What is MILLOM?[]
MILLOM (ᙢ) is a number created by Mathis R.V; this is the final number of Numbers 0 to ????? Part XIII. This number is the first ever time that transcends the cadinaries of prior numbers, which is in extremely absurdly pale in comparison to THIS.
What is the true scale of MILLOM?[]
According to Mathis, it is equal to Infinituum Continuum.[1]
Scale (Fanmade)[]
See Post-Aperdinals here for further examination.
Debunk (Nihilus)[]
There is no property or anything that makes this above Aperdinal or prefix’s. Basically saying it’s bigger than something without proof. It’s definitional fallibility is insanely low.
It is unknown where the name is derived from. But there are some guesses for where the name comes from:
- The name comes from The city with the same name.
- The name comes from the word Million.
- It's just a made up word.
- Aperindal infused million, milliobon, Mathis rvs number. RVs number, Mathis number, metaumber. Fictoillion, Bfjjlon, MOLLIM, molliM, molomilliion, Mathis R.V’S number, R.V’s number, MOLLOM GOLEM, GOLEM MOLEMand more
For Part XIV, Possibly Dumillom *for 2* , Trimillom *for 3* , Quadrimillom *for 4*, Quintimillom *for 5* , Decimillom *10*, CentImillom*100*, Absmillom*Absolute Infinity*, Termimillom *Terminus*, Nevmillom *Never*, Fictmillom *Absolute Fictional Numbers* and Mimillom *Millom*.. There are more like Mimimillom. keep adding Mi until you have 5. you sill have Mi5xMillom. you can increase the 5x to any number up to millom.
IAmPreEthereals prediction: Billiob, Trilliot, Quadrillioq, Quintillioq, Sextillios, Septillios, Octillioo, Nonillio-n, Decilliod, etc, Centillioc, Mimilliom, Micrilliom, Nanillio-n.
Nihilus prediction: GoogomMILLIOM * The Googology* MimillMimillom * MIMILLION* MimillMimilllMimillon *MimillMimillom* MILLIOM-100 (prefix looking at the old videos, could be 100-MILLOM), MILLIOM-MILLIOM
Matheus Googologia Fictícia Prediction:Billom,Trillom,Quadrillom,Quintillom,Sextillom,Septillom,Octillom,Nonillom,Decillom,Vigintillom,Trigintillom,Centillom,Millinillom,Myrillom,Micrillom,Infinillom,Terminusfinillom,Neverllom,Absiocardillom,Millollom/Mimillom
Another Prediction: Dilliom, Triliom, Quadrilliom, Quinilliom, Decilliom, Centilliom, Abs-illiom, Termilliom, Nevilliom and Fictilliom.
Fanmade continuation of the prediction there: Opposilom, Absoillom, Mellom (Millo-millom)
Millom, Milli-millom, Milli-three-milliom, Milli-four-millom, Milli-five-millom, Millington, fuckington.
- ↑ [insert source]