Large Page |
We are to inform you, List of numbers (all levels Part 1) is a very large page. Pages longer than 10 - 20kB may lag on lower-end devices. Proceed with risk if you have such a device! |
"Who actually reads these?" - fish (2023) |
Numbers Presents:[]
Number -2 to quadriunixfinity (1/2)[]
This system include the NO!'s numbers and beyond true finality. For ordinal levels, see List of Numbers (NO!'s Ordinal Levels).
NOTE: The infinitisms in these classes may not be ordered correctly. This page currently does not represent an exact order.
Additionally each Class contains the start of its range as a least member, and all other members are greater than the least member but less than the end of it's range.
(why is Multillion switched every time??? its 10^10^10^42)
Red links are pages that have not yet been made! If you know about them, please make a page for them so others can know what they are, and also make this page more blue and less red, which makes me also happy. radioncord9877 (talk).
- -2
- -1
Level 1[]
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 18
- 20
- 24
- 36
- 69
- 72
- 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
- 100
- 101
- 110
- 111
- 123
- 162
- 185
- 727
- 1,000
- 10,000
- 1,000,000
- 1,000,000,000
- 9,000,382,839,729,729,666
- Googol
- Suhtasillion (10^2.8x10^37)
- GI-63
- gargodsuthour
- Graham's Number (G64) Stage 7
- Graham Psi Number (G68) Stage 7
- Multillion (switched)
- Moonillion
- suprakillion
- earthillion
- sunillion
- galaxyillion
- galactic ordinal
- TREE(3)
- TAR(3)
- naaaaaaaaali
- Loader's Number
- Rayo's Number
Level 2[]
- Infinity
- Absolute Infinity (Ω)
- THE LIMIT OF TRUE LOGIC (Absolute Infinity)
- Absolutely Everything (ΩxΩ)
- absolutely infinity galaxic [xabsoxabsoxabso]
- Absolutely Infinity Ultimate Universe ((ΩxXΩ) x10)
- Absolutely End (.IΩxXΩI. xΩ)
- Absolutely Endless (..IΩxXΩI.. xΩ)
- Absolute A (ΩA)
- absolute AB
- Absolute B-Z
- Absolute One (1Ω)
- Absolutely Absolute Infinity (Ω/Ω)
- Absolute Pi (Ωπ)
- absolute nathan
- Absolute Never (田)
- Absolutely Eternal (ϴ)
- Loop (🔄)
Level 3[]
- Infinifinity (𝖀)
- Final Infinity (Ꙍ)
- Endfinity (⅊)
- Eternalfinity (ⅇ)
- Inaccessiblefinity (⏦)
- Absility (Λ)
- Terminusfinity (⊙)
- Symbolfinity (⌺)
- Ariesfinity (♈︎)
- Taurusfinity (♉︎)
- Geminifinity (♊︎)
- Cancerfinity (♋︎)
- Leofinity (♌︎)
- Virgofinity (♍︎)
- Librafinity (♎︎)
- Scorpionfinity (♏︎)
- Sagittariusfinity (♐︎)
- Capricornfinity (♑︎)
- Aquariusfinity (♒︎)
- Piscesfinity (♓︎)
- Inpredictafinity (‡)
- Instafinity (Ɒ)
- Corrupfinity (ᴓ)
- Supifinity (ᴕ)
- Megifinity (₪)
- Gigifinity (℘)
- Ultrifinity (Ђ)
- Truifinity (ໂ)
- Terifinity (Ⳃ)
- Petifinity (-ῶ́-)
- Zettifinity (Ը)
- Fortifinity (ɸ)
- Icosifinity (𖬻)
- Yottifinity (ƴ)
- Dakifinity (𞤣)
- Wekifinity (ꕒ)
- Termifinity (⊡)
- Absolute Termifinity (▣)
- Full Termifinity (■)
- Unifinity (⟐)
- Omega-Prosgegrammenifinity (ῼ)
- Psifinity (ᴪ)
- Rhofinity (ᴩ)
- Pamphylian-Digammafinity (Ͷ)
- Archaic-Sampifinity (Ͳ)
- Hetafinity (Ͱ)
- Unixfinity (∫)
- Dunixfinity (∬)
- Triunixfinity (∭)
- Unix-Circledfinity (∮)
- Dunix-Circledfinity (∯)
- Triunix-Circledfinity (∰)
- Existensfinity (֍)
- Infinitilfinity (⋈)
- Omegfinity (ᝆ)
- Philifinity (ᝎ)
- Petilfinity (Ⴉ)
- Unreliafinity (ᰟ)
- Inaccessifinity (ᦲ)
- Cardinalfinity (Ꮚ)
- Ultimate-Rebirthfinity (Ꮻ)
- Neverfinity (Φ)
- Alwaysfinity (⫷)
- Foreverfinity (Ⴔ)
- Breakfinity (ß)
- Lastfinity (∂)
- Multifinity (Þ)
- Unknownfinity (ƿ)
- Impossiblefinity (ʯ)
- Flartimatistfinity (Ѧ)
- Ultimafinity (Ж)
- Trufinity (Ѭ)
- Unbreakable Cardinalfinity (ξ)
- Endingfinity (𝔈)
- N E V E R (⍰)
Level 4[]
- Insiderfinity (Ɨ)
- Redifinity (⨛)
- Finite Null (л0)
- Prestige True Infinity ([△] - FINITY)
- Omni Absolute Number Os(2)
- The Everlasting True Number of All Existence (ಉ)
- Star Numbers Function by NO!
- Finiteility (✧)
- Absolute Godlous
- Collapsefinity (Ϛ)
Level 5[]
- Unbreakable One
- Unbreakable two
- Unbreakable three
- True Finality (☮️)
- Ichockyum Endocrinal (✡️)
- Weakly Compact Endocrinal (🕎)
- Megaline conalia paradocing endocrinal (☯️)
- Haloi Fefering Jorea korenia Rayocrinal (➿)
- Kigenzen infinitocrinal (☦️)
- Bu lu he crinal (⨖)
- Absolute place number (🆖)
Level 6[]
- Keyame Gulelao (🔳)
- Stopita (🤑)
- Lumest.lumeete (꧁)
- Unlimited cardinal (U)
- Beyond the final limit (⨊)
- Absolute final true end (§)
- Sinusfinity (®)
- Finalic (Ⅎ)
Level 7[]
- Endless (⟠)
- Paradoxility (ф)
- Ytinifsunimret (Ѽ)
- Qalandarblety (Q)
- Neveriblety (ᛥ)
- Lavablety (⊕)
- Desertblety (ꠁ)
- Binblety (ᝎᝓ)
- Archjicblety (𐀬)
- Unuitiblety (I)
- Kapoblety (𐂓)
- Beyond Binblety (𝛃)
- Erteviper (X)
- Conkeptblety (Э)
- Zenithblety (⇧)
- Catafinity (♕)
- Jou-Shufinity (💘)
- Zählenfinity (⫚)
- Aldebaranblety (X)
- Optianuistiblety (💠)
- Octogoaimogtiltiablety (∾)
Level 8[]
- GOODBYE!!!! (▦)
Level 9[]
- Beyond Kaeirimits (Ⱎ)
- Hergimity (∃)
- Janifinity (Ⴟ)
- Kenisfinity (ᚕ)
- Leirimless (👿)
- Stimstinal True lnfinity (Ⱇ)
- Supermeme Number (Ϝ69)
- Alephimless (Г)
- Finon
- Finonillion
- Stupid gendinal
Level 10[]
- Absolutely Metagrus (ℿ)
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Better sheep number (🐑)
- Hisharry - Ordinal Level 208 First untypeable Symbol
- Beyonharry
- All Never (⌓)
- F U N ! ! !
- The Final Forever
- Svfinity
- Omnili-Ineffable Limit (◓)
- Number bangea ultima = TRUE FINAL-ENDING[1]
- Unendlich
- Wieorth5j2opr3jtbh
- T.E.R.M.I.N.U.S
Level 11[]
- Meli-ordinafinity
- Infinity-Insta-Bility
- N.E.V.E.R E.V.E.R!!! (Nandless Existence Voice Excel Ron Explorer Visa Endless Rap)
- Absolium One finium
- Collapseful
- Alephimful
- Ultimate Collapsefinity
- Truest Complete Collapsefinity
- Super Everything
- Omicron
- NaN
- The Supi
- The Omni
- Meta-Hyper One Cardinal
- End-Eta Hyper One Cardinal
- Collapse
- The Decoherence
- The Singularity
- The Omnisity
- The Beyond
- Ultimate Loop
- The Ultimate Beyond
- The Super-Sam number
- Realitifinity (Å)
- Beforifinity (ᘙ)
- Afterifinity (ձ)
- Totality (山)
- True Infinity (ꐟ)
- Limit Infinity (ℓ)
- Stupid (💐)
- The Great Fish
- Numifinity
- The Ultimate Cycle
- True Cycle
- Outerconst (
Δ) - The Great Function
- The Beyondility
- A 0
- Axiomatic Limit (⏁)
- Small Ignorance Ordinal (♁)
- Large Ignorance Ordinal (〒)
- Cetusfinity (?)
- Cylos First
- Homlnion Ordinal (□1)
- Dect Function (Ic^c)
- Decerat Now Cardinal (don't know what this is but i would like to.)
- Katy Erhta (£^T^1)
- Miserable Bypassing the EXAPTA (ኤፑታ)
- Miserable Bypassing the Harvest of Ordinal (ኤፑታ_H1)
- Cylos II
- Ker Y Kerfinite
- THE F.I.N.A.L (⧰)
Level 12[]
- True Ron Ultimate Epsilion Final Internet Nothing Absolute Luigi Eternal Ending Nandless Denver Iota Number Guy - ??? [2]
- T.R.U.E-F.I.N.A.L.E S.T.A.C.K.I.N.G
- Maximum Number
- T.E.E.N (The Eternal Ending Nandless)
- The Real Final Point (β)
Level 13[]
- Bigfootjinx - ☸️ = βxβ
- THE ENDIPOINT / ?????[4]
Level 14[]
- Endipointfinity
- Endipoint Counting Part #1
- Endipoint Cycle Part #1
- Endipoint Counting Part #2
- Endipoint Cycle Part #2
- Endipoint Loop Part #1
- Endipoint Counting Part #3
- Endipoint Cycle Part #3
- Endipoint Counting Part #4
- Endipoint Cycle Part #4
- Endipoint Supercycle Part
- Endipoint Final Explosion Part
- Unrealipoint / 1st Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Etaless Hyper / 2nd Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Triundefinitiable / 3rd Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Stackundefinitiable / 4th Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Modificationilitized / 5th Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Mysteriousundefinitiable / 6th Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Retriack / 7th Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Refinitack / 8th Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Stackated / 9th Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Defenestration Finite End / 10th Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Null One / 11th Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Too Many Words / 12th and Final Milestone Beyond ?????[4]
- Heta's limit / The True End Undefinable (alternate name) / ?????[5]
- Fictional Attitude / T.R.U.L.Y U.N.I.D.E.N.T.I.F.I.E.D (alternate name) / ?????[6]
- Nico's nextbotsfinity / Ultimate Final True End (alternate name) / ?????[7]
- Hiraganabletyblety Number / ?????[8]
- Notasquarefinity / ?????[9]
- The Point Limit / ?????[10]
- Absolutely Soccerfinity / Godly of ????? (alternate name) / ?????[11]
- Endly End of all Ends in the Endverse / ?????[12]
- E.N.D E.N.D.I.N.G / ?????[13]
- Terigodversility / ?????[14]
- M.I.N.E.N.D.I.N.G / ?????[15]
- Absolutely IShowSpeedFinity / ?????[16]
- Anarchy Number List Finity / ?????[17]
- Apparitionfinity / ?????[18]
- Orderize[8]Number / ?????[19]
- F?I?N?A?L?I?N?A?L?A?L?E / ?????[20]
- Metaed M-----E-----T-----A / ?????[21]
- Trulifinity / ?????[22]
- T.H.E G.E.N.D.I.M.A.T.E.L.Y L.O.U.D.E.S.T N.U.M.B.E.R E.V.E.R!!!!!! / ?????[23]
- Terminusfinity (large scale) / ?????[24]
- Uncannibility / ?????[25]
- L.O.O.P.I.L.I.Z.E.D!! / ?????[26]
- Ioanoi crinal (large scale) / ?????[27]
- Flagclassfinity / ?????[28]
- Loudingblety / ?????[29]
- El gatofinity / ?????[30]
- Class :-) / ?????[31]
- "you are an idiot" / ?????[32]
- Personoid / ?????[33]
- Á̵̧͚͈̦̫͖͕̱̰̣͈͕̎͆͋͋̅͋͌̋̈́͜ͅͅ / ?????[34]
- L.A.S.T O.F T.H.E N.E.X.T.B.O.T.S / ?????[35]
- The S..C..R..E..E..C..H / ?????[37]
- ?????[38]
- ?????[39]
- ?????[40]
- ?????[45]
- ?????[49]
- J.E.R.M.A / ?????[50]
- ?????[55]
- ?????[60]
- ?????[64]
- ?????[65]
- ?????[69]
- ?????[70]
- Heavenized Numberfinity / ?????[71]
- ?????[75]
- ?????[80]
- ?????[81]
- ?????[85]
- ?????[90]
- ?????[95]
- ?????[98]
- ?????[99]
- Wistfully / ?????[100]
- W.I.S.T.F.U.L.L.Y / ?????[101]
- T.R.U.E-W.I.S.T.F.U.L E.N.D.I.N.G / ?????[102]
- The Wistfully Point / ?????[103]
- The Wistfulpoint / ?????[104]
- Wistfully limit / ?????[105]
- The point Wistfully / ?????[110]
- W?I?S?T?F?U?L?L?Y / ?????[120]
- Wistfull gatofinity / ?????[130]
- True Wistfully / ?????[200]
- G.E.N.E.R.A.T.I.O.N F.A.I.L.U.R.E / ?????[1000]
- Finity of Finity / ?????[10,000]
- Mega limit / ?????[100,000]
- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZfinity / ?????[1,000,000]
- TOO COMPLICATED NUMBER / ?????[1,000,000,000]
- Googolium / ?????[10^100]
- Hahahahaha / ?????[10^10^37]
- Boogolium / ?????[10{100}10]
- Grahamium / ?????[G64]
- T-R-U-E N-E-X-T-B-O-T-S / ?????[Multillion]
- Troogolium / ?????[{10, 10, 10, 100}]
- Gongulusfinitheta / ?????[{10, 100 [101] 2}]
- TREE(3)FINITIUM / ?????[TREE(3)]
- Infinitiumending-minus / ?????[Infinity]
- Absolute Infinitiumending-minus / ?????[Absolute Infinity]
- Terminul / ?????[Terminus]
- Endlessever / ?????[NEVER]
- AAAAA-finity / ?????[Collapsefinity]
- E~V~E~R / ?????[ENDLESS]
- *&F&4ofpufp'ab3tifp[sdoivuh_99999(3000000) / ?????[T.E.R.M.I.N.U.S]
- The Collapsing Point / T..F..E P?L?E?X (alternate name) / ?????[T..F..E]
- T..F..E P?L?E?X?I?A?N / ?????[?????[T..F..E]]
- T..F..E P?L?E?X?I?A?N?I?T?E / ?????[?????[?????[T..F..E]]]
- T..F..E P?L?E?X?I?A?N?I?T?E?R?O?N / ?????[?????[?????[?????[T..F..E]]]]
- T..F..E P?L?E?X?I?A?N?I?T?E?R?O?N?Y?X / ?????[?????[?????[?????[?????[T..F..E]]]]]
- Σερτυθιοπασδφγηξκλζχψωβνμ / ?????[... x?????[3]
- Super Σερτυθιοπασδφγηξκλζχψωβνμ / ?????[... xX?????[3]
- Cycle
Level 15[]
- Absolute Breakdown (𖥜)
- Delta (∆)
- ¶
- Final Level (🐽)
- Absolute ????]¥{#('($(^ End Number
- N.E.T
- MP
- Perperpernal
- Perpercardinal
- NO! Make New
- 1(/1)
- ????(^)^(????÷×)
- Elevafinity (௶)
- Mixfinity (ㄢ)
- N.E.T.M.E (᠓)
- True Jou-Shu mario stupid (A])
- Reality Check (𐐏)
- Aboslutley Absolute Infinity Tetraded TOTAL INFINITY Times^{TOTAL INFINITY}^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Times
- Absolutley…Tetraded To That | Number Times TOTAL ABSOLUTE INFINITY
- Infinty (True Last Number Of All)
- S.....U.......S.....S......Y
- SUSSY (Final)
- 3~3 Cardinal (3,¾/1)
- Absolutely Gendinal ()
Level 16[]
- Absolute-Absolutely Gendinal Gendinal ()
- Absolutely Monening Gendinal (xX10)
- Absolute A Gendinal (A)
- Absolute One Gendinal (1)
- Absolute Pi Gendinal (π)
- Absolutely Vilnluijy (Э̄)
- Fijnl ([1¡¡7])
- Googlofinity (☆||2, 7)
- Arijfinity
Level 17[]
- O.N.I.U.M..T.I.V.L
- SL..T.I.V.L ({1¡¡8¡¡7¡¡◇◇◇})
- The Omnafinity
- The Omnpifinity
- The Omn×××finity
- The Omn-S-finity
- The Omn×××x*(5)finity
- The Omn-¥-finity
- The Omn××v×finity
- Meta-Sineinilon (Ď⇘¤¹ό)
Level 18[]
- Gexabilmbleessmt Numbers
- Centasmegnt Metli-Sutlutely Finity
- Ronnafinumuojiamt Sulutjifinity
- Uncountable Godloule E-symbol-E
- Orionirdinal Comlnsaly Finite-Messly
Level 19[]
- Esonitox +++Numbers
- Conbilnmiovan Re-Numiooumbers
- Conbilnmiovan k-Numiooumbersooumbers
- T.R.U.E. G.O.D.L.E.S.S
Post-Level Counters[]
- The Kalmur (꒾)
- Absolutely Kalmuritnal (ỻḽ) / Level 20
- Sulutely-lutely Kalmuritnal (ỻ(5,6,2,6,1)ḽ) / Level 46
- Sulutely-yondly Kalmuritnal (ỻḽø) / Level 100 comeletely...
Level Counters Restacks[]
- Inums-Kalmuritnal (Level 200)
- Aensiatlamdasia-The Kalmur (Level 500)
- Aensiatlamar-Kaelamomega (Level 1,000)
- Aensiatlamar-Kaelamaiamar-The Kalmur (Level 1,000,000)
- Collosa-The Kalmur (Level 10^10)
- colloso-the boukk (Level 10^69)
- Uncounili-Stoinli-finium (Level 10^100)
- Collosa-Stoinli-finium (Level 10^230)
- Absoluji-Stoinli-finium (Level 10^303)
- Absolujoinli-finium (Level 10^500)
- Oerdinaina (Level 10^10^37)
- Absoluji-Stoinli-Absoluji-Stoinli-finium (Level 10^10^70)
- Denal Ordinal (Level 10^10^1,000)
- Absoluji-Stoinli-Uncounili-Stoinli-finium (Level 10{100}10)
- Uncounili-Stoinli-Uncounili-Stoinli-Uncounili-Stoinli-finium (Level 10{10{10{10{100}10}10}10}10)
Level Counters Notation[]
- Grahajioinli-finium (Level GI-63)
- Grahaj-duinioinli-finium (Level G64)
- Multijer-finium (Level Multillion)
- Trji-inli-finium (Level TREE(3))
- Taj-inli-finium (Level TAR(3))
- Loader-inli-finium (Level D^5(99))
- Rayo-inli-finium (Level Rayo(10^100))
- Eternal Enduring True Number of All Existence (ୖঽৎ)
- Obilvion-levelium (Ǒữỽ#』)
Post Never Counters Notation[]
- Insta-Finia-Levelium
- Ometa-Finia-Levelium (ᳰ)
- Epsiloium-Finia-Levelium
- Zeji-Finia-Levelium
- Etji-Finia-Levelium
- Gammium-Finia-Levelium
- CK-Finia-Levelium (CK)
- Mahlium-Finia-Levelium
- Weaklium-Finia-Levelium
- Finilute Levelium
- Everythium-Finilutely Levelium
- Endful-Finilutely Levelium
- Endnull-Finilutely Levelium
- Finilute A Levelium
- One-Finilutely Levelium
- Finiluium Finilutely Levelium
- Psi-Finilutely Levelium
- True-Finilutely Levelium
- Finilute Eternitum Levelium
- Finite Loop One Levelium
- Transed Levelium
- Onefinite-Insta-Levelium
- Infinifinilevelium
- Termicarium
- Symilevelium
- Arietialevelium
- Pisctinalevelium
- Omnilevelium
- Psinialevelium
- Fouritium-levelium
- Fiveitium-levelium
- sixitium-levelium
- tenitium-levelium
True Counters Beyond Notation[]
- Truium Levelitium
- Sixitium-levelium
- Nineitium-levelium
- Tenitium-levelium
- Truium Godlilevelium
- Kalmurfull (LV(LV(19)))
- Inums-Kalmuritium (Level: Level 200)
- Aensiatlamdasia-The Kalmur (Level: Level 500)
- Aensiatlamar-Kaelamomega (Level: Level 1,000)
- Aensiatlamar-Kaelamaiamar-The Kalmur (Level: Level 1,000,000)
- Uncounili-Stoinli-finium (Level: Level 10^100)
- Absoluji-Stoinli-finium (Level: Level 10^303)
- Absolniumia (Level: Level 10^10^37)
- Mrltji-Trionlia-Finium (Level: Level Multillion)
- Grahaj-trininioinli-finium (Level: Level G64)
- Tedji-finium (Level: Level TREE(3))
- Tranji-finium (Level: Level TAR(3))
- Rasiyo-inli-finiuji (Level: Level Rayo(10^100))
- Eternium Entriurinum Truium Numbral of All Existenium
- Insta-Du-finia-Leveltraium
- Seanetableium Kalmur (LV(LV(LV(19))))
- Levejinal Septuple Level (LV(... x7)
Levejinal Notation[]
- Super-Levejinalfinity
- Giga-Levejinalfinity
- Leveium-Godlunllium Level ([LV(xX]1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1(x,1,2,xX))
Kai-Velnslium Ordinal[]
- Kai-Velnslium Ordinal
Wist Numbers Ordinal[]
- Confinity (す)
Lexus Ordinal[]
- Lexus (L)
- True Lexus
Class L[]
- The Barney Error
- Beyond Everythingfinity
- Beyond Barney Error
- Jillo Absolute Mios Breaking (🕎)
- Peace Absolute Mios Breaking (☮)
- Ordinal Level Breaking (OL Break)
- Massive
- Nonexisty
Class C[]
- Price Ordinal
- Prices
- Wheel of Prices
- Existent of Finite
Class D[]
- Never Ever in the Entire Universe
- Never Ever in the Entire Multiverse
- Never Ever in the Entire Megaverse
- Never Ever in the Entire Gigaverse
- Never Ever in the Entire Teraverse
- Never Ever in the Entire Petaverse
- Infinite Verse
- Infinite Space of Universe
- Never Ever
Class M[]
- XlX
- Nasa
- NaS
- NaM
- NaN
- NaI
- NaO
- NaU
- NaY
- Palifinity(🔰)
- P-finity(℗)
- Kilenfinity(💢)
Class MI[]
- Daredevil(💦)
- God Daredevil(⚜)
- Arrow's Daredevil(🔱)
Class MII[]
- Arrow's Number(⬆)
Class MIII[]
- Stingfinity(〽)
- Rugged(💠)
Class MV[]
- Netflix(N)
- TTAFE(⁁)
- Mittabot of Everything
Class MX[]
- Harrt(💟)
Class MC[]
- Finites of a Neba(☣)
- Absolute Finites of a Neba(☢)
- Tyrant (
Minecraft's Limit[]
- Minefinity
- Craftfinity
NO!'s Limit[]
F.I.N.A.Lth Limit[]
- True Absolution
- Gramatifinity(₺)
- Cilopirisfinity (⏏)
- Cralbfinity
- Erisfinity
- F.I.N.A.L.E of E.N.D.I.N.G
- Grata Eliosa Sapiono
- Onisityfinity
- Ommisty of a Finite
- Beyond Ending
- Pallet
- Ballet
- Grigital
- Absolute Signal
- Pailuortfinity
- Endings by Symbols (﷼)
- Piitese
- Anagafinity
- Paliseasfinity
- B.E.Y.O.N.D T.R.U.E A.B.S.O.L.U.T.I.O.N (Beyond Epsilion Yoshi Omega Nominusly Depth True Ron Ultimate Epsilion Aheno Band Symbol Ordinal Level Ultimate True Infinite Omni Never)
The No End of Beyond True Absolution[]
- Founding of a Number
- Quinal is a Number Funas of a Numberal.
- How is?
- It is a Numberals getting to No End.
This is Reaching.[]
- When you get to No End, The Number is BEYOND TRUE ABSOLUTION
- The Next of a Numberal is Last.
- For more infomation, Please note that all contributions to the Fictional Googology Wiki are considered to be released under the CC-BY-SA
The End…?[]
Box Number (□)
Time to Go Number
Box Number-----> 50pa
Go to Part 2