Fictional Googology Wiki
Sigma. Tau. Upsilon. Beta. S.T.U.B.
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yes, concept classifications are different from number classifications

entry colors and correspondence[]

  • Affix
  • function/notation
  • word
  • Other

the list[]

Realm 0: Pre-Abnos[]

  • infinitesimals
  • finite numbers
  • standard mathematical operations, functions and notations

Realm 1: Abnos[]

Regiment 1: Pre-Zenith[]

Class 1: therusik[]
Class 2: navasik[]
Class 3: yutherik[]
Class 4: nullnavik[]
Class 5: mathik[]
Class 6: radialik[]

Regiment 2: Zenith[]

Class 7: theru[]
Class 8: nava[]
Class 9: yuther[]
Class 10: nullnav[]
Class 11: mathel[]
Class 12: radial[]

Regiment 3: Post-Zenith[]
