Fictional Googology Wiki

Metalogue is an entry that clearly states in its first delineation, "The idea of one meta-system being verifiably complete is incorrect when a scenario concludes that a higher meta-system dictates concepts proving incompleteness of the verifiably complete and verifiably impossible statements," and in its second delineation states, "Take Metalogue as an abstract superpoint where the meta-system it exists on has no incompleteness given any other scenario with a different meta-system".


Breaking down both of Metalogue's delineations gives the following.

  • "Verifiably Complete" and "Verifiably Impossible" can be substituted with any sort of scenario depicting a false delineation of completeness like, for example, "The Question," an HG entry proposing that all approaches toward it are incorrect claiming superiority. Assuming that the Question is a verifiably complete thing, it would be definitely existing as the largest "thing" according to its marginal delineations of sub-incompleteness (being incorrect).
  • However, once a different metasystem delineates things proving an incompleteness of the previous, then the whole facade collapses.
  • Conclusion: Record holders only exist if we assume everything about it holds completeness, until it is disproved by a system imposing incompleteness.