Prologue: Introduction to Mathis Notation[]
Mathis Notation is a notation made by Mathis R.V. then adapted and edited. It works off xX...xX and is (usually) slower than with only classic notation, but goes far beyond that with extended notation and full notation.
Chapter 1: Classic Mathis Notation Definition[]
Classic Mathis Notation (CMN for short) is the building blocks of Mathis Notation. AxB Is well, A times B. Ax XB though means A{B-1}A. AxX xB is Ax X(Ax X(.... With B A's. AxXx XB = AxX x(AxX x(.... B times. AxXxX xB = AxXx X(AxXx X(.... B times. Etc. This can go on forever. A generalized definition is AxXxX....xXxX xB With C x's = AxXxX....xXxX x(AxXxX....xXxX x(.... B times, Each xX set having c-1 x's.
Actually, If you were quick enough you might spot that AxXxX....xXxX xB With C x's is equal to A{{C-1}}B or {A,B,C-1,2} when which is slower thanby definition if This is when Extended Mathis Notation comes into play.
Chapter 2: Extended Mathis Notation Definition[]
Extended Mathis Notation Definition (or EMN for short) is for numbers that are bigger than First, some context. AxXB is the same as (Notice that there's no space? (That's key to not making a mistake.) And AxXB xC = .
AxX xB (Again notice the space) is equal to AxXAxXAxX..... with B A's. AxX xXB is AxX xAxX xAxX x ..... With A xX x's. You can keep going by added xX's to reach our next level.... (AxXB) xC. (AxXB) xC means AxX xX .... xX xXB with C xX's which is equal to With C power towers.
{AxXB} xC is (((...(((AxXA)xXA)xXA)...xXA)xXA) xB with C nestings. The B at the start becomes an A, Instead of C power towers, There's B towers, but biggest of all, the number is the amount of power towers in a chain above it! And thats the amount of power towers in a chain above that! And that goes upwards C times! And all of this is just the start! I'll call this a Mega tower.
[AxXB] xC is {{{...{{{AxXA}xXA}xXA}...}xXA}xXA}xB with C nestings. The bottom becomes an A, The amount of times you go up turns into a B, the current number is how many times you go up in the 2nd Mega tower, and theres C mega towers. I'll call this a Giga tower.
Then theres /AxXB/ xC which is [[[...[[[AxXA]xxA]xXA]...xXA]xXA] xB with C nestings. You replace mega tower with Giga tower. I'll call this the tera tower.
After that theres |AxXB| which is the same as ///...///AxXA/xXA/xXA/...xXA/xXA/ xB with C nestings. Giga tower becomes Tera tower. Let's continue the prefixes with the Peta tower.
Then there's (|AxXB|), {|AxXB|}, [|AxXB|], /|AxXB|/, ||AxXB||, |||AxXB|||, and so on, for C times until |||||||...||||AxXB|||||||...||| with C lines on each side, which is .|AxXB|. xC which starts Full Mathis Notation.
Chapter 3: Full Mathis Notation Definition[]
Full Mathis Notation (or FMN for short) Is the last section of Mathis Notation 2.
.|AxXB|. is the same as saying "The 5C-th stage of Extended Notation Definition"
After is ..|AxXB|.. which is equal to ||....||.|AxXB|.||....||| with C lines on each side which means "The 5"The 5C-th stage of Extended Notation Definition"-th stage of Extended Notation Definition".
After this, you nest the "The 5C-th stage of Extended Notation Definition" saying over and over again till you've gone through every single dot.
There's .....|AxXB|......,
and so on.
xC levels
=Absolute A C. (CA)
An example: if you have .|10xX10|. x10 dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 being the amount of dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 being the number of dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 being the number of dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 being the number of dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 being the number of dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 being the number of dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 being the number of dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 being the number of dots surrounding .|10xX10|. x10 (Yes that was 10 levels of it.), This will be wrote as 10A and Pronounced as "Absolute A 10" or "Absolute A Ten" Depending on if you want word or number form.
If you decide that you want n to be "Specifically Ω*" You get the next big milestone, Absolute A. (See Absolute A.)(See Also Absolute Letters.)
And that, is the limit of Mathis Notation.
*Absolute Infinity, not Omega.
Chapter 4a: Special Cases for Absolute Infinity[]
When A is equal to Absolute Infinity, Things change a bit.
Instead of Superscripts being used (AB), We use Subscripts (AB).
For example:
ΩxA equals ΩΩΩ...ΩΩΩ with A Ω's.
ΩxXA is ΩxΩx....xΩxΩ with A Ωx's.
(ΩxXΩ) xA is equal to ΩxX xX ... xX xXΩ with A xX's.
And so on.
Chapter 4b: Add-Ons[]
These are extensions to make Mathis Notation more usable.
- A,Bx XC= A{C-1}B
- A xxx....xxxB with C small x's= A{C-1}B
- Ax XXX....XXXB with C BIG x's = A,BxX xC
You may mix and match these how ever you'd like, Along with using these with other notation.