List of Numbers / (Part 3) this is supposed to be the full list of all numbers and infinities on this wiki, both existing and brand new, official and unofficial, fictional and non-fictional, infinite, finite, well-defined, ill-defined, etc.
The List of Numbers To No End.[]
This system does not include the majority of NO!'s numbers or their ordinal levels. For those numbers, refer to List of Numbers (NO!'s Ordinal Levels).
NOTE: The infinitisms in these classes may not be ordered correctly. This page currently does not represent an exact order.
Additionally each Class contains the start of its range as a least member, and all other members are greater than the least member but less than the end of it's range.
Red links are pages that have not yet been made! If you know about them, please make a page for them so others can know what they are, and also make this page more blue and less red, which makes me happy. radioncord9877 (talk).
𝔈 Uitlmate Cardinal Ominiverse Beyond Final Ordinal To Cluton Number[]
- Beyond Final Ordinal
- Beyond Truinial to Ordinal
- Beyond A
- Beyond One
- Beyond Beyond X
- Mertimagiltnti-Infinity
- Omegilimetal Ordinal True Endless (໖)
- Very Omegilimetal Ordinal True Endless (H.H.Y.F.U)
- THE Breaking
- THE ?????
- WTF?
- ???????????
- a
- aaaaa
- b
- c
- d
- e
- z
- Unknown
- This will repeat many times
- And...
- T.R.U.E E.N.D
- Mermomanmitanle Ordinal ([.[᯽], [ℒ], ⟴], 1])
- Mermomanmitaillinmitanle Ordinal ([.[᯽], [ℒ], ⟴], [.[᯽], [ℒ], ⟴], 1]¡])
- Periliitanle Ordinal ([.[᯽], [...], ⟴], 1]¡])
- (PX)-eriliitanle Ordinal ([.[᯽], [...], [.[..[.[᯽], [...], ⟴], 1]¡]px...], [...], ⟴], 1]¡]], 1]¡])
- ((PX)-eriliitanle)-eriliitanle (Cycle 1)
- ((PX)-eriliitanle)-eriliitanle (Cycle *((PX)-eriliitanle)-eriliitanle (Cycle 1))
- Class Rou-Cardinal One Complete (C.ۅ-[px^1])
- Cla-Unimjimai-ss Rou-Cardinal One Complete (ψ(px◇{◇ナ, [น...ಭ.PX ฟ]◇, ◇})
- BSODfinity
- List of AD-Like eras after INF
- NoGODnofinity BSODfinity EEE+++ (px⊙(⊙^⊙ ⊙ ⊙⊙xXxXQQ+)px Q+)
- yes'nt (🔛)
- y o u r d o o m (💱)
- The Final Forever
- The Dark Forever
- The Darkness Forever
- The Shadow Forever
- The Black Forever
- The Void Forever
- 2nd Big Bang
- Binilte Bangs
- Gender -finities
- D I E (𐤀)
- S U F F E R (㎭)
- C R Y (㎮)
- G I V E U P (㎯)
- Mkmanuit (...(L♑.x.x.XX♌L)...)
- F-L Ordinal (Κ, η, π, ρ, δ)
- Onenillity
- Twonillity
- Threenillity
- Fivillillity
- Teninillity
- Hundrednillity
- Googonillity
- Boogonillity
- G64-inillity
- TREE(3)-inillity
- Infinitinillity
- Absloute Infinitinillity
- Transed Infinitinillity
- The unknown (𝼌)
- Deadly Cardinal (𝼌xXxX8^𝼌)
- THE true UNKNOWN (𝼂)
- Horrorend (Ꟃ)
- Absolute Horrorend (Ꟃ[px Ꟃ cx Ꟃ])
[𝔈,𝔈] Super Uitlmate Cardinal Omniverses Cluton Number To Breaking the Law[]
- Cluton Number
- Asdinaic Ordinal
- Maina Ordinal
- Melnajikmik Ordinal €1th
- Terrorend (ꭐ)
- Absolute Terrorend (ꭐ(px ꭐ cx ꭐ xXxXꭐ))
- The Infinity to End all Infinites (Ꞛ)
- The infinity to end all infinites Twice (Ꞛ x 2)
- Dead Meat and Expelled Forever (Ꞝ)
- DEAD (Ꝡ)
- Alephverse (Ꝡ^Ꝡ)
- UnlimitedVerse (Ꝡ^^Ꝡ)
- (NUMBER)th of (NUMBER) nonation
[𝔈,𝔈,𝔈] Mega Ultimate Cardinal Breaking the Law to ??????????[]
- Breaking the Law (ꭂ)
- Ender (ꭂ^ꭂ)
- The Endest ([1∞¹,(CLA/ xX x1)])
- The Big Endest()
- The Huge Endest()
- The Ultra Endest
- The Ultimate Endest
- The Dark Endest
- The Darkness Endest
- The Illuminati Endest
- The Hyper Endest
- The Shadow Endest
- The Void Endest
- The Creepy Endest
- The Black Endest
- The Alone Endest
- The Killer Endest
- The Infinity Endest
- The Absolute Endest
- The Everything Endest
- The Eternal Endest
- The Hypermate Endest
- The Scary Endest
- The Unknown Endest
- The Aleph Endest
- The Final Endest
- The Bigger
- Mpentiljutillity
- The Dfainis Ordinal (€, £, [1¡[¡[¡¡¡¡1,2])
[𝔈,𝔈,𝔈,𝔈] Giga Powers to Cardinals Breaking [x 4][]
- Rho-Completely One Cardinal (RCOC)
- Rh-Unuijimas-o-Completely One Cardinal
- Rh-Kyrilljimas-o-Completely One Cardinal
- Rh-(N E V E R !)-ijimas-o-Completely One Cardinal
- Rh-Truijimas-o-Completely One Cardinal
- Rh-Rhioniauijimas-o-Completely One Cardinal
- Berimasinllial One (BEML)
- Completely Omega Eta Cardinal (X, X, P)
- The Trusingima-Completely One Cardinal ([ↈ☆], TRUE END])
- The Dasia
- The Sdimagtinity
- The Mania
- The One-(NEVER)-Matinia
- The Omegninitia (OMG¡[Σ])
- The Etaninitia (ETA¡[OMG¡[Σ]])
- OMG¡[OMG¡[OMG¡[OMG¡[Σ]]]]
- OMG¡[OMG¡[OMG¡[OMG¡[OMG¡[OMG¡[OMG¡[OMG¡[Σ]]]]]]]]
- The Cardinanimtora
- The Ordinanimtora
- The Gendinanimtora
- The Johnxininimtora
- The Mrincenitinimtora
- The Superidoilnimtora
- The Parickbatewailnimtora
- The Tiv-tutruinimtora
- Meginafinity
- Lopnuimafinity
[𝔈,𝔈,𝔈,𝔈,𝔈] Ultra Powers to Cardinals Breaking [x 5][]
- Nonexistfinity (Ӽ)
- True Ӽ
- Void Ӽ
- L.I.M.I.T Ӽ
- (cycle 100 begins beyond this point)
- The Void of Forevers (Ꝅ)
- Ꝅfinity
- (cycles 101-199)
- Death of All
- Matnilfinity (ƒ)
- Shadowediafinity (✰)
- Saturiafinity (♄)
- Cetaverse (ℙ)
- Omnicollaptoiafinity (Ꮏ)
- Kilolutely A (☆A)
- Completely Infiniti-Manira Ordinal ()
- Smalltriatac is Godlous Number ()
- Simaoluitus
Gendinals Breaking [#^1][]
- Pmetinefillity
- Meniantmillity
- Ctlurainotransllity
- The Metagrus
- The Absolute
- The Erllinmtia
- Layer of Meratifinity ()
- Mesictipijimtimaint Ordinary Leleives
- Final-Ordinary Levels
- True Leveltnilmal
- Svfinity ()
- Terminuilnmia-Zero
- Decinmasins
- All Point Extisnece Godlous
- The Godlous
- The Prepating
- The Semgians