Former Largest Number |
Metaix has once been the largest number on this wiki, but has been surpassed by a different number. |
"The Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive-Conceptual-Argumentative Limit is an entry on the Fictional Googology Wiki that outranks all others in terms of hypothetical pseudo-hyper-quantification." - Ultimate Trans-transcendental Definitive Conceptual Argumentative Limit |
Metaix ({Λ𝚤}) is a series of pataobjects. It is the second record holder during the "pata" era.
- Pata-[meta] refers to [meta] where fallacies construct meta-all for it.
- Pata-[[x]] refers to [[x]] over [[1]] as pata-[meta].
- {Λ𝚤}0 (Metaix-Zero) is a limitant of absolute-extents.
- Equal to Kath-Barriepoint and at least S8-conformity.
- {Λ𝚤}1 (Metaix-One) is a limitant of a pata-[xeno] (a.k.a pata-[[2]]) extent.
- Kathextents fall under pata-[meta] due to fallacies revolving Kathphysics.
- No metainformation represents what expresses fallacies for pata-[meta].
- {Λ𝚤}n is a limitant of a pata-[[n+1]] extent.
- {Λ𝚤}lock (Metaix-Lock) is a limitant to all patadefinitional extents, independent of all patasystems.
- {Λ𝚤}break (Metaix-Break) can’t be patareferred to any extent.
- {Λ𝚤}♛ (Metaix-Cata) can’t be catareferred under pata-[meta] referential points disregarding fallacies.
- We have to hypothesize Treolphysics at this point.