Dhaxarumdublety (final bletyclass) - Numberinity to ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX[]
- Numberinity (Ффφ)
- The austik sech numbers
- Omniblety (€)
- Whshsbuw72y2be (ш)
- Jerryblety (🀄)
- Final end (₽)
- A͖̎L̻̩̞̲͎̺̺̓͌ͮͬ̀È̓PH̲̽I̸̶̢̡̧̯̯̹̱̟͂̅̓̂Ṁ̰͔̝̺̒̐̒͑͘̕L̰̯̖̑ͩ͗͛̄E̴̗ͧ͜͜Ṡ͈S̙̞ͧ͐̆͗ (Г)
- T.R.U.E U.N.K.N.O.W.N (💥)
- Canyplax
- ⎋♯
- Fixed point of numbers altogether (may be referring to the ultimate translimit)
- Ultimate one UL(1)
- Extreme one EX(1)
- Absolute one ABS(1), not to be mentioned with
- Beyond one BE(1)
- Colourful one COL(1)
- OwOmega (Owo's )
- DOMBA INFINITY(sorry God adaf)
᥏ Hyper-Dhaxarumdublety (Super-Number Class) - ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX to C A N T Y P L A X[]
The Super-Number class contains anything that is not a number, that is, its size is greater than that can be described by numbers, humanity, beings above humanity, or beings below humanity. You can’t describe what something in this class is or isn’t. For a super-number to exist in this bletyclass, it has to be, by the super-number's definition, bigger than ABSOLUTE DONGOLPLEX, and is a super-number.
- 😃
- Cycle
- CYCLE!!!
- ⌘▵
- 😀
- Morbillion
- Utter OwOblivion
- Ultimate OwOblivion
- CǍ̶̡N̶̼͂͗T̵̻̭̓̀Y̵͙̠͆PL̻̩̞̲͎̺̺̓͌ͮͬ̀Ǎ̶̡X (笑) LIMIT OF SIZE!!! Go back to The List Of Numbers
- finalblety Go back It's dangerous you broke the limit of size.