List of Numbers / (Part 8) this is supposed to be the full list of all numbers and infinities on this wiki, both existing and brand new, official and unofficial, fictional and non-fictional, infinite, finite, well-defined, ill-defined, etc.
The List of Numbers To No End.[]
This system does not include the majority of NO!'s numbers or their ordinal levels. For those numbers, refer to List of Numbers (NO!'s Ordinal Levels).
NOTE: The infinitisms in these classes may not be ordered correctly. This page currently does not represent an exact order.
Additionally each Class contains the start of its range as a least member, and all other members are greater than the least member but less than the end of it's range.
Red links are pages that have not yet been made! If you know about them, please make a page for them so others can know what they are, and also make this page more blue and less red, which makes me happy. radioncord9877 (talk).
Mesdinals Levels: Mesdinals Levels 1 / 50[]
- The Goodelfinity (㐃)
- Densenartnlstlutealy Seneals ĕΩ¤<[έ],100
- Mercuryfinity (☿)
- Venusfinity (♀)
- Earthfinity (♁)
- Basefinifinity
- Marsfinity (♂)
- Petifinity
- Zettifinity
- Fortifinity
- Icosifinity
- Yottifinity
- Dakifinity
- Wekifinity
- Jupiterfinity (♃)
- Saturnfinity (♄)
- Uranusfinity (⛢)
- Neptunefinity (♆)
- Plutofinity (♇)
- Ceresfinity (⚳)
- Everythinglessfinity (D)
- Ichockyum Endocrinal (✡️)
- Everythingierfinity ('ↀ)
- Everythingiestfinity (ʼↀ)
- Mosteverythingiestfinity (ʼ'ↀ)
- Small Cantor's Endocrinal (Σ)
- Cantor's Endocrinal (բ)
- Fefrmann-schutte endocrinal (£)
- Ackermann Endocrinal (¶)
- Bachmann-Howard Endocrinal (🕉️)
- Continufinity (ɕ)
- Centilfinity (Œ)
- Splitfinity (※)
- Undyingfinity (µ)
- Infinifinifinity (ϡ)
- Endlessfinity (Ϡ)
- Renatinsmant Completely Conmiuxscefinity (RCC)
- Lumestlumeetefinity (꧁)
- Statapipefinity (𐡀)
- Infiniumtia-Conmiuxscemesdinum
- Finitlutia-Infiniumtia-Conmiuxscemesdinum
- Finitlutia-Neverix-Conmiuxscefinity
- Mesilutely Seneals (MES(. x MES(1))
- Never Impossible (MES(. x MES(10) = complex levels 297)
- Complex Level Breakment
- Supercomplex Level Breakment
C Super +
C Mega +
C Tier 2
C Tierium
C Supertierium
C Megatierium
C Omegationium
C Unknownium
Cresium Wordial 10
CW 100
CW Cycle
CW Tier 2
CWT Tier 2